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Grand Opening 2

Page 15

by Carl Weber

  “Stay in the car and lock the door. I’ll be right back.” Eddie sounded scared. “I gotta go handle some business right quick.”

  We weren’t in the safest part of town, and although I had been in worse places in my darker days, I still didn’t want to be left alone, especially with that scary-looking motherfucker staring at me.

  “Do you know him? Who is it?” I asked, staring at the man who was now leaning against his car.

  “Just wait here for a second.” Eddie climbed out of the car and walked over to the stranger.

  I cracked open my window, wide enough to hear their conversation, but not enough for someone to reach an arm or even a gun—through.

  “Hey, man, what are you doing here?”

  “I came to see you. We got a problem,” the guy said, puffing away at his cigarette. “The boss wants to up the timetable on Dwayne McCarty.”

  “I don’t got that much. I just started working on it.” Eddie looked pretty shook up.

  “Well, he’s got something to do with that old broad Bettie, and they want to find out what it is before they move her.”

  The guy began talking low, and I couldn’t make out the rest of what he was saying. All I could understand were the words “old woman” and “Homerville.” They had to be talking about Bettie Duncan. I could feel it in my gut.

  Desperate to hear more, I cracked the window open an inch more and leaned toward it.

  “I can’t go right now. I got plans with my girl,” Eddie said.

  “Fuck your girl and cancel them plans,” the man said, snatching him up by the collar. “Now hurry up and get rid o’ the broad. I’m driving.”

  “Okay, okay.” Eddie looked over at me, and I quickly pretended to be checking my reflection in the rearview mirror. “Lemme get her home safe, and I’ll get there as soon as I can.”

  “What part of ‘I’m driving’ don’t you understand?” the guy asked him just before lighting another cigarette and climbing into his car. “Do you want to ride there in the trunk?”

  “A’ight, just give me a second,” Eddie said, sounding defeated. He walked over to the car.

  “Who the fuck was that?” I asked as soon as he got in.

  “Nobody important. But listen, you take my car and head on home. I got some business to handle.”

  “What about dinner? And the movie we were supposed to go see?” I folded my arms across my chest, pretending to be disappointed.

  “I’ll make it up to you. I gotta head up the road right quick.”

  “Let me go with you,” I suggested. I was nervous, but still halfway hoping he would say yes and I would be able to find out exactly where Bettie Duncan was.

  “Naw, I can’t do that.” He leaned over and kissed me on his way out of the car . “I’ll see you back at your place in a couple of hours.”

  I watched them leave and rushed to get into the driver’s seat to follow. Thanks to a tractor trailer blocking my exit, by the time I got out of the parking lot, they were long gone.

  From the corner of my eye, I spotted a pay phone and I got an idea. I jumped out of the car and rushed over to the phone. I dropped a dime into the slot and quickly dialed Lou’s number, praying that he would pick up. It rang twice, and as soon as he answered, I blurted out, “She’s alive, Lou!”

  “What? Are you sure?” His voice was shaking.

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  I told him everything that Eddie had said in the car, and then about the guy he’d just left with. “They’re in a green Cadillac, and I think they’re headed to Homerville.”



  “That movie was so funny. I haven’t laughed like that in a long time. Thank you,” I said to Eric as he passed me some of the best reefer I’d ever smoked. We were sitting in his car by Ware County Reservoir, about twenty minutes south of Waycross.

  “Me either. I can’t wait for us to come back and see the one with Richard Pryor.”

  I stopped mid-inhale. “Us?”

  “Yeah, unless you don’t wanna come see it with me?” Eric turned to me with a questioning look.

  I didn’t know what to say, so I put the joint back in my mouth. When we were watching the preview for the Richard Pryor movie, I knew I wanted to see it, but I never thought there would be a possibility of it happening.

  “I’d like that,” I said softly.

  “Good. ’Cause now that I’ll be working down here, I’m gonna do just that. You’ve always been special to me, Shirley.” Eric reached over and took my hand. The smile on his face and the look in his eyes made me feel as if I were the most beautiful woman in the world. It was something I hadn’t felt since the early days with Levi.

  “You’re going to be working here?”

  “Yep.” He nodded. “We’re expanding our business into south Georgia. I’m going to be spearheading that expansion.”

  I held my breath for a second. I loved the idea of him being around, but I was afraid of him running into Levi or the rest of the Duncans. “Eric, there’s something I need to tell you.”

  He chuckled. “I already know all about Levi Duncan, Shirley. He’s the big guy you were at the wedding with, right?”

  “Yes.” I swallowed hard. “How did you know?”

  “It’s not important. What I need to know is, do you love him?”

  I released a big sigh. “I don’t know.... Sometimes I think I do.”

  Eric slowly nodded his head. “Sounds like you have one foot in the door and one foot out.”

  I raised my eyebrows and laughed. “That about sums it up.” I passed him the joint as I steered the conversation away from me and Levi. “And what about you? You still married?”

  “Divorced. I’m the kind of man who needs a queen, not a princess. I’m trying to build something, and I don’t need some weak woman standing in my way.”

  “I hear that. Most men want a puppet or a Barbie doll.” I was flattered that he seemed to be telling me I wasn’t in that category.

  “So, let me ask you a question, Shirley.” He toked on the joint.


  “I know your name is on the sign out front, but do you really own Big Shirley’s?”

  I tensed up for a second, wondering if I should tell the truth. I hadn’t lied when I told Eric I was now running the place, but I wasn’t exactly honest either. I took a deep breath and said, “No, I don’t.”

  He frowned. “So, my people were right, the Duncans do own it, huh?”

  “They pay me ten percent of the intake,” I said, a little defensively.

  “Ten percent? Shit, Shirley, that’s all?”

  I turned my head away in embarrassment. “Yep, that’s it.”

  He reached out, taking hold of my face and turning it back to him. “You’re worth more than that. Have you ever thought about owning your own place?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Leave the Duncans and open your own spot. Hell, you obviously got the knowledge and experience or they wouldn’t be having you running it. So, why not do it?” Eric nuzzled his chin against my forehead. “I’ve got some money. I can be your partner.”

  It was like déjà vu. He was giving me the same speech I had given Nee Nee. I had been so consumed with convincing her to open the Soul Cafe that opening my own place had never crossed my mind.

  “I can’t do that,” I told him.

  “Why not? Listen, I told you my family is expanding their business, and now would be the perfect time for us to partner and make shit happen. We could open up down in Brunswick off the interstate and get some of that I-95 traffic.”

  “It’s not that simple, Eric,” I said sadly.

  He pulled me closer into his arms, and I leaned back into his chest. I inhaled the scent, a combination of Old Spice after shave and Irish Spring soap. “I have Levi.”

  “Be for real, Shirley. Is he gonna marry you? Do you even wanna marry him?”

  I thought about what Eric was suggesting. He was presenting me wi
th what seemed like the opportunity of a lifetime. I could be my own boss and not have to work for pennies on the damn dollar. Eric and I could be partners, lovers.

  “I don’t know.” I shrugged.

  “Well, then let me convince you.”

  Eric slid his hand under my dress. I felt his fingers sliding along my thighs until they reached my panties. Heat began to rise between my legs as he eased the satin garment to the side and found the exact spot that he was looking for.

  “Shit,” I moaned. Maybe it was the effect of the marijuana, combined with the fact that I was pregnant—hell, it may have been because I was being fingered by a man who clearly knew what he was doing for a change—but I was hornier than I had ever been in my life.

  “Eric, wait,” I said, trying to push him away.

  “Come on, Shirley, you know you want it.” His fingers entered my wetness, causing me to gasp. It had been so long since I’d had a man touch me that way that I instantly melted. With Levi, it was pretty much straight fucking. Now, here with Eric, it was hot, inviting, and intimate. I closed my eyes, arched my back, and spread my legs wider. Then, I felt it—I was no longer being pleased by Eric’s fingers, but instead, I felt another sensation and realized he’d lowered his head between my legs. His arms brushed my hands away, and he tasted me with his tongue. The sensation was driving me insane, and I didn’t want it to ever end. All thoughts of Levi, the Duncans, and the baby I was carrying left my mind, and I allowed my body to enjoy this pleasure, even though I knew I may have been losing my soul in the process.



  The sound of someone coming down the stairs was loud enough to wake Lisa and me. As they came closer, she became more and more fidgety. We knew it was the monster; his heavy footsteps were unmistakable. It had been a few days since we’d seen him. Another guy had been bringing us scraps of food and water. He was at least a little nicer and he wasn’t abusive. I had hoped that the monster was gone forever, but that would have been too good to be true.

  “No, God, please no,” Lisa whimpered, trembling as she scrambled to the far corner of the room.

  I felt so bad for the young girl, because I knew just as well as she did what was about to happen. I didn’t have much time to talk. I just had to hope that she would do what I told her. I rushed beside her and gently placed my hands on her shoulders. “Lisa, I need you to listen to me.”

  Lisa’s eyes were shut, and she shook her head from side to side in a frenzy. “No, no, no.”

  “Lisa, look at me. I need you to look at me right now!” I grabbed her tighter and shook her a bit. It was enough to get her attention. Tears streamed down her face, but she stared at me as I whispered, “We know what he wants, and I know this is gonna go against everything you believe, but baby girl, listen. You’re gonna have to just give it to him—willfully.”

  “What?” She looked terrified.

  “Yes, you’re going to have to. If you give it to him, he can’t take it by force, and he loses his power. When he comes to get you and takes you into that room, I need for you to act like you want it. Act like you’ve been missing it. When you do, you take back all the power he thinks he has over you.”

  Lisa looked at me like I had lost my damn mind. I knew my telling her to willingly fuck the man who had been raping her sounded sick, but I also knew that it would work. I had seen it work. In prison, once an inmate began to act like she enjoyed being fucked by an officer who had raped her, he stopped, as if he lost all desire to be with her. The thrill of forcefully fucking a woman was gone.

  “I can’t.”

  “You can. You have to if you want him to stop.”

  The lock on the door clicked, and he stepped inside. He didn’t see us at first, and then, his eyes spotted us in the corner, Lisa hovering and me comforting her.

  “There you are.” He stomped over to us. “You trying to hide from me?”

  “No,” Lisa cried and cowered behind me.

  “Leave her the fuck alone.” I stood up, but he smacked me across the face so hard that I stumbled and fell on top of her.

  “Get your old ass out the damn way. You better be glad you old as fuck, or I would be taking that pussy from you too, but I don’t do cobwebs.” His sinister laughter caused me to cringe in spite of the strength I wanted to portray.

  I pulled myself together and spat, “Your little-ass dick wouldn’t be able to handle it anyway, you non-fucking prick. The only time you probably get pussy is when you take it from her, and she’s already told me you’re a lousy fuck.” I laughed right back at him.

  His face contorted into a look of pure hatred, and he kicked me on my side. The pain was excruciating, but I refused to cry out. I had to take my own advice, and I knew that seeing my pain would only bring him more pleasure. Just as I prepared myself for another kick, I felt Lisa moving beside me.

  “Leave her alone,” she said softly as she stood up. “You didn’t come for her. You came for me.” The look of confusion on his face was priceless as she cupped his junk then brushed past him on her way to the door. “You coming?”

  As he followed her out of the room, her eyes met mine, and she gave me the slightest nod. It was time for her to take back her power. I closed my eyes and began to pray as the door slammed behind them. I waited for the sound of the lock, but it didn’t happen.

  Shit, this is my chance.

  My heart was beating out of my chest as I eased the door open enough to peek out. I eased out into the corridor as soon as I confirmed the coast was clear. I was just about to ascend the stairs when I heard Lisa’s whimpers.

  Forget that little girl, Bettie. Save yourself, I told myself, picking up a ten-inch wrench that was sitting on the desk outside my room. You can always come back and rescue her once you’re with the boys. Smartest thing you can do right now is run like the wind.

  Of course, you know I didn’t take my own advice. I turned around and headed for the room the noise was coming out of, brandishing the wrench like a club. The door was already half open, and I slipped in unnoticed. The monster was on top of Lisa with his back turned to me. I took a deep breath, moving as quickly and as silently as I could toward him. He turned briefly, but before he could react, I slammed the wrench upside his big-ass head.

  “Bettie, stop!” Lisa yelled from underneath him about ten blows in. I did as she asked, mainly because he wasn’t moving anymore.

  “Come on! We gotta get outta here.” I rolled his fat ass off her. He landed on the floor in one big thump. I grabbed her arm, tugging at it to make her follow me. She took one more angry glance at the monster. I’m sure she wanted to kick him or something, despite the fact he was lying there motionless.

  “I think he’s dead,” she said.

  “Yeah.” I smirked, waving her on. “That was the idea when I hit him with the wrench. Come on. Let’s get outta here.”

  I grabbed Lisa by the arm and we rushed out of the room, both in a panic. We took off down the hall to the stairs. Lisa was heaving and crying. I commanded her to hush as we tried to figure our way out. I didn’t know if he was the only one there, and I didn’t want to take a chance of anyone hearing us.

  “Be quiet,” I whispered and tried to listen for footsteps. When I didn’t hear anyone, I eased up the steps one at a time with Lisa right on my heels.

  We made it to the top, and thankfully the door was already cracked open. I held my breath, pushing it open just enough to stick my head out. It was a kitchen, but I couldn’t see beyond that point. I listened for a minute then moved slowly. Based on the rusted sink and filth on the floor, I could tell that wherever we were, it was abandoned and had been for a while. I spotted a rusted butcher knife on the worn countertop and grabbed it for protection to go with the wrench, just in case. I cursed myself for not thinking about taking that fool’s gun when I had the chance. I spotted what I hoped was a back door.

  BAM! We heard the loud noise coming from the basement and then loud footsteps.

  “Son of
a bitch, he was still alive,” I said. Lisa had already bolted toward the back door.

  She pulled at the doorknob, but it wouldn’t budge. She tried to turn the knob again and shook the door. It still wouldn’t move. Lisa began whimpering in frustration. I knew that as soon as he made it to the top of the stairs, because of the beating I’d put on him, our lives would be over.

  I pushed her out of the way and fumbled.


  Surprisingly, the knob turned for me, and I yanked the door open. We fled out into the darkness, stumbling over the uneven ground. We scrambled over rocks and trees, huffing and puffing to escape the demon behind us. Into the woods, through the bushes, and around the tall, thick trees, we continued running until Lisa’s foot got caught on something and she tumbled. I tried to help her up, but she couldn’t move.

  She shook her head and pushed me away. “Go ahead. You go.”

  “I’m not leaving you here by yourself. Come on.” I reached down, and after a brief hesitation, she put her arm around me and we continued our journey, much slower this time.

  “I have to stop,” Lisa said after a while as she released her arm from around my neck and fell to the ground.

  I didn’t know how long we ran or how far we had gotten, but I no longer heard the monster. I fell beside her, and we sat in silence, me with my fingers wrapped tightly around the knife. I hadn’t even realized how cold it was until I felt Lisa shivering. We were both still naked, and now in the middle of nowhere in the cold. I had to wonder if our escape had only led us to find death another way. I closed my eyes and began to pray.

  God, please don’t let us die now.

  When I opened them, it was as if God had actually heard me and felt sorry for us. The moon peeked from behind the clouds in the sky and provided enough light for me to see something through the trees. I stood up slowly.

  “Come on.” I helped her off the ground.

  “Where are we going?” she moaned.

  “Somewhere safe, I hope,” I said. We tumbled our way back to the building I had spotted in the moonlight.


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