Semiramis Series Box Set

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Semiramis Series Box Set Page 45

by Maya Daniels

  Everyone walks through the shimmering purple portal one by one. I stop and glance at the woods to see that nothing is there anymore. Barren dead ground stretches in all directions. Even the orchards with silver apples are gone. Only the Fates know what waits for all of us next, but with one last glimpse of Alexia, I’m reminded that whatever it is it will most definitely be worth it.

  With that thought, I step through the portal.

  Chapter 30

  One week later……

  “I bring gifts.” Jezzinta’s chirpy voice reaches my ears and I turn to see her.

  Smiling, she sits next to me on the steps of the porch at our house, holding two mugs in one hand and a pot of coffee in the other.

  “You hate coffee, sis.” I smile at her.

  “It’s not for me, Sap,” she says just as I hear the door open behind me again.

  Remi, Faith, and Meda walk out carrying a pot of tea, more mugs, and teacups as they all sit around me on the steps. Remi and Jezzinta are on either side of me, while Meda and Faith are in front of my legs on the lower step. They have been doing this ever since I woke up in my bed with all of them hovering over me. It scared the shit out of me, I can say that much. I’ve been trying to sneak out for some alone time just to clear my head and process everything that has happened. Just like a moment ago, I’ve been sitting here, just staring at nothing in particular while my mind tries to put everything together. Everything that happened and everything that needs to happen. I’m still not sure I was worthy of Lilith’s sacrifice. I won’t admit it to anyone, not even my sisters, so I don’t taint the good she did, but still, I don’t think I’m worthy of it.

  “Still having arguments in your head, jackass?” Remi bumps my shoulder, smiling.

  “Always,” I grin at her. “How’s Stamelos doing?” I ask seriously.

  Philip has been through hell thanks to Tomas’s and Derik’s twisted minds and dark magick. His treatment was a hell of a lot worse than my sisters’ since he refused to join Derik in his evil deeds. I have moments when I wish they were still alive so I could kill them all over again.

  “He’s doing much better,” she says softly.

  I envelop her in a tight hug. She feels guilty because she thinks everything Philip went through is her fault. I tried to explain that it was because he was close to me, because he was my boss and all, but she still blames herself. “Everyone has been through shit because of me.” After that, the rest yelled at us to stop throwing pity parties and just accept the fact we’re all messed up and shit just happens to us. We laughed for a while about that.

  “How did you manage to ditch Lucifer, Sap?” Jez asks, and I groan.

  It makes all of them laugh. I don’t know what got up Lucifer’s ass, but he’s been extremely attentive, polite, and nice. It’s creepy as fuck! I have no idea what he’s playing at, but I’ve made it my life’s mission to avoid him as much as possible, much to the delight of my sisters. Daisy is still staying with us as well, but she left two days after we got back to check on the rest of the women we saved from the caves. She finds the situation with Lucifer’s alter ego amusing, too.

  “Seriously, I think he finally found a way to freak me out! He’s never nice! He’s arrogant, demanding, and rude in his honesty. Right now he scares the shit out of me. I mentioned I could kill for doughnuts and he grabbed the keys the same second and left,” I tell them, shaking my head.

  “We need to think of something more difficult to find. Something he needs to work hard to get,” Jez says excitedly.

  “I don’t know why you don’t tap that ass, mate. I’ll do it for you, if you like,” Faith wiggles her eyebrows.

  We all laugh at that. Much to my chagrin, Lucifer steers clear of her because she always makes sure to pet his arms or squeeze his ass if he is within arm’s reach. We encourage her to do it, of course, and that makes him angry. It sure gives us something to laugh about and we do need it. After all that’s passed, we can use as many things to laugh about as we can get.

  “I’m good, thanks. My track record shows that when I’m interested in someone, he turns psycho. I think I’m destined to be the old lady with forty cats.”

  “Knock it off, Sap! Just because Derik was evil doesn’t mean you should close your heart forever. You’re acting like a child now.” Jez frowns at me.

  “A-Ma, you have so much love to give. You can’t deprive the world of that. Just let it go.” Meda pats my knee, sounding much older than she is.

  “Looking back now, I can’t believe I didn’t see it or put it together sooner. Every time Tomas was playing the villain, Derik was there to play the hero. It started with the hoodlums, and that was his way in. Now that I think of it, that demon in my vision in the lake said he was summoned there, but before I had a chance to find out more, Derik pulled me out of the water saying he was scared I’d drowned. Later at the beach, he appeared before he was sent to Lucifer. I’m grateful Enlil was a murderous bastard and I got rid of him in time. Imagine if Derik, still keeping up his charade, stuck around and came with us when we went after the Tablets. That would’ve been a disaster.” I shiver at the thought.

  “Everything happens for a reason, and always at the right time. Not a moment too late or too soon.” Meda smiles gently, ever the wise.

  “You wouldn’t be who you are today, Al, if none of that happened. And neither would we if you think about it,” Remi says, leaning her head on my shoulder.

  “We wouldn’t have met Faith if it weren’t for the way things happened.” Jez follows Remi’s example and props her head on my other shoulder.

  “And the bloody fairies wouldn’t be here, either.” Faith rests her head on my knee.

  “Speaking of the fairies, I guess they went on a hunt for doughnuts with the angel.” Meda laughs, placing her head on my other knee and pointing towards the driveway leading to the house.

  We all laugh when we see Remi’s Tiguan heading our way with Lucifer driving, Archie sits next to him, while Philip and Will peek their heads between them from the back seat. Their animated faces make it seem like they are having a disagreement, and Lucifer is glaring, clutching the wheel so tight I can spot his white knuckles. That makes us laugh harder.

  “Okay, I’m out of here. I’ll go hide in my bedroom,” I tell them, but they grab hold of me so I can’t move.

  “It’ll be a doughnut and movie afternoon, Sap. No hiding!” Jez says sternly.

  “Hell, no! I just want some time alone, please.” I blink at her

  with puppy eyes hoping she’ll let me out of it.

  “No can do, jackass. It’s our time off. Next week, you might wish we were arguing about doughnuts and movies,” Remi adds.

  “We only have couple of days anyway,” Meda reminds me.

  “A couple days until what?” Lucifer asks as they all come to join us where we sit. His intent gaze makes me wonder if he thinks I will grow a second head or something.

  Unnerving, I’m telling you!

  “Until we go get the Tablets of Destiny,” Meda says quietly and we all stay quiet after that, each lost in our own heads and the doughnuts all but forgotten.

  “It might not be that bad, right? I mean, Enlil did say I helped steal them. Maybe I made some deal that I can’t remember, and it will work in our favor.” I try to get everyone to feel a little better and hopeful, including myself.

  Mumbling and humming are their only response. I guess I suck at pep talks. Leaning my head on top of Jezzinta’s, we stay like that, all of us crowded together on the steps long enough to see the sunset and the moon covering everything with her enchanting silvery light. No matter what happens, we still have each other. Nothing else matters but that! Or, maybe I spoke too soon as usual? Who knows? We’ll just have to see how it plays out.

  To be continued

  Read Next

  Semiramis The Vessel

  The path to the light has never been more difficult.

  A dark force is rising, far more sinister than any adversa
ry faced before. It will take the full strength of combined powers if Alexia is to survive. With Lucifer by her side, she embarks on the final journey of her quest.

  Once trusted allies now straddle the lines of good and evil. They are all obsessed with obtaining the prize which the water elemental is determined to protect.

  To seek the help of the gods, an atonement must be made. But with nothing left to lose, The Vessel might become the most powerful rival they had ever encountered.

  Will Alexia claim the tablets of destiny?

  Or will her sacrifice send her hurtling away from Lucifer's alluring dark wings?

  Start reading The Vessel

  Copyright © 2018 by Maya Daniels

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover design by, Ravenborn - Book Cover Designs

  Edited by Cassandra Fear

  This book is for you, the reader, for walking this journey with me every step of the way. You all humble me, and I’m very grateful for each and every single one of you.

  Lady Babylon - Thanassis Stamelos.

  “…That love of yours, so tremendously grand

  Mere mortals before you cannot endure

  No mere man stands here, I can assure

  To all others you remain but a mystery

  You and I, My Red Lady, shall create history

  Glorious scarlet beast you ride upon, dusk to dusk, dawn to dawn

  Bow heads toward me, to me instantly drawn

  With luxurious hide, O this beautiful beastly spawn

  Serving at our behest, at our command

  As we wander hand in hand

  Come, O Lady, stand with me side by side

  Serpents gather about, by our will alone abide

  Missing from me these many long years

  Striking in mortal hearts unimaginable fears

  Golden cup filled with freedom to me you proffer

  I drink deeply, satiated by your offer

  O Babylon, cities we tear and shake

  O My Lady at a whim worlds we rend and break

  O My Red Woman, bed chambers we quake

  Bodies melted in lustful embrace

  Across the stars 'tis you I chase

  To gaze and take in your beautiful face

  O Lady of mine, O My Lover

  Your deep places I seek to uncover

  A long lost love we now recover

  Your flowing silken hair betwixt my fingers

  Our sweet love scent on air long after lingers

  Yearning, lustful, tasteful lovemaking

  There can be no mistaking

  This deep craving, without you forever aching

  Beloved Queen of mine, here and now

  Our hearts entwined for eternity, this I vow

  O Babylon, My Love, My Soul

  O Beloved, you fill My Heart's gaping hole.”

  Chapter 1

  Alexia …

  The first rays of the sun bathing the horizon in purples and pinks like fingers combing through the clinging darkness are surprisingly soothing. A biting chill is in the air around me, but I choose to ignore it … if only for a moment. Peace constantly eludes me. It’s not that I mind having everyone around me. I’ve been alone for so long that the very thought of not having my sisters, or even the men—three men and an angel, if you ask Lucifer—constantly present in the house scares me … more than I would like to admit. It’s the rest of what I’m feeling that makes me unsettled.

  So much has happened …

  Try as I may to let it go and move on, I can’t avoid having my mind wander back to all the things that have taken center stage in my life. It’s not that my life was a picnic before all this started. No, it’s all the trials the Great Mother is flinging my way that make me feel like I’m in the center of a storm, just waiting to be flung one way or another so it can end my miserable existence.

  A year and a half. It’s been a year and a half since that damn day. I can’t help but remember the car accident. I know Inanna has told me that my whole life has been an initiation, but somehow that day seems like the pivotal point on this life’s journey for me. I wonder if things would’ve turned out differently if I had stayed at home and called in sick. My sisters might’ve been spared all the stress and pain they’ve endured because of me. Would they have been happier if they’d never met me in this lifetime? Had families by now, children, living ignorant of the pain and suffering that comes from the other side of the veil? I know, I know. I’m having a pity party, but I can’t help it.

  I take a deep breath until my chest hurts, then exhale slowly as I stare at the sky. It’s getting brighter now. Soon everyone will be awake and start worrying about me, as usual. I wonder if they’d worry more if they knew I still struggle to remember things after I had my soul ripped out of my body and hung around Lucifer’s neck like a decoration. Even the things I remember don’t have any emotion with them. I know what they mean and how I should feel about them, so I mimic it, but I it’s not like those are really my emotions. Some part of me, perhaps, but not me. Not the one residing in this skin suit I’m wearing.

  “A Vessel.” I whisper the word, snorting and shaking my head. “Fucking gods and their damn games, playing with our lives.”

  The trees of the small forest next to the house rustle in the breeze like they’re shivering from hearing me curse the gods and I want to laugh. They look as though they were painted by a master artist, bathed in the rainbow-colored rays that are taking over the sky. It’s still quiet and the sound of the shivering leaves is a balm to my bruised heart. I don’t even know when I decided to stick around and let this whole charade play out. Fuck it. Let them have their fun with me. I’ve already had it all happen one way or another. Maybe Tiamat will finish what she started long ago. I should be so lucky.

  That brings my mind back to the day of the accident. Philip’s face … his head is resting against my chest and I’m startled at the look in his eyes. Awe? Amazement? Fear? “Who are you?” he says breathlessly and passes out.

  I look at him, then my eyes wander around the limo until they fall to my still-glowing arms around his shoulders as my skin slowly returns to normal. I hear voices from the outside trying to get to us and see if we are alive. “Who am I? Now, that’s a very good question.”

  Goosebumps cover my body from head to toe. I still don’t think I have an answer for him. Isn’t that something?

  The door opens slowly behind me and I bring myself out of my wallowing, but I don’t open my eyes. Not just yet. Maybe if I hold onto the darkness a bit longer when I do open them, things will be different. A girl can dream.

  “Morning, sap. Been sitting there long?” Jezzinta sits next to me and leans her head on my shoulder.

  “Mhm, I’m not sure,” I answer, barely above a whisper so I don’t disturb the nature around us.

  “Want to talk about it?” she asks hesitantly.

  That right there is like a knife through my chest. They’ve all been doing it ever since we got back from Tomorith’s realm, like they’re talking to a wounded, cornered animal and afraid to spook it. It hurts like a bitch to know I can’t do anything to change that.

  “Nothing to talk about, Jez, I just needed some fresh air and nature around me. That’s all.”

  “If you say so.”

  I can hear the hurt in her voice. She knows I’m not telling them things, but it’s not like I don’t want to. I have no idea how to explain what’s going on with me.

  “It’s beautiful to watch the sun rising,” she mumbles.

  “It doesn’t rise,” I say absentmindedly. “Nor does it set, for that matter.”


  “The sun. It neither rises nor sets. It just sits there, right where it always is. We circle around it and spin, bu
t in a literal sense, the sun itself doesn’t do shit.” I chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

  “We should let Sin know. I’m certain he’ll appreciate your description.” She giggles.

  Mission accomplished.

  “I’m sure he will,” I drawl.

  This makes her laugh.

  “What’s with the laughing? The jackass got her sense of humor back?” Remi’s voice cracks like a whip through the stillness around us.

  “Yeah, she can dream on.” Jez joins her in tormenting me.

  “Hey! I’m funny,” I sound more defensive than I expect. “Just because you don’t always understand my dark, twisted, sarcastic humor doesn’t mean I’m not funny. It means you two are assholes.”

  I look at them with wide eyes, my eyebrows up as far as they can go. They both burst out laughing. Good. They deserve to laugh and be happy. I’ll do everything I can to keep it that way. Remi squeezes herself between both of us on the steps and sits down.

  “I bring offerings,” Meda announces her presence, and we all turn to look over our shoulders. She brings coffee and mugs, followed by Faith, Daisy, Will, Archie, Phillip, and Lucifer, all of them helping her carry everything outside.

  “And I bring witches and other unknown entities along, too.” She snickers at my raised eyebrow.

  Lucifer’s mumblings make us all laugh—no one fears him anymore, he says. Sitting on the railing of the porch with his lips twitching, he looks at me like I’m the only person here. It does stupid things to my insides, so I tear my eyes away from him. I don’t need my stupid body or hormones getting anyone else hurt, thank you very much. I still can’t believe they don’t hate me for what that weasel Derik did.


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