Cosmic Captor

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Cosmic Captor Page 11

by Stella Cassy


  Freedom Is A State Of Mind

  ~ Tarion ~

  Waking with my female in my arms fills me with a level of contentment unmatched by any other victory I’ve known. Luxuriating in her warmth and scent, I can’t get enough of her. Last night we woke, touched, mated and fell asleep in each other’s arms all over again. Truth be told, she is like candy to my forked tongue and I can hardly get enough of her. Wishing nothing more than to enjoy her affections all over again this morning, I gently disengage from her and force myself from the bed.

  Part of having possession of a beautiful brooder is keeping her safe, therefore I must see to my duties. Leaving her sleeping peaceably in my bed leaves me with hope that she might yet accept me as her mate.

  Quietly engaging the cleanser, I prepare for my day. At some point during the process it occurs to me that Carissa accepted me even though I was likely presenting at my worst. While she was away from me eating, sleeping and caring for my body were low ranking priorities, forgotten in my desperate quest to locate and secure her before another took her into hand. Though she is a fighter, her frail body is not for the rough talons of another male. She is meant to be mine and will hopefully realize the life I offer is in her best long term interest.

  Heading reluctantly to the command deck, there are duties awaiting me. Foremost among them is deciding our next course of action after retrieving the remaining crew from Pralor Six.

  I spy Lehar speaking with some crew members in our meeting room near the bridge. Slipping into the room, I wait while he finishes doling out responsibilities. My first officer is very efficient and can be relied upon to operate in my stead. It is our longstanding friendship and his aversion to being controlled by his family that enables me to enjoy his dedicated service.

  “Greetings, Captain. Shall I assume you slept well with your brooder finally returned to your bed?”

  “You know me well, Lehar. Shall I assume we are in route to Pralor Six?”

  “Since we are not encumbered with sending out search probes and following decaying exhaust trails, we have made good time. We should be arriving at Pralor Six within the next solar revolution.”

  “We will stay long enough for the remaining crew to have shore leave.”

  “I anticipated such would be your orders, so I have prepared temporary crew assignments for those returning and worked out an abbreviated leave mixed with a bonus for the remaining crew which will ensure their continued satisfaction and decrease the down time we experience waiting for them.”

  My mind has already returned to the brooder sleeping soundly in my quarters. Having her at my side, safe and untouched by violence or adversity is a weight off my mind. I briefly consider taking her down to the pleasure planet for a short respite but decide that I don’t dare for fear that she may escape again. I fear she will never understand how unsafe it is for her to be roaming the verse on her own.

  Lehar’s voice draws me from my worries. “You are not listening to my report.”

  Glancing up at his amused face, I can’t help but smile back. “Apologies my friend, what were you saying?”

  “I was asking if you have decided on whether or not to keep your new brooder. Such a clever and resourceful female is rare. Such a prize should not be case aside lightly.”

  “She is all that you say and beautiful to boot. However, she refuses to see the dangers involved in being on her own in this sector of space. She seeks her freedom at all costs, like it is a great prize to be won. Though I admire her strength and independence, I would be her shield against the many dangers surrounding her. I fear she will not have it.”

  “You sound like your attachment to this one might be more permanent than the others. Do you think she could be your mate?”

  “She is not Drakon.”

  “Did you dream lock with her?”

  “I dreamt of her while we were separated, or rather my dragon did. We dreamed of her often, always with my dragon searching endlessly for her small pale form. No sooner did we find her than she slipped away again. Rather than the traditional dream lock of bonded mates, it felt more like a dream born of my anxieties about her safety.”

  “In order to be a dream lock, she would have to bear your mark.”

  Shifting in my seat, I am reluctant to admit to biting her. When a Drakon male claims his mate, the bit transfers antigens through his bite that creates a connection. The most tangible evidence of that connection is dream locking with each other.

  “You didn’t bite your new brooder, did you?”

  Rather than answer, I stare him down. Naturally, I meant it to be intimidating, but Lehar just laughs happily.

  “No need to answer that, my friend.”

  “I do not think mating works the same way with females who are not Drakon.”

  “Only the gods know these things. Never did I think to see the day when Tarion of the Hielsrane was this obsessed with a brooder. I feared that you had given up on finding a female to brood your young.”

  “When we are together, I sense a bond of sorts. She is filled with desire for me and though I cede to her every wish, it is never enough to endear me to her. She talks only of being free and I wish only to have her as my own.”

  “She cannot be free to roam the verse, for humans are not recognized as free beings here. Perhaps she can have something close with you if you will open yourself to seeing her more as she wishes to be seen and less like the person she is perceived by others.”

  Unable to grasp his meaning, I frown. “I cannot bend reality to our liking. You know better than most that it is beings who must bend to the ways of the verse.”

  “This I know all too well, my friend. What I suggest is perhaps honoring her request to experience freedom, only at your side where you can protect her.”

  “I do not know if she wishes to remain with me, Lehar. Perhaps I might assist her finding a place in the far reaches of the galaxy where she might live peaceably.”

  “Would it interest you to know that she roamed the ship before the morning chimed?”

  “It would not surprise me to know she attempted to leave the ship again. She is willful in that regard.”

  “She did not attempt to leave. Watching her on the security feed, she seemed to keep a wide berth between her and the loading bays.”

  My chest grows tight. “I am pleased to hear such.”

  “She appeared to my eyes to be familiarizing herself with our ship, much as a female does her new home.”

  From the tightness in my chest, hope blooms. “What exactly did she do?”

  “She wandered around inspecting the ship and ended up in the grand ballroom.”

  Chuffing a laugh, I can hardly believe she found that to be at all interesting. “Leave it to my brooder to find her way to the most uninteresting empty room on my vessel. It’s my luck. Why couldn’t she have found the hydroponics unit where all the beautiful green things grow or the holographic mapping room where she could have learned about the galaxy? Those attractions may have inspired her to stay.”

  “I spoke with her.”

  Lehar is the only male aboard this vessel to be trusted alone with my brooder, so I find not a drop of jealousy welling up in my soul. Instead there is curiosity. “Was she well?”

  “She was conflicted about staying with you. It took her quite some time to get it all out, but from what I could understand her dilemma was how to have freedom and you at the same time. Carissa’s struggle seemed to be mostly about accepting that humans are not free beings in this sector. When the subject of you came up, she stated you were perfect and she would not wish to change you.”

  “I believe she does desire me but thinks she should not accept being mine because it makes her somehow less.”

  “You must prove to her that you value her as a person, not just as a bedmate or brooder.”

  “I have been thinking on this subject. Perhaps if I support Carissa’s quest to reunite with her mother, it may prove my loyalty and worthine
ss as a mate.” Voice prompting the meeting room table to display a map of this quadrant of space, I point to a slave trading post on a nearby planet. “Our first order of business is to get that collar off her neck. I’ll not risk her life if the unit malfunctions. Rather than take her to the planet, I will entice a trader to come aboard this vessel and remove the collar.”

  Lehar is pensive for a long moment before responding. “It’s too dangerous to take her down to the planet. Every slave trader in the galaxy will be looking to collect her bounty. She is far too valuable to risk leaving the collar in place, for her former Paxian masters can use it to track her down. I honestly see no other course of action.”

  I rub my jaw as I turn the situation over in my mind. “We’ll have to come up with something tempting along the way for the whole fleet.”

  “Keeping command of so many ships is twitchy even on a good day.” Lehar’s keen observation makes me smile ruefully.

  I am forced to agree with his rueful assessment of our situation. “We’re only in command as long as everyone agrees we are, after all.”

  Lehar nods, responding lightly heartedly, “When all else fails, you can always intimidate them. That usually gets them to fall into line.”

  “Intimidation is a poor substitute for credits to fill their accounts.”

  “I’ll set course for Balar Prime and identify an enterprising young trader with the expertise to remove the collar and enough desperation for credits to come to a ship like ours.”

  “Those two qualities seem mutually exclusive, but I’m certain you will work it out. I wish to speak to Carissa about getting the collar removed. Having it around her neck is a constant source of anxiety for her and I don’t like the way it chafes her skin.”

  “I noticed that as well.”

  “Noticed what as well?”

  We both look up in time to see Carissa walking into the room. The walls are glass, so the entire bridge crew gazes at her lovely form as well. I’ll like nothing better than to tear their eyes out, but I won’t because I need them to fly my ship. She’s wearing a fresh new uniform, one that molds itself to the wearer’s body. It looks fantastic on her. Unable to restrain myself, I reach for her. Drawing her into my lap, I’m gratified that she comes so willingly.

  “Lehar and I have figured out a safe way to get that collar off your neck. We’re in route to meet with a slave trader who will come aboard with his tools and remove it.”

  She looks up at me with soft eyes and a bright smile. “Really? Does this mean that I’ll be getting a nicer one that isn’t so painful to wear?”

  I jerk in my seat. “The collar pains you? Why didn’t you say?”

  “I’m the slave, remember? Slaves don’t get to choose whether they wear a collar or not. The collar is control. To be a slave is to be controlled.”

  “Is that what you don’t like about your situation?” Waving my hand dismissively, I explain, “From now on you will not be forced to wear a collar or subjected to another being’s control.”

  Tugging at the collar lightly, she beams up at me. I realize she’s waiting for the final proclamation. “You will free to make your own choices. If you wish to leave me, I will help you find the safest living situation. If you would like to stay with me short or long term, I will assist you in locating your mother or at least finding out what happened to her.”

  “That’s really sweet of you, Tarion.” Chewing on her bottom lip, she seems deep in thought for a few moments. When she speaks, the words take a minute to sink in. “Just so you know, I’ve got no plans to leave you. I also think you’re perfect just the way you are, so I have no intention of trying to change you either.”

  Pulling her closer into the circle of my arms, I enjoy the moment. “You don’t want me to be more attentive, less bossy or swear off my life as a raider?”

  Laughing, she shakes her head. “I’m not looking to end up naked, bound and abandoned on some unpopulated island.”

  Turning my head to stare at my first officer I respond blandly. “I can see Lehar has been talking about things he shouldn’t.”

  Cupping my face in both her hands, she turns my head back in her direction. “You’re missing the more important information.”

  “What’s that, my sweet?”

  “You and I becoming a couple.”

  “I like the sound of that. It’s almost as good as you being mine.”

  “I don’t mind being yours, as long as you don’t mind being mine.”

  “Tarion of the Hielsrane belonging to a female? Never.” Noticing a look of disappointment jump onto her lovely face, I amend my statement. “My heart, soul and body may belong to you but the rest of my free spirit is destined to roam the verse looking for action and adventure.”

  Peering up at me, she beams. “I like action and adventure as well.”

  “I’ve noticed that, my clever and resourceful brooder. Perhaps that is what makes you perfect for one such as me.”

  “Yea, that along with the stuff we can’t talk about in mixed company.”

  I bark a laugh when Lehar makes for the door. Not being fortunate enough to have a brooder himself, I doubt he wants to hear about what I do with mine.


  Fierce Female

  ~ Carissa ~

  Even though I know it’s inappropriate and sitting on his lap should be a hard no for me, I can’t get enough of being the center of his attention. Finally, I matter to someone and that’s a new experience for me. Tarion keeps me at his side all day long. I love learning about the ship and putting names to faces of his crew. We plan out all the details of getting this collar off my neck and I’m really excited about finally getting rid of the death trap. Tarion’s babbling about finding me an ornamental collar, and we’re having such a great time that I don’t bring him up short about that idea. I’ll save that to throw onto the end of our first official argument as a couple.

  He puts some kind of high-grade healing salve on my neck because he’s afraid of accidentally triggering the device if he uses a dermal healer on my skin. Since getting my head squeezed off is the last thing any of us wants, I go right along with what he says. The dream of being free of the last tangible evidence of my slavery thrills the hell out of me.

  It’s easier to let him have control when it’s clear that he’s got my best interest at heart. The closer attention I pay to him, the easier it to see that he honestly does care about me. Does that mean I’ll always defer to him? No way, that thought doesn’t enter my mind for a second. I’m not even sure that’s what he’s after with me.

  After watching Tarion captain his vessel all day, I can hardly make it through dinner. I’m too eager to get him alone. Watching the guy I’m slowly becoming obsessed with strut around his ship, it becomes increasingly obvious that he rules his world. His crew is a little standoffish with me and I have to remind myself that I’m the outsider that clobbered one of their crew and stole a fighter. Let’s just say I have some bridge building to do with them. It’s clear they admire and respect Tarion. His relationship with the crew is a strange mixture of authority, easygoing light-hearted banter and implicit trust. I’m really warming up to the idea of throwing in my lot with this merry band of raiders. I don’t have a feel for the other ships in Tarion’s armada, but I find his crew endearing.

  The moment the door closes behind us, I can’t stop myself from jumping him. His response is something close to shocked delight when I pivot him around until his back is against the wall. After tangling tongues for what seems like forever, his hands run down my back to squeeze each of my ass cheeks. It spikes my already growing arousal. Watching his eyes darken with lust flips all the right switches for me.

  When he moves me back slightly, I think about running my tongue over every square inch of his gorgeous body. Tarion has other ideas though. “Come, my fierce beauty. Let us cleanse ourselves.”

  Pulling at the magnetic seam of his uniform, I respond playfully, “Getting naked with you is always a good plan in m
y world.”

  Swatting my hand away, he grabs me up and tosses me over one shoulder. My face almost collides with his wing on the way past. As he walks, I run my hand under his wings and explore the part that connects to his body. His skin just flows right into the wing, tinning to the point that I can see a light shining through them. The big guy is all kinds of fascinating.

  Stepping over the threshold into his cleansing room, he asks casually, “Having fun, my sweet?”

  “Yes. Exploring your gorgeous body is getting to be my favorite hobby.”

  Sliding me down to my feet he replies, “You’re a funny little brooder.”

  I can’t quite tell if his comment is intended to be a compliment or a mere statement of fact. “Let me guess, your father’s brooder is always serious and proper.”

  “Of course, Alana is always serious. Being bonded to my sire must afford her very little opportunity for levity.”

  “Lucky me. You always give me cause to laugh.”

  Reaching over to turn on the shower, he mumbles. “That’s me, the warrior whose female laughs at him.”

  I see he’s doing something different to the shower. Clear sides are coming up to form a large square tub. The molded seating on each side now makes sense. Wrapping my arms around him from behind, I peel his uniform back off his shoulders, detaching the thin panels that were formed to go around his wings. “Don’t be grumpy. I was joking about that.”

  Turning back to face me, I see his lips twitching up into a mischievous smile. “If I act like a brooding youngling who just came into his hormones some more, will you swear your undying love for me, like younglings are wont to do?”

  When he begins pulling at my uniform, I wiggle my body to help him divest me the form fitting garment. “I can do one better than that.” Stepping into the warm water, I side in one of the molded seats and watch him take off the rest of his clothing. He’s a damn handsome sight, all bulging muscles and long dark hair. Once he sits, I come to him. “You should know that I adore you.”


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