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Line: Alpha Billionaire Romance

Page 30

by Colleen Charles

  There was nothing to negotiate. Whatever Matthew wanted, I had to give it to him because he had me by the short hairs and he knew it. A rapturous look settled over his face. The face I’d once found handsome now turned my stomach. Sweat ran down the back of my neck, and it wasn’t from the alcohol or the heat.

  “Great. I want a date.”


  “I want to go on a date with you,” he repeated.

  “What for? You broke up with me, remember?” I pinched my lips together. “Nothing’s changed. The results certainly haven’t. I’m still infertile.”

  That was the reason he’d ended it. I couldn’t give him children. The cyst prevented it.

  Granted, he hadn’t been a tasteless, messy pig at the time. If a Playboy had graced my presence when we were engaged, I would’ve thrown it at him. I wasn’t naïve enough to think that men didn’t look at porn to get off, but there was a distinct difference between enjoying it on the sly and throwing it in a woman’s face.

  “I want a second shot at our relationship.” He shifted to the edge of the seat and grasped the beer in his palms, angling the neck of the bottle towards me. “I miss you, baby.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “Besides, there are ways of getting around the whole infertility thing. Surrogates, adoption,” he said, pulling his face at the last option. Then, he reached under the Playboy and pulled out a newspaper article. “It says right here that Mayo is doing a trial of a new drug that’s perfect for women with only one ovary. They’re getting an eighty percent success rate of pregnancy. It should be FDA cleared and ready to hit the market in a few years.”

  I snatched the article from his hand and as my eyes scanned it, my heart sang. He was right. I’d have to go online for more information the moment I got home. Matthew had never been a particularly empathic person. The idea of taking in someone else’s child was beyond his mental grasp, so it was obvious the Mayo article yanked his chain.

  “A date. You want a date.”

  “Yeah, that’s it. Just a date, no strings attached. We’ll take it from there,” he said, swigging from the bottle afterwards.

  I stared at him for a minute, considering the proposition. “And you’ll speed up the investigation if I go out with you?”

  “Yeah, hell I’ll squash the damn thing.”

  I nodded slowly. “Fine. You’ve got yourself a date,” I replied, hating myself to the bottom of my soul. I couldn’t turn back from this. I had to fulfill my dreams of independence. Even if it meant one date with a man I officially detested.

  “Great, I’ll meet you at eight tonight, at Le Teresitas.”


  “Yeah, their fish tacos are super cheap.”

  I rose from our old leather sofa and bobbed my head at him. “It’s a date. I’ll see you there.”

  Cheap ass wouldn’t even pick me up in his car to take me there? That was fine. I’d rather take my own than wind up relying on him for transport. I couldn’t help comparing him to Gabe. A man who’d asked me out on a proper date to a beautiful and pricy place. Like he was proud of me. Like my happiness mattered.

  “I can’t wait,” Matthew said.

  I couldn’t say the same, so I left the apartment and the beer on his Playboy in silence.

  Chapter 19

  I’d dressed as conservatively as possible for our ‘date’ so Matthew wouldn’t get the wrong idea about how this evening would end. I’d paired the same skinny jeans with a shirt and a pair of ballet flats. I wouldn’t stoop so low as to fuck him just to save the bakery.

  I walked into the Mexican restaurant like I was on my way to the electric chair and fish tacos were my last meal.

  “You came,” Matthew said, more as a courtesy than anything else. He didn’t stand up, just sat there as he scanned the menu and toyed with his beer bottle. There was no doubt I’d come tonight. None in my mind or his.

  I needed the bakery so much I’d turned to him.

  “You look beautiful,” he said. I glanced at his face, surprised by the unexpected compliment as I sank into my chair across from him.

  The gesture would’ve been sweet from anyone else. I sat down and didn’t answer him, merely placed my handbag in my lap and folded my hands on top of the table. Raucous laughter rang out, people joked and chatted all around us. The couple next to us drank from long straws from the same marguerita that looked like it contained a gallon of the delicious mixture.

  None of them were in their personal version of hell.

  Like me.

  “It’s lovely to see you out,” Matthew said, like I’d been hiding under a rock or something. He touched my hand and I jerked it back. He frowned, a snarl curling his lips. “Is that how you think this is going to go? ‘Cuz I’ve got news for you, Ally. This is a real date, complete with a goodnight kiss and everything.”

  “Oh, you’ve planned it to that extent, have you?” I asked, withering inside bit-by-painful-bit. A goodnight kiss? I’d rather kiss my own ass goodbye. Maybe that was the point.

  “Hell yeah — I have. Tonight’s our first date. Sunday is Netflix and chill.”

  “I’m never having sex with you,” I said, loudly. The people at the table next to ours stopped talking for a second and stared. I smiled at them, and they went back to their sipping and hand-holding.

  “I think you will.”

  “I think I’d rather vomit fish tacos and re-eat them,” I replied. “I only agreed to this date as a courtesy. You’re not going to extort sex from me, Matthew.” I shivered at the thought of it.

  Matthew had gone from my 'dream' fiancée to sexual aggressor in six short months. What the fuck had happened to him? More importantly, what the fuck had I been thinking to spend more than a few seconds with this guy? Was the bakery and my dream worth the destruction of my self-respect? Worth giving up everything? The frustration and angst over the impossibility of the decision caused nausea to crawl up the back of my throat. The answer was —

  There was no damn answer.

  “You will have sex with me on Sunday,” he insisted. Then his voice lowered to a demanding whisper. “You will wrap your pretty lips around my cock and you will suck me off with your talented mouth until I shoot my load down the back of your throat.”

  I scraped my chair back. “No.” I loved my bakery, but given the choice between my dreams and my integrity? “I’m leaving, you sick bastard.” I marched towards the door, bumping past servers and half-drunk college students.

  “Then you’ll go bankrupt, you fat fucking bitch,” he shouted after me.

  “As long as I don’t have to sleep with you, I don’t care,” I yelled right back. The entire restaurant fell silent this time. All of them turned and stared at Matthew. His cheeks went bright red. Now, I’d really pissed him off and my rash mouth had gotten me into trouble again. There was no telling what he was capable of and he had the strength of the Minneapolis Police Department behind him.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  I stormed out of the restaurant and into the snow. The tiny victory made my pulse race even though I knew there’d be hell to pay. I’d been wrong to turn to him. And if I’d been wrong about that, then maybe I’d been wrong about a lot of other things too.

  I got in my car and drove to his house. He’d given me his address after the night we’d spent together, in case I ever needed anything. In case of emergency. Well, this was a damn emergency.

  I slammed the car door behind me and sprinted up the stairs of his porch. I banged on the door at least twenty times, until the next door neighbors lights switched on.

  “All right, I’m coming! Is there a fire?” Gabe yelled from inside. His heavy footsteps approached the door. It creaked open to reveal him. “Allegra? What are you —?”

  I flew into his arms and wrapped myself around him. He was warm and I’d probably freeze him with the snow on my coat, but he didn’t seem to care.

  He breathed me in, then kissed my lips softly. “God, I�
�ve missed you. I was worried. Are you okay?”

  “I’m okay,” I said, peppering his face with kisses. “I’m fine. I’m sorry I ended it. I’m sorry I doubted you for a second.”

  “Allegra —”

  But I didn’t let him finish his sentence for the second time. I slammed the door shut with my heel and stripped off my clothes, right there in the hall.

  His words died in his throat. “Allegra,” he said, huskier this time. He pulled at the button on his jeans, adjusted his hardening erection beneath them. “Are you sure?”

  “Shut up and fuck me,” I replied, ripping my shirt off, pulling the lace of my bra down just enough that my breasts bounced free.

  He groaned and dropped his pants, releasing his cock.

  I kicked off my shoes, shimmied out of my pants and panties. Then I placed my palms on his chest and walked him backwards into his living room. I tipped him onto the couch, then climbed on top of him.

  I rubbed my wet pussy along his shaft, stroking my clit and moaning from the pleasure slicing through my core.

  “Yes,” he growled. “Fuck, that’s amazing.”

  I leaned forward to shove his cock inside me, but he caught my nipple between his lips. He captured it with his teeth and sucked it deep inside his wet mouth.

  I groaned and rocked back and forth, sliding over the surface of his cock. I reached between my legs, grabbed him and positioned him so I could slide down and envelop him to the hilt in one smooth, perfect stroke.

  “Fuck,” he groaned. “Oh yes, Allegra.”

  I arched my back and rode him, sliding up and down as slow as I could stand. Sensual. I bucked my hips, then angled myself forward so that my clit rubbed against the skin just below his abs. I groaned, eyes rolling back in my head.

  “You’re gonna come for me, aren’t you?” he grunted.

  “Only if you help,” I moaned as I grabbed his hand and placed his thumb over my swollen clit. Then I increased the pace as he stroked me at just the right pressure and speed. I rode him hard, taking myself to the edge.

  As I shattered into a million pieces from the intensity of my release, I screamed his name and then fell forward on top of him. Gabe captured my mouth in a searing kiss that branded me with its tenderness as he continued to move inside me. An almost broken kind of vulnerability of himself. Of this.

  Of us.

  I wanted more of him. I wanted all of him forever. I didn’t let the possessive thought bother me. There was only this moment.

  “Alle-gra,” he gasped, unable to get my name out in one breath. He swelled inside me and closed his eyes, fingers digging into my hips, pressing himself deeper, lifting me up and down, making me fuck him at the pace he liked.

  It was fast. It was hard. A growl tore from his throat and his cock pulsed inside me, squirting deep again, filling me. Filling the hole deep inside me that I’d harbored since my first memory.

  That sent me over the edge for the second time. I clenched around him, again and again, and he groaned a final time, thrusting deep.

  “Oh God,” I whispered as I rested my head on his chest. “Thank you,” I said. “I needed that.”

  He gave a weak laugh and stroked the naked, sweat-covered skin on my back. “I’m happy to help.”

  Tomorrow, I’d tell him what happened. Now, I needed to feel safe. Needed Gabe’s strong arms tight around me, touching my skin. His warmth protecting my battered and bruised heart.

  We fell asleep together.

  Chapter 20

  I drove back to the bakery the next morning after another round, this time in the shower.

  Gabe hadn’t taken no for an answer. He’d woken me up with kisses, walked me through to the bathroom, then pinned me to the shower wall and taken me from behind until I came again.

  I had to get back to the bakery though. I had to feed Codsworth, check what the police were up to. There wasn’t that much to do, now that they’d shut me down, but I was still in a pretty fantastic mood. It’d felt so good to tell Matthew to get lost and it’d felt even better to be with Gabe all night.

  I parked out front and walked inside, checking my phone. I had several missed calls.

  I scrolled through them, frowning. One from Kelly, but that was to be expected. I’d been pretty quiet lately and didn’t much feel like chatting since the bakery had closed.

  But there were others, more from the unknown number. And a whole host of voice messages. I pressed the phone to my ear and listened.

  “Stupid whore. You think you’re special. You’re a fat-assed, poor, piece of shit, you’re nothing and he’s slumming. He loves slumming,” the woman screamed into the receiver. “Makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. But he’ll be back. Back uptown and in my bed. Where he belongs.” This time she didn’t sound as drunk.

  I deleted the other messages without listening to them. What was the point and what the hell was she talking about? Franklin wasn’t Summit Avenue, but my business and home were in a safe and respectable part of town.

  The bakery was quiet, no cops there today at least, and Codsworth was upstairs on the sofa. He hopped down and padded into the kitchenette for his breakfast.

  “Well, Codsworth, it looks like we might have to move soon. Seems like the bakery’s gonna be shut for good,” I pouted as I ruffled the fur behind his left ear with my fingertips, trying to come to terms with the end of my dreams. Not knowing what I’d do with myself. Not knowing if I had it in me to start over with another baking gig.

  I poured some of the kibble into his bowl and placed it on the linoleum, beside his water bowl.

  “At least, we’re alive. That’s the good part. When life gives you lemons, you just gotta —”

  The doorbell tinkled downstairs. Someone had come into the bakery.

  I probably should’ve locked the door, but I hardly expected anyone to walk in when the sign practically shouted ‘closed’.

  I petted Codsworth, then hurried out the kitchen and down the stairs into the bakery. “Hello? Anyone there?”

  No answer. The hair rose on the back of my neck. What if Matthew had truly lost his fucking mind and come to rape me? I grasped a knife from the drawer in the kitchen and held it at the ready.

  “Matthew, this isn’t funny,” I shouted. “I’m going to call the cops right now if you don’t come out.”

  “Who’s Matthew?” a woman replied, calling out from the front room.

  I dropped the knife on the counter and walked through to the front of the store, a frown spreading across my face.

  A heavily pregnant woman stood beside the glass counter, looking at it. There were no cupcakes out today, but I’d make her one for free if she was hungry. She was pregnant.

  “I’m really sorry, but we’re closed,” I said, pointing to the sign on the door. “Would you like me to make you something? No charge.”

  She was dressed to the nines in Michael Kors, a Tiffany charm bracelet around her wrist and several carats of diamonds in each delicate ear lobe. “No, thank you.” She ran her hand over the counter, a look of disdain on her face.

  I wriggled my nose. “I’m confused. Can I help you with something?”

  “Who’s Matthew? One of your fuck buddies?”

  I gasped and took a step back. “Excuse me?”

  The auburn-haired woman speared me with her gaze. Even pregnant, she was skinnier than me. Willowy. And drop-dead stunning. Oozing with class and money. “You heard me. Is he one of your fuck buddies?”

  “Miss, that’s really none of your business.” I frowned at her. I wasn’t good at dealing with pregnant women. Kinda reminded me of the whole infertility thing. I’d heard about raging hormones causing mood swings but, really? “Do you need me to call you a cab?”

  “No, I’m right where I want to be,” she said as she brushed her perfect French manicure over the freckled bridge of her nose. She sighed and popped a hip. Almost like she was shoving her fetus in my face. Did she know something about my health issues?

o are you?”

  “Seriously?” she scoffed. “Are you really that stupid?”

  My heart pumped and finally shot blood into my brain. Her voice… Her voice. Wait a second … I touched my hand to the phone in my pocket.

  “That’s right. I’ve been calling you lately.” She smiled. A glorious smile with perfect white teeth and lush red lips with one fatal flaw. It didn’t even come close to reaching her huge brown eyes. “My name’s Faith. And I’m the mother of Gabe’s unborn child.”


  Shock almost brought me to my knees, jolting through me from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. Like I’d been holding a lightning rod when the electricity shot through the sky.

  She stuck out her hand to shake mine. “It’s nice to meet you, home wrecker.”

  Chapter 21


  I stared at Faith’s hand like it had sprouted fangs and was about to strike at any second.

  “I take it you’re not going to shake my hand?” she asked as she flicked that glorious red mane back behind her rigid shoulders. “Typical. You’re just the latest in a long line of Gabe’s sluts. Rudeness goes with the territory when it comes to your kind because he’s never been good at keeping it in his pants. This isn’t my first confrontation.”


  Faith withdrew her tapered hand and placed it on her heavily pregnant abdomen, drawing attention to it. I stared at the shape of her belly button beneath the too-tight blouse. Her breasts spilled out of the cups of her bra, poking past the silk of her shirt to create an ample mound of cleavage. But her display was lost on me because my mind held only thoughts of Gabe’s unborn baby inside my bakery. Inside her.

  “Are you addled or were you raised by a pack of wolves? Don’t you have questions? Tears? A tantrum to throw?” Faith swayed over to one of the chairs and lowered herself into it, clearly annoyed that she hadn’t created more drama. She grimaced and shifted her weight. “It’s too bad you couldn’t afford comfier cushions. There’s potential here, but right now this place is really classless.”


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