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Reluctant Bride

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “Yes,” he said. “You look hot, beautiful, and ready to be used. Take it off and try another one on before I fuck you right here.”

  He realized his mistake the moment she turned to face him. The lust in her eyes was there for him to see.

  “I don’t know why,” she said, voice husky. “But I can imagine myself crawling to you in this.”

  Sven cleared his throat. “Cecilia,” he warned her.

  She raised her eyebrows and dropped to her knees. “You have a thing for watching me crawl. Don’t you want to see me now?”

  He held his breath as she began to move in his direction. Ass swaying, tits hanging, body prime for the taking.


  She turned around, showing him her backside. Leaning forward, she inserted two fingers inside her pussy.

  “Is this why it doesn’t have any material in the middle?” she asked while pumping her digits.

  With a growl, Sven got to his feet. He grabbed her hair and pulled back her head. She yipped in alarm, but the trust in her eyes as their gazes crossed made his heart swell.

  “Yes, pet. The point is to have your pussy accessible to me at all times.” He pushed his digits into her. Finding her G-spot, he curled his fingers and rubbed. She gasped and tried to run away, but he held on tighter. Her breaths became whimpers and moans. Her body quaked. Her hands, still on the floor, clenched and unclenched.

  “Come for me, pet. Let me hear you cry out my name.”

  He pressed himself to her back, and she tensed, a long wail spilling from her lips as her orgasm squeezed his fingers. Tremors shook her. Sven released her hair, dropped down to the floor, and picked her up into his arms. He found her mouth and kissed her. She responded, arching against him, grabbing his shoulders, and wrapping her tongue with his. He snagged her bottom lip and bit softly. She mewled.


  He ran his fingers through her hair and tugged so she was forced to look at him. Her eyes were hooded, her cheeks pink, and her lips swollen from his kisses.

  “You see? Can you imagine all the naughty things I could do to you if you were this exposed all the time? The places where I could take you, touch you, make you mine. And only you and I would know, Cecilia, because your pussy is mine.”

  She let out a long breath and blinked.

  “Tell me, are you on the pill?”


  He quirked an eyebrow.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl.” Her blush deepened and a small smile curved her lips. “I’m glad you’re on the pill because when we fuck, I want your cunt to take all my cum and I want to watch it drip from your hole.”

  “That’s disgusting,” she said, even though her expression spoke the complete opposite.

  “Shame your body doesn’t seem to agree,” he replied. “Even though we’re both ready to fuck, we have things to do.”

  He disentangled himself from her embrace and stood. He offered her his hand to help her up, but she refused it. He rolled his eyes.

  “Why can’t we have sex now?”

  “Because I don’t want to.” He shrugged and looked away to avoid cracking up at her irritable expression. “Get dressed, we’re leaving.”

  “And the rest of it?” she asked, pointing at the remaining clothes.

  He smiled. “Don’t worry. We’re taking it all.”

  Chapter Ten

  Cecilia followed Sven out of the shop. He carried the two bags full of lingerie. Her body was still burning. She wanted him. Desperately. More frantically than she’d ever wanted any man. All her life, men had thrown themselves at her. Whenever she’d set eyes on someone, she’d had them. Not Sven. Not even that night at the party had she been able to seduce him. And now she was his wife, she would have guessed the man would want to fuck her brains out. Instead, he restrained himself.

  “How can you resist?” she blurted.


  She swore inwardly. He was so dense when he wanted to be. Might as well plunge forward. She had nothing to lose.

  “From just fucking me. Your cock is hard. I can see it.” She glanced at the clear outline of his pants.

  He laughed. “It’s what I like,” he said.

  “What you like? Having blue balls?”

  He chuckled.

  “Have you ever heard of BDSM, Cecilia?”

  Her eyes widened. “Masochism?”

  “It’s more than that.” He stopped in front of a jeweler. “BDSM stands for bondage, dominance, submission, and masochism. It has dozens of shades that are not even contemplated in the name. I am a Dominant. Do you know what that means?”

  “I guess it means you like being the boss.”

  “Exactly. I like being in control. I thrive on it. I do it outside the bedroom and in the bedroom.”

  “In the bedroom?”

  “Just think about it. I’ve been ordering you around since you sucked my dick.”

  Cecilia nodded.

  “And you liked it.”

  It wasn’t a question.

  “Yes.” She hesitated. “Is that why you asked me to call you Sir?”

  “Yes. You are not only my wife, but you are also to be my submissive. Calling me Sir shows deference. Obedience. The desire to please.”

  “I am not any of those things.”

  Sven laughed. “Perhaps not outside the bedroom,” he agreed. “But in bed, you are not meant to take the lead. You enjoy being told what to do.” He took her in. “Or your pussy wouldn’t be so wet.”

  She shook her head. “It doesn’t make sense. I’ve always—”

  “And yet your encounters, I’m confident, have been nothing but lackluster. Tell me, how many times have you come since we met?”



  Her cheeks flushed.


  “Have you had to get off on your own?”


  “Are you desperate for me to fuck you? Don’t lie,” he warned her.


  Sven smirked. “Good girl.”

  Her heart raced at the praise. She didn’t quite understand it, but his approval had her in tenterhooks, craving it as if it were air. “Do you see the necklaces?”


  “Marriage means nothing to me. It’s just a paper, a business agreement in this case.”


  “Absolutely. But those necklaces, collars we call them, they represent something.”

  “Submission?” she guessed.

  “More. Love. Respect. Devotion. Trust. Collaring someone is a declaration of love.”

  “You’ll never get that from me.”

  Sven cupped her chin. Stroking her cheek, he gave her a weak smile. “Time will tell, won’t it, pet?”

  Chapter Eleven

  Sven avoided the topic of BDSM for the rest of the day. He wanted Cecilia to think about it on her own terms, to decide if she wanted to be a participant in his world. He hoped the answer would be yes, but he didn’t want to force her. Instead, they went shopping, had lunch and dinner out, and spoke about a thousand other things. When she wasn’t acting up, Cecilia was funny, extremely intelligent, and sweet.

  By the time they returned home, she was falling asleep, so even though she almost begged him to stay, she sent her to bed and went down to his office.

  He sat back in his chair and poured himself a glass of whiskey.

  Married. He hadn’t given himself time to process the reality of the fact. He was married. He. The man who had broken off previous relationships because he never wanted to be tied down. Yet, the young woman in his room made his heart ache and his chest warm in a way he wasn’t used to. How could that even be? He had no answers, but in his gut, their relationship felt right, and as a man who moved within the world of gambling, he knew when to listen to what his instinct was telling him. From the moment he’d spotted the girls in his casino, he’d wagered keeping an eye on them would work to hi
s advantage. He hadn’t been wrong. Getting married to Cecilia had also been a risk, but he was confident it’d be worth it in the long run.

  Gulping down the remainder of his drink, he set the thoughts of his wife aside and got to work. After a few hours, he made his way back upstairs. He peeked into the bedroom. His heart somersaulted. Cecilia was where he’d left her on his bed. She had hugged one of the pillows to her chest and seemed to be profoundly asleep if her deep breaths were any indication.

  Tiptoeing, Sven entered the bedroom and headed to the bathroom. After brushing his teeth and changing into sweatpants, he crawled into bed. Cecilia turned around and burrowed her head in his chest. His arms automatically went around her, and she let out a long sigh, her body becoming soft and relaxed.

  “You’re back,” she muttered.


  She didn’t reply and he realized she had fallen asleep again. Sven’s lips curled into a smile. His heart beat hard against his chest, sending an acute, yet not unwelcome pain through his veins. He closed his eyes. The sweet aroma of Cecilia’s hair tickled his nostrils and he breathed it in. He could get used to this. To coming home every day and finding her. A flashing smile, a coquettish glance, a person with whom to share his struggles, worries, and victories. Sven kissed the top of her head. Yes, this risk was definitely going to be worth it.


  During the next few days, they settled into a routine of sorts. Though Cecilia tried to seduce him on a consistent basis, he resisted fucking her. He was becoming restless, but he still hadn’t worked up a way to explain to her the real reason why he’d married her. At first, he hadn’t thought it necessary, choosing to avoid the subject, but the more time he spent with her, the more urgent it became for him to have her understand his motives. He realized his mistake when she brought up the subject during breakfast.

  “I know you told me not to worry, but I’d really like to see my family, Sven, and to collect some of my things. Art supplies, books, personal items.”

  “Why? You can start a new life with me.”

  Cecilia rolled in her bottom lip and he recognized the sign as a way she used to control her temper.

  “I know,” she said. “That’s what I want, but some things have a bit of a sentimental value.”

  “Like what?”

  “Pictures, books, my laptop.”

  “I’ll get you new material to read and a new computer.

  She licked her lips and pressed them inwardly again. “You’re missing the point, Sven,” she said.

  His chest constricted as it always seemed to do when she spoke his name.

  “It’s more than just an object. It’s special.” She hesitated. “Like our marriage.” She ran her fingers through her hair. Her nostrils flared and her eyes blazed. “You can’t keep me prisoner here forever.”

  Sven sighed. Her big brown eyes were becoming his undoing.

  “I know.” He took a moment to compose his thoughts. How did he explain the situation to Cecilia without shattering her newly gained trust? “I’ll think about it, all right?” he said, hoping he’d be able to buy some time and think of a way to break the news to her. He would do it tonight, he decided. Spit out the truth and hope it didn’t backfire.

  He should have known better. As much as he enjoyed calling her pet, Cecilia was a free spirit with little patience. The moment he went down to his office and left her alone, she took off. He saw her sneaking down the hallway through the security cameras. He shook his head. She’d picked her hair up into a ponytail and put on one of his caps, most likely hoping he wouldn’t recognize her. Unfortunately for her, he’d spot her anywhere.

  Sven picked up his phone and gave the manager some quick instructions. He hung up and watched her approach the front desk. The receptionist nodded and pointed toward the door. His heart flipped and pain scattered through his chest as he watched her step outside.

  All hell was about to break loose.

  Chapter Twelve

  Cecilia looked back at the hotel. Fear slithered down her spine. Would she be stopped? Was Sven waiting for her at the corner? Sweat coated her back and she clenched her fists. He said she wasn’t a prisoner, but he didn’t let her leave. Two opposing ideas clashing against one another. It didn’t make any sense. Something wasn’t right, and if he didn’t want to tell her, then she’d have to find out on her own. The first thing she’d do was go home, speak to her family, and collect her things.

  She breathed a sigh of relief when the casino was out of sight. The driver didn’t speak to her and she was thankful for the silence. Her thoughts strayed to Sven. Now she was away from him, she could analyze her feelings for the older man. She bit her lip. He had her sexually frustrated, yes, but at the same time, he showed her a level of caring she’d hardly experienced through her life. He was also funny, intelligent, and of course, hot as sin. When she was around him, it was as if she could drop her guard and he didn’t mind. He called her endearing names and respected her opinion, which was more than she could say anyone had ever done for her. Every time he glanced her way her heart skipped, and butterflies danced in her belly.

  “Jesus, Cecilia,” she muttered.

  “Ma’am?” the driver asked.

  “Nothing.” She clapped her hands over her cheeks to fight the burn. “Oh, can you drop me off here?” she asked.

  He stopped where she directed, and she got out.

  “Hi, Sebastian,” she called out. Luckily, he wasn’t one of the newbies and it wasn’t the first time she’d lost or forgotten her keys. “Would you mind opening the gate? I don’t know where I left my keys.”

  “I was wondering what had happened to you, Ceci. Haven’t seen you in days,” he called out from the guard box.

  Cecilia laughed. “Oh, you know me, just having a good time. Is Gracie home?”

  Sebastian shook his head. “No. Haven’t you heard?”

  Cecilia’s heart jumped to her throat. Fear gripped her. Had Sven lied to her? Had something happened to her stepsister?


  “She got sent to rehab. It’s been almost a week now.”

  Cecilia’s jaw dropped.


  “Yes. Of course, we didn’t get the details. You know how it is.” Sebastian took a deep breath. “As a matter of a fact, they told us you were gone, too.”

  Cecilia’s heart resumed beating at the speed of lightning. “Gone?”

  “Said you were not welcome here anymore.”

  “Not welcome?” she echoed.

  Sebastian nodded. “I’m sorry, Ceci, but we got explicit orders we shouldn’t allow you inside the house anymore.”

  “What?” she shrieked. “Why?”

  “I’m sorry,” Sebastian said, dropping his gaze. “I really am, but they said you weren’t part of the family anymore, and I can’t afford to lose my job.”

  Cecilia balked. They’d kicked her out. Her parents had left her in the street without so much as a goodbye.

  “Is my mom home?” she whispered.

  Sebastian pressed his lips into a thin line and shook his head. “No.”

  “Okay. Well, I will—” Cecilia hesitated. What was she going to do now? She’d thought she’d collect her things and return to Sven, but she’d never expected this. “I’ll wait here,” she declared.

  Sebastian’s eyes grew round. “I’m afraid you can’t do that,” he said.

  “Why not? I’m just standing here. I’m not on the property.”

  “It’s loitering.”

  “Who cares?”

  Sebastian glanced at the driver who was waiting for her. He shrugged. She sat down on the sidewalk.

  “I’ll wait,” she declared.

  “I’ll have to call the police, Ceci,” Sebastian said. “I don’t want to. You know I like you—”

  “Call my mom or Trevor instead. I’d like to know why I’ve been kicked out.”

  “Don’t worry, Sebastian. I’ve got this.” Her mother’s voice came throug
h from behind the gate. Cecilia stood up and rushed to it.

  “Mom, what is happening?”

  “Cecilia, what are you doing here?”

  “Nice to see you too, Mom.”

  “Don’t mom me, you little traitor.” Her eyes narrowed and she flipped her golden tresses with a perfectly manicured hand.

  Cecilia took a step back as if she’d been slapped.

  “Traitor? What the hell are you talking about?” She held on to the bars, trying to appeal to her mother.

  “You’ve gone off and married Trevor’s greatest business rival. What is wrong with you? How could you do this to the man who basically brought you up?”

  “What? I did it to save Gracie.”

  “To save Gracie?” Her mother huffed. “I know you’ve never liked your sister, so please don’t sell me the sob story.”

  “What the fuck?” Cecilia rattled the gate, rage flowing through her. How could her own mother do this to her?

  “Just get out, Cecilia. You’ve got nothing to do here, you ungrateful kid.” Without another word, Barbara Jillian spun around and began her ascent to the house. Cecilia stared after her. A frigid punch hit her core and tears bit the back of her eyes.

  “Mom.” She wanted to scream it out, but it became a whisper lost in the honking of a vehicle. She turned and immediately recognized the black Mercedes Benz and the man at the wheel. Trevor Handel. Fire flushed through her muscles, making them quiver. Her nails bit into her palms.

  “You,” she yelled, rushing to the car.

  Trevor’s cool gaze met hers through a slit in the window.

  “What are you doing here, Cecilia?”

  “This is my home,” she replied, arms flailing.

  “Not anymore it isn’t.” He gave her a hard smile.

  “Why not?”

  Trevor quirked an eyebrow. “You’ve gone and married Sven. My business adversary. You have gotten Gracie into drugs and you’ve cheated at a casino, thus accumulating a large debt. Actions have consequences, Cecilia. It’s a lesson you should have learned years ago.”

  “But I did it to save Gracie! And I didn’t get her into pills.”


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