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Wizard Lords

Page 3

by Mark Summer

  “You must be Nancy from what site it”

  Nancy puts out her hand

  “Nice to meet you, I hope you don’t mind me walking in you don’t have a door

  Nancy was right there was no door to Seth's loft

  “Yes not need”

  “Come Let's get this over with”

  He walked to the center of the loft which had a circle pressed into the carpet with four pillows each was a different color.

  Seth sat down on the blue pillow and Nancy sat on the red.

  “So what do you want to talk about”

  Nancy smiled and pulled out her phone

  “You are not filming this”

  “Yes, it is for our youtube channel, is that alright”

  Smith didn’t answer but only offered a weak head nod

  “Fine whatever”

  “Ok let me get the stand for the phone”

  She reached into her bag and pulled out a small tripod and placed her phone into it. She noticed Seth's intense glare

  “You have quite a place here


  “I really dig the minimalist thing you got going”

  “Is this the interview”

  “No just banter”

  “I see”

  “What’s with the pillows”

  “They are the four colors of Aeon”

  “Oh who or what is Aeon”

  Seth looked at Nancy with shock

  “You do know where you are don’t you”

  “Yes, what do you mean by that”

  “Aeon is the god in Wizard Lords”

  “I see what does he do”

  “Well Fernweh is his dream and in order to awaken him you have to find the four on swords”

  “Why do you have to do that”

  Seth sighed

  “Listen I don’t have time to explain the game to you, I wanted to do this interview because I have an urgent message to my players”

  “No problem,” said Nancy “I’m all set”

  “Ok I’m here with Harsh Entertainment CEO Seth, how are you doing today”

  “Not well Nancy a very important piece of property has been lost”

  “Wow what is it”

  “The sword of swords”

  “You mean it’s in the game”

  “Yes, and right now I’m offering 50 million dollars to whoever finds it to return it to me”

  “Wow fifty million, for a piece of code”

  Seth nodded

  “So what does the sword of swords do”

  “That is not important, what is important is to whoever finds it will receive fifty million dollars “

  “Ok well you heard it here first, the race is on to find the sword of swords”

  Nancy signed off as she put her phone away, Seth asked

  “How many people did that go to”

  “We have five million subscribers”

  Seth walked away without saying goodbye

  The last thing Nancy heard say

  That is not enough, not enough at all

  Chapter Ten

  Foes And Heirs

  I dreamed of her again

  Her skin blue and shimmering

  She speaks slow and long

  My child

  You are loved

  This life is your affair

  With me

  Pete heard his brother’s deep breathing

  “Bro wake up”

  “I’m not talking to you”

  “It’s important”

  Pete groaned and lifted his face from his pillow, his brother was standing over him holding his phone.

  With an article entitled

  Game CEO will give fifty million dollars any player of wizard Lord’s who finds the sword of swords.

  Pete stood up straight and took the phone from his brother

  “We got to get the MoonRock from that bitch”

  “Don’t call her that, and yes I agree”

  Pete sprang from his bed naked and ran to his closet he could barely put on his shorts, his hands twitching with excitement.

  “Why are you so excited man”

  “Because I saw it in the glitch, I saw where it was like a vision”

  “Really, yes I need to get back into the game”

  “Alright let's go”

  The two brothers got into the car and drove back Cleo

  “Park away from her house so she doesn’t see us,” said Pete

  “What are you going to do”

  “I’m going to get what belongs to me”

  “Yes, but how”

  “I don’t know, I’ll break the window if I have to”

  Vance stopped Pete in his tracks


  “I got ski masks and my old swat gear in the back trunk”

  The brothers donned the ski masks and hid among the suburban foliage and they made their way to Cleo's house.

  Alright we are in luck the window is open

  Vance nodded

  Just give me a lift Pete said with a crazed grin

  Vance again nodded and Pete climbed into the open window

  Pete rolled on the carpet and felt like a badass he made his way to the living room but Cleo was sleeping in there. She was snoring her long black hair falling backward over the couch her tanned arm over her face. A couple of glasses of wine was littered around the table.

  Pete turned and made his way to the son’s room

  She said she had two

  Pete opened the door to a random room which contained a bed and the MoonRock lying on the floor. Wires and controls spread across the bare floor.

  Vance appeared in the bedroom's window, Pete walked up to the window but couldn’t get it open.

  Vance took a rock from the ground and threw it at the window shattered it

  “What the fuck man,” said Pete

  Who went out of the room and to the living room but was relieved Cleo didn’t wake up.

  Vance climbed through the broken glass

  “Are you suicidal or something”

  “Don’t worry man, I’m wearing body armor, this glass won’t do shit to me.”

  “She is sleeping right next door, shut the fuck up and help me pick up the wires”

  “You got it, bro, did I wake her”

  “I don’t don’t think so she is a drunk whore”

  Pete and Vance picked up the gaming system and walked out of the bedroom where they were confronted with Cleo pointing a shotgun straight at them

  “Who is the drunk whore now”

  “Hey let’s not get crazy”

  “I hate fucking thieves”

  Cleo fired a shot but it missed the brothers, they all feel down covering their ears

  When their screaming stopped Pete took off his ski mask

  “Wait for Cleo stop”

  “Pete is really trying to steal from me”

  “Listen we can explain”

  “Explain before I blow your heads clean off”

  “There is something in the game worth fifty million dollars,” Said Vance

  “What did you say”

  “It’s true and I know how to get it and if you let us have our game system back I’ll give you some of it”

  “Why don’t I take all of it’

  “Because I know where it is”

  Cleo points the gun at Pete

  “Alright bitch this is what we will do, we are going to set up the game system and you will get the thing, what is it called”

  “Sword of swords,” said, Vance

  “Shut the fuck up bro,” said Pete

  “Right you are going to go into the game and you are going to find me that sword and your going to hand it over to me”

  “Or what”

  Cleo walks over to Vance

  “I’ll kill your dumb brother”

  “Hey when did I get singled out”

  “Fine, fine but I have worked at in a few hours”

  “This i
s your work now”

  Chapter Eleven

  Awoken Nightwalkers

  There is a sound in the air

  It is soft and mirrors a wave

  I heard it between your laughter

  Could you stay here and laugh forever

  Infinity can wait

  The universe has granted us

  This moment

  The room was alive with surreal music, it spread through the entire place. Pete awoke on the hardwood, his head was pounding. He looked down at his body which was clothed in a blue tunic. He stood and looked around he was in some type of windmill, the music was loud but peaceful. He walked the creaky wooden floor and peered into another side of the room. Where a fairy was playing a large piano. It flew at great speed to hit the notes, it looked like a mouth dancing around a light source. Pete walked toward the small creature but when the wood cracked the fairy stopped. Looking at Pete she flew away through a crack in the large wooden doors.

  Pete ran after her opening the large wooden doors to a massive field.

  He seemed in the center of the world

  I’m back in Fernweh

  “Who are you,” said a thin and small voice flying behind him

  “Hi, my name is…”

  Pete caught himself before saying nameless


  The lovely fairy flew around him

  Clay Sageblood, I’m a Rogue Hero

  The confused fairy had deep-set gray eyes. Her fine, curly, cherry red hair is short and is worn in a bizarre, carefully-crafted style. She has a slender build. Her skin is tanned. She has knobby ears. Her wardrobe is mysterious and elaborate, with a lot of orange and black.

  “You do not look like a hero”

  “What does a hero look like”

  “Older you are young like a boy”

  “I’m not a boy, I’m the great hero Clay Sage Blood surely you have heard of me”

  “I have not, but if you say you are a hero, you are a hero, my name is Tyke”

  “Tyke a fitting name for a fairy”

  “Thank you, sorry I ran off on you, I thought I was alone”

  “That was a lovely melody, where did you learn to play it”

  “I once had a hero, he was a great hero like you, but he disappeared I learned it from him”

  “I’m sorry to hear that”

  “If you are a hero you can be my new master”

  “Is it that easy for you”

  “Oh yes, us fairies need a hero to guide’

  “Very well Tyke, where do we go from here”

  “You are free to wonder Fernweh anywhere”

  “I seek the four swords of Aeon”

  “Only a few know of the locations of the swords, lucky for you I’m kinda of a expert on the Aeon swords.”

  “Then Tyke where can I find them”

  Tyke pointed toward the south

  “Toward the mountains of the screaming Drakes”

  “Screaming Drakes, Ok well let's go there”

  “But wouldn’t you want to go the capital, the queen is getting married”

  “No need, this is where I must go”

  “Very well, let us go”

  So the fairy and the here made their way south toward the great mountain of the screaming drakes. After many nights traveling the fields they come across the forest of Foxtrot

  It is here the tired hero laid to sleep under a large blueberry tree

  “Young hero we still have many miles to go”

  “I know but I’m tired and hungry”

  He looked up at the large plump berries hanging from the branches of the tree, he grabs the trunk and starts to climb. He reaches the lowest branch and before grabbing the berry he hears the song of a maiden

  “That melody it calls to me

  He jumps down from the tree and walks toward the sound, he walks a few hundred feet through thick bush and comes across a small forest lake and there in the lake was Lady Bliss, Pete had remembered her from his early missions.

  Magic was glowing from her golden skin she was nude and she washed her perfect body with the crystal clear water.

  Clay walked up to her

  The maiden turned and saw the young hero

  “Why isn’t the great Sage Blood”

  “You remember who I Am”

  “Of course I do, you saved my village from the great goblin Chuck Chuck”

  “Yes, of course, I did”

  “Sir why have you returned”

  “To see you again, Lady Bliss”

  Lady Bliss smiled

  Clay whispered to Tyke

  “I have forgotten this part of the story, what is the deal with her

  “Lady Bliss is the princess of the Wabi Sabi a tribe of forest Elves”

  “Sage Blood,” said Lady Bliss “Won’t you join me, I can’t seem to get my back clean”

  Clay went to her but just when he got to her a giant bird that seemed to be on fire came out of nowhere and picked up Lady Bliss”

  “What the fuck”

  Clay tried to enter a battle with the bird but it was too fast

  “Its speed is too great,” said Tyke

  “We have to save her,” said, Clay

  “That is a level 40 beast”

  “So what I have enough strength to take on level 30 and above”

  “No, you don’t you can only fight level 39 and lower, plus that bird has a special ability”

  “What is that”

  “It can fly”

  “Right of course”

  “So what do I have to do to level up”

  “The only way to raise your experience is to agree to a mission”

  “How do I do that”

  “Well it looks like your quest is laid out before you’

  “How do you mean”

  That bird belongs to Chuck Chuck the Goblin duke you defeated many years ago and now has come back and stolen another princess”

  “What if we get her back”

  “You will gain ten levels”

  “Alright let's do it”

  “It’s really not a smart move considering you are a new player’

  “No I’ve played this game multiple times, wait are you an NPC or a real player,” asked Clay

  “I’m a guide, I’m responsible for providing game information to all players, I know everything and everyone in this game”

  “I see so what makes you think I’m a new player”

  “Because your fly is showing”

  Clay looked down at his pants

  “I don’t have pants”

  He looked up and saw Tyke was gone

  Chapter Twelve

  “Queen Zue is not expecting any visitors, you can not see her now,” said Solum the royal guard of the high court of Fernweh.

  “I have come a long way to see her,” said Koltar

  “This is her wedding week” we can not risk any security risk

  Koltar pulls out a tiny shiny silver chest

  “This is a relic of the old times, in it is the world of treasure, I will give you this treasure if you step aside”

  Solum looks at the chest his eyes grow large cause when Koltar opens the chest he sees a vision of a thousand places, piles of gem and gold and women hundreds of women bathing in pools of champagne.

  “What is this magic”

  “Not magic dear son look closer”

  Koltar hands the guard the chest, the visions become clearer and clearer the giant snake arms wrapped the guard up and suck him into the chest.

  It falls to the ground and Koltar walks into the main hall of the palace disguised as Solum the head of the royal guard.

  The guard said in his direction as he walks to the queen's private room he opens it and finds the queen staring out her baloney onto the grand city of Nod.

  “I thought I said I want privacy”

  “Yes my majesty but there is something I must tell you”

  The queen turns from the city view and sp
ots her guard walking toward her

  “You know what time of year this is don’t you”

  “Yes Solum it’s not hard to figure out”

  “Not your wedding your majesty, this week marks the thousand years since Aeon was awakened”

  The queen’s eyes grew wide

  “Who told you this”

  “I know it’s not safe to say in public but I know where Aeon is”

  “That’s not possible”

  “It is and I just need access to the four swords”

  “You know that’s impossible”

  “Not for a queen,” said Solum pressing his hands together The queen saw the eyes of her trusted guard and saw in them something she had never seen before.

  Evil pure Evil

  Chapter Thirteen

  Exif was sitting in a chair of red leather, playing with the gun, Sophia was screaming and ranting in the fields outside the tower.

  “This one is taking longer than expected,” said a voice in the dark shadows

  Exif turned toward the voice

  The shadow moved with life

  “My master I wasn’t expecting you so soon”

  “I have come to watch your work”

  “She isn’t ready, I think I might have to end her”

  “No her code is strong, in the game she is blessed with a major plot”

  “What is it again,” said Exif

  “She is the queen’s daughter”

  “Is that so, she was working in the fields when I awakened her”

  “Yes, her plot is long and complicated but the queen didn’t want any heir that wasn’t pureblood so when she found out she was pregnant by a commoner she had the baby taken away and sold into slavery”

  “That is awful”

  “Yes but in her plot, she joins with the hero in the search for the Aeon Swords and defeats the Wizard Lords”

  “Interesting she does look familiar”

  “She should you have battled her a million times”

  “But what will we do with her now”

  “We must get the Aeon Swords, to awaken the Aeon and to leave our prison”

  “But is she needed”

  “Not only her but we need an army”

  Exif yawned and leaned back into the chair

  “Master why don’t we wait for the Hero to do all the work and just take it”

  “Because if we are found out too early we will be defeated, the gods have called us a glitch and they a sword that can stop us if it is found.


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