Reluctant Bride

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Reluctant Bride Page 41

by Sam Crescent

  A shiver wracks my body as Nero nuzzles my neck before placing a chaste kiss on my lips and releasing me. Taking my hand in his, he leads me to the dining room where Mathias is already seated. The entire meal, Mathias talks constantly, but I don’t hear anything he says. My attention is focused solely on Nero. He stares at me all throughout dinner with a lust-filled gaze.

  Mathias heads off to bed after we finish eating, leaving us alone. Neither of us speak for long moments before Nero’s cell phone breaks the quiet. The sound of it ringing feels loud to my ears in the silence of the large room. For a moment, he just stares at it before he answers.

  “What?” he growls down the line. He listens before sighing. “Fine, take him to my office.”

  He pushes away from the table, his chair scraping against the tile. He walks toward me and takes my hand, helping me out of my seat. “I am sorry about this. I need to take a meeting.”

  He kisses me harshly, pouring all his desire into the kiss before pulling away and walking off to his office. His kiss leaves me dazed, my lips tingling, my arousal ramped up even further. But I know his meeting must be important. He hates taking meetings at home, even more when Mathias and I are here.

  Making my way to our room, I feel like our evening has been ruined. I was looking forward to tonight, and I’m assuming he was, too. Then a thought hits me. I don’t want to wait any longer. I want this to happen tonight, and come hell or high water, it will. Stepping back into the closet, I strip out of my dress and into the sexiest piece of lingerie I can find.

  Chapter Ten


  The meeting is important, and I have to take it. But every step away from Thalia and toward my office has my anger climbing. After I enter, I don’t look at Marco or the man seated beside him as I take my seat behind my desk. Instantly, I remember what happened here this afternoon, and my cock jerks in my slacks before I rest my gaze on the men before me.

  “Explain,” I say with a growl.

  “Nero. This is Mr. Ian Peterson. He is the private investigator who helped Ernesto find you.”

  For a second, I study the young man before me. Blue hair, tattoos, piercings, and an attitude. He sits in the chair with his head held high, shoulders back, and not an ounce of fear.

  “Tell me, Ian, do you know who I am?”

  “Sure. You’re Nero Delgado. You are the head of the Columbian cartel in America, answering only to your uncle in Columbia. The call you principe de la muerte, which I believe translates to the prince of death.”

  He knows more than I thought he would. For a while, I don’t speak but watch him closely. He wants something, and that’s why he helped my brother find me.

  “Give me one good reason not to show you how I earned that nickname.”

  Ian glances at Marco before turning toward me.

  “I want to work for you.”

  Laugher rumbles from my chest. The balls on this kid.

  “Explain how that would work. Already, you have betrayed me, helped my brother make his way back into my life. Why would I ever trust you?” I ask when I finally stop laughing.

  He stares blankly for a moment, and I can see it in his eyes. This man has been through more than he shows to anyone. The hair, tattoos, and piercings only hide his true self from the world. My curiosity drives me to lean forward and listen carefully to his answer.

  “Your brother came to me five years ago to find you, about a year after he tried to kill you. I told him I couldn’t find you. Every year, he came to me with the same request, and my answer remained the same. I knew where you were, it just wasn’t in my best interest to divulge your whereabouts. I waited until the time was right. When he came to me this year, I knew of your intended marriage to Thalia James and held him in line for a while before telling him where you were.”

  “And why would you do that?”

  “Because now Thalia is safely here with you and can’t be used against you. If he had found out about her a minute too soon…” He takes a deep breath. “Well, you know what he is capable of.”

  Thoughts and memories flash through my mind. Of our time growing up in Colombia, and the monster my brother became. Ernesto has always had a darkness in him, even when we were children. Before I can ask any further questions, Ian speaks again.

  “I see this whole experience, the past five years, as a job interview. When he wanted to find you, I led him away. When the ATF almost found the body of an agent your men killed last year, I led them in another direction. When Thalia ran from the cabin your men had her locked up in, with no exit strategy, instead of letting her get in a car with a stranger, I had my grandmother pick her up and drive her to her father.” He stares at me with a single-minded intensity. “This is what I do. I fix things. I make problems go away. Let me do that for you.”

  After standing from my seat, I move past him toward the door of my office.

  “Give your details to Marco. I will call you tomorrow and we can discuss this further. My wife is waiting.”

  Without a glance back at him, I leave. I head toward our bedroom, praying my wife is waiting for me instead of roaming around the house. The meeting with Ian has set me on edge. Just thinking of Ernesto near her has me needing to see her, hold her.

  Pushing the door to our room open harshly, I look around, trying to find her without success. Silence hangs in the air before I see the door to our walk-in closet slide open, revealing my wife in a white set of lingerie. My breath leaves my lungs with the force of her beauty.

  Slowly, she makes her way toward me. I wait for her, my feet cemented to the carpet beneath me, and just as she reaches me, she moves past. For a split second, I’m confused, but just as I turn to follow her, I hear the door close and the lock engage.

  Turning toward her, I watch as her ample breasts fall and rise rapidly with her breathing. The sheer lace cups doing nothing to hide her peaked nipples from my gaze. She stares at me for long moments before she speaks the most beautiful words I have ever heard.

  “Will you fuck me now, husband?”

  Chapter Eleven


  Husband. In all the weeks I have been here I have never called Nero my husband. From the first moment, he has called me his wife. Being the hardass I am, I just called him Nero. But the word falls from my lips naturally now. The look in his eyes tells me he is pleased, both with what I’m wearing and the fact that I finally admit that he’s my husband.

  Nero raises his hand between us and waits patiently. He doesn’t have to wait long before I place my palm in his. He pulls me closer, careful not to make me trip in my heels, and leads me to the center of our room. Slowly, he releases my hand, standing before me as he works to loosen his tie. My hands lift to help him, but he stops me.

  “You can’t touch me right now. I’m way too worked up. I want this to be special for you, and if I come in my pants like some schoolboy, well, that would ruin it.”

  I lower my hands back to my side as Nero removes his shirt, shoes, and socks, standing there in only his black slacks. The front of his pants is tented by his obviously hard cock, and I can’t seem to pull my gaze away. The thought of his cock in my mouth has me licking my lips.

  “Next time,” Nero promises as he adjusts himself. Slowly, he makes his way around my body, taking in every inch of me. His fingers trail along my body, a shiver wracking me.

  He presses himself to me, running both hands along my hips over my stomach, to cup my breasts.

  “Such a beauty. Your skin is like porcelain. Your curves are enough to drive any man to madness.” He breathes harshly in my ear. “Look at us in the mirror, Thalia. My skin so dark against your, such a beautiful contrast.”

  I didn’t even realize he had turned me to face the mirror. What I see has me shocked and even more aroused than a moment ago. Nero is right, next to his olive complexion, my skin looks almost white. But that isn’t what has me moaning and throwing my head back. It’s his eyes. They are molten black pools of lust as he stares at us in
the mirror. I watch him nuzzle his head into my neck as he undoes the clip at the front of my lace bra, letting my breasts spill free. The image of us together, his hands covering my breast, is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

  “One day, dear wife, I will fuck you in front of this mirror. I will make these tits shake as I pound into you from behind. You will see every single thing I do to you.” He purrs into my ear.

  My pussy contracts at the thought of Nero pumping into me, and a mewling sound escapes me at the emptiness I feel. My pussy longs to be filled, need and arousal driving me insane. I want to tell him what I want, I want him to fuck me, but I have been robbed of any words I might have had before. All that’s left now is the heat burning through me and the moisture pooling between my thighs.

  His left hand moves from my breast, across my stomach, and into the lace of my thong. He doesn’t hesitate or wait for permission any longer, only strokes a finger through my wetness.

  “Fuck.” He growls before pushing his solid cock against my ass. “You are drenched.”

  He turns me toward him before crashing his lips to mine. He kisses me deeply, violently, claiming my lips. His hands are on my ass, roughly squeezing the globes as he fondles them before he lifts me in the air. I circle my legs around his waist as I run my fingers through his hair, tugging at the strands. My back hits the wall, and although he may be handling me indelicately, I love it. His desire for me has finally caused him to lose control. His cock is at the apex of my thighs, pushing against my entrance, but denied by our clothes. I try to get my hands between us, to free the monster I know he hides behind his belt when he stops kissing me.

  Nero rests his forehead against mine, both of us pulling in ragged breaths.

  “We need to slow down. This is your first time. I need to be gentle,” he rasps.

  He sets me down before taking a step back. Watching him try to compose himself has something within me snapping. Before I can second-guess my actions, I take off the thong I was wearing and toss it at him. A look of surprise flits across his gaze before he covers it. I want him to take me, to make me his. I don’t want sweet, soft, and slow because that isn’t who my husband is.

  “You said that if I had needs, you would meet them. I need you to fuck me. I don’t want you to be something you’re not.” I stare at Nero, knowing the words I’m about to speak will likely get me in trouble, but I hope it will be worth it. “But if you aren’t up to it, I’m sure I can find someone who is.”

  Chapter Twelve


  Thalia turns toward the door, and for a moment, I’m so shocked that she has enough time to unlock and open it.

  “Enough!” My command is clear.

  “Close the fucking door.”

  Thalia doesn’t hesitate to do as I ask. I stalk my way toward her, pressing her against the door. My vision has a red tinge to it, just thinking of her walking out of this room looking the way she does. Heels, stockings, and a fucking garter belt. That’s all she is wearing. I swear to everything holy that if anyone besides me ever sees her this way, I will cut their eyes from their fucking head.

  Thalia shivers as I skim my fingers down her spine before turning her toward me. I grab her chin between two fingers, in what I know must be a painful grasp, and tilt her head back so I can stare into her eyes.

  “Don’t threaten me, wife. You will not like the consequences.” My tone is deadly. “When I said I would kill you if another man touched you, I meant it.”

  I expect fear, revulsion, anger, any of a million emotions except what I see in her eyes. Thalia is aroused to the point where her pupils cover almost all the green in her eyes. Shock courses through me.

  “I don’t want another man. I want my bull-headed husband.” She spits back at me. Her fiery temperament comes out.

  My lips fuse to hers and I kiss her until I fear one of us will pass out from the lack of oxygen. Thalia’s little hands are between us, loosening my belt and pants. The second they hit the floor, I move her hands out of the way and lift her back into my arms. My cock is free, standing erect between us, and when Thalia wraps her legs around my waist, she presses her wet heat right against me.

  She grinds her little virgin pussy all over my cock, making me even more painfully erect, but I have no intention of stopping this time. My wife wants to be fucked, and I will be the man doing the fucking.

  “I want…” Thalia is incapable of finishing her sentence as an orgasm crashes over her. I’m amazed as I watch her come, feeling her entire body shake from no more than just a little friction along my cock.

  “Fuck.” I growl as I position the head of my cock at her entrance. “You weren’t lying when you said you need this.”

  One full thrust is all it takes for me to be seated balls deep in the tightest pussy I’ve ever had. I felt the moment I tore through her virginity, making her fully mine. Both of us breathe harshly as I stand as still as a statue, letting her get comfortable with my cock being inside her.

  Thalia runs her hands through my hair before taking the strands roughly and pulling my head back. From our position against the door, she’s now looking down at me. Her gaze scans my face before she smiles. It’s the most beautiful, brilliant smile she’s ever shown me.

  “Now that we have that out of the way, how about you show me what you can do with that big cock of yours?”

  Throwing my head back farther, I laugh out loud. Thalia is such a surprise in everything she does. Slowly, I pull back before thrusting into her again. A gasp falls from her lips when I bottom out again. When I pull back again, her pussy clenches down on me, not wanting me to leave, so I thrust back in.

  “Harder.” Thalia mewls.

  I’m terrified of hurting her, terrified of letting loose and her thinking me a monster. The things I want to do to her, her body, her pussy, would have her running from me. But I cannot deny her what she wants and thrust in harder.

  My hips piston in and out of her, my hands holding her hips in a grasp I am sure will leave bruises tomorrow. Thalia’s tits bounce in my face with every harsh thrust, my cock hardening impossible more at the sight. A flush creeps over her chest and up her neck before her orgasm rips through her. Her scream is loud and long, and I know some of my men can hear her, but I don’t care. Her pussy flutters around my cock, trying to suck me dry. And although I want to prolong this, I can’t.

  My cum explodes from me in waves and my orgasm feels never-ending. Thalia grinds her clit down on me for more friction. Although I could have sworn my orgasm was over, I continue to spurt little bits into her.

  My legs feel weak as I gather her against my chest and walk toward our bed. I lie down first, taking her weight on top of me, not wanting to leave her warmth just yet. And with Thalia draped over my chest, I fall into the most peaceful sleep of my life.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Five days later

  I didn’t think it was possible, but I have found happiness in my new home and the marriage I didn’t want. My days are peaceful, spent playing with our son, lazing in the pool, and luxuriating in my husband’s touch at night.

  I have become a kept woman, safe in my little cocoon, a bodyguard always at my side, and although I miss my father and my friends, I have never been happier.

  “Wife,” Nero calls from the door leading out to the pool area.

  Turning in his direction, I have the insane urge to climb him. He’s wearing his black suit, which means he has meetings to attend today, and I find the sight nearly irresistible. Who would have known that the fact my husband instills fear in others would instill arousal in me?

  “Yes, husband,” I purr in return.

  His eyes burn into me as a younger man with blue hair steps up beside him. I quickly grab Nero’s t-shirt I was wearing earlier and throw it over my swimsuit.

  “This is Ian. He will be staying in the pool house for the foreseeable future. He is our newest employee. His specialty is finding people and things. Should you requir
e any assistance, he will be able to help.”

  I love that Nero doesn’t try to keep me from his business, that he’s willing to be open with me. He doesn’t let very many people into our home, but those he does allow, I’m always made aware of. Reaching out, I clasp Ian’s hand and shake it.

  “Nice to meet you, Ian. If you need anything, please feel free to talk to Maria or me and we will help you in any way we can.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Delgado,” he replies, making direct eye contact. If I had to guess, I would say he’s closer to my age than Nero’s.

  “Just call me Thalia.”

  Ian nods and crosses the lawn to the pool house, disappearing inside.

  My focus returns to Nero. Leaning forward, I rest my hands on his shoulders before pressing my lips to his, plastering my entire body down his front.

  “Thalia,” he growls against my lips.


  “I must leave for a meeting shortly.”

  “Mmm,” I purr as I suck his earlobe into my mouth. His hands lower to my ass, kneading the globes in his strong hands.

  “How am I supposed to leave with you clinging to me?” he asks.

  “Perhaps, if I were too tired to cling, you could leave?” I suggest.

  Abruptly, Nero pushes me away, ripping his cell phone from his pocket. He taps angrily at the screen before lifting his gaze to mine. “Go to my office,” he commands. Into the phone, he simply barks that his meeting should be pushed back by twenty minutes.

  My feet carry me swiftly to his office. I haven’t been in here since the afternoon I told Nero I wanted him.

  His office is decorated in a masculine fashion. There’s no mistaking the fact this office belongs to a man with immense power.

  The moment I stand before his desk, Nero is behind me. He grabs my hair roughly and wrenches my head back, exposing my neck while pulling a gasp from me. His lips run down the column of my neck, raising goosebumps along my body. He hasn’t touched me in a sexual way yet, but already my breasts are heavy and my sex is slick. He has turned me into a sex addict. No, he has me addicted to him.


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