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Reluctant Bride

Page 33

by Sam Crescent

  “Cut the tears, Violet. They don’t work.”

  “You know, you asked me to trust you and I did. Why don’t I get the same treatment? Why don’t you … give me a chance?”

  Henry laughed. “I know women. I know when I’m being made a fool of.” He noticed she touched her wedding band. The family heirloom he wanted back.

  Violet saw his gaze and much to his surprise, she took it off and stepped toward him. She put the ring in his palm, closing his fingers.

  “I never sent the divorce papers, Henry. Or any threatening letters. I don’t want half of your money. I want you. I’ve fallen in love with you and hopefully, one day, you’ll be able to see that.”

  She let him go and he squeezed the wedding band in his palm.

  He wanted to believe her. Arabella had said he was too close. Was he doing it again?

  “I’m really glad you’re okay.” She reached for her bag and turned on her heel. The moment she went to the door, Arabella arrived.

  His sister looked like she’d been running a marathon, which was crazy. His sister refused to do any kind of physical activity besides work. She was an excellent lawyer.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” Arabella said, ushering Violet into the room.

  “He doesn’t want me here.”

  “My brother’s stupid, and I’m a fool.” Arabella closed the door and turned to him, rummaging in that giant bag of hers.

  She came out with a notepad and the handwritten paper he’d read several times since receiving it.

  “I know I said what I said, but I’m wrong. I’m so wrong,” Arabella said. “Look. Look.”

  Henry glared at her. “I just woke up.”

  “I don’t care. You’re fine. You’re going to heal. I already talked to the doctor, and you’re a man. You’re going to milk this for weeks if I don’t kick your ass out of bed. Now look.”

  Henry took the letter.

  Arabella smiled. “You see it?”

  The notepad’s writing didn’t match the handwritten letter. Not even close. The letter was swirled and fancy, as if someone had taken the time and enjoyed writing.

  The scrawl on the notepad wasn’t neat. He also noticed there were only random words joined up. Dealing with contracts most of his life, he had an eye for discrepancies.

  “Look at the signature,” Arabella said.

  It was Violet’s signature, but they didn’t match.

  His sister pointed at the notepad. “This is Violet’s. I even checked a couple of other items you had that she signed, including the prenup. This is her handwriting. This letter didn’t come from her. Whoever did this, they didn’t even think of you checking.”

  “You know it didn’t come from me?” Violet asked his sister.

  Arabella nodded and smiled. “Yes, and I want to be the first one to say how sorry I am. I’m not used to being wrong, but this time, I am. You didn’t take anything from the house and it looked like I crushed your heart. I am so, so, sorry.”

  Henry watched as his sister moved to quickly embrace her.

  Violet stood with her hands by her sides and Henry, well, he felt like a complete and total asshole. He’d judged Violet so harshly. He was so accustomed to being used for his bank account.

  She hadn’t been trying to leave him.

  The letter had come from her father. He had no doubt. That fucker was still trying to get between them.

  “And I know you’re hurting, but Henry was just taking my advice, as his lawyer and sister. He wanted to come and see you, but I told him not to. I thought he was putting himself through more heartache. I’m so sorry.”

  Henry looked at his wife.

  “It was my dad,” she said. Before he could say anything, Violet told him about the phone call she’d gotten. She’d intended to tell him when he arrived home, but he never came.

  He’d fucked up big time.

  Chapter Eight

  Violet sat in one of Henry’s spare offices. Her palms were sweaty and her heart raced a mile a minute. She’d never done anything like this before and wasn’t sure she could pull it off.

  Within minutes, her father entered the office.

  She didn’t stand to greet him.

  “I’m glad you’ve finally come to your senses, Violet. You had me worried for a minute. We both know you didn’t love Henry, anyway. These high rollers are no match for us now. There will be no more shame in our family. People will respect the Baron name again.”

  She uncrossed her legs, sitting straighter as she ran a hand through her hair. “You didn’t have to try and kill him,” she said. “That was pushing it.”

  “I thought he’d brainwashed you. What else was I supposed to do?”

  She rolled her eyes and didn’t care that he saw. He could have had two murders on his conscience, yet it didn’t seem to bother him.

  “So, you’ve picked a new victim … husband for me?”

  “This one will make Henry King’s payout look like pocket change.” She could see the twinkle in his eyes. Or maybe they were dollar signs.

  “There are rumors that he’s a dangerous man,” she said. “That he’ll use me in one of his brothels.”

  Her father laughed. “Violet, he’s not going to sell off his own wife. That’s not how any of this works. You’ll enjoy the best of everything in life while you’re there.”

  “So, what now? What’s the next step? The papers are signed. Do I just walk away from Henry?”

  He shook his head. “You have to play the part, Violet. We’ll come up with a good story about how he abused you and ran around with other women. I’ll come to your rescue.”

  “What if they nobody believes me?”

  “Of course, they will. You’re the young, innocent girl he coerced into marrying him. He stole your virginity, then set his sights on other women once he was done with you.”

  “And how long do I need to be with this other man?”

  Her father shrugged. “As long as you want, sweetheart. He’s paying so well, and I have so many deals lined up that we won’t need to move on for a long time. No rush.”

  “Does he have any idea you’re taking advantage of him, too?”

  “Your father’s no fool, Violet. I haven’t had another man outwit me yet. We’re good to go.”

  Just then, Henry walked in with a few other men. Arabella came into the office after them.

  Violet gasped.

  “What’s going on?” her father asked.

  She rushed over to Henry, and he tucked her close to his side.

  “You’re out of business, Mr. Baron. No more scamming men and using your daughter as a pawn,” Henry said.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Violet opened her jacket, revealing the wire pinned to her blouse. She couldn’t believe she’d pulled it off. Pavel Smirnov, the crime lord he planned to sell her to, was watching silently in the room, as were the undercover detectives investigating Henry’s accident. Her father would definitely go to jail for attempting to kill her husband, and once he got out, the crime lord would be waiting for him. He’d made his own bed.

  “You little bitch.” Her father lunged toward her, but the detectives grabbed his arms and handcuffed his hands behind his back. It was all over for him. Henry shielded her face to his chest, comforting her in his arms. Right now, she needed all the security she could get. Even though her father was quick to fool her, it was hard doing the same.

  Once all was quiet, she opened her eyes and looked around. They were alone.

  It was over.

  “You’re a good actress after all.” He kissed her forehead.

  “That was harder than I expected. I thought he’d see right through the lies.” She took a cleansing breath. “You don’t expect your own parent to use you for profit. Is it so wrong to expect them to love you?”

  “No, baby. And you did nothing wrong. That man’s a monster.” He reached into his pocket, pulling out her wedding band. “I forgot to give you this
back the other day. It’s special because it was my mother’s. You’re the woman I want wearing it. Now and forever.” He slipped it back on her finger, then kissed her knuckles.

  His eyes were so blue. She was enraptured by him. His strong jaw, masculine features, and slight stubble coming in. Even his scent was addicting, pulling her in. She gripped the lapels of his jacket, then ran her fingers down his chest, loving the feel of his hard muscles.

  There was so much she wanted to learn about her new husband. Now that they were on the same page, they could grow close and build their marriage into something strong and lasting.

  A knock on the door broke the spell between them. Arabella peeked into the office. “Henry, the officers need the tape recorder before they leave. Good job, Violet.” Her sister-in-law gave her a thumbs-up.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “I’ll have it to you in a minute,” Henry said. “Just need to get it unhooked.”

  The door closed behind her. “I can’t believe this is all over with. I knew my father was using me to save his businesses, but I had no clue just how money hungry he was. The lengths he’d go for a dollar…”

  Henry didn’t reply, just listened as she ranted. He was good at that. Carefully, he unpinned the wires on her shirt, then reached into the back of her waistband for the device. She didn’t have to do anything. He took control when she felt like a feather on the wind.

  He set the recorder on the bare desk, then began unbuttoning her blouse. The way his knuckles brushed her nipples made them tighten up in her bra. He stopped before undoing them all.

  “I’ll bring this out to the officers. When I get back, be a good girl and have the rest of these undone.”


  She felt stupid after asking, but did he actually expect them to get intimate in the empty office while business bustled on the other side of the frosted glass walls?

  “Use your imagination.” The evil look in his eyes made her pussy clench. He was so experienced and powerful. It turned her on even when she tried to deny it.

  He left the room.

  She looked around. There was only a large desk, three chairs, a file cabinet, and a picture of a cityscape at night. It reminded her of Henry’s condo, their home. That was where she wanted to be right now so she could put this day behind her.

  Apparently, her husband had other plans.


  Henry had a lot to make up for. He’d pushed her away just when things were growing stronger between them. That was a mistake he wouldn’t make with Violet again. She wasn’t like other women he’d dated. His woman was pure innocence and joy. He’d spend the rest of his life spoiling her.

  When he came back into the office, he locked the door behind him. She was in her bra and skirt, looking awkward and uncomfortable. He’d have to change that.

  “It doesn’t take that long to take off your clothes, does it?”

  “Someone will hear.”


  “Henry, this is crazy.”

  Even now there were shadows of people walking by on the other side of the wall. It was good to add a little kink to any marriage. After the stress of knowing she was scared and alone with her father while he had to hide outside with the detectives, he needed this. Needed her.

  “You need to stop worrying about what other people think. You’re mine. I’m yours. Considering I own this building, I can do exactly as I please. And what I want is to fuck my wife on this desk.”

  “On this desk?” She sat on it and spread her legs as wide as her skirt would allow.

  He raised an eyebrow. “Change of heart?”

  “You’re right. From now on, I’m letting you take the lead. If I can’t trust my husband, who can I trust?”

  Henry cupped her face and kissed her lips, slowly, deeply. “I’m the luckiest man alive.”

  All the money in the world couldn’t buy happiness. Couldn’t buy love. He knew that fact firsthand. He’d saved Violet from a harsh fate, but she saved him, too. Having a virgin bride half his age was something he never imagined for himself. Violet gave him a reason to come home each night. After losing his parents, he’d lived life as a playboy, but deep down, he craved to start his own family. To share his history and keep the family lineage going strong into the future.

  “I’m sorry I was so mean to you at first,” she said.

  “I’ve already told you I understand. Let’s just look to the future now.” He unfastened her bra, freeing those heavy tits of their constraints. Henry supported them in his hands, rubbing his face in her cleavage before sucking a nipple into his mouth. He knew exactly what she liked, how to get a rise out of her. Within seconds, her hands were in his hair, her breathing picking up.

  “You like that?”

  She nodded.

  “Should I eat your pussy first?”

  She nodded again. Henry settled her down on her back. She winced from the cold against her bare skin. He tugged off her skirt and slipped off her panties, tossing them in the center of the room with disregard. She spread her legs open and he got comfortable in the office chair.

  With only one swipe of his tongue, she arched up with a gasp. His little bride liked the thrill of exhibition, the possibility of getting caught. This wouldn’t take long at all. He’d bring her to heaven within minutes. He fucked her with his tongue, holding the base of each thigh as he enjoyed her little cunt. Then he settled over her clit, giving her the exact attention she craved.

  “Henry…” she chanted.

  “Someone will hear you, baby.”

  “I don’t care. Please, Henry.”

  “You want to come all over my face?”


  She wanted to come. Desperately. Likely needed it more than air right now, and he was going to take her there. He loved it when she begged. It made his cock even harder.

  He gave her no reprieve, suckling her clit, eating her out until she couldn’t take another second of the beautiful torture. She mewled on and on before her entire body jolted to a standstill. Violet brought her forearm across her mouth to help silence her cries as her pussy pulsed against his lips.

  When he finally pulled away, she was sprawled out on the desk, her eyes hooded with desire. All her inhibitions had faded away to nothing. Henry stood, shrugged off his jacket, and then unbuckled his pants.

  “Take your shirt off, too. I want to see your body when you fuck me,” she said.

  He didn’t deny her, unbuttoning his shirt and setting it on the back of the chair.

  “You want this cock?” He pumped his erection. Nothing about him was small.

  “Give it to me.”

  He growled. Once his virgin got into the zone, she was a siren. Insatiable and addicting. He fingered her cunt, hitting her sensitive G-spot before yanking her to the edge of the desk. She let out a cute little squeal. He was fucking in love with his wife.

  “You’re perfect, Violet. Soft and sweet and perfect.” He impaled her with his cock in one firm thrust. She gasped, tossing her head back as he filled her to the hilt. “Nice and wet, too. You’re always so wet for me, aren’t you?”

  He watched his erection slipping in and out of her tight heat. Her bare tits jiggled each time he rammed into her. He grabbed her hips and took her hard, thrusting fast enough to bring her close to a second orgasm. The desk scraped the tiles, shifting out of its original position.

  “Oh God, Henry!”

  He wasn’t going to keep her waiting, not when his own release was barreling to the surface. Henry toyed with her clit as he continued to fuck her, and he felt the moment she came, her hot pussy milking his cock, forcing him to follow.

  When the afterglow began to ease, she sat up on the desk and looked around. “Do you think anyone heard us?”

  “Probably.” He smirked at her. She was adorable. “You didn’t mind a minute ago when I was balls deep inside you.”

  “Henry, you’re impossible.”

  They began to get dressed. “Wh
at are we going to do for dinner?” he asked.

  “Well, it’s Friday and you don’t work tomorrow,” she said. “Can we bring take-out home? Maybe Chinese?”

  “We can watch a movie,” he said. “In front of the coffee table.” He winked.

  She smiled, and it warmed him from the inside out. “That sounds like the perfect life to me.”

  He pulled her into his arms, whispering against her hair. “I love you, Violet King. Let’s go home.”

  The End

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  Kait Gamble

  Copyright © 2021

  Chapter One

  “I’m not getting out of this car.” Odette pressed herself against the supple leather behind her as she glared at the goon beckoning her from the dark interior.

  She’d spotted him lurking outside of her practice and had managed to get into her car before he could grab her, but the mountain of a man had prevented her from slamming the door shut on him and driving away.

  “Signorina, please.”

  The last word sounded like it nearly got stuck in his throat, quite a feat considering how thick it was. She’d been around plenty of men like him and knew that he was to follow orders. Seeing as she was being treated with kid gloves, it was obvious he knew who she was and that she wasn’t to be harmed. That, along with the Italian he spewed, only put her more on edge.

  “Signorina Gallo…” he implored.

  Stunned that he knew her name, Odette eyed him suspiciously. “Who do you work for? How do you know who I am?” Did her father send him?

  “Ti prego, come with me. You are not safe.”

  His warning lanced a shaft of ice down her spine, but she shook her head. He thought she’d just trust him? “Not until you answer my questions.”

  All she wanted to do was get on with her life without having to deal with her father or his “business.” She’d moved to a completely different country to get away from his influence, for goodness sake! Not that she’d ever regretted her decision. Moving to rural France and opening up a medical practice in an area that sorely needed the help had been the best thing she’d ever done.


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