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Reluctant Bride

Page 37

by Sam Crescent

  Or was it because he couldn’t wait to get his hands on what was her father’s?

  He pressed another kiss to her forehead. “Of course, I’ll want any and all input from you. Just because it will be hasty doesn’t mean it can’t be the wedding of your dreams.”

  And just when she thought she might have him figured out, he said things like that. What was there to say but, “Thank you.”

  For a moment, it looked like he was going to say something else, but instead, he gave her a crooked smile. “Buona notte.”

  It wasn’t until he shut the door behind him that she noticed the ring had twisted around, and she gripped it so tightly in her palm that the stones left a pattern in her skin. Trying not the let the glitter dazzle her, or to let herself perceive it as some kind of omen, she slipped it off and put it on the nightstand on her way to the en-suite bathroom.

  It caught her attention on the way out, wiping away the numb calm that she’d manage to find in the shower. As much as she didn’t want to think about what was going on, she couldn’t ignore it forever.

  Picking the ring up, she turned it under the light to admire the fire blinking merrily at her. The large square diamond had to be at least as big as her thumbnail and was cut so the facets formed a brilliant star at the heart of the stone. Bruno Genovesi had exquisite taste, that was for sure.

  She slipped it back onto her finger and let it warm to her skin, enjoying the weight of it and the way it looked. But was she really going to marry the man simply at his word? Yes, she’d seen the video, but Enzo … he couldn’t have killed their father. They might have had their differences, but to do something so heinous? The video looked authentic, but someone like Bruno could afford the best deep fakes.

  Odette shook her head. She might not have seen him for several years, but she still knew her father when she saw him. Though, how could she believe her brother did something so horrible? Then again, he had sent people after her.

  Or had he?

  It was all so confusing.

  Odette’s phone chimed somewhere in the room, drawing her out. She stopped as she realized there was a large pile of boxes on the bed—and on the floor. The name brands tastefully stamped on the boxes let her know just how much Bruno had spent on the items in front of her.

  She opened them one by one to find an array of clothing from casual wear, to nightwear, to lingerie, to footwear, and everything in between. There were even toiletries and makeup. All very high-end and very sought-after.

  It was thoughtful. Not as thoughtful as him getting her actual belongings, but it was nice that he’d thought of her comfort.

  Odette fingered the silk of the cream-colored nightie. Was he trying to buy her affection? Did he think she would be more amenable because he’d presumably gotten his assistant to buy her a few things? Hadn’t she already proven how easily she could be persuaded by him back on the plane?

  She dropped the items back into their respective boxes and went in search of her phone. A few swipes brought up a long string of texts from her brother. Odette didn’t even know he knew her number. Had he been keeping tabs on her all along? She replied with a vague yet polite response but didn’t reply to his next volley of texts.

  Should she tell Bruno?

  What was the point? Everything up to this point felt like a well-orchestrated setup. Rescue the damsel in distress, screw her brains out, and give her pretty things to ensure her devotion. What she needed was to get as far from both of them as possible. He and Enzo wanted to fight over her father’s domain? They could do it without her. Odette took off the ring and put it on top of the boxes before putting her own clothes back on.

  As she was trying to figure out her exit strategy, there was a knock at the door.


  She pulled the door open. “Signore Genovesi.”

  The smile faded from his features. “I thought we were past that now.” His dark eyes narrowed when he took in her wet hair and her clothing. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m leaving.”

  “May I ask why?”

  “I just need to get out of here.”

  “I thought you were going to take the night to think on it?”

  “It turns out I didn’t need the whole night.”

  His gaze flicked to the mountain of boxes and the glinting ring at the summit. “My gifts have offended you.”

  Arms crossed, she shrugged. “You don’t need to buy my affection.”

  “I wasn’t aware that was what I was doing.”

  “What do you call all that then?” She flung her arm toward the bed.

  “Taking care of my woman?”

  “I’m not your woman. And I’m leaving right now.”

  Bruno arched a dark brow. “And where are you planning to go?”

  “Away from here?”

  “Don’t you think you should at least have a plan?”

  “I have a plan. To get out of here.”

  “Very well.” He motioned toward the door.

  They walked to the entrance in dead silence. As Bruno opened the door for her, he handed her a business card. “In case you need anything. Call me any time.”

  How could he continue to be so nice? She took it and gave him a hesitant smile. “Thank you, for everything. And for understanding. You’re a good man.” An act, she was sure. After all, a man would only have his place in the world if he was ruthless.

  “Hardly, but I would never force you to do anything you didn’t want.” He crossed his arms in a move that showed off his bulging arms even through the suit. “I do have to say, I think that this is a mistake.”

  “I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing it for this long and have been fine.”

  “But circumstances have changed. Your status has changed.”

  “Not if I can help it. I’m giving it all away. To you or to my brother, it doesn’t matter. I don’t want any of this.”

  He shook his head. “Take some time to think it over. It’s too big for a knee-jerk reaction. Too important.” When she started to argue, he pinned her with his dark gaze. “My men will take you wherever you want to go.”

  “That’s not necessary.”

  “I insist.”

  “Thank you … again…” It was twisted, but Odette didn’t think Bruno would actually let her walk out. At least not without a fight.

  As she turned to leave, the world swung wildly in an all too familiar way.

  Then came the smarting sting on her ass. “After everything, you really think I’m just going to let you walk into harm’s way?”

  “Put me down, Bruno!”

  “I thought you understood what this means to me.”

  Did he actually sound hurt?

  She rebounded off an entirely different bed as she glared up at him. “And how do you think I feel? It’s like you’re following a script of how to make me feel something for you.”

  The anger leeched from his face. “And what is it that you feel for me?”

  Shit. “What I mean is you’re working awfully hard to ingratiate yourself on me.”

  He caged her arms to her side. Not in a rough way. Not in a way that hurt. He just held her in place as he had on the plane as they… Odette’s eyes widened as he leaned in close enough for her to feel his breath on her cheek.

  “Would you rather I did nothing? What should I do? Lock you in a room and keep you as a slave? I was trying to show you that I do care about what you’re going through. That I understand it must be hard for you.”

  Having him pressed so intimately against her proved her situation wasn’t the only thing that was hard. Odette ground herself against him on instinct, prompting a slow smile from him.

  Almost simultaneously, they attacked the other’s clothing in a mad scramble to get naked.

  Clothes gone, Bruno situated himself between her thighs and grazed his teeth over the delicate skin just under her ear. “It seems there is only one way that we communicate without misunderstanding. How could you den
y us this?”

  Odette gripped his ass and arched her hips, impaling herself with him. “I was insane.”

  Bruno slammed himself deep then confused her by cupping her cheeks gently as he tasted her lips. “I truly want to make this work.”

  She threaded her fingers in his hair and parted his lips with her tongue, stopping him from explaining further. The men she’d encountered from her father’s world and Bruno were different, she was coming to learn that much.

  And as far as lovers went … with Bruno, Odette was in heaven. He knew exactly how and where to touch her to coax every bit of sensation. Every ounce of pleasure was his to manipulate and toy with. He wasn’t exactly immune to her either. A nibble of his bottom lip made him shudder. A flick of his nipple with her tongue caused his hands to convulse. And when she moaned his name, he’d tense in a way she was sure indicated he was trying not to come.

  And she reveled in that power. Odette pushed at his shoulder until he was flat on his back and she straddled his hips. His grip tightened on her hips as she began to ride him.

  That she had any command over such a formidable man sent a surge of something she’d felt very little of in her life. Control. For too long, she had to roll with the punches and take whatever came her way. For once, she was in the driver’s seat.

  She rode him hard, wanting to drive them both to the peak as quickly as she could. Her orgasm began in her toes and spread like lava through her body. As she exploded, Bruno sat up so they were chest-to-chest, He bucked up, letting Odette take him over with her.

  They lay together for an age before Bruno managed to summon the strength to move.

  “How can it get better every time?”

  Bruno chuckled and the sound warmed her. “Are you truly offended by the things I purchased?”

  “You bought them?”

  The look he gave her was one of surprise. “You think I would let someone else buy you lingerie?”

  That she could still blush was a miracle. “You didn’t have to. I’m not worth the fuss. I can take care of myself.”

  “But you are.”

  When Odette opened her mouth again to argue, he put up a placating hand. “I obviously need to learn how to communicate with you. It wasn’t meant as a bribe or anything of the sort. I knew you didn’t have any of your things and wanted you to feel comfortable.”

  And now she felt about two inches tall. After a lifetime of watching people use money and power to get what they wanted, seeing someone of his stature and reputation doting on a woman—on her—was … strange. Yet, it was oddly edifying, not to mention flattering. But that was the effect he was going for by such an ostentatious display, wasn’t it?

  “If we are to understand each other, we need to actually speak. Ask me what I would like rather than run roughshod over me and my wishes.”

  Bruno’s smile was soft and something about it moved her more than his megawatt grin. “I promise never to do it again.”

  He was being so gentle and reasonable. It made her realize just how much of a harpy she was being. And how jaded she’d become. After several years of living a simple life in the little village, she thought she’d grown out all the suspicion. Apparently, that wasn’t so. Or was it a reflex because of the situation? Because she was being dragged back into this world?

  “I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. I apologize.”

  “I think I’d be a bit more concerned if you hadn’t said anything and just gone along with everything without question.”

  The smile faded, and she could see the fatigue in his eyes.

  “I came to see if you wanted anything to eat.” When she nodded, the soft smile returned. “I could bring it in here, if you like.”

  “If you don’t mind, I’d love to see more of your apartment. And you don’t need to babysit me. If there’s somewhere else you need to be…”

  “There is nowhere else.” He slipped a robe over her shoulders before finding another for himself, then held out his arm in an old-worldly move that charmed her into looping hers through. “And this apartment is yours now, too.”

  Feeling like a wide-eyed little girl, she let him lead her along a meandering path through the two-floor penthouse. There were sculptures and art, though it all felt very masculine. Not at all surprising considering who lived there.

  The tour ended at a balcony that overlooked Rome.

  He pulled out a chair for her, smiling at her appreciative gaze at the candlelit table laden with food. “I had the chef prepare a few things.”

  “You didn’t have to go through that trouble. I would have been happy with a coffee.”

  “Nonsense. You’ve had a long and traumatic day. You require something more substantial.” His lips quirked when she looked up at him. “I know I need some sustenance now.”

  Odette couldn’t help but smile back as he took the other chair. “You’re nothing like I imagined you to be.”

  That seemed to catch him off guard. “You’ve thought of me?”

  “Only as the boogeyman.” Was it possible for a smile to be wistful yet wry? It was the best explanation for the strange twist she felt her mouth adopt. “My father didn’t have many nice things to say about the man who was out to get him.”

  He chuckled as he settled beside her. “I’m glad you no longer consider me to be l'uomo nero.”

  As was she.

  The large silver tray set upon the table carried an array of offerings. Plates of beautiful canapes that could have been works of art, charcuterie, and—to complete the meal—a bottle of champagne chilling in a bucket of ice.

  He started to stand when he took her awe as hesitation. “If you’d rather have something else…”

  Odette put her hand on his arm, stilling him. “This is wonderful.”

  He settled again and lifted a plate for her to pick from. “What would you like to try first?”

  “I don’t know if I can ruin all the hard work that went into this.” She started to reach for a morsel but stopped. “There isn’t anything on here that has strawberries in it, is there?” Odette wasn’t sure if it was the best idea to reveal to someone who held so much power over her situation just how allergic she was to them.

  The frown told her he didn’t know before the words exited his mouth. “I don’t know.” He put the tray down and nodded at the charcuterie. “Perhaps it would be better to have some of that instead. The champagne is to your liking?”

  Nodding, Odette helped herself as Bruno popped the cork and filled their glasses. She took the one he handed her as he held his aloft. “To our marriage.”

  Murmuring the same, Odette tapped her rim to his. This was certainly not where she thought her night would end up.

  Chapter Seven

  The next few weeks were a blur of business and wedding arrangements. But for their blistering midnight encounters, Odette barely saw Bruno. Taking over for her father was definitely something she never thought about and she certainly never entertained the logistics of a handover. Fortunately, Bruno dealt with most of that. But the distance and the lack of time to communicate only strengthened the niggling concerns that he was only interested in her because of what she brought to him.

  But then they’d get naked and everything would be burned away until morning and the doubts would pile on all over again.

  The guard she’d met on the plane, Russo, turned out to be Bruno’s head of security and ever-present. Rather than feel protected, however, Odette felt unsettled whenever he was around. She felt as though she ought to talk to Bruno about him, but wasn’t sure how to broach the subject. After all, she’d only known him for a few days. From what she understood, he’d been at Bruno’s side for years.

  Perhaps he just needed to get to know her. She couldn’t blame him for not trusting her. She was a Gallo, after all. The war between the two families had raged for generations, so it would take more than a few days for him to realize she wasn’t a threat.

  Until then, or she spoke to Bruno, she’d just ha
ve to suffer the suffocation of his presence.

  Her father’s men seemed to view the merger as a good thing. For the most part. There were bound to be a few dissenters who didn’t like change. Who refused to see this as a good thing.

  Because it was, wasn’t it?

  Odette gave the wedding coordinator she’d been convening with all day a wan smile. Then she waved her out the door and couldn’t close it behind her fast enough. Every day seemed like a new tsunami of things to choose, organize, and debate. Apparently, their ideas of a suitable wedding differed greatly. Clearly to her, the most expensive and gaudy option was the best.

  Odette liked simple and elegant, and she was positive that Bruno felt the same. So, she chose what she wanted no matter how vociferous the woman was about her opinions. Then there was the headache of organizing the transfer of her patients to Didier’s practice. Explaining things to them only made things worse. Especially her friend Camille, who had been counting on her to deliver her baby. That broke her heart. She had befriended her almost immediately after moving to France and Odette had been with her from the discovery of her pregnancy and through every milestone. She had so hoped to help bring her little boy into the world and watch him grow.

  It all just drained her.

  Used to eating dinner by herself, Odette strode through the empty apartment toward the dining room. Bruno had texted earlier, giving his excuses. There was a dispute he needed to deal with, and he’d be back late.

  As always, the chef had a spectacular meal prepared, but Odette just wasn’t interested. She was just so tired and there were too many thoughts whirling around her head. All she wanted was a hot bath and a good night’s sleep. And perhaps not having to go through the same routine again the next day.

  She was in a weird rut, but it was still a rut and she knew it. Maybe things would change after the wedding? But what if they didn’t? Could she live like this? Eating alone, going to bed alone, never seeing her husband, let alone having a conversation with him?


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