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The Libby Garrett Intervention (Science Squad #2)

Page 28

by Kelly Oram

  I handed over the board, and while Joey inspected it I looked over at Libby. I laughed at the sour look on her face and winked. I knew she hated Joey. The guy was a bit of a tool, but I couldn’t hate him entirely because his heart was in the sport.

  Joey handed me back my board with a question in his eyes. “Straight up, though, is it worth the money? These boards aren’t cheap.”

  I nodded. “If you can afford one, hell yeah, they’re worth it.”

  That’s when Kendrick interrupted our conversation. “You want to try one out?” he asked Joey. “We’ve got the ramp and some rails set up outside. We can bring a couple boards out there, let you get a feel for them.”

  Joey’s face lit up. “Yeah, that’d be awesome. Thanks.”

  Kendrick looked at me. “You want to have Libby help you grab some boards and helmets and meet us outside?”

  The crowd followed Kendrick when they realized he’d grabbed his own board and was headed for the parking lot. That’s why most of the people were here anyway; they wanted to see Kendrick skate.

  As the store cleared out, Libby and Kate helped me grab a bunch of gear. “Stinson was totally kissing your ass,” Kate said with a snort.

  “He’s dreaming if he thinks it’s going to get him anywhere,” Libby said. “That guy’s skating is complete Equus ferus feces.”

  I laughed and pushed the girls outside. “He’ll never be pro material, but he’s not so bad.”

  Libby scoffed. “He’s still an Equus africanus asinus.”

  I wasn’t exactly sure what that was, but I could imagine what it translated to. I laughed again until a small hand touched my arm. Avery was there with Grayson, and gave me a big grin. “Ignore Libby. We hate Joey on principle because he stole Jenna Wilcox from Brandon.”

  I tried to imagine Joey’s cheerleader girlfriend with the tall, skinny freckled nerd from Avery’s science club, and just couldn’t manage it. Kate broke me from my thoughts. “That’s one story I’ve never heard. I can’t imagine Jenna Wilcox going with Brandon Campbell at all.”

  Avery laughed. “None of us really can, but we’ve seen the pictures. Poor guy has never gotten over her. Sun Li is crazy about him, but he pretends like he doesn’t know she’s crushing on him, because he’s still hung up on Jenna.”

  We reached the ramp, where Kendrick was waiting for us. As we dropped all the equipment into a pile, Kate said, “Sounds like Brandon needs to take his own twelve-step journey. I mean, if it worked for Libby, it could probably work for him, too.”

  Grayson slipped her arm over Kate’s shoulder. “Spoken like a true science geek.”

  “Hey! I’m not a science geek.”

  Grayson sighed. “I keep trying to tell myself the same thing, but that doesn’t make it true. I’m afraid you’re doomed, skater girl. I heard you’re going to join Brandon’s study group next year. Fair warning: the Science Squad has a way of sucking you in and converting you.”

  Kate pushed Grayson away from her, and as the group continued to banter, I spotted a familiar face in the crowd. Above the crowd, really. The jerk was almost seven feet tall. I nudge Libby with my elbow. “I think you have a visitor.”

  Libby’s eyes scanned the crowd, and she stiffened. “You want me to come with?” I asked.

  I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until she smiled at me and said, “Always.”

  We broke away from the crowd in the parking lot and met Owen near the front entrance of the store. His eyes were fixed on our linked hands as we approached. He struggled with some internal battle for a moment, and then looked at Libby. “Libs, can we talk?”

  Libby pulled her hand out of mine and shifted herself into a badass stance. “Sure. Talk.”

  Owen’s eyes flicked to me and his jaw clenched. “Can we talk privately?”

  My blood boiled, but I managed to keep my mouth shut. Barely. And only because Libby spoke first. “No, Owen. Adam and I are together now. If you need to say something, go ahead, but I told you on prom night that I was done.”

  I was impressed with how calm she sounded. She was the only one who managed it. Owen sucked in a sharp breath through his nose, and his face flushed red. “You’re dumping me for that coffee-serving loser?”

  I gritted my teeth. His insult stung more than I cared to admit. I stepped forward to beat his ass, but Libby grabbed me before I could throw a punch. Then she shocked me with the nicest compliment I’d ever received. “Adam is a hundred times the man you will ever be. But as smart, and sexy, and thoughtful, and selfless as he is, I didn’t dump you for him.”

  Now I knew why Libby had been so unsettled the first time I’d really complimented her. It was almost as if I couldn’t believe it. Like my head wouldn’t let my heart accept the things she was saying, even though I was sure she meant them.

  “I did it for me,” Libby continued. “Because I wanted to. Needed to.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Owen glared at me as if I were the one who’d spoken, and tried to make himself look even bigger by standing up straight and pulling his shoulders back.

  I stiffened again, and Libby slipped her arm around my waist, hugging me tightly as if tethering me to her so I couldn’t attack Owen. “It means,” she said, “that I didn’t want to keep seeing someone who only used me for sex and refused to be my boyfriend because I’m fat and nerdy and he was embarrassed of me.”

  The blood drained from Owen’s face, and he actually looked hurt as he frowned at Libby. Libby shrugged, completely unfazed. “Is it not true? The fact that I’m amazeballs in the sack is the only reason you ever liked me.”

  I fisted my hands at my sides, barely able to stomach this conversation. I hated thinking of the two of them together almost as much as I hated knowing Libby wasn’t exaggerating about the way Owen had treated her.

  Owen dragged his hand through his hair. “Shit, Libby, that’s not true. I like you for a lot of reasons. That’s the problem.”

  And that was it. I was going to kill the bastard. “You son of a bitch!”

  I didn’t realize I’d lunged until Libby had to use force to hold me back. “Adam, easy. Relax.”

  Yeah, right.

  I glared at her and she flashed me a small I-got-this smile, then folded her arms across her chest. She had to let go of me to do it, so I grabbed her by the belt loop of her jeans and pulled her back against my chest. I took a deep breath as I linked my hands around her. If I was holding her like this, I couldn’t pound the douche she was talking to. “Liking me is a problem?” she asked Owen once she was sure Owen and I weren’t going to tear each other apart.

  Owen grimaced. He looked tortured, as if he knew his answer was going to get him in worse trouble. “It’s not ideal,” he finally said.

  Libby stiffened, and I shook with the need to kick his ass. If I hadn’t been holding onto Libby, I definitely would have. “Screw you,” Libby said.

  Owen let out a huff of air. “Cut me some slack, Libs. I’m just being honest. I can get any girl I want. Beautiful girls. Models with perfect bodies. Do you know the kind of shit I’ll get for having you as a girlfriend? But I don’t care anymore, because none of those other girls make me laugh the way you do. When we were together, you made me feel smart. And special.”

  Libby didn’t miss a beat. “Yeah, well you made me feel like a pathetic whore. You made me feel ashamed of myself.”

  Even though I’d already known that—had been the one to tell her Owen treated her that way—I couldn’t stand to hear her say such awful things, and became desperate to make her feel something good. Squeezing her tight, I kissed the side of her head. She patted my arms where they trapped her stomach. “It’s okay, Adam.”

  “No, it’s not,” I growled.

  “Yes, it is,” Libby assured me. “Because I don’t feel that way anymore.”

  She spoke to Owen with an amazing sense of peace. “Thank you for finally realizing that I’m awesome sauce with a cherry on top.”

  “Yeah, you are,
Mad Libs,” Owen said, shocking me by sounding sincere. “You’re unicorn awesome.” He shook his head and his eyes softened, became pleading. “When you left me on prom night, I was pissed. I’d put a lot of thought and money into that night. I was tempted to find another girl to take out that night, but I didn’t want any other girl. I wanted you. Lately, you’re the only one I want. If I have to be exclusive to get you back, then I’ll be exclusive.”

  I was going to be sick to my stomach. Owen was standing here with his heart on his sleeve, saying everything Libby wanted to hear. So far she hadn’t stepped away from me, but I couldn’t help fearing I was going to lose her again. It was prom night all over again.

  Owen stepped closer with his hand outstretched to Libby, but at my glare, he dropped his hand. Still, the bastard had the balls to say, “Be my girlfriend, Libby. Maybe you won’t ever be the most beautiful girl in the world, but I can live with that. I need you, wildcat.”

  I wanted to pick Libby up and carry her away. Pulling her a step back, I clung to her tightly, as if to shield her from him. “She said it’s over, asshole. You need to leave her alone.”

  “Adam, it’s okay.” She twisted in my arms and leaned her cheek against my chest, sliding one of her arms around my waist. The move calmed me instantly, and I held her to me as if my life depended on it.

  Still holding onto me, she looked at Owen and quietly said, “I’m sorry, Owen. You might want me, but I don’t want you anymore. I don’t want to be with someone who’s only settling for me because he likes the way I make him feel. I want someone who feels lucky to have me. Someone who thinks I’m beautiful inside and out.”

  Owen flinched back, realizing the cold, hard truth that he was being rejected. The vulnerability only lasted a second before he scoffed bitterly. “Whatever. You’re not worth this bullshit, anyway.”

  “Yes, you are,” I whispered as Owen stormed away. “You’re absolutely worth it.”

  Libby shifted once more so that she was now pressed flat against me. I was surprised to see a grin on her face. “It seems Avery’s done it again. The Libby Garrett Intervention is officially a success. Thank you for your part in it, oh great spiritual guide.”

  She slid her arms up over my neck, and my hands happily followed her lead, sliding low around her waist. I smirked as I pulled her to me as tightly as I could. “My motives were purely selfish, I assure you.”

  My adrenaline had been through the roof since the moment Owen had shown up. As I lowered my mouth to Libby’s, I used all of that energy—all of that raw emotion—and channeled it into a kiss I hoped Libby would never forget. I’d wanted this girl for so long, and she was finally mine. I wasn’t going to waste the opportunity.

  When we pulled apart we could hardly breathe, but neither of us was willing to let the other go just yet. We held each other until we caught our breaths, and I used the moment to say something I’d known for years but had never admitted out loud before. “I love you, Libby Garrett.”

  Her eyes twinkled, and she brought her lips back to mine. “I love you, too, Adam Koepp.”

  I chuckled. “I wasn’t sure you knew my real name.”

  She shrugged, her arms still around my neck. “It seemed like an appropriate time to use it, but you’ll always be my Coffee Man.”

  After one last quick kiss, she let me go and glanced toward the crowd in the parking lot. Kendrick was keeping them all occupied, but I noticed Avery and Grayson weren’t watching him skate. They were watching us. Avery grinned when she saw us and gave us two big thumbs up.

  Libby returned the gesture with equal enthusiasm, and then elbowed me as if I needed to do the same. Instead, I grabbed my girlfriend’s hand and dragged her over to our friends. Avery jumped forward and squealed as she hugged Libby. “Finally! I’m so excited.”

  Grayson and I both laughed, and Libby slapped me playfully on the butt. “What are you still doing here? Go do your thang, superstar. Get your skate on.”

  I was still laughing as I reached the ramp. Kendrick jumped off his skateboard and gave me a curious look as he handed me my helmet. There was a playful glint in his eyes, so I just shrugged and said, “She’s definitely trouble.”

  He nodded. “Big trouble.”

  Kendrick introduced me to the crowd, and I was more than happy to get some of my energy out on my skateboard. According to Libby, I killed it like a kitten caboodle. I took that to mean I did a good job.

  After I skated, there were a lot more people who wanted to take pictures with me or get my autograph. I felt like a full-fledged celebrity. As awesome as it was, I couldn’t wait until the day was over. I had something else on my mind. I had a girlfriend now, and I needed some quality time with her.

  It took forever for the doors to close and Sean to give us the okay to leave, but when the miracle finally occurred, Libby grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the store. She was as anxious to get out of there as I was. “Where’s the fire, Cider Chick?”

  She gave me a look that, typically, I’m known for giving her. “We’re not far enough away from my parents for me to answer that question out loud. But rest assured, Coffee Man, I will show you exactly were the fire is before this night is over.”

  I laughed. “Maybe we should go on a real date first.”

  “I plan to. Of course, we’re both totally broke, so a date will have to be a trip over to the hill so I can teach you how to freeboard, and then a movie on my couch after we raid my parents’ refrigerator. Maybe a little show-and-tell session afterward. I still need to search you for hidden tattoos.”

  She couldn’t have suggested anything better. I grabbed her hips and pulled her to me. “Sounds perfect.”

  She threw her arms around my neck and pressed her lips to mine. “You have no idea. I told my parents they had to check into a hotel tonight because I have big plans for us and the hot tub.”

  I immediately stopped kissing her. “Please tell me you’re kidding.”

  She gave me a wicked smile. “I’m kidding. But I was tempted. My father would deserve it.”

  She pulled my face back to hers, and I kissed her again with nearly as much enthusiasm as I had earlier. She grinned against my lips. “We’d better get going, or we’re not going to make it to the hill.”

  She had a point. I took a breath and reluctantly stepped away from her, settling for holding her hand as she dragged me to the parking lot. “How are we going to get to the hill? Doesn’t your dad need his car?”

  Libby stopped walking and gave me a huge grin. “Funny you should ask.”

  She waved to the lime green VW beetle we were now standing in front of. I kid you not, the thing had eyelashes painted above the headlights, a nose and whiskers painted above the front bumper, and there were big fuzzy ears attached to the top. The license plate said MEOW. “Adam, meet The Gladiator, my graduation present.”

  As much as there were no words to describe the car in front of me, I managed to say what was on my mind. “So you finally decided? You chose a car over season lift tickets?”

  “I had to. I’m going to college in the fall, and I’ll need a way to come visit my boyfriend every weekend.” I grinned, liking the sound of that way too much. She matched my smile and wrapped her arms around my waist. “And besides…” She pushed herself onto her toes and kissed me softly. “I already have my season lift ticket. And I have a feeling it’s going to snow year round from now on.”

  And I had a feeling we weren’t going to make it to the hill tonight.


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  Kelly Oram wrote her first novel at age fifteen–a fan fiction about her favorite music group, The Backstreet Boys, for which family and friends still tease her. She’s obsessed with reading, talks way too much, and loves to e
at frosting by the spoonful. She lives outside of Phoenix, Arizona with her husband and four children. Connect with Kelly through social media: Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and Blog.

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  As always, I have to thank my husband first. Josh, you’re the most supportive man that ever existed, and I couldn’t do this without you. Thank you so much for everything. And thanks to my kids for being so awesome and loving me even when I’m so stressed out that I’m crabby all the time.

  A very special thank you to my twelve-step consultant, Stacey, for making sure I captured the spirit of the program without ever making light of it. I have so much admiration for those involved with the different twelve-step programs, and wanted to raise a little awareness in a lighthearted way without disrespecting the programs. Thank you for seeing me though this book and sharing your knowledge.

  To my awesome author friends Cassie Mae and Janette Rallison, thank you so much for taking the time to read the book and lend me your expertise. This book walked some fine lines along some sensitive topics and I couldn’t have made it work without your advice. And to my other beautiful beta readers, Karie, Robin, and Lisa, I can never say thank you enough. Your feedback is invaluable. Libby needed a lot of work and your insight really whipped her into shape. I appreciate that you are willing to be honest with me when I need it!

  And thank you to all the amazing reviewers and bloggers who have helped spread the word about the Science Squad novels, and Libby especially. Without you guys, I wouldn’t be able to share my work with so many people. You guys never cease to amaze me with your support. You truly rock!


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