Book Read Free

Freak Show

Page 10

by Richards, J

  “Oh, cheese and rice!” a familiar voice shouts from the doorway and I turn to look at my friend. Anne’s purple wig is standing up all over the place, looking like she’s been through hell and back. At the sound of her voice Din’s head perks up and his hands drop to his sides.

  Chaos doesn’t stop when his opponent slows. He batters Din with his fists, but Din has stopped fighting back. Winded but still on his feet, Din gets swayed side to side by the force of Chaos’ blows.

  After a few more punches, Chaos seems to realize he is fighting a zombie and steps back with his fists still raised in case it’s a ploy. “Are you giving up and welcoming your death brother?” Chaos puffs.

  “My bond.” Din whispers and takes a small step forward.

  “Serenity isn’t your bond!” Chaos bellows but Din shakes his head. His eyes haven’t left Anne since she stepped into the room.

  My head moves like I’m at a tennis match between Anne and Din. Anne’s cheeks are flushed and she is breathing heavily. She smiles and walks past me. She lightly places her hand on Chaos’ tense shoulder as she moves past him as well. Her touch has Chaos lower his balled up fists and he watches in as much confusion as I do.

  Din’s face is one of shock and awe as he looks upon my friend. “Din,” She murmurs gently and he closes his eyes. Like he has waited a millennium to hear his name from her lips. He falls to his knees before her and drops his forehead to her lower belly.

  Anne runs her fingers through his short hair and the air in the room shivers. A howl rips through Din’s chest and his body bends forward. With the next blink of my eye a dirty blonde wolf stands in front of Anne with his snout in her stomach. She laughs and looks back at me.

  “He’s mine.” She giggles and Chaos looks at me with understanding.

  “Did you know?” He asks clearly muddled by the turn of events.

  “How could I?” I shrug and watch as Anne gets to her knees and ruffles the wolf’s fur. She covers his muzzle in kisses and I swear I can almost hear him purring. Low whining cries that sound like pleased sounds fill the room and Chaos wraps me in a tight hug.

  “She was with you this time. You’ve brought him his Spiritbond.” I look up to find tears running down Chaos’ face. I lift my handcuffed hands to wipe the tears from his face.

  “I had no idea.” I smile up at my lover and hero. “If I had, I would have just handed her ass over years ago. You know, he wants to be a single pack again. Maybe now the two of you can come to a compromise?” I suggest lightly.

  “I had no idea.” Din’s voice is so low I have to lean closer to hear him, peeking around Chaos I find him on his knees as a human again. Anne is cuddled in his arms with her head now between his pecs. “If I’d had any idea what this felt like I wouldn’t have,” His voice breaks as he looks up as his brother. “I would give you the world if it would make up for my actions. If I could take back everything I’ve done. I’m so sorry Chaos.” Din’s apology is the most real thing I’ve heard since entering this crazy park.

  “I can’t say I’d not have done the same things if our roles had been reversed because I don’t know what it would feel like to be trapped and angry like you were. It won’t be easy for me to trust you, but forgiveness doesn’t cost a thing. To heal my soul and our pack, I forgive you.” Chaos brushes some of my hair back behind my ear and hugs me close as he looks down at his brother and Anne.

  I kiss Chaos’ cheek and think of the strength it takes to forgive someone so quickly. My hands find his heart and I lay my palm over its strong beat. “You are more than I could ask for.” I don’t know why I tell him this, I just know he needs to hear it.

  “You are all I’ve ever asked for.” He returns and places his hand over mine. For a long moment we just look into each other’s eyes and all my lifetimes with him flash before my mind’s eye. Smoke clogs my lungs and fear has me immobilized until he lifts up a block of unburned wood to expose my hiding place and I fling myself into his arms. Images of us laughing together and playing games in the forest like carefree children.

  Other pictures enter my head, in different time periods we are wearing different clothes and the scenery changes, but the one thing that always remains constant is our love and easy laughter. In my head I see him as a wolf. Large and glorious, but always by my side as my protector and my friend. Bonded to me through spirit and love.

  “Let’s get these off of you.” Chaos’s voice brings me back and I look down for what he’s talking about. He’s holding up the chain between my handcuffs and I nod.

  “Yes, please.” He leaves my side to fetch a key hanging on the wall by the door.

  “I have to admit,” He looks at me with a sparkle in his eyes. “They do look beautiful on you. I may keep them for later.” He slips the key into the lock on one cuff and it pops open quickly. He opens the other cuff and the set clatters to the floor.

  “I think I’ve had enough of them for this lifetime.” I try to joke, but it falls flat. Chaos gets to his knees and touches my ankle gently.

  “I believe I can make you beg for them.” His voice teases my exposed thigh as his words brush across the slit in my dress. He slides the same key into the cuff on my ankle and removes it from my leg. His hands cover where the metal has been and he massages the red skin.

  And just like that, all my fears from today are rubbed away by his gently probing fingers and arousal takes its place. While massaging my ankle, he kisses just above my knee and then a little higher and one more a bit higher than that.

  “Chaos,” I whisper breathlessly and he chuckles.

  “I suppose you are right. My need to claim you has only grown, my sweet Serenity. I need you now.”

  I glance over at Anne and Din. I think I see her hand snaking down his stomach in search of what I imagine is an erection that is calling her name. If their first meeting is anything like the power charge of need that I feel with Chaos, I can’t blame her one bit. Din notices me watching them and pins me with his serious gaze.

  “Thank you, Serenity. Thank you.” He murmurs over and over with his hands in Anne’s wig and her hands still hunting for his cock. He wrinkles his nose when the false hair shifts on her head and pulls the fake purple hair from her skull to find her real, shorter, purple hair. “The light of my life is purple?” He jokes and the four of us laugh together.


  “I want to take you home but I can’t wait that long.” Chaos tells me as he stands up, his hands resting lightly on my hips. “I can imagine you want to get out of here, but let me take you to one of the rooms upstairs and make you mine. Would that be alight, my sweet Serenity?”

  “Home?” I ask. My sex filled brain pauses as that one word sinks in. “What do you mean home?”

  “Once I claim you as my mate, none of the dangers of the park will affect you. Think of my saliva as a protection pill.” He pulls my hips against his so that I can feel his ridged cock. “When I fuck you for the sole purpose of making you mine, I’ll bite your neck as if we were wolves. The bite will let all the creatures here know you are off limits. Some of my saliva will enter your system and it will mix with your blood cells. The magic here and within me will keep you safe.”

  “But won’t I still die at some point?” I feel like I’m missing something and don’t know what it is.

  “No,” His smile is so wide it stretches from ear to ear. “That’s why the pack and I have been living here since Freak Show opened its doors, Serenity. Within these walls, as my mate, you can live as long as I do. We won’t ever have to be apart as long as you stay in the park with me.”

  “I’ll be,” I shake my head confused. “Immortal.”

  “Essentially, yes.” I close my eyes and let it sink in. I can stay here with him forever and learn about everything we’ve been through and make more memories. I will never have to leave him.

  “What about my life outside the park?” I ask softly, scared he will be upset with me for even considering leaving him.

won’t stop you if you wish to leave, I’ll join you if you’ll have me and go through your death just like I have many times before. Then when you are gone, I’ll return here and wait for you to come back to me.”

  I inhale a steady breath. Either way I get to keep Chaos in my life. The only difference between the two choices is how long my life will last. “Say you’ll stay.” Anne speaks from Din’s lap. “We can all be together, Serenity.” Her voice is full of hopefulness and new love. I can’t help but smile at her.

  “I will.” I squeak and Anne cheers from Din’s lap. Chaos lifts me off my feet to spin me around with his arms wrapped around my back. At least I’ll have my best friend to go through this with. Someone with their own Spiritbond to help me fumble through the trials and tribulations that come along with a white wolf of our own.

  “I love you, my sweet Serenity. I’ve loved you for so, so long.”

  “Can we go to that room now?” I tease with a wiggle of my eyebrows and Chaos growls in return.


  Chaos tosses me over his shoulder like a cave man and I brace my hands against his firm ass. With a giggle I turn my head to see Anne being flung over Din’s equally impressive shoulder. The boys walk us out of the sitting room and Chaos leads Din up a set of stairs covered in white carpet. From this weird, half upside down angle I can see the goofy, happy grin on Din’s face and his hand on Anne’s thigh.

  My hands caress Chaos’ ass as he climbs the stairs easily. He continues down a long bright hallway. Everything up here is so different than the lower level. Instead of darkness and naked bodies holding candles to light the way, bright crystal chandeliers sparkle above us. The walls are a pale cream with gold trim across the top of a chair rail that make the small hallway seem larger than it is.

  Chaos stops to turn the handle of a door on his right and Din slides past him to open the door across the hall. With the two standing back to back, I’m face to face with an upside down Anne. I reach out and grab her hand. She looks up to meet my gaze with an overjoyed smile on her face.

  “Are you gonna be OK?” I ask her quietly.

  “Are you kidding?” She rolls her eyes playfully. “I knew the magic of this place kept calling to me but I didn’t know why. That’s one of the reasons I wanted to bring you girls here. It was like I couldn’t stay away, but I thought it was because of how free you can be here.” He hands rub down Din’s sides like she is thinking. “It was him all along and I didn’t know, Serenity.” When she looks up next her face is filled with love and an ease I’ve never seen in her.

  “We’re crazy right?” I pat Chaos’ ass. “Like this is some crazy hallucination?”

  “If it is, I don’t ever wanna wake up.” Anne’s expression is serious and I understand why. Being hauled over our mate’s shoulders is an unexplainable feeling. A million questions are cabobbled in my head, but none of them matter. Only the man beneath me matters.

  “You ladies finished? Or do you want to continue talking about us behind our backs?” Din’s hard voice is teasing and I smile at my friend.

  “See you on the other side.” My eyebrows wiggle and she laughs.

  “Will this make us, like, spirit sisters-in-law?” Anne asks through her giggles.

  Chaos slaps my ass firmly and I hear the door creak open. He takes one step inside and my hand falls out of Anne’s, “Forever and always, babe.” Are my last words to Anne before I’m all alone with my Spiritbond.

  Chaos keeps his arms around the backs of my thighs as he shuts the door with a loud click. His breathing is already speeding up and mine races to catch up with him. Instead of placing me on the floor like I thought he would, he walks over to the foot of the bed and tosses me on the comfortable mattress. Just like in the movies, my body bounces slightly before settling in the center of the bed.

  The bed is a massive four poster style with rich brown curtains pulled open and tied to the two posters at the top of the bed. A fire place crackles from the corner of the room, its light the only source in the room, but the flames are so big that I can see Chaos and the room clearly. Oil paintings of wolves fill the wall across from the bed but I can’t focus on it when I notice the flames in Chaos’ eyes.

  They are burning hotter than the ones in the fireplace and my body reacts immediately. “Put your hands above your head and don’t move them.” He commands and I obey without hesitation. My arms stretch above my head, lifting my tits against the silky fabric of my dress. Looking down my body, my nipples are hard and pulling against the material as my breasts lift and fall with my excited breathing. “I’m sorry I left your side back at Coyote Mountain.”

  “It’s alright,” I whisper as I watch him. Chaos didn’t come to my rescue in his boxers. He’s wearing black jeans that right now appear too tight in the crotch region and a white tee shirt that sticks to him in a way that highlights all his hard muscles.

  “It’s not, Serenity.” He reaches for the sides of his tee shirt and rips it off over his head and throws it to the floor. “Things could have turned out very, very different tonight. I could have lost you again.”

  I sit up and shake my head. “But you didn’t.” His features pinch into a scowl and he points at the headboard.

  “I said don’t move your hands.” With a sigh I return to my back with my arms stretched above me, this time I curl my fingers around a section of the headboard. “If your friend had stayed back with Pandora and the other girl who came with you, Din probably would have killed you again.” He bends down to untie his boots and my mouth waters at the way his shoulders and back move at this angle.

  “I don’t think he would of. He said he had already killed me in every way possible. It felt like he was tired of his own games. I think he just wanted you back, but didn’t know how to make that happen.”

  With a heavy sigh, Chaos stands back up and unbuttons his jeans. His movements are controlled but I can see his fingers shaking a little as he yanks his zipper down and shucks his jeans to the floor. “I should have sought him out a long time ago.” His head hangs as he stands naked in front of me. “My wolf wants me to forgive him, to bring our packs back together as one, like they should have been all along. But my human wants to rip him apart for all he has done to you.”

  “Chaos,” I wait for him to look up at me and I offer him a gentle smile. “Those things, those evil, terrible things he did. They are in the past now. It’s OK to let them go.”

  “Is it? Wouldn’t trusting the one man I’ve had to fight against for more years than I can count to keep his word, be foolish of me?” He places one knee on the bed and his hands grab for my ankles. Carefully, he parts my legs and crawls in between them.

  “Maybe if he didn’t have his Spiritbond.” My shoulders shrug and I wiggle my ass to bring it close to his knees without letting go of the headboard. “Things will be different now. Din is different now. I could feel it when he saw her.”

  Chaos lifts one of my ankles to his lips, kissing the tiny hollow on the inside, which zips tingles up my leg and straight to my clit. “I want to believe that. I really do.” His words tease my skin and he places a kiss on the arch of my foot. My eyes close as he begins to knead the sole of my foot.

  “I’ve been getting flashes of my past lives.” I sigh and pull my eyes open so I can watch him.

  “Really?” Chaos tips his head and nibbles on the side of my ankle. My back arches slightly and I nod.

  “Yes, just glimpses of us. Of you touching me and us laughing together, but I also saw Din and the ways he ended my life. It’s so strange, but I feel as connected to him as I am to you. His heart has changed, Chaos. Our pack will be safe and stronger with him on our side.” A growl rumbles in Chaos’ chest and he drops my leg to lower his big body over mine.

  “Did you say “our” pack?” His eyes are swirling brown puddles of lust that steal my breath away. I nod my head, at a loss for words. He holds himself above me with one hand resting on the mattress by my head and the other pulls my right thigh to h
is hip. “I’ve waited so long to hear those words from your pretty lips.” He crushes my mouth with his and I’m drowning in his kiss.

  His lips part and his tongue sweeps over my lower lip, coaxing me to open my mouth, and I do. I suck his tongue between my lips and tickle the tip of it with my own tongue. Another rumble of pleasure shakes his chest and his hand slips up my thigh over my hip and down to my ass where he tucks me against him.

  His bare cock nudges my pussy and I moan out for him. “I want you now, Chaos.”

  “I wanted to spend hours pleasing you first, but I can’t wait another minute, Serenity.” His hips rock back and forth, allowing his cock head to probe at my slick pussy lips. I hitch my knee up a bit higher on his hip and he lowers his mouth to my neck.

  My back bows as he penetrates my lower lips. Just the head of his cock has slipped into my entrance and I need more. “Now, Chaos.” I plead and he groans near my ear.

  “I love you, my sweet Serenity.” He whispers as he sinks in a few inches deeper. He’s much thicker than I imagined and my pussy is so snuggly wrapped around him that I find it hard to breathe. I throw my arms around his neck and pull myself to his chest. His hand still cups my ass and his fingers massage the globe of my cheek.

  He draws back until he almost slips out and grinds himself back into me. Pleasure ripples from where he strokes me slowly with his hard length. He works us like this until I feel his hips pressed against mine and finally I’ve taken all of him. “You feel so perfect.” He grunts and pulls his hand from under my ass. He lowers himself to his elbow instead of bracing on his hand and looks into my eyes. “I need to feel you to come for me.”

  The hand that was massaging my ass now finds my clit. His cock is deeply imbedded in my body but he doesn’t move. He only flicks my clit up and down with his thumb. I moan as my hips jerk up. Still he doesn’t move, except for his dick flexing inside of me, like he is trying to control his own orgasm while he works mine out of me.


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