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A Quarter-Back's Pluck: A Story of College Football

Page 43

by Lester Chadwick



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  _Every boy who knows the lure of exploring, and who loves to rig up hutsand caves and tree-houses to fortify himself against imaginary enemieswill enjoy these books, for they give a vivid chronicle of the doingsand inventions of a group of boys who are shipwrecked and have to makethemselves snug and safe in tropical islands where the dangers are tooreal for play._


  Dick, Alf and Fred find themselves stranded on an unknown island withthe old seaman Josh. Their ship destroyed by fire, their friends lost,they have to make shift for themselves for a whole exciting year beforebeing rescued.


  With much ingenuity these boys fit themselves into the wild life of theisland they are cast upon in storm. They build various kinds ofstrongholds and spend most of their time outwitting their enemies.


  Their ship and companions perished in tempest at sea, the boys areadrift in a small open boat when they spy a ship. Such a strangevessel!--no hand guiding it, no soul on board,--a derelict. It carries agruesome mystery, as the boys soon discover, and it leads them into aseries of strange experiences.

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  _Bomba lived far back in the jungles of the Amazon with a half-dementednaturalist who told the lad nothing of his past. The jungle boy was alover of birds, and hunted animals with a bow and arrow and his trustymachete. He had a primitive education in some things, and his daringadventures will be followed with breathless interest by thousands._

  1. BOMBA THE JUNGLE BOY _or The Old Naturalist's Secret_

  In the depth of the jungle Bomba lives a life replete with thrillingsituations. Once he saves the lives of two American rubber hunters whoask him who he is, and how he had come into the jungle. He sets off tosolve the mystery of his identity.

  2. BOMBA THE JUNGLE BOY AT THE MOVING MOUNTAIN _or The Mystery of the Caves of Fire_

  Bomba travels through the jungle, encountering wild beasts and hostilenatives. At last he trails the old man of the burning mountain to hiscave and learns more concerning himself.

  3. BOMBA THE JUNGLE BOY AT THE GIANT CATARACT _or Chief Nascanora and His Captives_

  From the Moving Mountain Bomba travels to the Giant Cataract, stillsearching out his parentage. Among the Pilati Indians he finds somewhite captives, and an aged opera singer who is the first to give Bombareal news of his forebears.

  4. BOMBA THE JUNGLE BOY ON JAGUAR ISLAND _or Adrift on the River of Mystery_

  Jaguar Island was a spot as dangerous as it was mysterious and Bomba waswarned to keep away. But the plucky boy sallied forth and met adventuresgalore.

  5. BOMBA THE JUNGLE BOY IN THE ABANDONED CITY _or A Treasure Ten Thousand Years Old_

  Years ago this great city had sunk out of sight beneath the trees ofthe jungle. A wily half-breed and his tribe thought to carry away itstreasure of gold and precious stones. Bomba follows.

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  CUPPLES & LEON COMPANY, Publishers New York



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  _Stories of the great west, with cattle ranches as a setting, related insuch a style as to captivate the hearts of all boys._

  1. THE BOY RANCHERS _or Solving the Mystery at Diamond X_

  Two eastern boys visit their cousin. They become involved in an excitingmystery.

  2. THE BOY RANCHERS IN CAMP _or The Water Fight at Diamond X_

  Returning for a visit, the two eastern lads learn, with delight, thatthey are to become boy ranchers.

  3. THE BOY RANCHERS ON THE TRAIL _or The Diamond X After Cattle Rustlers_

  Our boy heroes take the trail after Del Pinzo and his outlaws.

  4. THE BOY RANCHERS AMONG THE INDIANS _or Trailing the Yaquis_

  Rosemary and Floyd are captured by the Yaqui Indians but the boyranchers trailed them into the mountains and effected the rescue.

  5. THE BOY RANCHERS AT SPUR CREEK _or Fighting the Sheep Herders_

  Dangerous struggle against desperadoes for land rights brings out heroicadventures.

  6. THE BOY RANCHERS IN THE DESERT _or Diamond X and the Lost Mine_

  One night a strange old miner almost dead from hunger and hardshiparrived at the bunk house. The boys cared for him and he told them ofthe lost desert mine.

  7. THE BOY RANCHERS ON ROARING RIVER _or Diamond X and the Chinese Smugglers_

  The boy ranchers help capture Delton's gang who were engaged insmuggling Chinese across the border.

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  CUPPLES & LEON COMPANY, Publishers New York

  Transcriber's Notes:

  --Text in italics is enclosed by underscores (_italics_); text in bold by "equal" signs (=bold=).

  --Printer, punctuation and spelling inaccuracies were silently corrected.

  --Archaic and variable spelling has been preserved, except as noted below.

  --Variations in hyphenation and compound words have been preserved.

  --Standardized instances of "Westcott" (p. 220, p. 222) to the more frequent "Wescott" University.

  --Retained author's long dash style.


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