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Reluctant Bride

Page 61

by Sam Crescent

  She experienced a flutter of appreciation for her husband’s good looks.

  What is happening to me?

  Chapter Six

  “Here.” He set down a tray containing two crystal glasses. Each one held an inch of amber liquid. “Dalmore, that will see you right.”

  “Thank you.” She took a whisky.

  He sat at her side.

  “To my wife,” he said, raising his glass. “Slainte.”

  Jasmine sipped. The liquid was warm and the alcohol burned the back of her throat. She coughed then nodded at the bed. “I’m not used to having a fire in the bedroom.”

  “You don’t like it?” He raised his eyebrows. “The west wing is your home now. You are free to change it.”

  “Yes, I like it.” Her attention was fixed on the bed. Stuart’s words from earlier came back to her.

  “You will take me into your body and allow me to give you pleasure as I take mine.”

  A shiver that had nothing to do with being out in the storm earlier attacked her body. She squeezed her legs together and a flush traveled over her chest and up her neck.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking,” he said, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, hands hanging down.

  “I’m thinking that I have never slept with anyone on a first date, but what you said earlier makes me think you presume we will have sex tonight.”

  “Yes, we will have sex tonight.” His voice was low and husky, his gaze hooked on hers. “And this is not a date, this is a marriage, and it must be consummated as such.”

  She swallowed. After being so cold, now, she felt quite hot.

  “You will enjoy it, Jasmine,” he said, downing his drink then setting the glass aside.

  She didn’t speak. Stuart was tall and broad, and his muscles were thick. It went to reason that his cock would also be on the generous side.

  “Tell me about your family,” he said, sitting back again.

  “My family?”

  “Yes. Parents? Siblings?”

  “I’m an only child. My parents are both dead.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “Lung cancer, both of them. Heavy smokers.” She sipped her drink again, this time enjoying the burn. “I was in my early teens when Mom went. I lived in foster care for a few years before leaving the system and going it alone.”

  “That must have been hard.”

  “I did what I had to.” She paused. “And you, what about your family?”

  “I, too, am an only child. Both parents passed. I suppose we have that in common.”

  “Except mine left me with nothing and you were left this.” She gestured around.

  “I’ve never taken wealth for granted. I hope to use it to benefit others by creating jobs, experiences, and useful environmentally friendly products.”

  “Tell me more about your businesses.”

  He smiled and sat back. “What do you want to know?”


  For the next hour, they chatted, the conversation relaxed and flowing. Jasmine found herself drawn into his enthusiasm for another hotel he’d bought, in London, and was impressed with his passion to protect the environment in all his ventures.

  Eventually, he glanced at the window. “Night is here.”

  “Yes.” She nodded at the clock. “Our guests will wonder where we are.”

  “No, I called Benson and told him to report our absence as a need to be alone after a wonderfully hectic day.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “So.” He stood and held out his hand. “We’re not being missed.”

  She stared at his hand and then up at his face.

  “Come, it is time for us to truly become man and wife.”

  Her stomach flipped and her attention dipped to his groin. Behind the material of his sweats, she could make out a long wedge of flesh, the outline of his cock, and yes, she’d been right, he was big.

  “Jasmine.” His tone was firm. “This is going to happen.”


  “You will not truly be my wife, nor I your husband until you have taken me into your body.” He reached for her hand and tugged her to standing.

  She found herself pressed up against him, his arms around her, his face hovering over hers.

  “Relax,” he whispered. “And let me in.”

  His mouth covered hers, a gentle kiss, the tip of his tongue slipping softly between her lips. She whimpered and closed her eyes, clinging to his t-shirt.

  Her brain was telling her this wasn’t what she wanted. Her body was screaming that she needed this, Stuart, more than she’d ever needed anything before. Her emotions spiraled, confusion a heavy, heady state she was falling into.

  “Don’t think, just feel,” he murmured, roaming his hands to her ass. “And know that I have wanted this—you—from that first moment I saw you.”

  “You have?”

  “Aye.” He hoisted her into the air. “Can’t you tell? You’re special, Jasmine. It had to be you. It could only be you.”

  “Only me?” She wrapped her legs around his waist, and her arms went around his neck. “Really?”

  “Yes. Only you.” He kissed her again, deeper now, harder, his head slanted and his tongue probing as if trying to let her know with his mouth how special she was.

  She kissed him back. Surrounded by his muscle and strength, she felt small and feminine. She also felt desired—desired for who she truly was. He’d been watching her from afar, thinking of her, so his sudden proposal hadn’t been as spontaneous as she’d presumed.

  He carried her to the bed and laid her down, hovering over her.

  “I’m going to do what I have been dreaming of,” he murmured, kissing to her cheek. “I’m going to claim you. Make you mine. Make you truly my wife.”

  She arched her back and moaned softly when he found the sweet spot beneath her ear and kissed her there. His hands explored, sliding over her silken pajamas, to the dip of her waist, her thighs, and up and over her breasts.

  And then he was removing her clothing, gliding it expertly from her body as still, he kissed her. His lips brushed her neck, her throat, and over her collarbone.

  When he dipped to her breast, she slipped her hands into his hair and arched her back. “Stuart … oh…”

  He found her nipple and tugged it into his hot mouth.

  She moaned softly and took his advice. It was time to just feel. Her thoughts could take a break. She was with her husband, and he was intent on giving her pleasure, great pleasure. Determination oozed from him.

  As he worked one nipple with his mouth, he toyed with the other, fingering it and squeezing it to the point she whimpered.

  Her pussy was hot and trembling, a glut of lust infusing her blood. He was big and solid, taking over her world. There was only them in this huge bed at the top of the castle. The storm could blow all it wanted. The guests could dance until they fell over. She didn’t care.

  He slipped lower, positioning himself between her thighs, his face hovering over her spread pussy.

  A moment of self-consciousness came over her and she tensed her legs.

  “Shh, just feel. I want to taste your sweetness. I want to lick your pussy until you come.”

  “Oh, God,” she panted.

  He gave her a twisted, wicked half-smile, then closed his eyes and dragged his tongue over her folds.

  She held her breath. Still, she clutched his hair, weaving the soft strands between her fingers. She was so aroused, so turned on. How had he gotten her into this state so quickly? And in the name of the good Lord, that felt amazing.

  He found her clit and rolled over it with the flat of his tongue.

  Her thighs trembled against his shoulders, and she was sure moisture leaked from her pussy. Digging her heels into the bed, she closed her eyes and gave herself up to the sensation. She’d always adored oral sex, not that she’d had it for a long time. And Stuart was perfect at ending that drought. He was working her with fir
m sure strokes, circling her clit and giving her exactly what she needed.

  “Oh, please… I want you … inside…”

  His fingers were there, pushing into her damp entrance. He went deep, filling her with the density she craved. He found her G-spot and rubbed over it.

  She groaned and thrashed her head from left to right. “Yes … yes … oh…”

  Her orgasm rushed toward her. Her new husband was an expert in bedroom skills.

  “Stuart … oh … I’m coming.” She lifted her legs, wrapped them around his torso, and clutched him close. Wanton and wild, she bucked up to grind against his face, but she didn’t care. She needed this the way she needed to breathe.

  And then it was there. A huge explosion of bliss. It coiled up in her pelvis then released, pulsing over her skin. Her pussy contracted around his fingers, fast hard squeezes and releases. She cried out, one hand dragging at his hair, the other fisting the sheet so hard her knuckles ached.

  He stayed with her, riding her orgasmic wave, his tongue and fingers not letting up. She fought to catch her breath. Bright lights flashed behind her closed eyelids.

  Finally, the spasms began to abate. She dragged in air and her legs fell back to the bed with a bump.

  Stuart lifted up.

  She stared at him as he sat back on his heels, his chin shiny with her moisture.

  His eyes flashed, and he dragged off his t-shirt then kicked away his sweats.

  A tremble went through her belly when his cock was revealed. Thick and dark. She’d been right when she’d guessed it to be big.

  “Fuck, you’re a sexy wee thing, even better than I imagined,” he said gruffly, crawling up and over her so he was settled between her legs. “And now you are about to truly become mine. We will become one.”

  “Oh, but…” She set her hands over his hot shoulders. “What about…?”

  “If you fall with child, that will be a good thing. We are…” His cock tip found her entrance. His arms were locked and his chest raised. He stared down at his erection arrowed at her wet pussy. “We are man…” He found purchase and eased in an inch. “And wife now.”

  She held her breath, struggling to take him as he forged forward with absolute determination. She was wet and pliant from her climax, but still, his girth was a struggle to take.

  “Oh, God, you’re so hot and tight,” he groaned, studying her face now.

  “And you’re so … big…” She winced, her mouth falling open. “Stuart.”

  “You can take me. We’re meant to be.” He paused for a moment, letting her catch her breath, then carried on curling his hips under and sinking deep.

  When he reached full depth, he stilled and kissed her.

  She clasped him tight, her pussy fluttering around his hardness. Damn, she’d missed sex. And now that he was in, she had a feeling it was going to be great.

  He began to rock, rubbing his body on her still super-sensitive clit.

  She groaned and hooked her legs around the backs of his.

  “Come again,” he murmured into her mouth. “I won’t until you do.”

  “Don’t stop … please … like that … it feels so good.”

  “I will dedicate the rest of my life to giving you pleasure,” he said, his voice strained. “If you will allow me to.”

  “God, yes.” She moved beneath him, matching his movements, rubbing her clit on him as his cock massaged her internally. “Fuck me.”

  Her words seemed to light a spark inside him. He almost withdrew, then plundered back in. His body bashed up against her clitoris, sending new shockwaves of pleasure over her skin.

  She huffed out a breath when he repeated the action, his hips thrusting now, their bodies moving as one. He sped up, his skin slick with sweat and his muscles solid.

  “My wife,” he gasped before his mouth found hers and his chest flattened her breasts.

  She kissed him back, her groans escaping around their lips. Another climax was building fast. She was going to come again. It gathered energy, heating her pelvis. She bucked her hips, frantic to tip over the edge.

  Her concentration slipped from their kiss, and she froze as the sweeter than sweet moment before release held her suspended. With a gush of ecstasy, she whirled into orgasm.

  She cried out, and he caught the sound in his mouth.

  His release was there, too, and he upped the pace, pushing into her with wild abandon. His cock was so hard. He buried his head in her neck and found his release. Filling her with pleasure.

  Her skin tingled. She was on fire, waves of bliss winging through her.

  Without realizing it, she sank her teeth into his shoulder. He didn’t appear to notice. Quickly, she lifted, pressing her lips together as she fought for breath. He was heavy over her, but it was a good weight. They were man and woman, husband and wife.

  “My husband,” she whispered breathlessly.

  He raised his head. His face was flushed. “My beautiful, giving wife.” A sudden grin tugged his mouth. “We’re going to have so much fun together.”

  Chapter Seven

  One Year Later

  “Please tell me where we’re going, Stuart.”

  “No, I want it to be a surprise.” He ushered her toward the first-class check-in desk at Edinburgh airport.

  “Well, I’ll know now.” She raised her eyebrows. “It will be on the boarding pass.”

  He pressed a kiss to her temple. “But you have to hand it to me, I’ve kept a good secret.”

  She smiled up at him. “That’s true.”

  He handed a slip of paper and their passports over the desk.

  “Good day, Mr. McKeith.” The check-in girl tapped on her computer. “The flight to Toronto is on time. Please make your way through to the first-class lounge.”

  “Toronto?” Jasmine raised her eyebrows. “What’s in Toronto?”

  “Niagara Falls will be the highlight of our trip.” His eyes sparkled. “What could be more romantic for our first anniversary?”

  “I’ve always wanted to go.”

  “I know.” He took the passports and boarding passes and tucked them into his pocket. “Come on, let’s go and get a glass of champagne.”

  They stepped away from the check-in desk.

  “Well, maybe just one,” she said.

  “Ah, that is true, just one.” He held her hand. “When are you going to do the test?”

  “Stuart.” She shook her head and smiled. “I’m only two days late.”

  “Still, it’s two days.” He shrugged. “A man can hope.”

  She squeezed his hand. Nothing would make her happier than to be carrying their child. As soon as she’d opened her heart to Stuart McKeith just a crack, the doors had been flung open and she’d fallen for him in a big way. Now she loved him completely and utterly. He was her everything, and each day, she fell a little bit more for him.

  He was kind and confident, dominant and considerate, and he strived to be the best person he could for himself and those around him. Working hard to ensure his businesses were run fairly and always going the extra mile to help someone if he could.

  Jasmine now believed she could have spent her whole life hunting for the perfect husband, the perfect man to share her life with, and not found him. Stuart McKeith had found her … and that had worked out perfectly.

  “But can you answer one question?” he asked as they followed the sign to the lounge.

  “Of course.”

  “Can I be there, when you do the test?”

  She laughed. “Of course.”

  “I just want to be part of it, if you are pregnant, right from the beginning.”

  “Oh, I think you can safely consider yourself part of it.” She laughed a little harder and nudged him with her shoulder. “When you got back from three weeks in Australia last month, we more than made up for the time apart.”

  “Mmm.” He slipped his hand to her ass. “That was fun, making up for lost time.”


!” Jasmine gasped as she stared out the panoramic window. Their hotel suite on the top floor gave an incredible view of the colossal falls. “The mist, it’s unbelievable, and the amount of water. Look at it gushing.”

  “You like it?” Stuart came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He nuzzled her neck with soft, peppering kisses.

  “It’s amazing. You can see why it’s one of the Seven Wonders.”

  “Is it?” He sounded distracted.

  “Yes.” She leaned into his embrace, her neck tingling.

  “You’re one of the Seven Wonders for me.” He nibbled on her earlobe.

  She giggled and turned in his arms. “Don’t be silly.”

  “Can you blame me for thinking that? Everything you do. Everything you say.” He cupped her face. “The way you make me feel. It’s more than I could ever have hoped to have in my life.” His lips brushed hers. “I love you so much.”

  “And I love you.”

  He kissed her again, deeper this time.

  She pressed up against him. His cock hardened beneath his Levis, and he groaned softly.

  Running her hands over his shoulders, she traced the hard muscles beneath his sweater, then smoothed over his hard biceps. Still kissing him, she slipped lower to his belt buckle and loosened it.

  “Jasmine,” he murmured.

  She smiled against his lips. “I don’t think you’ll ever forget the wonder of Niagara after this.”

  His eyes glazed a little as she released his belt. A look she’d come to know and love. Sex had filled his mind and desire, for her, filled his heart.

  She licked her lips and smiled. Seeing her big strong husband allowing her to have a little control was fun. When his belt was undone, she popped open the buttons on his jeans, slowly, almost teasing.

  His cheeks were flushed and his nostrils flared. His arms tensed around her.

  “I’m going to suck your cock,” she whispered, maintaining eye contact. “While you look out the window at the falls.”

  His eyelids drooped a little and his lips parted.

  He adored her giving him oral sex. She knew that, so she stretched out the anticipation. “I’m going to take you deep, lick you, and stroke you until you come down my throat.”


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