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Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume

Page 28

by Jones, L. A.

  Rome's mouth dropped open in shock.

  Finally, he managed to stammer, "Well what should we do? Kill her?"

  The Sovereign barked a harsh laugh and said, "Now who would be daft enough to do that? After word about her abilities, what she has accomplished spreads, and indeed it will I will be lucky if even my most trustworthy and well paid assassins don't join her side!"

  "Sovereign they wouldn't...," Rome began.

  "Yes they would and you know it!" the Sovereign snapped.

  Rome stood quiet and humbled, but still he could not stop himself from asking. "So what should we do?"

  The Sovereign sighed, and pressed his face against his hand.

  "Sadly," the Sovereign finally said, "There is nothing we can do. As we have just seen she has allies amongst all the hidden who will fight for her so if we attack and kill her...well needless to say it will truly be bothersome now won't it?"

  The Sovereign sighed while Rome asked, "So wait? We just ignore her or something?"

  The Sovereign looked up at him, causing Rome to tremble a bit.

  Amazingly, the Sovereign just sighed again and said, "What else can we do?"

  Rome stared at him while the Sovereign walked to where a picture of Aradia was kept amongst the files he had ordered to be gathered on her.

  Finally, he asked Rome, "Do you know how old this girl is?"

  Rome shrugged. "Sixteen. Why?"

  The Sovereign snickered, and tossed the picture back into the file.

  "Because Rome," he began explaining in an almost blissfully sounding voice. "Do you remember what it was like to be sixteen?"

  Rome shook his head awkwardly but it made no difference to the Sovereign for he continued by saying, "Well I do. As ancient and as old I am I remember what I was like when I was sixteen. I was unsure, naive, and lacking in experience in anything."

  "But," he added while folding his arms. "I also remember I was overconfident, egotistical, and thought stupidly that because I was sixteen that something special was going to happen to me." His chuckle was accompanied by a mild sigh as he went on. "Mind you that did change but not before I made quite a few embarrassing mistakes."

  The Sovereign shuddered with the memories, but it did not stop him from finishing his point. "Anyway the fact is that this little girl seems to be under the impression that she has political power. I do not deny she may indeed have that, but the thing about politics is it is always harder and much more ruthless then people seem to realize. The worst or perhaps the best thing about the hidden world is we have very few universal laws that anyone follows. There is truly nothing that holds us back from doing anything we want to so if this sixteen year old child truly wishes to get involved with such a world where everyone believes this then chances are things will get harder for her as time goes by."

  "So," the Sovereign said while pouring a glass of dark red liquid into a crystal wine glass. "In the end either the process will make her question her resolve or just plain break her!"

  He then took a huge gulp from the glass, licked the remainder of it off his lips, and said, "Let’s hope it's the later of the two."

  "I am so glad you are okay," Dax said while wrapping his arm around Aradia.

  They were in his car driving back to Massachusetts with Aradia finally freed from the disgusting lingerie, and in a set of brand new clothes.

  "I’m just glad you showed up," Aradia said as she leaned against him.

  Dax chuckled.

  Aradia then raised her head and said, "I still can't believe Korrigan didn't suspect a trick when I sent you that text message."

  "I have been thinking about that too," Dax said, "And I think I know why."

  Aradia straightened up, and awaited his explanation.

  "You see as we both know he was part witch," Dax pointed out, "But the thing is you are not supposed to mix hidden blood together either vampire or witch or anything. My guess is because he was a pureblood witch when he was turned his powers mixed badly with his vampire abilities. It was like a bipolar disorder when his witch powers showed up which would be randomly and erratically. He probably could never tell when it would happen therefore he could read your mind, but only at random times so when you tricked him..."

  "Survey says his powers were offline," Aradia quipped.

  Dax laughed, and looked over to her as she stared out the window.

  "What is wrong?" he asked her.

  Aradia sighed and said, "As much as I hate to admit it being captured by Korrigan has changed my mind about things."

  "Such as?" Dax inquired.

  "He told me our race was dead, and that there can be no other witches ever again. Sadly, with Korrigan dead I think it's finally true."

  Dax said nothing while Aradia continued. "However, that doesn't change my position of being the last witch. If anything Korrigan helped me to decide what course of action I want to take."

  "And what's that?" Dax asked.

  "I want to be recognized as a political figure in the hidden world. Yes, it means a lot of danger and people attacking me like the McAlester brothers. The sad truth is though I have a responsibility and a legacy and I cannot turn my back on it."

  "But most of all," Aradia added, "I want to make sure that what happened to my people never happens again."

  Dax wanted to argue that such a thing was impossible, but as he thought about it if the witches could be wiped out so could everyone else. The only reason that such a thing had not happen recently was that thanks to Hollywood exposing so many of them, and their secrets that in order to keep the hidden world still hidden they would have to kill everyone! Still, Dax thought, just because we frown on genocide now does not stop it from happening.

  He cleared his throat as he glanced at Aradia once again and said, "You know what taking on the responsibilities of the last witch means right?"

  "Yeah. I have to get rid of all the brooms in my house and throw out my Sabrina the Teenage Witch DVD collection," Aradia quipped.

  Dax laughed and said, "No, no Aradia love. It means this whole thing with the consort..."

  Immediately, Aradia's mood turned foul as she said "Oh don't worry Dax. After our last conversation I understand your feelings so you are definitely off the list."

  Dax stopped the car, turned to face Aradia, and clasped both her hands in his own. "Aradia. My little Rai of sunshine and rainbow light the things I said to you..."

  He trailed off, shook his head, but continued nonetheless. "I am sorry Aradia. I can honestly say I was not lying to you about my reasons, but after spending time away from you...God it was awful Aradia! I felt miserable! I thought about you every second, and I am so sorry for what I said to you. Please forgive me. Please!"

  Aradia looked over to him. She did not know whether she wanted to forgive him or even if she doubted his sincerity. The truth of the matter though was she was in love with Dax. She now realized that, she was head over heels in love with Dax! As he had said, she too had felt miserable being apart from him so for all the uncertainties she felt about him she could not change the fact that she was in love with Dax. As much as people denied it, Aradia knew that you just could not stop loving someone because you felt like it and she was no exception.

  Dax eagerly awaited her answer as he looked at her with anticipation, and fear shining in his eyes.

  Aradia said nothing.

  Instead, she just drew him close, and hugged him.

  Eventually she muttered, "You know Dax for someone who is British you sure say a lot of un-classy things."

  Dax chuckled and said, "Aradia love I am a guy. Guys in generally say a lot of un-classy things."

  Aradia laughed, and drew apart from him to look into his eyes. It was as their lips drew closer when they heard a tapping on the glass. They both turned to see Tristan who motioned to them to get out of the car, and follow him. Reluctantly, they did so and followed him into the woods until finally they met up in a clearing. There they also saw Roy, and Lamont waiting for them.

  "Roy boy!" Aradia shouted as she did her usual greeting of running up, and hugging him.

  At first, Roy was happy to see her but once she held him, he started whimpering.

  "Oh god sorry," Aradia said drawing back remembering his injuries.

  Injuries were what also prompted Aradia to run to Lamont and ask if he was ok. He nodded feebly, but Aradia recognized the limping shoulder that been speared by a pool stick. She then quickly placed her hand on him, and using summoning power healed him instantly. It not only made Lamont feel and look better, but it also motivated him to cup Aradia's chin in a thankful gesture.

  Tristan coughed in his hand. He was lying lazily on top of a fallen tree covered with moss, and looking very amused.

  "I am sorry I had to contact you like this and so shortly after our...rumble."

  Roy snorted while Tristan scowled.

  Nevertheless, he continued and said, "But sadly I feel like there is no better time for us to discuss Aradia's choice in a consort."

  "Oh for the love of god Tristan!" Aradia cried out, and burying her face in her hands. "How many times do I have to tell you stay out of my love life!"

  She began to walk back the car but Tristan stopped her by saying, "Oh well no big deal then if a war breaks out because you did not listen to me. None of it will be on my hands because I clearly tried to warn you."

  Aradia froze, and turned back to look at him. "What?"

  Tristan smiled like a man about ready to play a royal flush at a poker tournament.

  "You see Aradia" Tristan said sitting up straight, "Not just by being alive but in addition to your recent attempts to promote amelioration you have caused a massive change in the political hidden world. If there is anything you should know by now political upheaval in our world is often violent. I mean the promoting amelioration thing is bound to cause enough trouble, but the sad truth is sweetheart one of the reasons the McAlester brothers snatched you is because you are single and unattached to any hidden race. If you weren't then chances are they wouldn't have dared gone near you or anyone important to you for fear of retaliation."

  Aradia was stunned, and turned to ask Dax if this was true. Although, he had never considered it before Dax admitted that Tristan did have a point.

  Tristan smiled and continued, "Also keep in mind that if you truly wish to change anything the moment you align yourself to a particular hidden race you will automatically get support. Take comfort in the fact that like in the human world majority rules. So the sooner you chose someone as your consort the sooner you can get things done."

  "But what's this got to do with starting a war?" Aradia demanded.

  "I am getting to it," he snapped.

  After taking one long frustrating breath, he went on.

  "However," Tristan added darkly, "If you do choose a consort you will be giving that race unconditional political power. Usually if someone becomes too powerful, the first thing you do is try to take him or her down a notch. So whoever you chose Aradia there will be conflict and the possibility of war will be very likely."

  "What if I don't choose?" Aradia demanded placing her hands on her hips.

  Tristan chuckled and said, "Then we won't wait for you. War will be waged anyway, and whoever wins gets you!"

  Aradia was stunned and looked to Dax, Roy, and Lamont.

  "Is this true?" she asked all of them, "Is what he saying true?"

  Dax looked away while Roy shrugged only Lamont nodded slowly, and confirmed Aradia's fears.

  She turned back to face Tristan and slowly said, "So what you are saying is if I chose a consort there will be war."

  Tristan nodded as Aradia continued. "But if I don't there will be war anyway?"

  "I figured you were smart enough to grasp this," said Tristan smiling,

  "Oh and by the way," he added while leaping off the tree. "Before we came to rescue you I had a long talk with the Hidden Council of Salem. They have agreed that in order to prevent bloodshed, and further political upheaval you must choose a consort by the end of the next school year."

  "What?" Aradia gasped.

  "And," Tristan added while in the process of turning to leave. "It has to be in front of everyone so there can be no question where your loyalties lie."

  He then began to walk away

  He only paused when Aradia called after him. "But... but Tristan that is not fair!"

  Tristan laughed as he turned to face her. "Aradia all is fair in love and war and believe me this is both!"

  Cackling, he then disappeared into the woods in a whoosh of wind and light. Aradia slowly turned to look at the others who stood staring at her. One with sympathy, one with annoyed anticipation like this was what he was hoping for since day one, and the other with eagerness and confidence in what he thought her choice was obviously going to be.

  Aradia sighed as she looked at all three of them.

  Until she finally said "Oh lord," and buried her face in her hands.

  End of Volume Two

  Find out what happens next in Tales of Aradia the Last Witch Volume 3. The next in this exciting series. Feel free to contact the author, L.A. Jones, on her google blog




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