Reluctant Bride

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Reluctant Bride Page 42

by Sam Crescent

  “My wife has needs that I will meet before I leave our home. I will fuck you over my desk so hard that when I leave, you will be so tired, you won’t even be able to leave this room.”

  His erection grinds into my ass and I can’t wait for him to carry out his promise. The best way I know to get what I want is to be a brat.

  “Promises, promises, old man.” I snark at him. “Maybe when I am done with you, you won’t go to your meeting at all.”

  Nero doesn’t answer. He only turns me in his hold. Behind him, the door to his office is wide open. I know Mathias is still in school until later, but anyone else could walk by and see us. Why does that drive my arousal even higher?

  Nero has the t-shirt over my head in no time, pulling at the ties to my bikini, and both strips of material soon fall to the floor. Nero doesn’t touch me but his gaze is a caress all on its own.

  “Maybe if I fill your mouth with my cock, you won’t be able to sass me so often,” he says.

  I don’t wait for him to tell me what to do, simply drop to my knees and open my mouth. All my life, I never had a submissive bone in my body. I’m not even sure if that’s what is happening at this moment, but I have an insane urge to please Nero.

  “Fuck, woman. What you do to me.” He loosens his belt and frees his cock before stepping closer and pressing just the crown inside my mouth. I dart my tongue out and taste his creamy pre-cum. Salty and sweet. Slowly, he pushes the length into my mouth before pulling back. I don’t know if what I am doing is right, but by his growls, I assume it’s enough. Suddenly, Nero pulls out of my mouth. He grips me beneath my arms, lifting me to my feet. His movements are fast and fluid as he turns me and pushes me down on his desk before driving his cock into me in one smooth stroke.

  A scream tears from me as he bottoms out before retreating and doing it all over again. His grip on my neck and hip as he holds me down and in place are both firm. His thrusts are hard and with each thrust, I feel my hips hitting the desk. This is what sex should be like for everyone. Wild, free, and with complete abandon.

  “I need you to come, Thalia. I won’t be able to last. Your mouth, and now your tight pussy, are too much for me to handle,” Nero whispers roughly in my ear.

  His words make me reckless. I want him to fuck me without any restraint, without any worry, so I push back, signaling that I want more. His thrusts become faster and harder as his hips piston against me. After pulling my head back by my hair, he grabs my breast roughly, squeezing hard before tugging sharply at my nipple.

  “Look at our reflection in the window. Look how beautiful you are when I’m fucking you. Anyone could see, anyone could walk in.”

  My pussy contacts at his words.

  “But then again, we both like a little danger.”

  The hand working at my breast slides down my front, over my stomach, and cups my pussy. For long moments, he doesn’t move his hand as he keeps thrusting into me. Just as I feel his cock swell inside me, he pinches my clit between his fingers, hard, and has me going over the edge along with him.

  My orgasm wracks my body, crashing over me in waves and robbing me of all sense of reality as I scream until my throat is hoarse.

  When I open my eyes, I’m cradled in Nero’s arms on the sofa.

  “Your legs gave out,” he says, trying to hide a smirk.

  “Well, you did promise.” I smile back at him.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Leaving my office is one of the hardest things I’ve done in a long time. Thalia is asleep on the sofa in my office, covered in a light blanket. My life is perfect in every aspect except for my fucking brother. I need to get to my meeting with my uncle, who flew over just to sort this out so I can move on with my life. The drive is long and tedious, and with every mile I travel away from Thalia, an uneasiness grips me.

  I want to go back home and spend time with Thalia. I want to tell her that I love her, that this is real. I want her to realize we are meant to be.

  As I enter the warehouse, my blood runs cold in my veins. On the floor is the body of my dear uncle, holding his own head in his lap.

  “Marco! Take me home now!” I yell as the panic sets in.



  An hour after I passed out, I wake up to screaming in the house. I can’t make out the voices, but I do know this isn’t right. I move from my position on the couch, wrapping the blanket around myself before I open the door slightly. Looking down the hall, I cannot see any immediate danger, and it sounds like most of the noise is downstairs.

  Deciding to make a run for it, I head to the master bedroom and into the closet. After getting dressed in jeans and one of Nero’s t-shirts, I hurriedly stuff the Glock 19 Nero got for me into the back of my jeans. After slipping on my sneakers, I make my way downstairs, being careful to hide my presence.

  Men have gathered in the kitchen, where they are pointing guns at Maria and Mathias. Georgio, my personal bodyguard, lies dead at the entrance to the kitchen. Mathias is crying, as is Maria, but I can’t focus on that now. There are three armed men in the kitchen, and I need to find a way to take them out before my family can be harmed.

  I don’t have any time to figure out a plan when a gun is pressed to the back of my head.

  “Just who I was looking for,” the man behind me drawls. “You must be Thalia, my sister-in-law.”

  My entire body clenches in distress. Nero told me about his brother, not too many details, only that he was dangerous and deranged, and if he ever approached me, I wasn’t to engage him.

  “Move.” He pushes me forward with the gun. He herds me toward Maria and Mathias and the moment I’m within reach, Mathias grabs me and pulls me toward him, his little body wrapping itself around me.

  “What do you want?” For the first time, I look at Ernesto, my brother-in-law. It’s clear he and Nero have the same lineage, but looks are where it stops. Ernesto has a look in his eyes that can only be described as insanity, and a chill runs down my spine at the sight of him.

  “We are going to wait for my brother. He will be home shortly. He will assist me in taking back the business our father squandered, and in return, I will let you and his son live.” He takes a deep breath before continuing. “I did try to do this peacefully. I came to him and spoke about this matter but he wouldn’t listen, and now we are here. This is all Nero’s fault.”

  Ernesto isn’t talking to me anymore, just rambling to himself. While he’s ranting about Nero, my gaze catches Ian outside the kitchen window. He looks like he may want to come inside, but I shake my head, trying to convince him otherwise. If Ian can contact Nero and wait for him, we will outnumber them.

  Ian turns from the window, with his cell phone pressed to his ear, and disappears.

  Chapter Fifteen


  After pulling up outside our home, I rush out of the car and into my home. Short on my heels are both Marco and Ian, who have kept us updated as we drove back. More men pour from the vehicle behind us and create a perimeter around the house. My brother has my wife and son, along with Maria trapped in the kitchen. Guns are trained on my family and I itch with the need to rip the people responsible for this apart.

  I don’t hesitate to go to them and stride into the kitchen as if I don’t have a worry in the world.

  “Brother,” Ernesto exclaims.

  If I didn’t know better, I would think he’s happy to see me.

  “Get out of my home,” I order. My words and my demeanor are cold and to the point. I’m well aware that if I don’t take control of this situation immediately, I may end up losing everything I hold dear.

  “Come now, Nero.” Ernesto gestures to one of his men. The man rips Mathias from Thalia’s arms, both of them crying out, before positioning the muzzle of his gun to my son’s head.

  Violence swims through my veins, a red haze seeping into my vision. None of these men will leave here alive today. No one threatens my family and gets away with it.

/>   “Ernesto, listen to me closely. Get the fuck out of my house while you still have the chance, or die where you stand.” My entire focus is on Ernesto, trying to convince him to leave.

  Fear courses through my veins, right beside the rage. If this situation escalates, Mathias or Thalia could get hurt, and I wouldn’t survive losing either of them.

  “Then we will all die, brother.” He lifts his gun and points it my way, but never fires a shot. His white shirt blooms bright red with blood. As he drops to his knees and then to the ground, I see Thalia behind him, Mattias wrapped around her leg, with her gun in hand.

  My wife has killed my brother and I couldn’t be prouder.



  I have never killed anyone before and I thought I would feel some kind of regret or remorse. I don’t. I did what I had to do to take care of my family, to keep us safe and alive, and I would do it again, although I hope I don’t have to.

  Nero hasn’t let me or Mattias out of his sight for the past few hours. The doctor came and gave Mattias something to help him sleep. Fortunately, he’s young enough that he won’t remember this when he’s older, but if he has any questions, I will tell him the truth.

  The cleaners have come and gone. In total, sixteen people died here today. Seven of Ernesto’s men, including himself, and nine of our men. Marco is currently hunting down four others who turned tail and ran when the shit hit the fan, so that number will probably go up.

  Maria has gone to stay with her daughter for a couple of days after all the stress of the day, and although we all love her dearly, I think this may be too much. I don’t think she will return to us.

  Standing in the shower below the spray, I wait for the events of the day to catch up with me. The shock, the shame, tears, anything? But I don’t feel anything besides relief. The door to the shower opens and Nero stands before me. He doesn’t undress as he pulls me into his strong chest, just holding me to him.

  His heart is a steady rhythm against my ear. Taking my shoulders, he holds me at arm’s length as he looks me over for the millionth time.

  “I’m fine, Nero,” I say softly.

  “But I’m not. I thought I had lost you and Mathias today.” His gaze is pained as he looks at me.

  “But you didn’t. We are both still alive and right here with you,” I reply.


  “No. If you want to live on buts and what-ifs, then you aren’t the man I thought you were.” I don’t look away from him. “Instead of focusing on what you could have lost, start focusing on what you still have. Mathias is fine, maybe a little in shock, and I’m fine.”

  He doesn’t speak for the longest time, only stares at me. His hair has fallen into his face, wet from the spray, and his clothes are soaked. I don’t know if I’ve reached him, if he will be able to move on from this fiasco or not when he grabs me. His lips crash down on my mine as he claims me with a kiss.

  It’s exactly like our first kiss, consuming and demanding. Heat explodes through me, and all I need to feel normal is Nero. Our hands are all over the place. Nero touches me and I strip him. Arousal shoots through me and I moan into his mouth.

  Nero picks me up and I lock my legs around his waist. My back hits the cold tile wall as he thrusts his cock into me. His lips leave mine as he kisses and nips down my neck.

  “I thought I lost you. I have never been so terrified in my life.” Nero growls against my skin. “All the way back, all I could think about was touching you, kissing you, fucking you. I don’t think I would survive if I ever lost you.” His hips piston in and out of me.

  “Nero,” I moan loudly.

  “I can’t lose you,” he says again.

  My orgasm catches me off guard, my entire body hanging on to him. The waves crash over me in a constant loop, and I don’t know if it will ever end. When I open my eyes, I find Nero’s gaze locked on me as he continues to pump into me. His movements become erratic and I know he’s close to coming.

  Smiling up at him, I cup his check in my hand before kissing him softly.

  “You’ll never lose me. I love you. I’m not going anywhere,” I whisper.

  When Nero’s orgasm claims him a moment later, he roars loudly, the sound vibrating off the tile in the luxurious bathroom. For long moments, he doesn’t speak, but he doesn’t look away from me.

  “And I love you, wife.” He smiles, his dimples showing clearly, before carrying me to our bed.

  The End

  Explore more books by Jade Marshall


  Laura M. Baird

  Copyright © 2021



  Five years ago

  “I did it!” I quietly shout in the empty restroom, doing my little happy dance as if I were fifteen again. But this accomplishment goes way beyond the thrill I felt after writing my first successful code in computer science class. Even surpasses graduating with double majors in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Washington.

  This excitement comes from being the representative from my father’s company, Bristow Integrations, at the tech convention currently taking place in Bellevue. And for scoring a major account with one of the local medical centers on day two of the convention. It’s the first time I was able to convince my father our presence at the convention is a must. His company was getting by with smaller projects and clients, but I had grand ideas for the future.

  I’d been communicating with a rep from the center for a few months who’d said they really needed a specialized program for their Sports and Spine Care Clinic. Dane, the rep, had taken time to visit the event, saying they were finally ready to move forward. Not only would the contract include updating their software programs, but it would also mean developing rehabilitative devices used by patients. He’d made the rounds, saying he’d call with his decision.

  “This is totally in your wheelhouse,” I say to my reflection in the mirror as a face-splitting grin takes shape, threatening to etch itself permanently for the remainder of the evening. Not that I mind. Nothing feels better than knowing I’m using my degree doing what I’m passionate about while also making my parents proud. This will certainly propel the company to the next level, proving ourselves as a force to take notice of in the tech circles. Not bad at twenty-seven years of age.

  When I make this campaign a success—and there’s no way I won’t—Dad will finally be able to consider lessening his workload while I begin to transition into the role as head of the company. Not that I want to give up actively working on projects, but it’s a given I’ll eventually take over, being Dad’s only heir. He said so himself. And at seventy-two, Dad is due some relaxation, with Mom ensuring that’ll happen. Oh, he’ll never not be a presence—after all, Bristow Integrations is his baby. But they can at least start checking off items from their bucket list, as Dad calls it. Mom prefers to call it their wish list, saying she doesn’t plan on kicking the bucket anytime soon.

  I was a surprise baby late in life for my parents, and they doted on me as if I was the most precious thing in the world. I love my parents and am thankful for all they’ve been able to give me, but I made it known early on in life I didn’t need to be handled with kid gloves. Even with their caution, they taught me well to be strong and independent through their ethics and work example alone. And when I had finally shown them what I was capable of with my own pursuits and achievements, they loosened the reins a bit.

  Every once in a while, they still manage to sneak in the comment about providing them with grandchildren before they’re dust in the ground. Yeah, that’s their way of joking with me because I’ve shown zero interest in any man. I mean, I like men, but I’ve been too busy reaching my goals, and now, striving for more. I didn’t need a man to do that.

  Now that my thoughts have gotten me way off-track, I manage to calm myself—smile still gleefully in place—and channel all the professionalism I can, intent on closing out the evening with my colleagues.r />
  I’ve made connections that will benefit the company, and I look forward to working hand-in-hand with some new faces.

  Well, except maybe Theo Spears, Jr. of Spears Technology. My smile starts to take a downward turn and I berate myself for allowing him to affect me. He may be intelligent, savvy, and heir to one of the leading companies in Seattle, but he’s also an arrogant ass. His father still runs the company, and on the one occasion I had the chance to meet them, Theo Sr.—preferring to be called Theodore—was a very pleasant person. Jr., not so much.

  I’d heard rumors about Theo Jr. and his cavalier attitude when it came to business as well as relationships. And although I don’t usually take rumors to heart, knowing it isn’t fair to the person, I could certainly see those rumors being legit after even the briefest of meetings.

  The Spears Tech booth is set up right across the aisle from ours, staffed with a few reps I actually have had decent conversations with. I never really expected to see either father or son here, thinking this convention wouldn’t fit into their busy schedule. That’s what their bajillion reps are for. So, I was surprised when Jr. had stopped in earlier to check with his people. His flirtatious manner with one of the women didn’t seem to turn any heads and they certainly weren’t shy about their behavior. I thought it to be very unprofessional, but Lori, my friend and co-worker, snorted, saying she wouldn’t mind at all receiving attention like that.

  “God, Lori, he’s at least ten years older. And look at him. You don’t act like that at a business function.”

  She simply laughed and said quietly, “Well, he is ten years older than me, which makes him thirteen years older than you. Still within range in my opinion.”


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