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Semiramis Series Box Set

Page 57

by Maya Daniels

  “I should strangle you for what you did,” I tell her, pushing her away so I can gather Alexia in my arms. She feels like she’s freezing and I squeeze her tightly to my body, rubbing my hands over her to warm her up.

  “I know my own grandchild, Lucifer. She is more stubborn than a mule. The only way to reach her is to push her. If you don’t, she’ll never do anything for herself, because she always finds something to do for someone else. Trust me, I raised her. I know.”

  “What happened to her?” Remi says so timidly that I look at her in shock. The woman does not do timid. I am not sure if I should laugh or be worried.

  “Her element did not fully merge with her. She was denying it, looking at it as something separate from who she is. That made the element look at her as something separate from it. I don’t know how she managed to stay sane so long like this.” Margaret looks at Inanna. “How you didn’t notice this is beyond me.”

  “I don’t know,” Inanna answers, confusion still visible on her face.

  “What do you mean you don’t know?” Margaret looks sharply at her.

  “She is my vessel. I did the initiation inside my temple, in my realm. Everything went fine; she only needed time to integrate everything. Do you think the reason this happened could be because she merged with Lilith and the weaver of the web of life marked her?”

  “No! It is none of that. I feel it in my soul. This is different. This is because of what she is. Only her creator will know,” I tell them dismissively.

  Finally warming, she curls into my chest, seeking my body heat. As she presses her softness to me, I forget what I am saying, running my hands over her to assure myself that she’s here and breathing.

  “Don’t ever say she’s not worthy of my love again,” I growl at Margaret. “No matter what or who she is, you had better know she is mine, and she is worthy of everything. I am the one who is unworthy to have a place in her heart.”

  Margaret looks at me with tears in her eyes and a genuine smile on her face. “I’m grateful to hear that, Lucifer. She is definitely worthy.”

  I burrow my head in Alexia’s neck and breathe her in. Having her in my arms, with her scent of jasmine and roses filling my lungs, calms me. I could spend the rest of my immortal life like this. She stirs in my arms. Unfortunately, the fates have different plans, ones very separate from my own wishes. I lift my head to take in her face. She is looking at me with her blue eyes glowing like the waters of the ocean and they take my breath away.

  “I know how to open the gate.” Her husky voice makes me shiver and I turn rock hard in my pants. She smirks and rolls her eyes. “I’ll have to fix that for you later,” she adds with a wink.

  Chapter 27


  I hear most of the things they say, and strangely I’m not upset. I’m not anything, really. As soon as my element merges with me, there is such clarity. Along with it comes a sort of detachment. Not in a way that I don’t care, just acceptance of whatever it is. I continue to think I’ve grown and changed through everything that has happened, but one thing stayed with me through it all: my desire to control everything, especially my emotions. As if my having total control of them will make things different. What is meant to be will be, and no amount of control can change that.

  I glance at Lucifer and can’t help but drink in his handsome face and those ancient eyes staring at me. I keep fighting him because of fear, as if I’ll live thousands of years. We may not live to see tomorrow, and instead of allowing him to hold me, to love me, I push him away and give him mixed signals. Just like with everything else, I fight myself.

  My gaze roams to my grandmother, who’s sitting on her knees next to us, and I smile. “Thank you, Grandma. For everything.” Turning, I give her a hug, inhaling her herbal scent that reminds me of my childhood.

  “I’m sorry for what I said, but it was necessary.” I can hear the tears in her voice.

  “I know. That’s why I thanked you. I don’t think anyone else could’ve gotten through to me.”

  “Well, they say that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” She smiles.

  “It does if you kick it,” Remi says as she kicks my foot.

  “What was that for?” I ask, grinning at her.

  “Don’t ever scare me like that again,” she says grumpily, and I chuckle.

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “You said you know how to open the gate?” Inanna asks, and I wonder why she’s standing away from everyone. Maybe she’s tired of all the drama that follows me around. I don’t blame her.

  “Yes, I remember everything,” I answer her question and attempt to stand.

  Lucifer jumps to his feet, and not letting go of my hand he tugs me with him. I guess touching me makes him feel better. I have no intention of stopping him anymore. Pulling on his hand, I walk towards the center of the circle. It’s as good of a spot as any.

  “Is everyone going?” I ask nobody in particular.

  “I’m not,” my grandmother says apologetically.

  “I know,” I reply softly.

  My heart hurts, but I know now that I must let her go. Not for good, no. I will see her again, just not right now and never again here. I will miss her like crazy, but that gut-wrenching feeling of loss and guilt is not there anymore. Who knows? I might see her sooner than any of us expects. Not that I’m not going to try to stay in this life as long as I can. I glance at Lucifer. There are things I’d like to try to experience here before I go on my next journey.

  My grandmother steps to me after giving everyone a hug and nodding her head at Inanna. Wrapping her arm around me, she holds me tight for a little while. “I will miss you just as much, pussycat. Remember that always. But I will be there watching over you, so make me proud! And don’t just exist, live! Experience it all, because life is nothing but a blink of an eye. Regrets and fear have no place in it. Be happy, love, laugh, and show compassion, especially when there is no room left for it. No matter what, do not lose your humanity. It’s not something that anyone can take from you. It’s who you are. You are one with it, just like your water. Embrace all that you are, my beautiful child. I will always be with you. I love you, Alexia”

  “I love you, too, grandma,” I choke the words out as she slowly fades from my arms.

  I stand still, staring at the spot she occupied a few seconds ago. Tears fill my eyes, trying to spill out. I remind myself I will see her again just as arms wrap around my waist. I lean back on Lucifer’s chest.

  “Are you alright?” he asks, nuzzling my shoulder.

  “No, but I will be,” I tell him honestly.

  “I know you will be. It would make me happy if you lean on me when you need it, witch. I think I need that, too,” he says for my ears only, and I turn my head to the side to face him.

  Something has changed in him, too, tonight. My grandmother always had her way of making everyone around her reflect on themselves. Obviously, the angel is not immune to it, either. I smile at him.

  “I’ll do that.” I give him a peck on the lips and turn to see the others. “We can do it now,” I tell them, and they all spread out in a semicircle around me.

  Lucifer doesn’t move an inch. Still holding on to me, he simply shifts so that I’m in front of him again, holding his hands loosely around my waist.

  “When the gate opens, I’ll go first and the rest of you follow—” I start but Meda cuts me off.

  “No! I will go first and you will follow, A-Ma. It’s how I saw it in my vision,” she says firmly for a change, but she won’t look me in the eye.

  “Why? What’s on the other side?” I ask her, watching her body and face for any sign she’s not telling the truth.

  “Ishtar’s realm. Isn’t that where we are going? The gate has a gatekeeper and we are friends. We have known each other through many lifetimes. It’ll save us time, that’s all.” She clasps her hands in front of her.

  I glance at Remi and Jezzinta, and they each lift a shoulder. Da
isy is looking at her hands, twisting them like she’s trying to test how far her fingers will bend. I guess she feels sad about my grandmother leaving. I can’t blame her. Faith, on the other hand, has her eyes on Meda, just like me, assessing whether she’s telling the truth.

  “I’ll go with her, mate. Nothing to worry about,” she says, making a chopping motion with her hand as if that stops the debate.

  Meda opens her mouth to protest, but she shuts it when I narrow my eyes at her. Faith is a fire elemental—a good and powerful one at that. I’m good with her going with Meda. If anything happens, she can at least hold on until we come through.

  “Okay, then! Let’s do this.” Will and Archie speak at the same time, not paying attention to Meda’s paling face.

  “No time like the present,” I mumble. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I connect to the energy of the earth.

  At first, all I feel are those around me, our essences mixing and mingling together like a living organism. With each breath it gets stronger until it feels like the ground drops from under my feet. I splinter in a million directions, connecting to everything. The pulses of life from the planet hit me in the center of my chest, disrupting my breathing pattern, but I stay focused and in no time at all, the earth’s pulse and mine match rhythms as if we are one. My body is her body. My breath is her breath. The oneness is overwhelming.

  “Holy shit, that’s powerful,” Will says under his breath and then grunts because someone elbowed him in his side. Probably Archie.

  I smile. They are light-workers; they have this connection all the time. Now I understand why Inanna pushed me into the world of quantum physics before I even knew who she was—before I even knew who or what I was. She wanted me to understand it and be ready for anything. I sense the trees adding their essence to the mix and it seems even more alive. A person can get addicted to this feeling and never want to come back from it. I, on the other hand, have a job to do. Pushing everything else out of my mind, I lift my arms in the air. Power crackles at my fingertips as I invoke the gate.

  “Spirit of Venus, Remember!

  Ishtar, Mistress of the Gods, Remember!

  Ishtar, Queen of the Land of the Rising of the Sun, Remember!

  Lady of Ladies, God of Goddesses, Ishtar, Queen of all people, Remember!

  Oh, bright rising, torch of the heaven and of earth, Remember!

  Oh, destroyer of the hostile hordes, Remember!

  Lioness, Queen of the battle, Hearken and Remember!

  From the gate of the great Goddess Gaia, I call thee!

  By the name which I was given on the sphere of Gaia, I call thee!

  Lady, Queen of harlots and of soldiers, I call to thee!

  Lady, Mistress of battle and of love, I pray thee, Remember!

  In the name of the covenant sworn between thee and the race of men, I call to thee! Hearken and Remember!

  Suppressor of the mountains!

  Supporter of arms!

  Deity of men! Goddess of women! Where thou gazest, the dead live!

  Ishtar, Queen of night, open thy gate to me!

  Ishtar, Lady of the battle, open wide thy gate!

  Ishtar, sword of the people, open thy gate to me!

  Ishtar, Lady of the gift of Love, open wide thy gate!

  Gate of the gentle planet, Libat, open unto me!

  Open thy gate for Semiramis, the gift of the Sea!

  Ia gushe-ya! Ia Inanna! Ia Erninni-ya! Ashta pa mabacha cha kur Enni-ya!

  Rabbi lo-yak zi Ishtari anpa!

  Innana zi Amma kanpa!

  Bi zamma Kanpa! Ia Ia be-ya Razuluki!”

  As the last words in a language not spoken by many leave my lips, I open my eyes to purple magic bursting from my hands, swirling like a cyclone in front of me, picking up speed and whipping my hair around my face. Lucifer’s arms tighten around my waist but he stands still, not saying a word. The veil pushes and pulls like it’ll burst open any second. It feels like I’m waiting forever, but it’s probably just a few seconds before a round metal gate appears within the purple light—bright symbols glowing around it. It looks slightly open, like someone has forgotten to push it all the way closed. Its power tugs me towards it, and my foot inches forward. The only thing holding me in place is Lucifer. Like my anchor, he stands firm and steady, not giving an inch. I turn my head to look at Meda, and she is standing next to me. Smiling with tears in her eyes, she gives me a tight hug.

  “I love you, A-ma.”

  “I love you, sister.” Faith embraces me, startling me with its intensity.

  With those words and before I can react, Meda steps through the portal with Faith right on her heels. As they both enter, a bright thunder hits the spot, crackling so loud it leaves spots in front of my eyes for a second, and I blink fast to clear them.

  “What the hell was that?” Jezzinta yells to be heard over the boom still echoing around us. As fast as it starts it stops, and in the deadness of the silence Daisy’s words pierce my soul even if it’s not present in my body.

  “The gate always takes a sacrifice to let anyone pass.”

  “NO!” I scream and lunge at the gate, Lucifer right next to me. Remi’s and Jezzinta’s screams follow us through, splitting my heart into more pieces.

  Chapter 28


  I follow Alexia through the portal, angry with myself for not putting it all together before. I want to turn back and go strangle Inanna for keeping quiet and not saying a word. She would’ve known. Damn it all, I should’ve known. This gate is not used often since we open portals to anywhere we need to go. If I’m honest with myself, I cannot remember when it has been last used. Probably centuries. The ruby around my neck pulses and burns bright, telling me how much she is hurting inside. Hell, I only knew Meda in passing, but I still feel like someone has stuck a sharp spear in my chest.

  I should’ve protected her. But how do you protect someone from this? Give me an enemy I can physically fight and I will rip them to pieces. I cannot fight what I cannot see coming. Her screams rip my soul apart, but I stay close to her. I will not let her out of my sight. Things go from bad to worse in a blink of an eye.

  As we pass the gate, we see a young woman dressed all in black standing to the side watching us with green, somber eyes, her fiery red hair pulled back from her face. Alexia doesn’t waste time; she rounds in on the girl.

  “Where are they?” She gets in the girls face, making her take a step back.

  “Where is who?” the girl asks fearfully.

  “Meda and Faith! Where are my sisters? Speak, girl, and speak fast or I will wring your neck,” Alexia yells, beside herself from the pain she feels.

  “You are the first to cross past the gate in a very long time. I didn’t think anyone would be willing to give the sacrifice anymore,” the girl speaks like she is in shock for seeing people here, not realizing that her words only make things worse.

  Before I can grab Alexia, she wraps her hand around the girl’s neck and lifts her off her feet. The girl’s hands fly at her throat, clawing at Alexia’s fingers to loosen their grip. As I reach to pull them apart, another voice breaks through the rage overtaking Alexia’s mind.

  “Let her go this instant.” They’re softly spoken words, but they hold so much warning that the hairs on my neck stand on end.

  Alexia’s eyes widen as if seeing the girl for the first time and, releasing her hold, she takes a step back, bumping into my chest. I shove her behind me. Whoever that is will have to deal with me first. The girl is curled on the ground, coughing and trying to catch her breath, mumbling, “I’m fine, I’m fine.”

  “Show yourself!” I growl, looking around. “Only cowards sneak around threatening women.”

  “Only cowards watch women hurt each other, angel.” The voice comes from a different direction, and I spin around, pulling Alexia with me so she is protected.

  “I was not watching. I was about to stop it when you got involved. Who are you? Show yourself!”
r />   Out of nowhere, a male and a young woman appear in front of me. My wings burst out and I bend my knees, ready for an attack. The woman cringes but doesn’t take a step back. She is covered from head to toe with a lace veil.

  “Tara? I’m fine! I’m fine,” the red-haired girl at my back mumbles.

  “I know. I can see that you are,” the veiled woman says sarcastically

  The male is as big as me, only much thicker in the shoulders and arms. Alexia tells me all the time I am beautiful, even too perfect to be real, but looking at him I think she needs to change that statement. Whoever his creator is, they have made perfection. His dark eyes hold an animalistic glint. I know a predator when I see one. The one standing in front of me is on the top of the food chain. His dark, straight hair falls over his shoulders and down his back. If not for his muscled body, one could mistake him for a woman, and a beautiful one at that. I know Alexia shares my sentiments, because I hear her sharp intake of breath no matter how hard she tries to hide it from me. I growl at the male, and he steps forward, flexing his arms as if ready to pounce, his tribal tattoos moving like a living thing around them. His eyes narrow to slits, glowing eerily as his ears growing into a point, his entire body darkening. Not a demon then, no. This one is a traveler. Obviously, Anubis has decided to let one of them wander around the realms.

  “Stop, Maika. Can’t you see she’s hurting? It’s a misunderstanding. I know it.” The veiled woman places a hand on the male’s arm and he instantly stops, turning back into the perfect creature we saw before so quickly I almost think I imagine him changing. The woman’s hand trembles and he shivers at her touch. I wonder if they are aware of that.


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