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Semiramis Series Box Set

Page 54

by Maya Daniels

  Alexia looks like she is made of water before her body returns to flesh. She stands in her undergarments, her wet hair sticking to her shoulders, and she glows with light like an angel. The scene reflects on the water of the lake, and it’s like nothing I have ever seen in my very long life. Her blue eyes glow brightly, too, shimmering like entire oceans, rivers, and lakes have gathered in them as she stares at us with wisdom beyond my comprehension. The glow around her twinkles like diamonds and her energy slams into me like a punch to my gut.

  “I think I got another gift,” she says softly, lifting her arms towards us to show us the brands she received in Tomorith’s realm pulsing with purplish-red light like they are alive.

  Her voice is different, too. It’s more sultry, huskier, and it pulls me in like a siren’s song. I would die an eternal death just to hear her speak. From the corner of my eye, I see everyone is affected by it, their bodies swaying towards her like they can’t help themselves. Then those eyes turn on me and our eyes lock. My soul burns inside me and hers pulses around my neck. It’s happening! My fears are coming true, and she isn’t even aware of the gravity of this situation. Worst of all, I can’t tell her. The air is sucked from my lungs and I drop to my knees in front of her.

  “Forgive me, my love.” The words slip through my lips as I bow my head, ashamed of ever having done anything to hurt her.

  Chapter 20


  Not many things shock me these days. I mean, hello? I’m glowing! Having Lucifer on his knees in front of me is one, though. Second is him calling me his love. Something cracks inside my chest. It’s almost audible when my walls crumble and turn to dust, and I can only watch it happen. So much for my resolve, huh?

  “Say what, now?” I ask dumbly, still high on whatever just happened in the lake.

  “Forgive me … for everything,” he mumbles, not lifting his head, his hair falling over his face so I can’t see him.

  Everything around me disappeared when he dropped to his knees, but now I’m very aware of everyone looking at me with glazed eyes. Only Inanna’s gaze is sharp and calculating.

  “You know what’s going on?” I ask her.

  “You are coming into your own, love. I believe the integration of all the powers and gifts takes some time and that you had a bit of help with that just now. You obviously have many looking out for you. It is not a mistake to say you are the gift of the sea,” she says cryptically, and I glare at her.

  “I thought I was clear. If you won’t speak clearly and only the truth, do not give me half-assed cryptic shit,” I snap as a wave of energy bursts from my chest like a warning.

  “Don’t act like a child throwing a tantrum. I’m not your enemy.” Her eyes narrow on me.

  “The way things are going, that is yet to be confirmed.” I know I’m being irrational, but I can’t help it. Everyone talks a lot without saying a thing and it drives me crazy. The crunching of gravel brings me out of my internal dialogue as I see someone approaching. A few someone’s, to be exact. As they get closer, I realize it’s Philip, Will, and Archie. They slow down, their eyes wide with their mouths hanging open. Inanna and me are the only ones paying them any attention. Well, maybe not the only ones. Lucifer is up, shielding me with his body so I have to crane my neck to look around him.

  “Turn around before I end your existence!” he roars at them, and I take a step away from him.

  What the hell? Oh! I’m almost naked as I stand here like a statue. Heat warms my face as I turn in a circle like a cat chasing her tail to find my clothes. After snatching them up, I pull them on, and the action snaps everyone out of their trance. They all become animated at once, turning on Inanna and asking questions. I’m grateful they leave me out of it. I’m still bewildered by everything that happened the last half an hour or so.

  “We weren’t checking her out, Lucifer. She was glowing,” Philip says evenly, pointing towards me as if we don’t know who is playing a Christmas tree among us. I’m assuming he is trying to calm the angel down. Not that I blame him. Lucifer’s body is practically vibrating with aggression.

  “It’s fine; I’m dressed now,” I tell him, placing my hand on his back and feeling a jolt go from my hand to him and back. I gasp. He growls. Everyone else turns to stare at us.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake!” Jez throws her hands in the air with a huff. “Can we talk first and you two eye-fuck each other later?”

  That breaks the tension a little, and we all chuckle halfheartedly. Well, not Lucifer, no. He is still staring at me as if he wants to drill a hole in my head. Like any smart woman, I ignore him.

  “Can we please go inside and talk about what just happened? It’s getting chilly here and I need answers, not riddles,” I say to all of them.

  “Yeah,” Remi mumbles before heading towards the house and grabbing Philip by the hand as she passes him by.

  One by one, everyone follows her. I take one step, passing Lucifer, but he grabs my wrist and halts my movement. I look at him, one eyebrow up in question.

  “I meant what I said. I am sorry for not being able to tell you everything I know. I’m afraid for the first time in my entire existence that if I do, I will be powerless to keep you safe,” he says solemnly.

  “I think I was clear enough that I don’t need you to protect me. Do I need your help? Yes, I most definitely do. But that is all.”

  “Even if what I say changes everything, and not just you but your sisters, are placed in even greater danger?” He glares at me.

  Well, when he puts it that way do I really have to know? Maybe not. Do I want to know? Hell, yes, I do. As he so nicely informed me not too long ago, it’s all about choices and if we can live with the ones we make. That makes me press my lips in a thin line to physically stop myself from asking anything. Jerkily, I nod my head in affirmation. “It’s okay, Lucifer. I don’t hold it against you. Well, not anymore,” I tell him on a sigh.

  He has a point. It’s not that I don’t know it, I’m just tired of going blind into crazy situations that threaten our lives. But it is what it is. We take the cards we’re dealt and bluff our way to the finish line. With a deep breath, I take his hand, lace our fingers together, and pull him so we follow the others. I think he is surprised by my action, but only for a second because he squeezes my hand gently and falls in step with me on the path.

  It’s dark outside and the crescent moon is lighting our path. The winds are picking up around us and the rustling of the trees sounds soothing in the quiet of the night. We move slowly, as if out for a stroll, and I must admit that I enjoy it. Who knows? Maybe this is the last calm, peaceful time I will have. The wind has dried my hair already, and right now it’s picking it up around my face as if it wants to play with it. I’m startled when Lucifer reaches out, tucking it behind my ear. I look at him.

  “So I can see your face,” he says softly

  “It’s the same face you’ve been looking at every day. It’s the only one I have, unfortunately.” I can’t help being a smartass.

  “And I shall look at it every day after tonight, too,” he says simply, as if by saying it he will make it happen.

  I don’t comment. We both know there may come a day very soon when he sees my face for the last time, but I don’t want to go down that road right now. I just want to enjoy this short walk and the night. I don’t know if it’s the energy from that light that did it to me when I touched it, but I feel whole somehow. There are no more multiple people occupying my body. I hope it stays this way, but I doubt it will.

  I’m all too aware of the hot-blooded angel next to me. His body’s heat penetrates my skin and makes me want to press closer to him. The butterflies in my stomach must be drunk again on tequila or something, because it feels like the ground is shifting under my feet. I may even faint. An urge to stop and pull him down so I can press my lips to his is so overwhelming that I pant with the effort it takes to keep going. My hand trembles in his, but luckily he misunderstands the reason for it.
r />   “Do not fear, Alexia. Whatever it is, it will have to go through me to get to you. I swear it.”

  My breath gets caught in my throat because that sounds a hell of a lot like an oath. He must have lost his mind to swear something like that to me at such an uncertain time. It makes me want to kiss him even more … or punch him. I’m not sure which one is a stronger feeling.

  “Never make promises to me, angel. Especially ones that you may not be able to keep.”

  “I have every intention of keeping them. And to be clear. I do not say things because I doubt your power. With each day, I grow more proud to stand by your side, but do not mistake it for me letting you act on impulse while I stand and watch you die. I will fight even you if it comes to that. I will not lose you this time. I have waited for you my entire existence and will not let you go easily. On that, I will not compromise.”

  “You think I want to die?” I ask, taken aback by his words and purposely ignoring his other comments.

  “You tell me. Do you?” He turns his head towards me, looking at me with his star-filled eyes, and something tugs at my chest. The ruby around his neck starts glowing and the light bounces off our faces like it, too, wants to hear my answer. I open my mouth to say no, but I close it with a snap. That is a very good question. Do I? If he had asked me a year and a half ago, I would’ve said yes without question. Now? I think of all the people waiting for us at the house. His calloused hand is holding mine gently, as if I’m made of glass, his eyes watching me with something I’m too afraid to name. Do I want to die? No. Will I willingly die for any of them? Yes, without question.

  Luckily for me, we reach the house and I don’t have to answer. The door opens before we climb the steps of the porch.

  “Ah, there you are. I was sent to get you to speed up. I thought I’d find you humping like bunnies, but I’m happy you saved me from years of therapy.” Jez rolls her eyes at us and goes back inside, leaving the door open.

  I shake my head and Lucifer chuckles, giving my hand a squeeze. I’m saved from answering. For now.

  Chapter 21


  “How do you feel?” Daisy frets around Alexia, and I smile.

  She is watching the older witch with narrowed eyes—since this is the tenth time Daisy has asked her the same thing—but everyone can see the softness in her gaze. She likes it even when she doesn’t want to admit it. Slowly, I’m starting to understand Alexia more. There are little signs in her gaze, in the corners of her eyes or mouth or the way she holds her posture that tell a different story than the words she speaks.

  For millennia, I believed there was nothing more complicated or more contradictory than a goddess—any goddess and I know them all. That was until I got to really know Alexia. Nobody has ever been able to keep me on my toes like the witch. When she’s around, the blood pumps through my vein. Whether from anger or passion it doesn’t matter because even when I’m angry with her, I still want to rip her garments to shreds and show her she cannot live without me. That thought makes my jeans tighten in a specific area, so I shift on the pillow where I’m sitting. No need for everyone to see how she affects me even when sitting across from me. She tricked me when we returned and she sat between Remi and Faith. The woman makes me lose my mind so much I cannot think straight.

  “I’m fine, I swear. Geez!” Alexia proclaims. “Can we move on from that? I didn’t grow a second head, there was no pain, thank fuck, and I’m actually better than I have in a long time. Whatever it was, I really think it helped.” She swats Daisy’s hands and glares.

  I chuckle and that earns me a scowl, but it only makes me smirk. She doesn’t know how adorable she is when she is angry. Like every hotblooded male, I do love a challenge, and there is no bigger challenge for me than her. Inanna chuckles, too, shaking her head. She is sprawled between the light-workers, who look like lovesick puppies staring at her adoringly. I should not make fun of them; I probably look worse when I stare at the witch. The goddess has her head leaning on Archie’s chest and one of her legs over Will’s thighs. Her dress is parted, revealing her bare leg. Not long ago, I would’ve found that inviting, pleasing even. Now my eyes shift to Alexia and I’m struck anew how not just her physical beauty but her essence penetrates my soul, leaving me breathless.

  “It’s a good thing because what happened tonight was a gift from Enki,” Inanna says nonchalantly, and I suck in a breath.

  “Enki the god? Your drinking buddy?” Alexia asks incredulously

  Holding my breath, I wait to hear the answer and see that all the women do, too. Ah, so they all know. At least that makes me feel a little better. I’m not the only one keeping it from her.

  “Yes, the god of the waters,” Inanna says simply.

  I stare. She can’t simply leave it at that. Can she?

  “Oh! Well, how nice of him. At least he didn’t include pain.” Alexia brushes it off as if not important “Or ask for an offering.” She shudders and glances fast at Meda.

  As I wonder what that is about, I clear my throat. Inanna glares at me. The rest of them do, too. I am about to speak when loud music blasts through the room, making me jump as I prepare to tear whoever has arrived to pieces.

  “Ummm, sorry. It’s my phone.” Philip stands up, waving his device at me. Placing it to his ear, he hurries out of the room.

  Alexia bursts out laughing, and everyone else joins her. “Oh, sweet goddess. You should’ve seen your face! You were ready to chew up that phone and spit it out.” She gasps for air, doubling over.

  I cannot help it. I laugh, too. It warms my heart to hear the peals of musical laughter coming from her. I wish to keep her laughing for an eternity. That sobers me up very fast.

  “About Enki …” I prod, but Philip rushes in the room like the house is on fire and interrupts me.

  “Put on the news. Now!” He makes a circle with his hand like that will force all of us to move and do his bidding.

  Remi jumps up and grabs the control, pointing it at the screen hanging on the wall. I don’t think I’ve seen it turned on more than once. The picture comes to life, and Remi presses a couple of buttons before it stops on a news channel. The reporter is standing in some parking lot talking excitedly, and it takes me a second to recognize the place. It’s the zoo. My blood freezes.

  “We are in front of the Los Angeles Zoo where the most unusual break-in happened tonight. We have seen and heard of animal activists breaking in and freeing animals all over the world, not just here. But tonight, they didn’t come for the four-legged friends. Tonight, they ripped up the concrete and paths, dug holes and planted the most beautiful trees we have ever seen. They also poured organic matter into the piranhas’ tank, making the fish dazed as though highly medicated but vicious in protecting their water. The authorities have had a difficult time trying to take a sample. Is this a new movement in the fight for animal rights? I will leave it for you to decide.”

  The view changes and I blink. The entire path we took from the water tank where Alexia got hurt to the parking lot where we got in Remi’s car is now made of beautiful tall trees that sway as if dancing. Their branches are full of dark green leaves unlike anything I have seen in this realm. Alexia gasps and I look at her. “Oh, no.” She puts her hand over her mouth, a horrified look on her face.

  “What is it?” I jump up.

  “I saw them.” She turns her wide eyes on me. “I saw the saplings when you were carrying me away, but I thought I was hallucinating from the blood loss.”

  “They’re trees, not saplings,” I point out.

  “They were seedlings first, but I saw them grow. My birthmark was pulsing, too. Was it me? Did I do this?”

  I can barely hear her words as my eyes fall on Inanna. This must stop and we must tell her something.

  “That is not important now. We have all come too far to worry about what the humans will think about trees growing out of nowhere. I guarantee they’ll never say it’s magic,” Inanna says.

hat’s not the point—” I begin but she talks over me.

  “What is important, at the moment, is that we have the potions and Alexia can finally get to where the tablets are. When we finish this task, everything will be as it should.”

  “We already know that we must go to Ishtar’s realm first.” Remi and Inanna both ignore what is happening, making me grind my teeth with their indifference.

  I look at Daisy, hoping she will bring some sense to everyone, but her eyes turn sad as she simply shakes her head.

  “Am I the only one who cares how Alexia will deal with it when all this plays out?” I bellow, and they all turn to me. “Well, am I?”

  “It’s okay, Lucifer. Whatever is meant to happen will happen. I made peace with that tonight,” Alexia says, and I can hear the sincerity in her voice.

  She really has made peace with walking blindly into the Underworld. And she doesn’t even know that’s where she’s heading. My heart pounds painfully in my chest and I clench my hands. I want to rip something apart. Anything. I just do not want to see her hurt. My power surges and Alexia jumps up, coming to me and wrapping her arms around me. It calms me instantly.

  “Thank you. Just knowing you care means a lot to me. I’ll be fine, I promise. Let’s make a plan instead of arguing. It hasn’t gotten us far, but it does delay the inevitable.” Lifting her head, her eyes flash blue before going back to brown.

  “Since when did you become so wise?” I mumble, unable to tear my gaze from her.

  “I have my moments of insanity. Plus, let’s not forget I got zapped in the lake. I think it fried my brain, but don’t get used to it. I doubt it’ll last long.” The corners of her mouth lift to a barely-there smile.

  In the middle of all this, she is the one trying to console me. I want to howl to the skies about the injustices done to her, but if she is trying to be strong, I can do nothing but stand by her side. Wrapping my arms around her, I press her more firmly to my chest.


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