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Grim Ambition

Page 16

by Jennifer Reinfried

  “So, Emma, who are you here with?”

  “I was meeting my friend, but she’s late.”

  “You’re welcome to hang with us until she arrives,” Shawn said shyly.

  “I appreciate it. Nothing worse than being alone in a crowded bar.”

  “So, uh, what do” He winced. I hate small talk. It’s so awkward.

  “I write, mostly.”

  “Write what? Books?”

  He felt her bump into him slightly with a wave of perfume. “Actually, no. You might find this nerdy...”

  “Please, I highly doubt you can out-dork us."

  “I work for an independent gaming company. We actually just released a new RPG style card game.”

  “You game? Seriously?” Jaxon sounded incredulous. Shawn wanted to glare over his shoulder at his brother.

  “Oh no.” Cassie sighed. “Here we go.”

  “I’m a huge nerd.” Emma’s laugh brought a grin to his face.

  Shawn felt his eyebrows rise. “That’s awesome. What do you play?”

  “I’ll try anything, but I’m partial to deckbuilding and RPGs.”

  “If you ever need a group for one, let us know.” Jaxon sounded eager. “It’s been too long since I’ve played through a campaign.”

  “I’d love to.” Emma’s voice held excitement, too. “Shawn, what’s your number?”

  With slight surprise, he provided it to her, face warm.

  “My friend just got here,” she said after a moment. “I’ll text your phone, so you have my number.”

  “I’d really like that.” Don’t be so obvious, stupid. “I hope to see you around.”

  He heard Emma giggle once more, then she was gone.

  “Of course she goes for my handsome, funny brother.” Jaxon sighed.

  “What’s she like? Emma?” Shawn asked, ignoring the jealous tones.

  “Uh, hot. Super hot.”

  “Seriously, that’s all you care about?” Cassie scoffed. “I’m going to the bathroom.”

  “You should call her, I guess.” Jaxon took a loud slurp of his drink. “She seemed to really like you.”

  Shawn grinned. “I plan on it.”


  Isaac knocked on Emma’s door, a small bouquet of daisies in one hand. It was a little after eleven at night, and he had made the trek to her apartment via cab. The weather was cold again, and a light drizzle of rain had forced him to wear his black wool peacoat.

  “Hey,” Emma said in greeting as the door opened. She wore a simple white tank top and her grey sweatpants, tied at the waist. Her hair was down around her shoulders in a wavy, brown cascade. Even in such casual attire, she was able to make his heart skip a beat.

  He saw her cock an eyebrow at the flowers and he felt a moment of panic tickle his chest. Isaac quickly folded his arm across his stomach and bowed. “I thought you could use a splash o’ color, m’lady.” He tried an Irish accent this time, which was just as bad as his British one.

  “Get in here, you nerd.” Emma laughed and opened the door wider. Laska instantly bounded up to him, tongue out.

  “These are for Laska.” Isaac held the daisies out to her. “Make sure she only eats one or two a day so they last.”

  “Gosh, you are so funny.” Emma accepted the flowers. Her sarcastic tone and exaggerated eye roll made him laugh. “Where did you get flowers so late?”

  “I have my ways.”

  Laska used a paw to slap Isaac’s shin until he bent down and scratched behind her ears. The dog plopped to her stomach and rolled onto her back. She grinned up at him with excited eyes, and he laughed. “She’s growing so fast.” He gave her belly a quick scratch before he stood and slid his boots off.

  “Well, thank you. For the flowers.” Emma smiled warmly at him.

  Isaac grinned back at her and rubbed his hands together. “So. How’d it go tonight?”

  “Perfectly. You were an excellent fake bartender.” She wrapped her free arm around his waist, then pulled him into a hug. “Hi, by the way.”

  He held her for a moment and quietly inhaled the scent of her hair.

  “You smell like the rain,” she said as she pulled away.

  Kiss her kiss her kiss her, Isaac’s mind urged him, but he resisted, and instead wandered into her living room, Laska close on his heels.

  “Movie? Or do you want to binge a TV show?”

  Emma settled onto a cushion with a tired sigh. “Up to you. I’m exhausted.”

  Instead of turning on the television, Isaac regarded her. “You should have waited until you had a chance to heal,” he said in a gentle tone. “I can’t believe you’re infiltrating the week after you were kidnapped and nearly killed.”

  “We’ve been over this. I need to get it done. The sooner I get close to these people, the sooner I get answers for Vance, the sooner I get paid. Do you really think he’s going to let me take time off?”

  Definitely not. “Probably.”


  He took in the simple grace she exuded as she tossed her hair to one side. She’s in sweats, in her home, barely any makeup on. She’s completely comfortable with you around. Don’t jeopardize this because you can’t handle your mushy feelings. Isaac swallowed, suddenly unable to look away from the spot where her slender neck reached her ear, a place he’d wanted to kiss since before he could remember.

  “Sorry. You know I worry.”

  “Don’t. I can handle this.”

  “All hail Emma the Great and Powerful.” Isaac barked out a laugh. “Cassie was cute.” He flinched as he said it, regretting the words before he finished speaking.

  She paused, then said, “Yeah, she was. I think she liked you.”

  “Shawn liked you more.”

  “I guess. He seems easy to please at least, compared to Cassie.”

  “I don’t know, I’m pretty swoon-worthy.”

  Emma laughed and looked away. “Well, you go get her, tiger. If I can’t get through to any of them, of course.”

  I don’t want Cassie. I don’t even want to think about anyone else. Isaac couldn’t help it. He nonchalantly readjusted himself on her couch, bringing him closer to her. Their arms brushed. Her presence by him made him feel almost drunk with emotion. His heart fluttered whenever she looked at him, completely oblivious of the roller coaster he was feeling inside.

  “Well, pick something before I pass out.” Emma sighed and stretched. He drank in her curves until he noticed her wince, and all of the warmth suddenly faded.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I just...” She inhaled slightly as she lowered her arms. “Have one hell of a bruise. You know, from the...” Emma gingerly shifted on the couch until she faced him, then lifted the right side of her tank top to expose a garish, dark purple and black bruise.

  Isaac felt anger rush through him. “That’s from the one who kicked you?” His voice was tense and hard.

  “Yeah. It looks so much worse than it is, though.”

  “Bullshit.” He reached forward and tentatively slid his fingertips along her injury. Isaac frowned, rage threatening to burst from his throat in a snarl.

  “I know, I know. It’s hideous. I’m a monster.” She smirked.

  Isaac gently trailed his touch along the top of the bruise. Her skin is so soft. His brow furrowed even deeper as his fingers moved down to the curve of her waist. He paused there, and only then did he lift his eyes to her beautiful blue ones that were locked onto his face.

  “I’ve never heard you say something further from the truth.” He moved his hand from her side and lifted her face with a finger. “You’re amazing.” Her cheeks turned a slight shade of pink and her lips curled up. A surge of adrenaline shot through Isaac as her face suddenly fell and was replaced by a mask of tired despair.

  “Emma.” He leaned forward and wrapped her into a protective, comforting hug, pulling her close. Her arms circled around his waist, and he rested his cheek on the top of her head.

  “I thoug
ht I’d lost you,” Isaac said quietly. He held her gently yet firmly, mindful of the pain in her side. Laska watched them from the floor, her big brown eyes moving back and forth between them.

  “Never,” he heard her say, voice muffled by his shirt.“You’re stuck with me.”

  Isaac held her close as they turned on a movie. Within twenty minutes, her breathing had evened. He stroked her hair. She slept against him for half of the film until she woke with a sharp start.

  “Shit, I’m sorry.”

  He choked out a short laugh. “Come on. Lie down. We can watch this anytime.” Isaac stood and watched her walk to her bedroom. Only when she turned and looked at him did he smile.

  “Can you stay?”

  His heart soared. “Of course. I mean, I did just get here.”

  Emma laughed. Isaac winked and turned back to the couch.

  “No.” Emma looked away, at the off white carpet beneath her bare feet. “With me? I mean, I’ve just been sleeping like crap, ever since the kidnapping last week. I’d feel safer if you were here. In here, I mean.”

  Isaac didn’t know what to do, didn’t know what to say. Did she really just ask me to sleep in bed with her?

  He slowly walked forward into her room and sat on the edge of her bed. “I’ll protect you from the monsters.” He grinned.

  “I’m not five, ass.”

  Isaac laughed as a pillow connected with the back of his head. He leaned back on the mattress, and she moved with him. Emma wiggled closer to him and rested her head and right hand on his chest. They stayed motionless and quiet for a long time, until he realized her breathing had slowed once again.

  Isaac moved his hand down and trailed his fingers through her hair in slow, gentle motions. He could hear the soft snores of Laska from the floor, and he lay with Emma sleeping in his arms, her breaths coming and going in a steady rhythm. She wouldn’t have given Alex a key to her place, would she? His mind dredged up an image of the dark-haired man’s silhouette in the doorway, and Isaac shuddered. He shifted his head on the pillow and pushed the thought away. I can take care of that prick. His mind drifted and soon, his eyes fell shut.


  Isaac inhaled deeply as his consciousness was dragged forth. Bright sunlight shone on his face, and he turned his head away from Emma’s window. He became aware of a weight on the right side of his body and across his thighs, as well as a lighter one pressed against his left calf. He opened his eyes in a slight squint against the brightness. First he looked down at his feet and saw Laska splayed out along his left leg, her backside facing him.

  Turning his gaze on Emma, still snuggled up against his right side, Isaac smiled. Her head was still on his shoulder, hand on his chest, her right leg draped across his thighs. She must have been so exhausted. Emma’s breathing was deep and slow, and he lay awake for a moment, grogginess leaving him in quick waves.

  Emma muttered against his chest, then slid her leg up along his thighs and over his crotch.

  Isaac froze at a sudden burst of pleasure and realized with horror that she was now pressed against a morning erection he hadn’t even noticed. His face instantly flushed and he drew in a sharp breath. What do I do, what do I do? His mind raced, frantic. The increase in his breathing woke Emma, who shifted against him again. He looked at her and she grinned. When she saw his horrified expression, however, her face changed, and in his embarrassed state Isaac panicked.

  He pulled his arm out from underneath her and sat up, which forced her to roll onto her back.

  “Isaac, what’s wrong?” Emma’s voice was thick with sleep and confusion.

  “I can’t believe I fell asleep, I’m so sorry. It’s so late. No, early. Shit, Emma, I didn’t mean fall asleep.” He kept rambling as he nearly leapt from the bed, careful to avoid hitting an equally confused Laska as he did so. This is so fucking embarrassing. Why won’t it go down?

  “What do you mean? I asked you stay, it’s fine.” She stretched.

  “Emma, I have to go. I’m late for...something. I’m sorry.” He stumbled up from the carpet, his face burning, unable to make eye contact with her as she watched him retreat from her bedroom. “See you later, okay?” With that, Isaac hurried out into the living room, slipped his shoes and coat on, and fled her apartment.


  Emma sat in bed, her mouth slightly open. Are you joking? she thought.

  She replayed the night in her mind. Nothing had happened, she’d just fallen asleep on him. He had been the one to touch her so gently when she’d shown him the bruise, he had been the one to pull her down on the bed into his arms. Then why the hell did he run? She recalled his face as she looked up at him moments ago, while he still held her. He’d had an expression of dismay or panic or something, then had bolted away from her.

  Emma pulled her feet toward her and dropped her face into her hands, elbows propped on her knees. She fought back a sob of frustration. What did you expect? Your love for him will always be one-sided, no matter how close you get to him.

  Laska used her front two paws to pull herself on her stomach until she could tickle her cold, wet nose along Emma’s arm. Her smooth tongue darted out and she licked her skin in an attempt to comfort her until Emma let out a laugh and turned her attention to the dog.

  “I’m fine, love,” she said softly. She stroked Laska’s head a moment, then rose and brushed her teeth.

  As she rinsed with mouthwash, her phone buzzed on the counter. She spit into the sink and glanced at the screen. Shawn’s name was flashing across it, and she grinned.

  Chapter Thirteen

  An unusually cold wind sliced through the flat cemetery, cutting around headstones, knocking over unsecured floral arrangements, whipping Alex’s dark grey overcoat against his knees. He stood in front of a small grave. His eyes wandered over the words etched into the small, worn stone. A particularly violent gust of air buffeted him, and his eyes watered slightly. He reached up with his gloved hands and pulled the neck of his coat tighter. Thoughts of Emma’s warmth entertained him until the sound of someone’s footfalls reached his ears.

  Alex turned, tense. His right hand slid down to his torso then paused. His fingers twitched as he refrained from reaching inside his coat for his Glock.

  “Well, you actually showed,” said a short Italian man. He wore a light brown winter jacket, open in the front, the fabric flapping as he made his way towards Alex. He looked down at the grave in front of him, black boots close to Alex’s pristine dress shoes as if they were competing against one another.

  “Of course I did. I told you, I want to work this out. For the benefit of us both.” Alex faced the grave as well, and the pair of them stood huddled in the cold wind.

  “You killed the district attorney.”

  “He attacked me. And we both know he was a thorn in your side.”


  “I would have discussed it with you personally if I’d had the chance. Instead, your men took someone close to me and nearly disfigured her.”

  “You know how it is.” The man’s accent made his words difficult to follow. “You see a threat, you do something about it. It was nothing personal.”

  “Sure, I get that. But you took the word of an emotional Slatter over a possible new and extremely lucrative business partnership.”

  The Italian turned his head, his brown eyes hard yet still cautious. “We have no reason to trust you.”

  “Which is why you brought backup with you.” Alex glanced around at men scattered around the graveyard, all within a few yards of the gravestone he stood over.

  “As did you. They aren’t all mine.”

  Alex smiled. If one thing went wrong, the cemetery would become a warzone.

  “The new DA will be sworn in shortly. He’s fresh, but like most politicians, greedy.” Alex kept his hands at his sides, as did the other man. Any sudden movement would be enough to set an attack in motion. “We’ll sway him.”

  “You better hope so. The Acerbi family has
been in power a lot longer than you’ve been alive. We’re not about to leave our city to some amateur.”

  Alex said nothing at the insult. Instead, he continued his pitch. “Once the new DA is settled and on our payroll, I guarantee things will run smoothly for both our businesses.”

  “As long as you keep your word: we handle the narcotics and weapons. You can work for us in that department.”

  “And you will stay out of our own distributions as well as our real estate business.”

  The Italian scoffed. “We have no interest in either of those as it is.”

  “Right.” Alex slid his icy gaze to the shorter man. “But you’ll honor the agreement regardless. And if either of us need the other—“

  “Yes, yes,” the Italian interrupted, his head nodding, obviously ready to leave the meeting. “I’m aware.”

  “Good.” Alex turned and faced the Italian. He extended his right hand and felt a tight squeeze as the man shook it. The gesture was a signal to his men, who immediately began to disperse. “I look forward to working together,” Alex said softly, then turned back to face the grave one last time, his back to the Acerbi. He heard the sound of boots as they retreated and looked up at Marcus, who began to move in Alex’s direction.

  “Went well, I take it?” Marcus asked when he was within earshot.


  “Outstanding.” The bearded man raised his hand and waved it once - his own signal to their men that all was well - then let his arm drop to his side. “Fuck this cold weather.” He turned to leave.

  “Marcus.” Alex said the name in a harsh bark, and the older man paused. “If you ever go above me and report to Vance again, I’ll have you killed.” He clapped Marcus on the shoulder, smiling, then turned and walked toward Nate’s waiting vehicle, aware of Marcus’ gaze on his back. His smile grew as he enjoyed the satisfying crunch his shoes made in the snow.


  Shawn sipped his beer, waiting while Jaxon examined the Grim mask.

  “How long have you been having these spots in your vision?” His brother’s voice was quiet, tired.

  Shawn shifted on his stool. “A month or two. Not long. At first I figured it was just overuse of the lenses. Could that be it? Even though I haven’t had any issues with the mask on?”


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