Reluctant Bride

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Reluctant Bride Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2021 Evernight Publishing

  ISBN: 978-0-3695-0364-0

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Audrey Bobak


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Gambit by Elyzabeth M. VaLey

  Ambivalence by Jessica Jayne

  Loving Obsession by Allyson Young

  Reluctant Love by Arabella Sheen

  Roman’s Prize by Winter Sloane

  Crushed Violet by Sam Crescent and Stacey Espino

  Between a Rock and Mr. Big by Kait Gamble

  Marrying the Devil by Jade Marshall

  Arrogant CEO by Laura M. Baird

  His Love Contract by Helen Walton

  Heartless by Beth D. Carter

  Highland Fling by Lily Harlem


  Elyzabeth M. VaLey

  Copyright © 2021

  Chapter One

  Sven hung up his phone, folded his hands across his lap, and shook his head. How could anyone be so callous? He sucked in his cheeks, considering what to do next. His gaze swept up to the display of security TV screens he had placed behind his desk. He watched the two young women at the bar. Dressed in slinky dresses and heels, they clinked their glasses and swallowed another shot in a single gulp. One of them was barely twenty-one years old, and the other hadn’t turned eighteen yet. Their baby fat still clung to their cheeks, giving them an air of innocence he was about to destroy. Life was not all fun and games, and they would soon find out.

  There was no sound to the CCTV, but their attitude was blatant. They were giggling and screeching, walking arm in arm and making a show of themselves. They made their way into the roulette area and looked around as if they’d never been there before. He knew better. Gracie and Cecilia Handel had grown up surrounded by bling, dings, and the bright lights of gambling heaven. No, it wasn’t their first time at a casino, but it was their first time in his palace. It would also be their last.

  Sven picked up his landline and dialed the three-digit number. The speaker crackled.


  “I’ve got a mission for you, John.”

  Barely five minutes later, a man broader than an ox appeared at his door. Dressed in a black suit, the only thing that gave him away as a member of his security team and not a customer was the headpiece attached to his ear. Sven pointed to the screen.

  “You see those girls? They shouldn’t be here. They’re underage and I’ve gotten word from the floor manager they might have cheated.”

  John nodded. “You got it, boss.”

  Sven swung his chair around and observed the show play out. John and two other men intercepted the girls. Gracie, the youngest of the two, appeared genuinely terrified, but Cecilia could be seen trying to flirt her way out of the situation by placing a perfectly manicured hand on John’s chest. The guard’s response was to grab her elbow and roughly escort her from the premises. He couldn’t hear her, but with the way her mouth was moving, he guessed she was swearing her heart out. Gracie followed close behind with her head bowed, escorted by the other two men. The young woman seemed to know she’d fucked up.

  Running his fingers through his hair, Sven pulled the long tresses into a bun, slipped on his white suit jacket, and waited. The phone rang.

  “We have them.”

  “Bring the brunette with the sassy mouth here.”

  How would she react when she saw him? Surely, she knew where she was, didn’t she? Would she remember him? They’d only seen each other once, but it was enough for him to never forget her. He turned his chair to face the screens.

  “Where are you taking me?” Cecilia’s voice carried down the hallway. Her tone was fearless. He smirked. Luckily, he liked women with spirit.

  “Enter,” he said when he heard them pause at the entrance to his office.

  “Sir,” John said. “Cecilia Handel.”

  “Thank you, John. You may leave. Please, close the door behind you.”

  He didn’t turn around just yet. He waited for the click of the door and the silence to stretch between them. He could see her, however, through the reflection of the black and white screens. No matter how hard she tried to pretend she was in command, she was nervous. She shifted her weight several times and crossed and uncrossed her arms. Her dress, a short rose-gold sequin outfit, sparkling with each movement.

  “So, am I going to be standing here all day?” she finally said.

  Sven smiled. There it was: the tiny tremble in her voice that denoted some measure of concern. “Technically, you shouldn’t even be here, Cecilia.”

  “I don’t see why not. I’m twenty-one.”

  Sven swiveled around, appreciating the way her eyes widened at the sight of him. It took her a moment, but he saw the recognition in her gaze seconds later. He grinned.

  “Do you know who I am, Cecilia?”

  She took a step back. “No.”

  “Liar.” He placed his open palms on the desk, enjoying the way her gaze strayed to them. “You might legally be allowed to be here, but your friend isn’t. You know that.”

  “She’s twenty-one.”

  “Lying really doesn’t become you, Cecilia. Gracie is barely eighteen. You’re her stepsister. You should know that.”

  He heard her sharp intake of breath and watched bemused as she kicked her chin up in defiance.

  “So? She’s not my baby. She’s an adult.”

  “Not really. You are responsible for her.” He paused for dramatic effect. “And the little tricks you’ve been pulling off.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Cecilia, you grew up in a casino. We both know how this works.”

  Her jaw clenched. “We’ll return the money if that is the issue.”

  “It is, but it isn’t. You’re not here legally, and I don’t think those pills you handed to Gracie were exactly on the right side of the law either. I could call the police or your father.”

  “My father?” She blinked. Her lips parted for an instant, then shut and thinned just as quickly. She placed her hands on her hips and leveled her gaze. “What do you want?”

  “Why would I want anything?” he asked, clasping his hands in front of him.

  Cecilia threw back her shoulders and sauntered to one of the wooden chairs placed in front of his desk. She crossed her legs, allowing him to glimpse a generous portion of her flesh. Ah, the flirt approach.

  “All men want something.”

  He lifted his eyebrows questioningly.

  “If you wanted to call the police or my father, you would have already done it. Instead, we’re here having this conversation. I’m not a fool. What do you want from me?”

  Sven smirked. “I knew you were a bright one.”

  He gave her a once-over, waiting for her to come to the conclusion on her own. Her cheeks blossomed into a delightful pink, but much to his delight, s
he didn’t cower.


  He laughed. “Always a pleasure, but no, Cecilia, I don’t just want sex. I want marriage.”

  Her eyes grew wide. “Are you drunk?”

  Sven stood and placed himself directly in front of her. He leaned against his desk, crossing his arms at his chest and giving her a moment to appreciate just how big he was. She swallowed, giving away her nerves as her gaze flitted over him. Her legs dropped to the floor and she grasped the arms of the seat.

  “I believe you’re more inebriated than I am, Cecilia. Don’t worry, though, it’s not you I want.”

  Her face blanched.


  “She is, after all, the biological daughter of one of my most ancient business rivals. Taking her will be a checkmate move, don’t you think? We’ll be family, forced to expand the business together.”

  “You can’t marry Gracie,” she cried, standing up so quickly she tottered on her heels and almost crashed against him.

  “Why not?”

  “She’s—” She grasped the edge of the table and distanced herself from him. “She’s not eighteen yet.”

  “She isn’t? But I thought you said she was.”

  Cecilia swore. Sweat dampened her forehead. “I lied, okay? She’s going to be eighteen in a few weeks, and she wanted to celebrate.” She didn’t look at him as she spoke.

  “I see. So, what do you suggest, Cecilia? You have swindled and lied your way into a casino and broken the law. I need a solution and I need it now.”

  Chapter Two

  “Me,” Cecilia cried out without thinking. “Instead of Gracie.”

  Sweat coated her back and her legs shook so badly she thought she’d double over. When they had come down here, they had expected to have a good night, gamble, dance, flirt, and drink. Gracie would have her pills and Cecilia would pass out from too much vodka. Keep it innocent and fun. After all, her stepdad had already threatened to cut her off if anything happened to his precious angel, Gracie. Little did he know the youngster was addicted to pills, but that wasn’t any of her business. Tonight, they were just going to have a good time away from the family. Sure, Gracie wasn’t of age yet, but the kid followed her everywhere, and Trevor always insisted they stick together because they were family.

  Family. They weren’t biological sisters, and they were merely related because her mother and Trevor had taken a liking to each other, though God knew what her mother saw in the casino owner. She swore it wasn’t the billion dollars in his bank account, but with Barbara Jillian, one could never be too sure. Trevor was, at the end of the day, Barbara’s third marriage, albeit the one that had lasted the longest.

  The real problem with having been caught tonight wasn’t so much the fact Gracie was underage, heck, it wasn’t even the pills or the alcohol. No, the biggest issue was Trevor and his money. He had already threatened Cecilia that if she got into any more trouble and he had to bail her out, he would cut her funds and disown her. “Three strikes, Cecilia,” he’d told her. She’d gone to her mother, but she didn’t understand and had just told her to behave as if she were to blame for everything.

  Cecilia locked eyes with Sven. She’d met him once before. She couldn’t remember if it had been a year or two ago. It had been someone’s Christmas party and she and Gracie had snuck in. She’d spotted the tall man from across the room. He had harsh lines on his face and the ink on his neck always seemed to peek out from under his shirt even though he’d worn his hair down that night, but his green eyes and his impressive physique had captured her attention. They’d shared a few glances and she’d started making her way to him when Trevor had discovered them and ruined the fun.

  Now, however, she was glad she hadn’t gotten down to any mischief. Sven Larson was one of Trevor Handel’s biggest business rivals, running the second largest casino empire in the turf. She would have been kicked out of her home right then and there if Trevor had caught her flirting with him.

  Things were different tonight. She didn’t have an alternative. It was either her or Gracie, and as much as Gracie abused other things, the kid was still a virgin. No, she had to man up and do it. She licked her lips, her throat dry and an unpleasant taste lingering at the back of her mouth. He couldn’t be serious about the marriage thing. It would only be sex. One night. Fuck his brain outs and done. She gazed at him from beneath her lashes and bit back a smile. Life had a funny way of doing things. Since seeing Sven that night, she’d fantasized about him a few times, but she’d never considered actually getting down and dirty with the tycoon. Excitement zinged within her, fear abandoned and swept to the side as she once more took control of the situation.

  “So, what do you say?” she asked. She took a step forward and the room swam. Grabbing the desk a little tighter, she waited for him to pick her up on her offer. He wouldn’t refuse. Men never said no to sex.

  “I accept,” he said at length.

  A breath she hadn’t been aware of holding left her lungs.

  “You do?”

  “Yes. Come here.”

  All right, Cecilia, time to make a show.

  She sauntered up to him, careful not to trip over her own two feet. When she reached his personal space, she placed her hands on his chest. Her fingers flexed involuntarily at the muscle beneath. God, he was all hardness beneath the dark shirt. She smiled and glanced coquettishly at Sven.

  “Someone has been working out,” she said.

  “I like my women to be silent. Get on your knees.”

  Her eyes widened and her arms fell to her side.

  “Don’t you need to warm up, maybe a little kissing or something?”

  His laughter came out cold and aggressive, sending a shiver of fear through her spine. What had she gotten herself into?

  “I’m ready, pet.”

  Grasping her hand, he brought it down to the bulge in his pants. She let out a gasp at the size of his erection. Shit. The man was at least six-foot-five, but she hadn’t expected him to be so big in that area, too.

  “How about you?” he asked. The smirk that accompanied his question had her knees trembling and her pussy moistening, and the bastard knew.

  “I might need a little warm-up,” she murmured, trying to buy some time.

  He placed his hands on her hips. They were large and warm, sending a shiver through her. Pulling her roughly into his arms, he plastered their bodies together.

  “I’m going to make you more than a little warm, Cecilia.” His palms slid up toward her breasts, cupping them and massaging them through the thin fabric of her spaghetti-strap dress. He lowered each strap, drawing out her breasts to his gaze. He licked his lips. She took a deep breath, waiting for the assault. Instead, he grasped her nipples and tugged downward. She cried out in surprise. Desire flooded her senses, her pussy throbbing with awoken need.

  “I told you to kneel, pet,” he said, his tone brooking no argument. He twisted her nipples and she gasped in pain. “When I tell you to do something, you do it. Understood, pet?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “And you will refer to me as Sir.”


  “You heard me, Cecilia. Don’t make me repeat myself.”

  Cecilia swallowed. What the hell had she gotten herself into? She took in a deep breath. One night, Cecilia. A quick fuck, or two, and then it’ll be over. You’ll go separate ways. No one will know the better. You’ll continue to be part of the family and Gracie’s virtue will still be intact.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “That’s a good girl.”

  His tone was soothing, the hand on her head gentle as he petted her like a man caresses a cat. “Now, take off my pants.”

  She frowned.


  There was a warning in his tone. She shuffled forward and quickly worked the belt and zipper. His erection sprung free.

  “It’s huge,” she muttered.

  “Thanks,” he said with a chuckle. “Let’s see how m
uch you can wrap your mouth around.”

  “Oh.” Grasping the base with her right hand, she stared at the thick head, already leaking pre-cum. She hated giving head. She always found the taste disagreeable, not to mention, the sucking motion got boring quickly.

  “For today, Cecilia.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, trying to keep the sarcasm from her tone. “Just trying to figure out how to do this,” she lied.

  “You’ve sucked dick before, haven’t you?”


  He grasped her hair and pulled sharply. She yelped in alarm.

  “Don’t lie to me, Cecilia.”

  “I’ve given blowjobs before, asshole.” The insult came out before she could stop herself. Sven’s eyes narrowed. The hand holding her hair tightened, while the other one went around her neck, squeezing. She gasped.

  “Then, pet, I suggest you show me how good you are at it.” He released her and she took in a shaky breath, surprised to find herself more aroused than scared. “Open up, pet.”

  She did and he thrust his dick in her mouth. She gagged.

  Sven tsked. “That won’t do at all. Roll with it.” He pushed past her lips again, this time more gently. She took him in, tears springing to her eyes. “I love watching you cry.” He pulled back and inside again. She gagged. “We’ll have to work on that,” he said, filling her mouth with his cock again and again. Cecilia closed her eyes. She’d never given head like this. Usually, she’d been in control, teasing, sucking, licking, but here, Sven dominated.

  “Open your eyes, Cecilia. Look at me.” He tugged at her hair, the pinpricks of pain on her scalp forcing her eyes open. Their gaze locked. He grunted, ramming his dick into her mouth harder and faster. “You’re going to swallow it all, my little slut, understood?”


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