Let Me Love You

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Let Me Love You Page 11

by Morgan Rayne

  “Nope” Lindsay made the word pop. What her and Kyle did or didn’t do was between them. “I’ll only say that we had a nice time and I’m glad I agreed to the date.”

  “Alright, I’ll let it go. But only because you are absolutely beaming right now and I like seeing you this happy.”

  “Thank you, I like feeling this happy; it’s a nice change.” As they finished their coffee and headed to work, snippets of last night and this morning played through Lindsay’s mind. She groaned as the ache between her legs worsened with each memory she replayed. This was going to be a long day.


  “Can’t you make this thing go any faster?”

  “I don’t know what’s up your ass tonight, but you need to shut the hell up and let me drive. We will get back to the station when we get there.” Kyle glared across the cab of the fire truck at Rodriguez.

  Tonight had been one of the busiest shifts he had ever worked, or at least it felt that way. This was already their fourth call since he came on at three and Kyle was taking his frustrations out on the rest of the crew. All he wanted to do was get back, take a shower and call Lindsay.

  Fire station five came into view and he forced himself to stay inside the truck as it was slowly backed into the bay. Rodriguez barely got the gear shift into park before Kyle jumped out and started removing his gear. Making sure it was all in the right places for the next call, he raced to the shower; stripping as he ran.

  Knowing they would have more calls tonight, Kyle cleaned himself just enough to feel human again and wrapped a towel around his waist. He walked to his bunk to get his phone and ignored the curious looks from the other men at his state of undress.

  The clock on the wall read eleven-fifty, but Lindsay said to call whenever so he did just that. Three rings later, she picked up.

  “You sure know how to keep a girl in suspense.”

  “Sorry it’s so late, but we’ve had back to back calls all day. Is that your way of saying you’re glad I called?” A collective round of cat calls and smooching sounds floated around the room, and Kyle flipped off his coworkers over his shoulder.

  “Not at all” Her words would have hurt if Lindsay hadn’t sounded so amused after she said them.

  “So you’re up at midnight for no reason?”

  “Nope, I’m watching my favorite late night talk show. Craig and I have this date every weeknight.” Kyle knew it was stupid to be jealous of a television host, but he wanted to be the one there occupying Lindsay’s time.

  “You sure know how to bruise a guy’s ego.” Lindsay just laughed.

  “A nuclear bomb couldn’t bruise your ego. But if it makes you feel better, I am very glad called.” Kyle walked to his locker to get his clothes as he listened to Lindsay. If they got a call while he was on the phone he needed to be ready.

  “Good. So how did the rest of your morning go after I left; were you late?”

  “Thanks to you and that kiss this morning, I had to deal with Stella and her barrage of questions as soon as the door closed; not to mention the effect it had on me.”

  “Oops, I’m sorry.” Kyle said the word, but he really wasn’t sorry at all. That had been a great start to the day, and a way to make sure Lindsay thought about him all day. He pressed the phone between his cheek and shoulder as he pulled on his underwear and then his jeans. He sat down to put on his socks as Lindsay replied.


  “I know it, but I couldn’t help myself. You’re very tempting.” Tempting, sexy, seductive and so fucking sweet Kyle didn’t know what he would do if she finally realized she was too good for him.

  “You’re forgiven this time.”

  “You’re very generous.” She scoffed over the line and he laughed. “So what did you tell detective Stella.”

  “That we had dinner and fell asleep watching movies. The rest is none of her business.” He knew Stella well enough to know that she probably badgered Lindsay for more details than that.

  “I’m sure she wasn’t too thrilled with the shortened version.”

  “She wasn’t, but she understood. She was the same way after her first night with Alex.”

  “I promise I won’t be talking to Alex about it either. I agree it’s nobody else’s business.” Kyle thought he heard Lindsay sigh in relief, but he wasn’t sure. “Now comes the important question, when can I see you again?”

  “I’m not sure.” It was like a ten pound weight sank in his stomach. Kyle was so used to women throwing themselves at him, that going slow was an entirely new concept.

  “I don’t want you to take that the wrong way. I had a great time with you last night. It’s just that this is all so new to me and I don’t want to rush things. I know my actions last night and this morning contradicts that, but…I’m not explaining this very well am I?”

  “Lindsay, you don’t have to explain. We are going at your pace with this. I will wait as long as you want to.” Waiting may kill him, but if that’s what it took to earn her trust, Kyle would do it.

  “I can’t give you a definite time frame for when I might be ready for well, you know, but hanging out and getting to know each other better wouldn’t suck.” Lindsay laughed softly, but he could tell she was nervous to hear his answer.

  “Like I said, I’m not in a hurry. I know my reputation isn’t exactly great, but I’m trying to change. If all we do is go out and share a few kisses, I’m fine with that. There is still kissing involved right?”

  This time when Lindsay laughed, it was full of joy. “Well…I may have to insist on that as a condition. It’s the least I can do to repay you for all of your patience.”

  “You’re very kind.” They shared another snicker and Kyle was happy Lindsay had told him what she wanted. They talked a few more minutes, but got interrupted when the alarm sounded for a residential fire. He promised to call her tomorrow and hung up. Kyle threw his phone in his open locker, and hurried into his shirt and boots.

  He ran into the bay and put on his gear just in time to hope on the truck. Ten seconds later, the truck was on the road and the adrenaline was pumping through Kyle. No matter how many calls he went on Kyle always got the same feelings, excitement mixed with a little fear; today was no different.


  Chapter 12

  Almost two weeks had passed since Lindsay and Kyle’s first date. They talked on the phone every day, but between his schedule and hers they hadn’t seen each other; tonight that was finally going to change. He told her about a friend of his that just moved back to Chicago, and they were all going to meet him at Maxwell’s later.

  “Hurry up; we are going to be late.”

  “Hold your horses, we still have half an hour. You’ll see Kyle soon, I promise.” Stella yelled from her bedroom. Lindsay decided to ride with Stella and Alex to the bar just in case she and Kyle decided to do something else after.

  Alex came into the living room and sat in the chair across from the couch where she was sitting. “She didn’t used to take so long to get ready; you and Vicki created a monster.”

  Lindsay slumped back onto the couch. “No she’s right, we have plenty of time. I guess I’m just anxious to get there.”

  Alex gave her a knowing look. “So…I assume that means things are good between you and Kyle.”

  She and Alex had talked before, but never about something like this; it was a little weird. “I guess. We’ve only had one date, but he calls every night or during my lunch. We are taking things slow.”

  “I’ve known Kyle a long time.” His voice took a very serious tone. “I love him like a brother and that’s why I can say what I’m about to.”

  He paused for a brief moment. “I’ve seen Kyle do a lot of dumb shit. I’ve bailed him out more times than I care to count, and I’ve watched him go through women like they were disposable to him.” Lindsay opened her mouth to say something, but Alex lifted his hand to stop her.

  “Let me finish. He’s not a bad guy, and most of the women he was with k
new it wouldn’t go further than just one night. I know Kyle has his reasons for the way he’s lived his life up until this point, and they are valid. But no matter what his faults have been in the past, he has always been one of the most loyal people I’ve ever known. If it weren’t for him, I would have lost Stella forever, and for that I will always be grateful.”

  “Why are you telling me all of this?”

  “Because since he told me about his feelings for you a few weeks ago, I’ve never seen him happier. The changes he’s made astonish me and they were all for you. I didn’t say this to freak you out, I guess I just felt like I needed to defend my buddy against his idiotic past and tell you he’s not the same person he used to be.”

  Before Lindsay could respond, Stella came into the room. “I’m ready, sorry it took so long.” She looked between the two of them. “Is everything okay?”

  Alex gave her an unsure look and Lindsay smiled reassuringly at him. “Everything’s great, let’s go.” As they all headed toward the door, she reached out and touched his arm.

  “Thank you for telling me all of that, and I promise I won’t say anything to Kyle about it.” He winked at her but didn’t say anything more; he didn’t need to. Alex had confirmed what she was already starting to realize; Kyle was one of the good ones.

  The three of them piled into Alex’s Camry and headed to the bar. Lindsay was curious about Kyle’s friend, so she asked Alex more about him. “So who is this Cooper that’s coming tonight?”

  Alex laughed. “Cooper Wilde. He and Kyle have been friends their whole lives. Grew up next door to each other and were basically inseparable. Coop was always the life of the party and an all-around good guy. We all used to hang out together, until Cooper moved to L.A seven or eight years ago.”

  “Kyle mentioned something about him working for the Crush, but didn’t say why he moved back to Chicago.” Alex shrugged.

  “I asked Kyle but he doesn’t know. I guess he got the impression Coop didn’t want to talk about it. I haven’t seen him since he moved away, but I’m glad he’s back. He’s one of those people that you can’t help but smile around.” It would be nice to talk to someone that knew Kyle in his younger days, and she was glad he would have a close friend back in his life.

  When Alex pulled into the parking lot a little while later, Lindsay couldn’t stop the grin that crept onto her face when she saw Kyle’s truck. She didn’t want to seem too desperate, but the wheels had just stopped turning when she opened the door and headed for the building.

  Alex and Stella followed right behind, but at a much more leisurely pace than hers. She could hear them chuckling, but Lindsay didn’t care. It felt like two months since she saw Kyle last, instead of two weeks.

  When she reached the door to Maxwell’s, Lindsay took a deep breath and waited for them to catch up. Alex opened the door and she was the first to go inside; telling him thank you as she passed. The bar was dark, but Lindsay’s eyes adjusted and zeroed in on Kyle immediately.

  As if he could sense her as well, Kyle turned and their eyes locked; at that moment no one else existed. She weaved in and out of the tables as fast as she could without running, on her way to where Kyle was standing near the back.

  He opened his arms as she neared, and Lindsay all but jumped into them. Not wasting anytime, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled Kyle down to fuse their lips together. His surprise at her forwardness quickly turned to passion as he kissed her back with the same desperate desire.

  Both of them nipped and teased the others mouth as they lost themselves in the kiss; forgetting all about where they were. When they finally broke apart, Kyle had to put his hand on the back of the chair next to him to get his balance. Lindsay rubbed a finger over her kiss swollen lips and gave him an innocent smile. “Hi”

  He blinked his eyes like he was trying to bring her into focus. “Hi.”

  The one word came out like he had just run a marathon, and Lindsay liked that she could do that to him. “I missed you.”

  Kyle still looked dazed, but this time when he spoke, a little of his normal cockiness was there. “Apparently. If that’s what happens after two weeks, I should stay away longer next time.

  Lindsay narrowed her eyes at him and tried to pull away, but Kyle held tightly to her. “I’m just kidding. I couldn’t stay away from you if I tried.”

  She thought about making him suffer, but being in his arms felt too good. “Don’t try then.”

  Kyle bent his head down to give her a much gentler kiss this time. “I’ve missed you too.”

  Lindsay leaned into his chest and enjoyed the already familiar embrace, until she heard a disgusted groan from behind her. “Ugh, not you two too.”

  Victoria’s surliness made Lindsay turn in Kyle’s arms, but she didn’t moving away. “I didn’t know you were here.”

  “This place could have been on fire and you wouldn’t have noticed.”

  “Good thing I would have had a fireman to save me.” Victoria rolled her eyes and everyone else laughed. “I thought you had to work tonight? Did the devil decide to let you out on time today?”

  “Apparently he had plans tonight, so I was released from the depths of hell early. I swear I wish I could just walk away.”

  “Who is she talking about?” Kyle whispered in her ear. The feel of his breath on her skin sent a shiver through her body, and when he chuckled softly she knew he felt her bodies’ reaction to him. Trying to block it out, Lindsay smacked his hand and went on.

  “Vicki’s new client that refuses to listen to her”

  Vicki interrupted. “He knows I’m right, but he ignores me just to be an ass.”

  “Why do you put up with it? Why not just drop him as a client?” Kyle snuggled her closer to his chest, but still seemed genuinely interested in the conversation going on.

  “I wish I could, but if word got around I dropped someone because they were difficult my reputation would take a hit; not to mention the huge account I could get after I’m finished.”

  “Also she has a huge crush on him.” Lindsay couldn’t resist throwing that piece of information into the mix.

  “For the last time, I do not have a crush on…” Alex, who had been at the bar, came back just then carrying two drinks. He started to give Stella hers, when Victoria snatched the drink and downed it.

  “What the fuck? Why is there water in a glass like this?” Stella and Alex quickly looked at each other and then back at Vicki. Neither of them said a word, but Lindsay could tell something was going on by the way they were acting. Stella fidgeted with a napkin on the table and pieces of the past week crossed her mind.

  Over the last few days at work, Stella had been more tired than usual and sitting down a lot. A couple of times she had rushed from the room, only to come back pale and sweaty minutes later. When Lindsay asked her about it, she just waved it off saying she was probably coming down with something.

  Now as Lindsay stood there watching the scene in front of her, she knew why Stella hadn’t been feeling well and was drinking water instead of alcohol. It was the same way she felt four years ago. “Oh my God”

  Two sets of eyes turned in Lindsay’s direction and she had her answer. She could tell the couple didn’t want to say anything yet, but when Stella smiled and nodded at Lindsay she couldn’t contain her excitement.

  She pushed out of Kyle’s arms and went to hug Stella. Vicki was still standing there holding the now empty glass confused as could be. “What is going on? What are you getting all worked up about?”

  Alex came over to help Stella out of her chair and slid his arm around her waist. “You might as well tell her before she explodes.”

  Vicki put her hands on her hips, and Lindsay tried to hide her grin. “Tell me what?”

  “We were going to wait a couple more weeks to tell everyone, but seeing as I’m pretty sure Lindsay has figured it out we’ll do it now.” Stella and Alex shared a look that was filled with so much love she had tears in her eyes. “I�
��m pregnant.”

  As if it had never been there, Victoria’s bad mood evaporated and was replaced by screams of joy. “Are you serious? I’m going to be an aunt? When did you find out? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Victoria bolted for her sister, and engulfed her in a tight embrace that made Stella stumble back a bit. Thankfully Alex was holding onto her, or she might have fallen over. “I took the test at the beginning of the week. We were going to tell everyone after I saw the doctor next week and confirmed it.”

  “I’m so happy for both of you.” Vicki let go of Stella and gave Alex a hug too. Kyle was the next to make his way into the mix; shaking Alex’s hand and hugging and kissing Stella on the cheek.

  “Congrats! Tonight drinks are on me.” Stella pointed out she could only have water, and Kyle laughed. “Okay, Alex’s drinks are on me.”

  “Nope, I told Stella I would only have one since she can’t drink. While she’s pregnant I won’t be drinking.” The four of them talked animatedly as Lindsay looked on; the previous joy she had felt melting away fast.

  She was very happy for Stella and Alex, but the sadness from her loss was creeping in and she didn’t want to ruin this moment by falling apart in the middle of the bar.

  Since everyone was preoccupied, Lindsay made her way to the side door that led to the patio area. She stepped into the warm night air just as the first tear fell.

  Four years later, she still felt the pain and regret like it was yesterday. Finding a patio chair, she sat down and let all the pain flow from her eyes. She heard the door opening behind her and quickly wiped at her eyes; she didn’t want anyone to see her like this.

  “Lindsay, what is it? What’s wrong?” Kyle was now squatting in front of her, and started running his hands up and down her legs.


  “You’re crying, that’s not nothing” She could see the plea in his eyes for her to trust him, but this was not a conversation Lindsay wanted to have outside a bar; or anywhere really.


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