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Reluctant Bride

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “Okay,” she finally said.

  “That’s my good girl.” He offered her his hand, and this time, she took it without thought. Closing the toilet lid, he flushed it and then led her through the glass panels at the back. “There’s a shower, but I think a bath will help you relax.” He showed her the white enamel claw-foot tub placed next to a large window. Turning on the faucets, he tested the water temperature and set it to fill.

  “Go on in.”

  Cecilia shifted her weight and gripped the hem of her dress. Sven shook his head and tried to hide his smile. Even though she’d sucked him dry, there was still a bit of shyness about her.

  “I’ll make you some tea.”

  Relief flitted through her features. “Thank you,” she said.

  With a nod, he left her alone, headed to the dining area, and set the kettle to boil. Soon enough, he’d get her to forget everything that bothered her. There would be no embarrassment between them. Noting to hide. She belonged to him now. His woman. His pet. Pouring hot water into a mug, he dropped the tea bag, added a spoonful of sugar into the mix, and returned to the bedroom. He peeked into the bathroom. Cecilia lay in the tub, eyes closed, steam curling around her. He froze, unwilling to startle her and appreciating just how relaxed she was. For once, she wasn’t desperately trying to get out of a situation, arguing, or being sassy. She just was and it was breathtaking.

  “I know you’re there, Sven,” she said. “I can feel your eyes on me.”

  “It’s hard not to look at you, pet.”

  She opened her eyes and turned toward him. “Do you want me?” she asked quietly.

  “You know I do, Cecilia.”

  “So why not take me?” She dipped her gaze and lifted it again. Sven walked over to her and placed the tea on the window ledge next to the tub. His gaze raked over her naked body barely hidden by the foam in the water. His dick twitched.

  “Don’t play with me, pet. I’m twenty years older than you, and you’ll always lose.”

  “You’re bluffing.”

  His hand went around her neck and her eyes widened not in fear, but in primal arousal.

  “Don’t tempt me. You’re not feeling well, and when we fuck, I want you to give me two hundred percent not barely fifty. Finish your bath. I’ll get you a shirt and then you’re going to bed.”

  “You’re not my father.”

  He grinned.

  “You’re right. I’m something better. I’m your husband, and you are mine.”

  Chapter Six

  As soon as Sven was out of the room, Cecilia let out a long breath. What the hell was wrong with her? She kept baiting the giant of a man, trying to play him like she’d played countless other men. No, not men, boys. Compared to Sven, they were all boys. That was the issue. She wanted him. Badly. She’d never desired someone as desperately as she longed to have Sven’s cock. It was ridiculous. He’d forced her into a marriage she didn’t want. Heck, he’d practically kidnapped her. He hadn’t even allowed her to call her family. What kind of demented asshole did that? Yet, he held her hair when she threw up and drew her a bath. Not even her mother had done so when she’d been sick. Oh, and he’d brought her tea. She grabbed the cup and sipped at it. A long sigh left her body. How bad could marriage to a guy like him be?

  “What the fuck, Cecilia?”

  She was twenty-one years old, way too young to be married to anyone and much less a guy twice her age. No. Tomorrow morning, she’d find her phone and call Trevor. It was his fault she was in this mess. If he hadn’t drilled into her that she had to protect Gracie and threatened to cut her off, she’d never agreed to Sven’s proposal. Trevor had to fix this. Someone had to. After finishing up the tea, she got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around herself. She padded to the bedroom and found Sven lying in bed. Shirtless, his upper body covered in an array of casino-related tattoos and wearing nothing more than gray sweatpants that gave her a glimpse of everything promised to her. Next to him, he’d placed a t-shirt.

  “Feeling better?”

  She nodded.

  “Good, I’ve decided since you like teasing, we might as well both have fun.”

  He gave her the smirk she was starting to see meant sexy trouble.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, glad her voice didn’t tremble and give away her nerves.

  “You want this shirt?”

  “I have nothing else to wear.”

  “You could go naked.”

  Again, the sexy smile that made her body pulse with excitement.

  “Are you crazy?” Her voice ended in a high-pitched tone and he rewarded her with a pearly white smile.

  “Not at all.”

  “So, you just want me to drop my towel?”

  “Yes, and since we’re at it, crawl over here and ask for this shirt in a very nice way.”

  Her heart picked up its tempo. Why did the idea of going to him make her pussy so wet? Why did wanting to obey him seem like the right thing to do? She frowned. It was wrong. Debasing. She was a strong, independent, young woman. She didn’t have to take orders from anyone.

  “And crawl? Who do you think I am?”

  “My pet, my wife, a brat.” His voice grew deeper with each word, the baritone stroking her from the inside out and fueling her passion.

  “I’m none of those three,” she said, hoarsely.

  “According to the marriage certificate, you are all three.”

  “No. I am an independent woman, a warrior,” she muttered.

  “You can be both. Being my slut in bed doesn’t make you less of a woman, Cecilia.”

  She shook her head, at a loss of what to reply. Could she be both? She’d never considered the options. She’d grown up in a world where she’d had to fend for herself and take control or else, she was minced meat. Sven was offering her a respite from it all. But how? How could she retain her individuality when she’d just been forced into this marriage?

  “You’re overthinking things, Cecilia. I’m done waiting. I’m going to give you three seconds to either drop the towel, crawl over here, and ask me nicely for the shirt, or you’re going to be naked for the rest of the night.”

  “You’re fucking insane.”


  “You would have me naked around your apartment?” She envisioned it. Buck-naked, his eyes on her, fucking her with a glance, making her wet and needy and desperate to be sated.


  “It’s derogatory. Whoever heard of walking naked around the house?”


  He made to stand up, but she dropped her towel at the same time. Goosebumps sprouted on her arms. His gaze swept over her achingly slow, taking in every detail of her nudity. Her nipples puckered, her pussy throbbed, and her legs shook slightly. Sweltering heat crept across her, pinpricks of desire driving her to her hands and knees. She wanted to be touched, to be caressed and loved. Every part of her burned with an all-consuming fire. She yearned for Sven’s approval, for his hand on her head and the words good girl whispered in his sultry voice.

  One knee in front of the other, she made her way to him. Liquid coated the inside of her thighs and her wet hair dripped across the wool carpet. She stopped at the side of the bed and glanced up at Sven. “May I please have a shirt?”

  He cocked an eyebrow and she recalled what he’d asked her to call him. Her breath caught, the blaze within her burning brighter, almost blindly.

  “Sir?” Her pussy contracted and she bit back a moan.

  “I’m sorry, pet. I didn’t hear you. Care to repeat?” He turned on his side. Her gaze swerved to his cock. It was in full mast, barely restrained under his sweatpants.

  “May I please have a shirt, Sir?”

  “Yes, you may, pet. Climb up here. I’ll help you put it on.”

  She swallowed through her dry mouth and clambered onto the bed at his side.

  “Arms up.”

  She raised them. His fingertips touched the back of her hands and she let out a long
sigh. Slower than she ever thought possible, Sven slid the garment through each arm. When he reached the top of her head, he stopped.

  “You have beautiful breasts, pet,” he said.

  She tried to look up at him, but he held her wrists together. All she could see was his chest and below. The tattoo of a pair of dice showing double sixes hovered over his dark-haired chest, followed by a roulette. Across his ribs, he’d tattooed a deck of cards.

  “A perfect hand,” he said.

  For a moment, she thought he was referring to his tat, but he cupped her tits and she realized he was talking about them. He thumbed her turgid nipples and she bucked and whimpered.

  “Hush, pet. I know they’re sensitive.”

  “Sven,” she called out his name, but he didn’t respond. His mouth went around her right breast, sucking. Cecilia arched her spine. She tilted forward, but he held her strong.

  “Good pet,” he praised her before switching to her other one. She mewled. Her plan to avoid consummating the marriage went out the window. She wanted him closer, needed to feel his heat against her body, inside of her.

  “Please,” she said.

  “What is it, pet? Are you hungry for cock?”

  “Yes,” she muttered. “Yes, Sir.”

  “But I thought you didn’t want any.”

  “I lied,” she admitted.

  “Shame,” he said. He released her wrists and drew the shirt over her head. “I don’t like liars.” He rolled out of bed and strode to the bathroom.

  “What?” She stared after him.

  “Rest, Cecilia. We have a long day tomorrow.”

  “But, aren’t we going to…?”

  “No. We are not.”


  “Because actions have consequences, pet. You lied to me, and I don’t like liars. Consider this your punishment. Oh, and don’t you dare touch yourself. That orgasm I’m making you hold off belongs to me.”

  “You’re fucking insane. How do you expect me to sleep like this?”

  Sven laughed. “Easy. You close your eyes and done.”

  He shut the door behind him. A few moments later, she heard the shower running.

  She threw herself back against the pillows. What was wrong with him? She’d basically thrown herself at him, and he refused her, choosing instead to punish her? What kind of monster was he? How could he even stop? His dick was hard as stone. She’d seen it. Cecilia reached between her legs. She was soaked. All she had to do was rub in the right places and she’d come. She glanced toward the bathroom. What if he caught her? What punishment would he inflict on her then? She sighed.

  “Fine. I can hold off. I’m not desperate.” She threw the sheets over her and closed her eyes. She’d catch some sleep and tomorrow things would be better. They had to be.

  Chapter Seven

  Sven watched Cecilia sleep. She lay on her side, a peaceful expression on her face, her hair a tangled mess across the pillow. His hands tingled, the urge to caress her cheek and kiss her taking hold of him. She was beautiful. An angel amidst a world of sharks. His lips lifted. And she was his.

  When he’d gotten out of the shower, he’d found her fast asleep. He’d gotten dressed and headed toward his office. He couldn’t sleep anyway, and he wanted to get some work done for the day before returning to his bride. He’d ordered some breakfast and had already had it set up on the table. All he needed now was his wife to wake up and the best way to do it was to give her what she’d been begging for last night. After all, it was a new day and a fresh start.

  Very slowly, he slipped the sheet down her body. He smiled at the sight of her in his t-shirt. It was big on her, almost dwarfing her in its size and making her look like an innocent angel with her rosy cheeks and long lashes. His gaze swept over her body. There was nothing angelic about that. His cock jerked alive at the sight of her creamy thighs, the hem of the shirt having rolled up to reveal the dip of her naked ass. He grinned. So, she hadn’t put her underwear back on. Excellent.

  Placing a hand on her knee, he waited to see if she would wake up. There was no reaction. He slid his palm higher, reveling in the touch of her silky flesh beneath his fingertips. Cecilia mumbled something intelligible. He smiled and continued his way upward, reaching the apex between her thighs. Digging his fingers into the inside of her thigh, he slowly parted them.

  “What the—” Cecilia scrambled upward, tugging at the t-shirt and trying to cover herself. Sven chuckled at her little show of decency and sat down.

  “Good morning, pet.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you? I was sleeping.”

  “Yes, and I was hungry for breakfast.”


  “Nothing like some pussy to start the day.”

  Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Fury radiated off her. “I was sleeping,” she repeated. “Were you just going to assault me?”

  Sven cocked his head. “You’re my wife,” he said slowly.

  Her cheeks flushed and she scooted backward until she hit the headboard. “Against my will, and even if I am your wife, that doesn’t give you the right. I’m not an object. I’m a human being.” Her gaze dipped and lifted, finding his for a brief instant “I’m not your sex toy.”

  Sven quirked an eyebrow. Her words said something, but her body was giving off the opposite signals. She was goading him. He had startled her, all right, but the shock had only lasted a moment. Now, even as she claimed not to want him, her physique betrayed her. Her cheeks were flushed, and her legs were squeezed tightly together. He dipped his gaze further down and just as he suspected, his pet, his wife, spread her legs a teensy bit, giving him a glimpse of her pussy. He roved upward again, taking his time to appreciate the hardness of her nipples stretching against his shirt and the way her chest rose and fell with each supposedly indignant breath. Finally, their gazes locked. Her brown eyes spoke of fire and lust, defiance, and submission.

  “You are my pet.” Grabbing her ankles, he pulled her toward him and spread her legs. Cecilia yipped in alarm, but to his pleasure, she didn’t fight him off. Instead, she opened up for him. Her pussy was bare, each delicate, rosy fold glistening with her juices.

  “For someone who doesn’t want me, you sure are wet.”

  The crimson of her cheeks deepened. “It has nothing to do with you.”

  Positioning himself in front of her, he laughed. “You’re a bad liar, Cecilia.”

  He didn’t bother to hear her response. Sven delved into her pussy, swiping his tongue across it and tasting his wife for the first time. He groaned in delight. He licked her again, swirling the flat of his tongue over her clit, pressing down on the nub. Cecilia moaned.

  “That’s my pet,” he praised her.

  Holding her legs wide at the thighs, he feasted on her. Fucking her with his mouth like some sort of starved animal. Her hips bucked over his face, rhythmically humping him in return. She’d be a delight when he finally sank balls deep into her. Reaching further up, he placed a digit near her ass. Cecilia stiffened for a brief instant before a cry of pure pleasure tore through her mouth, her body convulsing in orgasm and his mouth filling with her juices. Sven held her, drowning in her lust, taking hold of every one of her tremors and possessing them. Finally, she settled down. He sat up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Grinning, he stared down at her. She hadn’t closed her legs, her pussy raw and shiny from his attentions. Her shirt had bunched up over her waist, tightening over her swollen breasts. She had her eyes closed and a tiny smile graced her lips. Sven chuckled.

  “Breakfast was delicious,” he said. “Are you hungry for something?”

  “I’m not going to suck you again, if that is what you meant.” She scowled.

  He laughed. “Not at all. I really meant it. I’ve ordered breakfast. It’s in the dining room.”

  Standing up, he made his way out to the table. His dick was going to turn to stone at this rate, but he’d give his new wife the time she needed to adjust to their marri
age, and he’d buy some time for himself. Explaining the reality of her situation was not going to be easy. He smiled as he watched her peek into the room. It was a question of time, and if the reactions of her body were anything to go by, he didn’t think it would be long before she was begging him to fuck her, and that would already be a win for him.

  Chapter Eight

  Cecilia leaned back on her forearms and watched Sven move. He didn’t walk. He swaggered, prowled like an animal out for the hunt. Her pussy throbbed. She threw herself back on the bed. If it hadn’t been one of the most intense and pleasurable experiences in her life, she didn’t know what was. She’d never been held down and possessed in the way Sven had taken her. It was intimate, different from her usual fuck-and-go scheme. Sven didn’t play games. He simply took what he wanted, no questions asked.

  And he wanted her.

  “Come eat, Cecilia.”

  She jumped. Could he read her thoughts? She wanted to say no, to tell him she wasn’t hungry and ignore his request, but the truth was she was ravenous, and his voice held such a compelling note to it, she found herself rolling out of bed and making her way into the other room. Her eyes widened at the table he’d set out for them. Jars of coffee and freshly squeezed orange juice, cereal, fresh fruits, toast, butter, marmalade, even croissants.

  “That’s a lot of food.”

  He shrugged. “I didn’t know what you’d like so I decided to order everything. It’s no trouble.”

  She sat down across from him and reached for the coffee. “I like starting the day with coffee tinged with milk and half a spoonful of sugar.” She took a sip and moaned in delight. “Delicious.”

  “Probably not as good as you.”

  Heat crept up her face. How did this man have the ability to make her blush so much? And what did he really want from her?

  “Why marry me, Sven? You could have any woman anywhere. I’m no one.”

  He laughed. “I told you last night, pet. You aren’t no one. You’re the seal to my business deal.”

  “And have you told Trevor about this business deal?”


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