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Semiramis Series Box Set

Page 47

by Maya Daniels

  Clenching my fists, I wait for her to make a move, at which point I will pounce. Doesn’t she understand that there is nowhere she can run from me? I will always find her. She is mine.

  Through my torment, I see her lips moving like she is saying something, but I cannot hear her at all. I finally realize she is not running. Something has happened. Was I so lost that I did not hear it?

  “Don’t move, Alexia. Stay where you are, I need a moment.” Through clenched teeth, I squeeze the words out.

  She lifts her hands slowly in a placating gesture, the fear in her eyes pulling me back to the present. Is she afraid of me or she is afraid I will hurt the others? I would never hurt her, especially not now that I know the truth. That is enough to calm me completely, and my powers snap back inside me.

  “Are we good, Lucifer? You calm? I’m not running, I promise. Remi came to call us downstairs. Didn’t you hear her?”

  Her sultry voice penetrates not just my ears but my skin, too. I close my eyes, basking in it. I know she is not aware of the effect she has on me, especially after her rebirth and her merge with Lilith. It is better that she does not. I do not like being controlled … not even by her.

  Someone was on the other side of the door. Right.

  “I shall be fine in a moment. Just do not move.”

  “I wouldn’t move if you beg me, not with the way you’re looking at me.”

  “Come to me,” I tell her.

  “Nope. I’m good, thanks. I’ll just stay here until you’re back to your normal self. Ego, attitude, and the rest of your holy glory,” she says, annoyed, not realizing how my heart swells when she is stubborn and lets her sharp tongue free.

  “Alexia. Come,” I growl at her so she knows it is not a request, doing my best to keep the smirk off my face.

  Frowning at me, she slowly moves until she is within arm’s reach. I snatch her upper arm and bring her to my chest, breathing her in. The smell of jasmine and rose calms me enough that my muscles are not as hard as granite. Finally, after a few breaths, I am fully under control but I do not tell her. I will hold her for a moment more.

  “Do not jump away from me like that again, witch. It is not very smart,” I tell her, burying my nose in her hair.

  She shivers in my arms and it makes me smile. She can fight it as much as she wants, but she feels the same way, too. I must proceed with care.

  “Can we go now and see what they want?” Pulling back a little, she looks up at me.

  “Let us go then, Alexia. Lead the way.” I release her but hold onto her hand.

  “You won’t get lost, angel. No need to lead you downstairs, I’m sure.” She frowns at our joined hands, and I wish to kiss her. I take a deep breath instead. Time. She needs time. I shall remind myself of this often.

  “I wish to hold your hand. I did not think you would mind.”

  “Whatever. Hold it. Let’s just go and get this shit done once and for all.”

  She leads me and I follow, smiling to myself. She is not afraid of me if she uses cuss words. I have come to recognize that when she talks like that, she feels she is among her own. I will wear her down. I shall be persistent, determined, and as Daisy advised me, I shall be nice. Especially nice to everyone she holds dear. Alexia likes that. She will see reason and realize I am part of her destiny. The witch cannot escape me this lifetime. I will make sure of that.

  Chapter 4


  Walking into the living room with Lucifer holding my hand like it’s his lifeline doesn’t go unnoticed. What gets me the most is the mixed reactions of everyone present. Apart from the knowing smiles on my friends’ faces, the worry on Daisy’s is something I don’t expect. I jerk my hand to release him but he will have none of that. His grip tightens and he interlaces our fingers even more, if that is possible. His holding my hand does not worry me. What worries me is how much it feels like home. Like it’s the most natural thing in the world to hold hands with the angel. I’ve never felt like this with anyone, and it’s what scares me the most.

  “Okay, let’s get to it,” I say as I shuffle towards the pillows scattered around the center of the room.

  “We’ve decided to divide the tasks between us so we can start moving as soon as possible,” Jez says, obviously acting like the bravest of them all.

  “Sounds like a good start. So, who does what, exactly?”

  “Obviously you, Alexia, with Lucifer and me, will go to retrieve the potions. The rest of the girls will figure out where we’re going next, and the guys can get things prepared so we can leave as soon as we have everything ready.”

  “I think I was pretty clear, Jez, that no one is going with me. We can all work on figuring out what the next step is, but after that, you stay here—safe. If there’s anything dangerous out there, I need you away from it. I know you want to help and you want to protect me as much as I want to protect you. That’s not in question. But if any of you comes along and something goes wrong, I’ll die before we ever find Anzu. It’s not a matter of if; it’s a when.”

  After finishing the last word, I lean my head back and close my eyes. I am so tired. Tired of fighting, tired of worrying, of arguing. Most of all I’m tired of being afraid that, because of me, one or all of them will die. I don’t realize there are tears running down my face until a big hand cups my cheek, wiping the tears away with his thumb. I know it’s Lucifer. No one else here has hands big enough that my entire face can fit in the palm.

  The quiet in the room is deafening. I open my eyes and look straight at dark orbs full of concern. My stupid heart thumps faster. Obviously it doesn’t understand the concept of betrayal, no matter how many times it gets broken. I wonder why that is. Isn’t there a point in life when enough is enough and the heart closes itself for good so you spare yourself from the pain? It’s almost like my heart has a mind of a two-year-old. It keeps forgetting the hurt as soon as it’s over and someone offers it a hug.

  Lucifer’s worried face inches closer to mine, and I know he is about to kiss me again. I have no strength left in me to fight him anymore, so I stop breathing, waiting for the touch of his lips on mine, but a gasp breaks the moment and we both jerk our heads towards it.

  Meda’s eyes are milky white and she’s in a trance. The gasp that booms in the quiet is the only warning we have before she stands frozen in time and space. We all wait. Lucifer straightens, dragging me across his lap like a rag doll. Not wanting to disturb Meda, I bristle at his action but keep my mouth shut. The smirk on his face tells me he’s well aware that he’s pissing me off but couldn’t care less. Well, payback’s a bitch, and he will meet her as soon as my sister is back from wherever she’s gone between the veils.

  We sit still, and all I can do is focus on the angel absentmindedly moving his thumb in circles on my hip. Who would’ve thought that a hip is a sensitive spot? Not me, that’s for sure. No matter where he touches me, he turns it into the most sensitive spot on my body. It’s distracting and makes my body react as if his hand is between my thighs. As my breathing turns shallow, his movements stop and I feel his stare burning the side of my face, but I’ll be damned if I’ll look at him. I keep my eyes on Meda, and my hackles raise when his low chuckle rumbles in his chest. I really want to slap him, but Meda’s next gasp works in his favor this time.

  “Well?” I ask, since everyone is still saying nothing.

  “I know where we need to go next after we have the potions,” she says quietly, chewing on her lower lip.

  “And that is?”

  I straighten as much as I can without grinding my ass on Lucifer’s groin. I still hear his low groan. Geez! I stare daggers at him before turning to Meda with my eyebrow raised.

  “All I can say is we must go see Ishtar.”

  “We?” I add, annoyed.

  “Yes. We. We were all there in my vision.” She lifts her chin defiantly.

  “What else did your vision show you? Anyone die there?” I snap.

  “No,” she says it wit
h conviction, but her cheeks go bright red. What the hell?

  “What did you see, Meda? Start talking. I’m sick and tired of everyone speaking half-truths.”

  “Take it easy, witch. Words must be chosen carefully to not alter the path,” Lucifer adds his two cents.

  Like I care about altering the path. My path has been altered by others to suit their needs way too many times. I bite the inside of my mouth to keep from saying anything. Jez, Remi, and Faith snicker and I glare at them. This makes them laugh outright. Closing my eyes, I take a slow, deep breath. I will not get angry. Then I hear Lucifer’s rich laugh, and my body rocks like I’m on a boat since I’m leaning on his chest. My mantra of “I will not get angry” goes down the drain.

  “Enough!” My voice booms, bouncing off the walls. “I see I’m wasting my breath here. It’s your lives. So I will not stop you from going, but I will not stop for any of you on the way, either.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure that’s the truth,” says Remi sarcastically.

  If I am hoping this declaration will make them see reason, I am sorely mistaken. All of them perk up like I just told them we are going to Disneyland. Something is definitely wrong with all our heads. Who gets excited to put their life in danger? We do, obviously. Oh, sweet goddess, shoot me now. This is going to be a long road. I think the guys listening to the conversation are the smartest ones so far. Daisy looks like she’s fighting a smile, and that just irks me more. She should be convincing them to stay, not encouraging this stupidity, but it’s a lost cause. There will be no changing their minds. So be it.

  “We are leaving in the morning at four AM. Whoever’s coming along better be on that porch because I won’t wait for anyone. And now, I’m off to my room.” I stand up with Lucifer’s help (how unfortunate for me and my speech). “Alone,” I add when I see him climb to his feet, too.

  Everyone remains quiet, and I think that’s because they don’t want to argue about no one coming along. They just want me out of here so they can plot. I know it.

  As I start walking away, I know the angel is right on my heels and I clench my jaw. I’m aware I have no control over myself when he is near me, so I run. I’m being a coward, but I don’t care. Taking a deep breath, I slam a barrier of ice between us and trap him just inside the living room. As I hear his growl, I bolt up the stairs to my room and slam the door shut, but not before hearing everyone laugh. He’s going to be pissed when he gets here. For some reason, this brings a huge smile to my face.

  What can I say? I’m a glutton for punishment.

  Chapter 5


  How silly that she thinks that her magick can keep me away from her. It gnaws at my pride that she treats me like a mere mortal, but I shall endure. It’s not that she has no feelings. I know it; I see it in her eyes every time she looks at me. She’s afraid. I hate that I’m the reason for her fear. But deep inside I know it’s not really me. It’s everything and everyone before me that has made her scared of letting someone love her. I also can’t blame her for saying everyone has an agenda. I had one, too. But that was before I realized what she is to me.

  This stops me in my tracks on the stairs.

  How am I any better than all those who have hurt her to gain something? I do not deserve her heart after the games I have played, trying to satisfy my curiosity. But how was I to know what she is to me? Should I have known it? Shouldn’t I have felt it?

  I have always watched from afar, not getting involved but seeing things unfold. She always drew me to her. She has been a beautiful creature each and every lifetime. If I had paid closer attention, I might have seen her—the real her. So here I stand, lost for what to do. Maybe I’m not worthy of her. After everything she has been through, she deserves someone to really see her. Someone to see the beautiful, magnificent light—as well as the all-consuming, alluring, and mesmerizing darkness—she is, without expectation from her and without agenda. I slowly turn and take myself downstairs. I go to the kitchen, away from everyone, even though I can hear them talking quietly with my keen hearing.

  “I made tea.” Daisy’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I lift an eyebrow at her. “I knew you’d come back. We need to talk,” she tells me, placing a cup on the table.

  I sit dutifully like a child. Not long ago this would’ve made me angry, but now I just feel lost. What an unusual and unwelcome feeling. I stare at the old witch. Maybe she has more words of wisdom for me, even if I am few thousand years older than her. And to think that not long ago, I thought I understood humans. It makes me want to laugh.

  “I drift as if lost, old woman. That says a lot coming from me.” I snort at my own words.

  “Ah! Love does that to all of us, angel. You shouldn’t think you are special.” She coughs covering a laugh at her own jesting.

  “I do not see how this is funny,” I snap.

  “Calm down, Lucifer. I meant no offense. What I said is true. You just need to understand it. I am but a child when it comes to age, but I have loved as you have not. That makes me a little more knowledgeable than you in this case.”

  “I know what love is. I do not need lectures. Humans are the ones who do not understand the concept and mistake it for lust and passion.”

  I shake my head at her and pick up the cup. I have taken a liking to this peppermint tea—Alexia’s favorite—since I came to this realm. Sipping it slowly, I try to put thoughts to words so I can ask Daisy for advice. It is not a natural action on my part. I am the light bringer. I do not need advice. Until Alexia, that is. Now I am like a mortal pining for a slip of a woman who turned my existence inside out.

  “You understand what love is in the true sense of the word, yes. In all that knowledge, you forget that no matter how much she has changed, Alexia is still very much human in her heart. You can’t ease lifetimes of fear overnight. Add to that the few broken and misguided souls coming into her life this time and you have bigger challenge than you realize.”

  “Don’t I know it,” I mumble.

  “I told you she needs time. I think that was a mistake on my part,” she says quietly, and I perk up, sitting straight.

  “So she does not need it?” I ask hopefully.

  “Oh, she needs it, alright, but I don’t think she has the freedom to have it. Not if Ishtar’s realm is the first stop.”

  “What does that mean? I will not allow Ishtar or anyone else to hurt her.” I growl, rage burning hot in my gut at the very thought of anyone hurting her again.

  “Ishtar will not hurt her. She will not leave Alexia the option to back away from the ritual, either, if I know enough about the goddess. Why else will Alexia need to go there?” She looks at me pointedly.

  I had forgotten about the rite the goddess requires for her assistance. Now that I remember it, my blood runs down to my loins and I harden in an instant, pressing on the zipper of the damn jeans they want me to wear in this realm. Why didn’t I think of this? This will be a perfect opportunity to bind the witch to me. I almost shout in excitement and miss the rest of the words coming out of Daisy’s mouth.

  “She will need to choose for the ritual. She might choose wrong if she’s scared to trust and follow her heart. You better make sure she chooses you, or you will wait another lifetime for her to be yours.”

  Her words turn my blood to ice and my heart shrivels in my chest. An animalistic growl comes from deep in my chest, and I jump off the chair. Daisy chuckles, and I want to strangle the old woman.

  “You think this is funny?” I roar at her, and all the talk in the living room stops.

  “Of course I do,” she says, laughing softly.

  I doubt the woman wants to live long. The rest of them spill into the kitchen as if they can help her if I decide to end her here and now.

  “What’s going on?” Remi asks, her hands on her hips.

  “Lucifer just realized he might not have Alexia this lifetime if she doesn’t choose him for Ishtar’s ritual,” Daisy continues, unaware of the fight I am havi
ng in order to restrain myself from blasting them all to oblivion.

  “So why is he standing here instead of going upstairs to be with her?” Jezzinta asks and that gets my feet moving before my brain catches up to the motion.

  “Well, that got him nice and worked up. I hope A Ma appreciates it.”

  I am already taking the stairs two at a time when I hear Meda’s words and their laughter following me to Alexia’s door—Alexia’s locked door, as it turns out. With a dark chuckle, I grab the handle, break it, and push the door hard enough to slam it into the wall. Her yelp greets my ears as I bend my head slightly and stalk inside. No more time for the witch.

  She will be mine, tonight.

  Chapter 6


  The sound of metal twisting and wood breaking jars me from my thoughts about the angel. There goes my hope that he will actually decide to let me be alone. The loud bang of the door swinging open and hitting the wall makes me yelp like a frightened little girl and that pisses me off more than seeing Lucifer standing inside my room with a dark, hungry look on his face.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? You fucking asshole!” I scream at him and, without thinking, I throw a fireball at his chest.

  What has gotten into me to make me that stupid? It isn’t the breaking of the door, that’s for sure. It is a knee-jerk reaction, and if I could take it back I would. But it’s too late for that. His shoulders bend inward and he flies back, hitting the opposite wall with a loud crash. Plaster rains on top of him as he slowly lifts his head and looks at me through his lashes with his hair all mussed around his face. I freeze like a deer in headlights, looking at him. My hands cover my mouth and my eyes are about to pop out of my head. What the hell did I just do?


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