Reluctant Bride

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Reluctant Bride Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  She blinked in acknowledgment. Desire she didn’t recognize sped through her body. Liquid coated her panties and her pussy pulsated with desire. Her nipples were hard rocks, eager for more friction and her entire body was on fire. Sven continued to fuck her mouth hard. A moan erupted from her.

  “That’s it, Cecilia. Take it.” He pushed his dick all the way to the back of her throat and exploded, hot cum spraying against her throat. She tried to swallow as fast as possible, but couldn’t, semen leaking from the corner of her lips, as she coughed and struggled for air. Sven released her and she went down to her hands and knees. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw him step around her. He lifted the hem of her dress and slid his hand beneath her panties.

  “Soaked, just as I suspected.” He pushed a finger inside and pumped.

  “God,” Cecilia cried, the sudden assault on her pussy had her trembling from head to toe, swaying her hips to his ministrations as she desperately searched for release.

  “You like it rough, huh, pet?” he asked, shoving another digit inside her. “I can’t wait to fuck you. To have my cock ramming into you, filling you to the brim until you can hardly breathe, until all you will think about is me and how good it feels for me to be inside you, but all of it will have to wait until we are married.”

  Chapter Three

  “Married,” she echoed.

  Sven removed his fingers and went around his desk. He sat down and pulled his cell phone toward him.

  “Yes, marriage. I told you, I wanted to marry Gracie. You offered yourself. It’s a deal. After all, you’re legally also Trevor’s daughter. Aren’t you?”

  “What?” Her eyes grew wide and she stumbled backward into a sitting position. “What?” she repeated. “I thought you’d have enough with sex. No one said anything about marrying me.”

  He crossed his arms across his chest and cocked his head.

  “You heard what you wanted, pet. I explicitly said I wanted to marry Gracie.”

  “Gracie but not me. I refuse.” She tried to stand, but her legs gave way and she ended up sitting again.

  He shrugged. “I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll give Trevor a call. He can come pick you up.”

  Cecilia shrieked. Coming to her hands and knees, she crawled toward him quickly. “No, wait. Can’t we find another way? We had fun now. We can fuck a few times. It doesn’t have to be a one-night thing,” she said, the words tumbling out of her mouth.

  “No, Cecilia, we can’t. I want to marry into the Handel family. It will unite our businesses and make them stronger. It’s either you or Gracie. I have you both here tonight. It’s going to be one of you.”

  He could see the way her mind raced. Gracie was a child, not yet eighteen and naïve. He highly doubted the youngest Handel girl had even had sex, and Cecilia knew it, too. Her gaze went down to his dick again. She’d be a tight fit, but for Gracie, it would be outright painful. Not to mention, they both knew Gracie wouldn’t tolerate the rough treatment he’d given Cecilia. Sven grinned. One more move and he’d make a checkmate.

  “I wonder how Gracie will cope with my cock down her throat. She has a small mouth. Do you think she’ll like to have her hair pulled like you?”

  Cecilia shook her head. She grabbed the edge of his desk and managed to stand up. There was a green tinge to her face, and he hoped to God she didn’t throw up on him.

  “All right,” she said. “We can get married.”

  Victory. Sven stood up, crowding Cecilia’s space. She flinched but didn’t step back. He had to give it to her, the girl had guts.

  “Excellent. Let’s go,” he said.

  “What? Now?” she cried. This time, she did distance herself from him.

  “Of course, pet. This boner isn’t going to take care of itself and I want to make sure this is cemented before you decide to back out again.”

  “Boner?” She glanced down at his dick, her mouth opening and shutting like a fish. “But you’re old.”

  He laughed.

  “Forty-two to be exact,” he said. “With the stamina of a bull. Don’t worry, your little pussy will get used to it after a while.”

  “But, we can’t get married now. We need witnesses, a proper reception, I need a dress, something.”

  He walked past her and stopped at the office door. “You’re wearing a dress. It’s a little dirty. You might want to clean the cum stain there.” He handed her a tissue. “I’m wearing a suit. It doesn’t get more formal than that here, Cecilia. I’ve seen people get married in shorts and flip-flops.”


  He waited. He liked the way the little vixen tried to get out of situations. She was inventive, which he didn’t doubt would pay off eventually, if everything went according to plan.

  “Let’s go,” he said, throwing the door open.


  She clearly couldn’t think of anything to say and was desperately trying to find a way out.

  He was on her in two steps. Grabbing her by the waist, he threw her over his shoulder. She screamed and banged his back.

  “The more you fight, the harder my dick gets,” he warned her.

  She stopped abruptly.

  He laughed. Yes, being married to Cecilia Handel was sure going to be fun.

  Chapter Four

  Cecilia was going to throw up. The alcohol she’d consumed hovered too high up her throat and her head swam. She had to be living some kind of nightmare, or this was some kind of sick joke. Maybe Trevor had set her up to scare her into behaving. She glanced at Sven. Nope. Trevor would never come to an agreement with the guy who was about to become her husband.


  She was about to get married to a stranger at a drive-thru wedding. How had this happened? One moment she was having fun with her stepsister and the next, they were being escorted into the detention room, followed by a meeting with the casino owner and a wedding. Maybe she’d passed out. Except, she could smell Sven’s expensive cologne and the leather finishing of the Porsche they were in. Besides, didn’t they say you couldn’t smell anything in dreams?

  The car rolled to a stop and Sven lowered her window. A woman with big red hair and shiny makeup grinned at them from a booth. She asked Sven a few questions and confirmed their names. Cecilia stared at her, unable to piece the words together.

  “We’re gathered here today … to unite you both in marriage. The two of you are joining your hearts as one. Repeat after me.” The woman’s voice droned on.

  “I do,” Sven said.

  “Cecilia, do you promise to take Sven as your husband and to honor, cherish, and protect him, forsaking all others as long as you both shall live?”

  Cecilia blinked, trying to piece the words into a coherent thought. Sven’s hand clamped over her thigh and squeezed.

  “Say, yes, I do, pet,” he softly said.

  “I do,” she squeaked.

  “I, Sven, take you Cecilia to be my wife in sickness and health for better or for worse. I promise my love forever.”

  Sven’s digits on her leg tightened almost painfully. Unrecognizable words rushed in her ears and out her mouth.

  “Promise my love,” she murmured. “My love forever.”

  “By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you as husband and wife.”

  Husband and wife. The final words locked in her mind, spreading like wildfire amidst the fog in her brain. Husband and wife. She was married. In less than five minutes, she’d married a stranger. She glanced at her lap where the marriage certificate rested. Her name and Sven’s clearly printed out, followed by the stamp and signature that made it all legal.

  “We’re married,” she murmured.

  “We are.”

  “Where are we going now?”

  Sven didn’t look at her as he took a turn back the way they’d come.

  “Where do you think, pet? To consummate our marriage.”

  Cecilia pressed her thighs together in a vain attempt to ignore the sudden turn of her heart and
the arrow of desire let loose in her system.

  She shouldn’t want this. She’d just married a stranger. Scratch that. She’d just been coerced into marrying him. He hadn’t given her time to think, to find an alternative. She should be furious. Instead, her body had taken the lead. It wanted Sven rutting between her legs. Heat crept across her pores. The memory of his thick cock in her mouth and the way he had taken control made her heart pound. She’d never been with a man who took charge in the bedroom. The men she’d been with liked for her to take the initiative, or they were content with a quick, hot fuck, and that was it. Not Sven. He awoke a hunger in her she’d never experienced with anyone else. It was wrong. Some kind of sick Stockholm syndrome her brain hadn’t had time to process.

  “Here we are.”

  Her head snapped up as she realized they had arrived at the casino hotel again. Sven came around and opened her door before she could help herself out. He offered her his hand, but she ignored it, choosing to stand on her own feet. She teetered forward. He grabbed her forearm.

  “I merely wanted to help. When I offer you my hand, I suggest you take it, pet.”

  She didn’t say anything and allowed him to escort her into the building. A few employees glanced their way, but one look from Sven and they returned to their task. They reached the elevator in a few quick strides. Sven hiked his thumb, and without a word, the bellboy moved aside. He ushered her into the box and pressed the button for the last floor. Cecilia leaned against the mirrored wall, afraid if she didn’t, she’d sink to the floor.

  “I live in the penthouse,” Sven explained.

  She stared at him, trying and failing to make sense of everything. Her mind swirled with a thousand thoughts. It was just the two of them. In a box. Bodies close together. Damn, he was big. Tall, broad, strong. She wasn’t short like Gracie, but at his side, she felt tiny. Her gaze went to his lips. They were full, framed by a neatly trimmed beard.

  “You know, Cecilia,” Sven said. “We haven’t kissed yet.”

  He crowded her against the back of the elevator, his arms on either side of her, closing her in. Her heart pumped at a speed she didn’t recognize, storming in her ears. Her senses became overwhelmed. His heat fueled hers and his scent, woody and tantalizing, made her want to press closer.

  “Kiss?” she whispered. Her mouth was dry, and she vaguely wondered if she’d taste okay.

  “My pleasure, wife.”

  He dipped his head and touched his lips to hers. It was a gentle caress, barely the tap of a feather on her lips. He pressed harder, sliding his hands to cup her ass and roughly draw her to him. The bulge of his cock nudged her, and she gasped. Everything around her vanished except the touch of his tongue in her mouth and his complete possession of her body. She tangled her fingers in his hair, keeping him in place. The primal sound of his groan had her pussy leaking.

  There was a chime and they pulled apart. Sven grinned. The elevator doors opened.

  “Welcome home, pet.”

  Cecilia stepped into the suite. From where she stood, she could already appreciate the majestic view of the city through the large floor-to-ceiling windows framed by gauzy white curtains. Sven led her further inside. An open door to the left led to what seemed to be the bedroom. The sight of the king-sized bed made a shiver run through her and she quickly looked the other way. A set of double doors led to a lavish dining room table that could seat at least eight people. Sven moved to the living room. It was equipped with a state-of-the-art TV set and a chaise-longue so big she was sure at least five people could sit on it. The area also had a round wooden table, but it was laden with papers and a laptop.

  “I like working in here,” Sven said.

  She stared at the modern furnishings and polished wood and steel. It was a perfect blend of functionality and extravagant beauty.

  “You live here all year round?”

  “Not all year, but if you’re asking if I have a house, the answer is no. I don’t need it. I’m here working all day.” He cocked his head. “If you’d like a home, though, I suppose we could look for one.”

  “I’d never thought about it.”

  Sven shrugged.

  “To be honest, neither have I, yet here we are.” A devilish grin spread on his face and his eyes lighted up with mischief. “Married. With a wedding night to celebrate.”

  Married. She had wedded this man. Full sobriety was beginning to return to her, and the consequences of her act were slowly building up. What was she going to do? She couldn’t be married. She was too young. Trevor would kill her. How had she gone and married his greatest business rival? He would use the Handel name against them. And where was Gracie?

  “Where’s Gracie?”

  “I sent her home after you agreed to marry me.”


  That was good. Gracie would tell Trevor what had happened. He’d come rescue her and agree to some sort of business plan with Sven. Or—weren’t marriages annulled if they weren’t consummated? She recalled seeing the information somewhere but couldn’t remember where, but if that were the case, it would mean if she didn’t have sex with Sven, she could get rid of this marriage without any consequences.

  “I don’t want to have sex,” she said. “I’m not feeling well.”

  Sven raised his eyebrows. “All right, but if you don’t want to consummate our marriage, then we’ll have to sleep in separate bedrooms.”

  “What?” She frowned. She couldn’t have heard him correctly.

  “You heard me. You can sleep here.” He pointed to the leather couch. “I’ll take the bedroom.”

  Cecilia pursed her lips. Was he seriously punishing her because she didn’t want to fuck him?

  “Fine,” she said.

  “Also, I can’t have you using my bathroom.”


  “Do you have a hearing problem, pet?”


  “It seems as if you do, since you keep asking me to repeat things.”

  “That’s because what you’re saying is outrageous.”

  Sven laughed, snatched her wrists, and yanked her into him. Grabbing her hair, he pulled her head back. His lips crashed against hers in a searing kiss. Her knees weakened and her pussy moistened as he possessed her mouth. Her mind grew blank, her senses tuning into him and him alone. He pressed his erection to her lower belly, igniting her passion further. She mewled and rubbed against him. His throaty chuckle made her open her eyes.

  “What’s so funny?” she asked, hoarsely.

  “Well, you didn’t want to fuck, and here you are, throwing yourself at me like a whore.”

  “What?” She stumbled backward. “You kissed me.”

  “And you could have pushed me away or turned your head, or even tried slapping me. Instead, you rub yourself against me like a bitch in heat.”

  “You’re disgusting,” she spat, disentangling herself from his grip.

  Sven laughed. “Oh, and we haven’t even fucked yet.” He tried to bring her back into his arms but she sidestepped him. “Very well. I’ll see you tomorrow morning,” he said.

  “Fine.” She flopped onto the couch, refusing to look at him as he made his way to the bedroom.

  “Goodnight, wife.”

  Chapter Five

  “Fuck you,” Cecilia said.

  “Nah, I’ll save my cock for your hungry cunt,” he replied.

  “Asshole,” she called after him.

  “Sure, we can have anal too, pet.”

  Sven laughed at her shocked squeak. He strode to his bedroom. The little vixen was going to be the death of him. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed so much. She was a handful, and to think they’d only gotten married a few hours ago. Sven rubbed his dick and groaned. He was going to have blue balls for a bit, but if he was able to gain her trust, he’d destroy the Handel empire and have a hot, sassy wife to fuck as a bonus.

  “Patience,” he muttered, going into the ensuite bathroom and turning on the shower. A han
d job would have to do for now. Quickly, he took care of himself, threw on some gray sweatpants, and climbed into bed. His thoughts raced. Maybe he had been too harsh on the girl. He sat up on the bed. He hadn’t even offered her a glass of water or some more comfortable clothes. Not that she’d take them, but he had to try if he truly wanted things to work out between them. He rolled out of bed and glimpsed outside. Cecilia sat on the couch, head between her knees, trembling.


  She glanced up at him, her face deathly pale and sweat dotting her brow.

  “Bathroom?” she squealed.


  She ran past him. The toilet seat went up with a clang and the sound of retching filled the air. Sven rushed to help her. Gathering her hair to one side, he held it while she threw up the contents of her stomach. He caressed her back, trying to soothe her. Finally, she stopped.

  “This is so embarrassing,” she murmured, coughing.

  “It’s natural. You’d had a lot to drink and have had your life shaken up. It’s my fault for not feeding you and taking better care of you. It was careless of me.”

  She glanced up at him. Her eyes were tear-stained and red. For a moment, he wondered if it was only from vomiting or if she’d been crying earlier.

  “You’re blaming yourself?”

  “I am your husband. I made a vow to take care of you in sickness and in health.”

  “But you don’t know me. It’s just business.”

  “Don’t fight me, Cecilia, just accept it. Come on, let me help you up. I think you should take a bath, and then I’ll make you some chamomile tea. It’ll help soothe your tummy.”

  “I don’t have anything else to wear, and you don’t have a kitchen,” she reminded him.

  Sven snorted. “I have an electric kettle and microwave here, which is enough to make tea, and you can wear one of my shirts. It’ll be big enough to cover you up if you’re concerned about your modesty.”

  She sucked in her bottom lip as if in thought. Her gaze drifted to the bathtub at the back of the bathroom.


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