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Line: Alpha Billionaire Romance

Page 45

by Colleen Charles

I eased out of the parking lot and took to the road, roaring down the street in the direction of Abbott. My mind was possessed by a single thought. Allegra.

  Chapter 51


  I sat beside Faith’s bed and yawned, stifling it with the back of my hand.

  She was sweaty and exhausted, but the first genuine smile I’d seen from her ever stretched her lips damn near from ear to ear. She held a blue bundle in her arms, and had one of her breasts out to feed the baby who’d latched on for dear life.

  He was a cutie pie. A red-faced, wrinkled, screaming little Moreno.

  Faith cooed and tickled his forehead, then met my gaze. “Thank you,” she said, looking like she meant it.

  “Those meds haven’t worn off yet, have they?” I asked, narrowing my eyes. She was lucky the birth had gone smoothly and quickly. By the time we’d gotten to the hospital, she’d already been eight centimeters dilated.

  “Not entirely,” she said, then chuckled. “But hey, I owe you some gratitude. You helped get me here and you didn’t leave me alone.” Faith blinked and readjusted her son in her arms.

  “I’m pretty sure anyone would’ve done the same in my situation.”

  “Not true. Donovan didn’t.” Faith’s smile wavered, but affixed itself a moment later. “I really love him, you know. I didn’t want to involve Gabe in this, but Donavan… well, he’s domineering and proud and he can be very persuasive.”

  Awkward silence parted us. I didn’t know how to respond to her admission. Or her gratitude. She’d messed with Gabe’s head and mine, tried to break us up and make my life hell for the past month. One positive encounter and a shot of the truth didn’t change that. It didn’t change who she was or what she’d done.

  Hopefully, having the baby would mature her a little bit.

  I shifted in the hospital chair. There was a TV over her bed, but I didn’t want to switch it on in case it bothered the baby whose eyelids had fluttered closed.

  “I don’t know what to say,” I whispered. “It’s no problem, I guess. I won’t say it was a pleasure.”

  “No,” Faith replied, “it definitely wasn’t a pleasure for either of us.” She grimaced, most likely in reference to her labor, the contractions and utter chaos that had ensued since we’d left my bakery.

  “Do you need me to call your mom and dad?”

  “No, they don’t take calls from strange numbers and they screen their calls at home. Honestly, you probably wouldn’t be able to get through to them.” Faith swept a damp strand of red hair from her forehead and tucked it behind her ear.

  “Snobbery without limitations,” I observed.

  “I know we’ll never be friends, even though I’m open to it, but I just wanted to… I don’t know, I guess there’s no hard feelings between us?” Faith inclined her head in my direction, shrugging her shoulders.

  I opened my mouth, then shut it again.

  “I’m sorry for being so rude,” she said, “I just didn’t want anything to ruin my future or his future.” Faith stroked her son’s forehead lovingly. “You can understand that, right?”

  “Apology accepted,” I replied, “and yeah, we’re definitely not going to be friends. But I’m sure we’ll see each other from time to time since your son is Gabe’s brother. Does he have a name yet?”

  Yeah, Faith and I wouldn’t be sharing croissants and coffee anytime soon. But we could be civil. I might even name a cupcake after her.

  The Frisky Faith. Pure white vanilla. All innocent and beautiful on the outside with a molten hot, red center.

  She sighed and settled the little one, grinning at his cute sucking noises and moaning complaints. She had something to focus on now, other than Gabe. Thank God for that.

  The door to the maternity ward swung inward and Donovan Moreno entered, carrying the scent of expensive cologne and Cuban cigars. Perhaps he’d ‘celebrated’ in his limo on the way over.

  “Donny,” Faith cried out and her son mewled, clutching at her hospital gown with his tiny fist.

  “Faith,” he murmured, his cheeks coloring. He made eye contact with me for the briefest moment, and the posh façade slammed back into place. “I came as soon as I heard.”

  That had to be bullshit.

  “You do care.” Faith teared up and swiped at the wetness beneath her eyes. “I was worried that you didn’t. That I’d have to do this on my own.”

  “That would never happen, baby. Forget what I said before. I want us to be together, a happy family.” Donovan strode toward her, a frog march that didn’t suit his verbal sentiments.

  I’d be damned if this man knew what a happy family was. Most likely, he planned on keeping his son’s true identity a secret. Probably announce that Gabe had abandoned Faith and the baby, and he’d taken them in out of the goodness of his solid coal heart.

  My heart beat lumpy custard for this poser. I loved Gabe, but that love didn’t have to translate to his father.

  I rose slowly.

  “I know you from somewhere, don’t I?” Donovan asked, extending a hand and turning on the charm. He did it with his back to Faith, to his credit.

  “Yeah, you do. Your front doorstep. I’m Allegra, Gabe’s girlfriend.” I waited for Faith to chime in about me being a slut or the like. She didn’t.

  Donovan snatched his hand back and wiped it on his suit jacket, his charm dissipating. “Oh,” he said, “what are you doing here?”

  “Well, sir, I was with Faith when she went into labor. She was hysterical because you insinuated that you wanted nothing to do with her or your child. Any of this ringing a bell?” I smiled and my gaze flicked to Faith, who returned a faint grin. I just felt pity for her again. She loved this man?

  “I came as soon as I heard.”

  I pouted and beckoned for him to come closer. He walked around the bed and I led him further across the room, out of Faith’s range of hearing.

  “You came because I told your son to send you here,” I whispered fiercely and poked him in the chest. “And you’d better damn well stay and look after her, because if you don’t I’ll make your life a living shit storm, do you hear me?”

  “That’s the second time I’ve heard that same ugly threat in the last half hour. Donovan Moreno doesn’t take kindly to ultimatums. I’ve already discussed the matter with Gabe.” Donovan readjusted his sleeves regardless, and I got the feeling his fingers were itching to loosen that designer collar. The heat was on for Mr. Moreno, who obviously loved referring to himself in the third person.

  “Good,” I said, then stepped even closer and poked him again. Holy crap, his suit was as soft as an angel’s wings. The Devil truly did wear Prada. “Don’t abandon your son.”

  Okay, so I didn’t have that much ammunition, but whatever I had would have to do it. I’d never been so fiercely protective over another human being in my life.

  “Where is Gabe, by the way?” I asked, butterflies bonking around inside my tummy. The thought of seeing him still got me excited the same way it had on our first date. Hopefully, this honeymoon phase would last damn long. The rest of my life. Or longer.

  Donovan narrowed his eyes at me and scowled. “He was on his way over here when we hung up.”

  I patted him on the arm. “Sounds good.” I walked past him and waved to Faith. She’d be fine now that she had another adult to torture. I stopped at the door to the room and looked back at Donovan. “Oh, I almost forgot. Congratulations.”

  Baby Moreno yowled a big healthy cry. Moreno Senior gave me a stilted nod.

  Chapter 52


  “You need to get some rest, Ally.” Kelly stood behind me, massaging my neck. “You’ve had a rough night.”

  I’d come home to a darkened bakery and decided I needed to talk. Kelly was there for me as always, ready with a pot of coffee and a cheeky quip. She’d listened with rapt attention, gasping at the right moments. It kind of made me feel like a grand storyteller.

  “I suppose I should head home. I don’t kno
w. I don’t feel great. I expected to at least hear from Gabe after the call. I thought he’d come to the hospital or phone to check in.” I brought out my cell for the fifth time since I’d gotten into Kelly and Pat’s darkened café. Blank. Nothing. Nada.

  How could he not care what happened with Faith or the baby? His brother. I’d gotten involved in his life and making things right and all I’d gotten in return was stony silence. Something was definitely up.

  “Maybe he’s out there looking for you right now,” Kelly said, giving my knotted muscles a final squeeze, then stepping to my side instead.

  “I don’t care.” That was a lie. I was too exhausted to worry about it tonight, however. I did need my damn sleep because I felt like I’d been run over by a truck. “I’d better get home.” I rose from the stool, massaging the base of my neck. “I’ll see you around, Kels.”

  “No way, I’m walking you over there. It’s late,” she said, then tucked her hand under my elbow and guided me to the door. “I’d never forgive myself if something happened.”

  The snow had stopped falling, but we trudged out into the banks of powdery white, warming our gloved hands on our coat sleeves.

  “Tomorrow is a new day,” Kelly remarked.

  “Did you get that off a Hallmark card or a milk carton?” Damn, Faith’s bitchiness had rubbed off. “What time is it anyway?”

  “Five minutes until midnight.” She grinned and escorted me across the empty street. Fireworks sputtered overhead. What the hell? Must be some crazy Aquatennial festivities.

  I’m definitely tired if I’m this cranky, I thought, then patted Kelly on the arm. We stopped in front of the doors to the bakery and I scraped my keys out of my pocket and inserted them into the lock.

  I opened up and walked in, with Kelly hot on my heels. “You going to tuck me in?” I asked jokingly.

  She was acting weird, all shifty-eyed and glancing around at the dark corners.

  “Let’s go through to the kitchen.”

  “The kitchen,” I repeated and my eyes widened. “Shit! The Strawberry Seductresses! I left them in the oven.”

  “Oh, don’t you worry. I came over earlier and let myself in. Turned the oven off just in time. They look delicious, by the way,” Kelly said, taking her spare keys out. I’d given them to her after the fire, for reasons just like this one.

  “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “The kitchen,” she prompted, pointing with her keys. Why was she so keen to get me back in there? Had she iced the cupcakes herself as a surprise?

  I narrowed my eyes at her and she feigned innocence, pouting and shrugging her shoulders.

  All right, I’d play along with whatever she’d planned.

  We walked through the silent bakery and to the kitchen. I sighed and rubbed my eyes with the heels of my palms, then flicked on the overheads.

  Gabe stood in the middle of the kitchen in a flawless black suit. The kitchen counters were covered in candles and cupcakes, perfectly iced Vanilla Vixens, Red Velvet Raptures and Strawberry Seductresses.

  “Wha—?” I looked at flawless Gabe Moreno, then back at my best friend. “How?”

  Kelly beamed from ear-to-ear. “I just wanted to see the look on your face. Call me later, when you’re done.” She slapped me on the butt, gave me a kiss on the cheek and hurried out of the bakery. The door slammed behind her and she locked us in.

  “How did you get here?”

  “Kelly let me in. Sorry I didn’t show at the hospital, or call to check in. I was busy.” He gestured to the cupcakes. On closer inspection, I could tell the frosting had been done by an amateur, albeit one who really cared about what he was doing.

  “I can’t believe this,” I whispered, clasping my hands in front of my abdomen.

  Gabe stepped towards me and I moved to meet him. We collided in the center of the kitchen, hearts and souls bare. He stroked my cheeks, cupped my face in both hands and drew me in for an earth-shattering kiss.

  My lips warmed to the brush of his mouth and tongue.

  Gabe broke away. “I was serious when I said I want to spend the rest of my time with you. The rest of my life. Allegra, you’re the woman of my dreams.”


  He pressed a finger to my lips.

  “You’re ambitious and caring. I know how much it must have hurt you to help Faith after everything she put us through, but you did it anyway. You didn’t give up on us, even though I fucked up several times.” He shook his head, then choked out a wry laugh. “You don’t quit, Allegra. You’re a beautiful soul.”

  “So are you,” I replied, slinging my arms around his neck.

  Gabe reached up and detached himself from my embrace. “It took me a while to find this, but I knew you’d appreciate it. Shit, I hope you don’t think it's lame.” He turned away from me and walked back to the counter. He picked up one lonely chocolate cupcake, a Dark Decadence and walked back to me.

  A cupcake? My nerves had turned my insides into batter.

  Gabe lowered himself to one knee and my heart practically leaped out of my chest.

  He raised the cupcake and presented it to me. I blinked and looked at it properly for the first time.

  An engagement ring poked from the dark chocolate frosting.

  “You’re the only woman for me.” Gabe drew in a shuddering breath. “Will you marry me?”

  A nervous giggle escaped my lips. I grabbed the cupcake from his hand and examined it closely. “Yes, I’ll marry you on one condition.”

  “Name it.” Gabe rose from his knee and took my left hand.

  “You let me teach you how to ice a cupcake properly.”

  Gabe threw back his head and belly laughed. “You’ve got a deal.” He took the cupcake from me and removed the ring. He scooped off the excess frosting, then placed the sticky ring on my finger. “As long as I can teach you a bunch more uses for icing that don’t involve cake.”

  “I love you,” I whispered, admiring the modest diamond twinkling under the lights.

  “And I love you,” he said, wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling my neck. “Forever.”

  He kissed me again, increasing the pressure, pressing me against his solid body. The cupcake dropped from his hand and splattered to the tiles. I ran my hands through his hair, then down his back, feeling the muscles beneath his suit.

  A meow broke the moment. We stopped kissing and looked down, my head resting against his chest, his hands on my waist, holding me to him.

  Codsworth meowed again and swept between our legs, purring. My cat turned and hissed at the toxic chocolate splattered in every direction.

  “Shall we?” Gabe asked, jerking his chin towards the stairs in the corner.

  I needed only one word. “Yes.”

  Together, we walked up to my apartment, safe in the knowledge that this night was the first night of the rest of our lives.

  And the engagement… well, that was the icing on the cupcake.

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  Line by Colleen Charles ©2017 All Rights Reserved

  Wasted Heat by Colleen Charles ©2016 All Rights Reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  Colleen Charles loves reading and writing stories that entertain and sweep the reader away fro
m their everyday life.




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