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Let Me Love You

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by Morgan Rayne





  By Morgan Rayne

  Copyright 2012 by Morgan Rayne


  This book is dedicated to everyone that has accepted me and my writing into their lives. Thanks to you, I am continuing on this amazing journey, and I couldn’t be happier.

  Chapter 1

  The sun was shining brightly in the sky as a light breeze was floating through the trees; keeping the day tolerable in the summer heat.

  “It looks like another good turn out this year.” Lindsay was looking around at all the people gathered for the annual firefighter’s ice cream social.

  “Seems to be, but there will probably be even more people later. Go ask Jessie where she wants you to help out or what she needs you to do.” She gave Mitch a kiss on the cheek and headed off to find Jessie.

  Kids were running around playing tag and laughing together as their parents were talking amongst themselves. Fire crews from all over the county were setting up the waterball competition in the middle of the now blocked off streets, while wives and girlfriends were helping wherever they were needed and gossiping endlessly.

  The annual ice cream social was the biggest fundraiser of the year for the fire department and also the most fun. There were games, food, face painting and so much more. She finally spotted Jessie near the dessert tables, and slowly made her way through the crowd in that direction.

  “I didn’t think I would ever find you.” Jessie looked up and sighed.

  “I’m so glad you’re here. I need someone to guard the desserts while I go inside to get more. Those hooligans have been trying to steal them all day.” Jessie waved her hand in the direction of the large group gathered in the town square.

  “Who, the kids?” Lindsay asked while glancing around for the little rascals that were causing Jessie so much stress.

  “No the guys, they are worse than the kids sometimes.”

  “You know men never really grow up.”

  “No kidding, but enough about them. You come around here and sit your pretty pregnant butt down. I don’t know why you came to sit in this ungodly heat? Between pale skin and pregnancy, I don’t know which I should be more concerned about.” Jessie rubbed a hand over Lindsay’s barely showing belly.

  “Jessie, I’m only three months along; I’ll be fine. I’m wearing a sundress, I put on plenty of sunblock, and I promise to drink lots of water and stay in the shade as much as possible. Mitch wanted me to come and you know I wouldn’t miss the ice cream social for the world.” Jessie rolled her eyes and went inside the station to get more desserts.

  Lindsay found a chair and pulled it under the shade of the awning by the table. Her pregnancy had been quite a shock, but Lindsay couldn’t love the little peanut growing inside her more than if she had planned for it. She grabbed a bottle of water and began sipping it as she watched the whole town join together for a day of fun.

  Digging in her purse, Lindsay found her sunglasses and put them on in an attempt to hide the fact she was cat napping. She had been so tired the last month because of the morning sickness. Lindsay was just starting to nod off when Brad’s familiar voice broke through her sleepy brain.

  “You get more and more beautiful every day; pregnancy obviously agrees with you.” Brad Williams was Mitch’s old academy buddy and was the town flirt. Along with being very good looking and one hell of a charmer, Brad was a genuinely nice guy.

  “I’m not sure it agrees with me every morning, but thank you. What are you up to?”

  “I was going to try and sweet talk Jessie into letting me have some cherry pie, but you may be easier to convince.” Brad gave her his megawatt smile that had all the ladies in town throw themselves at his feet, but it wouldn’t work on her.

  “Think again buster. I was told to guard these with my life. No way am I going to suffer Jessie’s wrath for you.”

  “Spoil sport.” His smile slipped as he stared somewhere over Lindsay’s head. She couldn’t figure out why until he started speaking again. “Hey Mitch, good to see you”

  “You too” Mitch’s words came out clipped and gruff as he moved to stand next to Lindsay’s chair. She sat there watching the two men interact, but didn’t dare say anything.

  “I was trying to convince Lindsay here to let me have some cherry pie, but she’s a tough cookie to crack.”

  Mitch laid his hand on her shoulder as he continued to regard Brad with disgust. “Were you now?”

  “Yep, but I guess I’ll just have to wait like everyone else. See you in a little while.” Brad gave her an apologetic smile and made his exit without another word. He was a good twenty feet away when Mitch gave Lindsay’s shoulder a hard squeeze.

  “We are leaving in ten minutes. Be ready when I get back.” He left as quickly as he had come, and began talking to his chief a moment later. Lindsay saw him gesture in her direction and she cringed. The chief nodded a few times before shaking Mitch’s hand and waving to her.

  Lindsay’s pulse began to race as Mitch headed back in her direction. She could tell he was mad, but couldn’t figure out what set him off so suddenly.

  Jessie came back out of the fire house a few minutes later, carrying pies and brownies on each arm. Lindsay grabbed a few from her and set them in their spots on the tables.

  “I won’t be here to help after all; Mitch wants to go home.”

  “What, why? You just got here.” Lindsay tried to ignore the knowing look Jessie gave her and shrugged.

  “He’s just worried about me in the heat; it’s probably for the best. I’ll call you later and see how everything went.” Lindsay hated lying, but the truth was not something she wanted to admit. Jessie glanced up as Mitch was approaching and laid her hand on Lindsay’s arm.

  “I don’t think you should leave, I really don’t. Please…” Jessie’s plea was cut off as Mitch grabbed her hand.

  “Ready?” Before she could answer him, or say goodbye to her friend, Mitch gave her arm a sharp tug and headed for the parking lot.

  “Is something wrong?” He didn’t answer, but began walking faster towards the truck. When they reached the pickup, Mitch opened the door and waited for her to get in; still without a word. She situated herself on the warm seats before he slammed the door shut. This was not good. Lindsay would almost prefer his screaming and yelling rather than the silent treatment. At least when he was yelling she knew what she had done wrong, but right now… she was completely in the dark.

  Their house was only a five minute drive from the town square, and each minute aged Lindsay five years. Everything had been so great the last few months, but she was afraid that was all coming to an end today.

  Mitch still hadn’t said anything as he pulled the pickup into the driveway and exited the truck. Lindsay took a deep breath and tried to prepare herself for what may come next.

  He yanked her door open and waited impatiently for Lindsay to climb down. She did so cautiously and when her feet touched the ground, Mitch grabbed her upper arm and shoved her towards the back door.

  His keys were already in his other hands, so he slipped the key into the lock and pointed for her to go inside. As soon as she heard the back door click shut, Lindsay was hit with so much force on the back of her skull she fell to the floor.

  The pain from the blow distracted her enough that she wasn’t prepared for the kick to her ribs and stomach that came next. She tried to curl up into a ball, but that only seem to anger Mitch more.

  “Stop” Lindsay was trying to scream through the pain, but the kicks were coming too fast and she was having a hard time breathing.

  “You think I don’t know what’s going on? You think I’m stupid?” Mitch kicked towards her stomach again, but she got
her arms there just in time. She heard a crack and pain shot down her arm, but she held tight to protect the baby best she could. Lindsay coughed twice and nearly passed out as the hurt took over from that small action.

  “It’s his baby, isn’t it? I always knew you were a whore, but never thought you would be evil enough to flaunt it in public.”

  “Who’s?” She sobbed. Talking made everything worse, but she had no idea who he was screaming about. The kicks stopped and Lindsay thought he was finally done, but he had other ideas. Mitch grabbed her by the hair and started dragging her through the kitchen, and into the living room.

  “Don’t play dumb. You and Brad just couldn’t stay away from each other, could you? He threw her onto the couch and was on top of her seconds later. He started tearing at her dress, and ripped it partially from her body.

  “Stop, it’s not like that!” Lindsay was desperately trying to shove him off, but his much larger frame made it difficult. The back of his hand hit the right side of her face, and she could taste the blood coming from her now split open lip. She fought to get free, but he grabbed both of her hands and pinned them to the couch with one of his.

  “I’m sure you never told Brad to stop. You two make me sick. Humiliating me in front of the entire town like that.”

  Another hit connected to her left cheek this time and the room started getting dark. Lindsay was sure she would pass out, but Mitch had other ideas. He jerked her off the couch and headed for the stairs. Lindsay’s whole body was in agonizing pain and she could barely stand. “Get your ass moving now”

  “Mitch, please. I’m sorry. Let’s talk about this. I love you. There is no one else. I swear.” His grip on her arm tightened as they went up the stairs. Once they reached the top, he finally let go. Lindsay had seen Mitch angry before, even been hit by him on more than one occasion, but she had never seen the pure evil that was in his eyes right now.

  “You’re a liar and a whore, and I won’t put up with either. You will learn to respect me and appreciate everything I do for you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his large pocket knife.

  Lindsay backed away from him, but was stopped by the wall. “Please. I’m sorry.” She was barely squeezing the words out as a cold sweat broke out on her skin. The fear for her and her unborn child coursed through her veins as he closed the distance between them.

  “Shut Up! Every word you speak is a lie.” The blade was still folded in, but Mitch ran the handle along her cheek, and then further down until it rested on her stomach.

  “No one can save you. No one can hear you scream. You are mine until I say otherwise. Do you understand me?” Lindsay nodded her head and he put the knife back in his pocket. “Good. Now get moving to the bedroom.”

  Mitch began to push her down the hall, and Lindsay knew she needed to get out of there; the crazy look in his eyes, as he had traced her body with the knife, told Lindsay that this time he would do it. He was going to kill her.

  She walked as slow as possible down the hall, trying to come up with a plan to get out of there. Lindsay stopped at the door of the bedroom, but didn’t go inside.

  “Stopping won’t save you, nothing will.” She still hadn’t moved and Mitch was done waiting. He wrapped his arms around her in an anaconda tight grip and lifted her off the ground.

  Lindsay kicked and screamed, but with the whole town pretty much downtown, nobody would hear her. He grabbed her around the throat and with deadly calm whispered. “If you make one more peep, I will shut you up for good.”

  Lindsay quickly shut up. Mitch got her to the bed and started pulling at the rags that used to be her dress. I will not die today. I will not die today. Lindsay repeated that over and over in her head as Mitch undid his pants.

  When they were half way down his legs, Lindsay saw her opportunity to escape. With one hard kick to his chest, Mitch stumbled back and fell to the floor.

  The pain from moving so fast took a backseat as Lindsay bolted for the door. Mitch reached out his arm and tripped her, but luckily she didn’t fall. She stumbled into the wall across from the bedroom door and that misstep gave him enough time to catch her at the top of the stairs.

  Lindsay’s body was spun around so fast, that she didn’t have time to protect herself, as the shiny metal blade was thrust viciously toward her.

  “Nooooooooo No No No”

  “Lindsay! Lindsay! Wake up! Come on, wake up!” Lindsay’s eyes flew open as she frantically looked around the room. She realized someone was holding her around the shoulders and began swinging wildly.

  “Fuck!” Her fist connected with something soft and warm and she heard a pained grunt. “It’s just me. It’s Stella.”

  “Stella, get out of here. You have to leave. He’ll get you too.” Lindsay tried to get to her dresser and the gun hidden inside, but Stella clutched her from behind.

  “It was a nightmare. Nobody is here. Calm down.” The room came into focus more and Lindsay exhaled. She was in her bedroom with Stella, and no one else. Shit!

  “Sorry, did I hurt you?” Lindsay forgot about Stella spending the night so they could get an early start on moving her stuff in the morning.

  “I’ll live.” Stella said dryly.

  “I didn’t mean to hit you……or wake you up.”

  “I’m surprised you didn’t wake the whole freaking neighborhood. I’ve never heard someone scream that loud because of a nightmare. Are you ok?” Stella was now rubbing her hands up and down Lindsay’s arms and the gesture was making Lindsay relax.

  “I’m fine.” It was the same lie she had told for the last four years. After everything that bastard did to her, she would never be fine again. Stella released Lindsay and came around to stand in front of her.

  Bright green eyes were zeroed in on Lindsay, and she felt like a bug under a microscope. She started to walk past Stella to get out of the room, when she was stopped in her tracks by one question.

  “Lindsay…who’s Mitch?”


  Chapter 2

  How could she be so stupid? She never let anyone stay with her. Her nightmares had lessened over the years, but they still happened often enough that she should have known better.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You were screaming for this Mitch to stop. You were terrified and thought he was going to hurt me too. So what’s going on?” The concern in Stella’s voice was evident, but Lindsay couldn’t tell her; so she lied.

  “You must have misheard. Really, it was just a bad dream. You should go back to sleep. We have a big day today.” Lindsay knew she wouldn’t be sleeping anymore this morning, but there was no reason for Stella to stay up.

  “I can’t go back to sleep. Your screams are going to haunt me for days. Are you sure it was nothing? I’m here if you ever need to talk, you know that, right?” Tears began to rise and Lindsay tried to keep them from falling.

  “Thank you, but it’s really okay. I barely remember it.” Wanting this conversation to be over, Lindsay started walking again. “Do you want some coffee?”

  “That would be great.” Stella still looked upset, but didn’t say anything more. The two of them drank coffee and attempted to wake up in Lindsay’s mostly packed kitchen. Even though it was only five in the morning, they got busy packing up the rest of her belongings.

  “The boys are almost here. Do you think we’ll be ready?” Stella was reading a text from her phone and looking around the boxed up apartment. They had been hard at work for two hours and Lindsay was more than ready to take all of the boxes to her new apartment. But Stella’s first statement caught Lindsay’s attention.

  “Boys, I thought it was just Alex.” Stella gave her a mischievous smile and Lindsay’s stomach tightened. There was only one person that could be coming.

  “Kyle came over the other night and we were talking about it. He really wanted to help, so he switched schedules with someone at the fire station. Alex just picked him up. Is that a problem?”

  Lindsay schooled her face into an indifferent expression. If she gave Stella one little glimpse of how Kyle affected her, she would never hear the end of it. “That’s fine. It will make things go faster. I just didn’t know he was coming.”

  “Kyle baffles me. He is such a cad when it comes to everyone else, but when you’re around or even mentioned, he practically trips over himself. Is there something going on I don’t know about?” Stella wiggled her eyebrows.

  Lindsay shook her head so hard she made herself dizzy. “Absolutely not, why would you think that? You’re seeing things. Kyle could care less about me. Plus, do you really think I would be with someone who has slept with half of Chicago?”

  “Half of Chicago is quite an exaggeration; maybe a forth.” Lindsay snapped her head around from the box she was packing and was now staring at the deep chocolate brown eyes of Kyle Brady. Damn!

  “Uh…I didn’t hear the door open.” She wanted to smack her forehead. Like telling him that would make her words sting less.

  Kyle and Alex came inside the rest of the way and shut the door. “I guess that means I won’t be getting a kiss for my services.” Kyle had a sexy smile playing on his lips and winked at her.

  He really was a cocky bastard, but it was charming instead of obnoxious like most men. Kyle was a hard man to resist. Between his closely cropped black hair, dark brown eyes, oh-so-kissable lips, tanned skin and rippling muscles; muscles Lindsay wanted to run her hands over…

  NO! Stop right there. Stop thinking about Kyle like he’s an entrée you want to devour. Haven’t you learned anything? She shook her head to clear it and quickly came up with a comeback to his kissing crack.

  “I’m sure Alex won’t mind taking care of that for you.” Stella laughed and Alex shuddered. Kyle’s sexy smirk never wavered.

  “Alex wouldn’t hold a candle to you, Red.”

  Damn it. It was like the man had a direct link to her hormones. Every time she was near him, her temperature rose a few degrees. And when he called her Red; mmmmm, it was like a caress from her head to her toes. Lindsay needed to put a stop to their flirty banter, right now.


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