Flatline (Med Rom Series)

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Flatline (Med Rom Series) Page 15

by Kristine Dugger

  Chapter 22

  For the remainder of my Saturday, I choose to stay home and just watch Hallmark channel movies. Probably wasn’t the best idea I have ever had but something about watching sappy love stories that always end up happy, just makes one feel good about love and life. I never went to the store. So today, I really need to go. Del, Britnee and Karrie are coming over for dinner and girl talk.

  I was walking through the aisle at the local midtown market. It isn’t the mega market one thinks of when going to the grocery store. It is more like the corner market you would see in downtown New York. I love the feel of my midtown community. In ways, it is retro but current with today’s trends.

  Looking at the bottles of wine, trying to decipher which one to choose for tonight, I am still learning my wines. It is one thing I have not completely grasped. Everything else I understand well but the difference between this red wine number one and red wine number two, I am lost. All I care about is that it is good. While I am reading the label, I faintly hear my name being called. It is a musky voice, like an old man’s voice. I turn to see who it was.

  The biggest smile comes across my face. It is Danny. I set down the bottle of wine and push my grocery cart in his direction.

  He hollers across the aisle, “Paige, is that you?”

  I laugh, “Oh my goodness Danny, yes it is your favorite….”

  “My favorite dietarian.” He pauses. “Helen, Paige is here.”

  Helen was walking around the corner when she realizes that Danny wasn’t seeing things. “Paige, what a pleasant surprise to see you here? Do you live in the area?”

  “Yes, I do. I live in the old Barron building.”

  Danny interrupts, “Paige, we live not too far from here. Your husband and you should come over for dinner one night.”

  “Danny, I’m not married.”

  With a dumfounded expression across his face, he asks, “What do you mean you are not married? Your boyfriend must be crazy not to have married you yet. I need to have a talk with him.”

  I laugh. “I don’t really have a boyfriend either.”

  “You got to be kidding me. I’m not believing you for one second.”

  “Believe it. I haven’t found the perfect wave yet.”

  He starts to chuckle. “Oh Paige, stop waiting and find that perfect wave.”

  Helen chimes in. “Danny, leave the poor girl alone.”

  “I am just surprised that some man hasn’t claimed her yet. She is what you call a keeper. You know the one you never let go of.”

  Helen shoots a look at Danny.

  “Okay, I will be quiet now.”

  Helen smiles at me. “Paige, we would love to have you over for dinner sometime. Please consider it. Here is our home number, please call us when you are ready. But please don’t wait too long, Danny might hunt you down now that he knows you live in the area.”

  Helen hands me a piece of paper with their home address and number on it. I look up at them. “It was so great to see you two. I need to get going, my friends are coming over later for snacks and wine.”

  Helen pulls a bottle of wine. “It was great seeing you too. Here is a Merlot you would like.”

  “Thank you! I will call soon. I promise.” Danny comes over to me and gives me a hug. Helen just watches her husband and my interaction. He goes back to this grocery cart and they walk away. It was so great to see them. Normally, I don’t interact with patients once they are discharged. Unless they are back in the unit, I never see them again. Yeah, sometimes the family will bring treats as a thank you, but that is usually it. Seeing Danny this afternoon made me realize how much I missed him as one of my patients. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want him back in the hospital. He is looking great and clearly feeling great. It is funny how certain people just show back up in your life when you least expect it.


  Later that evening, my friends came over for wine and pizza. We are all now making a better effort to get us all together at least once a week or every other week. Life can be so darn busy, sometimes you have to take a break and enjoy the people around you. We all know working in the Trauma ICU that life is short and you never know when, one day, you might meet your maker, sooner than later.

  There is always a lot of laughs when we get together. Karrie is complaining about being nauseated and what she wouldn’t do for a sip of our wine. So far, pregnancy has not been treating her as well as she hoped. Del is once again annoyed with Greg. I honestly do not get their relationship. They are the constant bickering couple who cannot get enough of each other. It is weird. Then there is Brit, who once again complained about going on another lousy date with absolutely no chemistry. Poor girl.

  Finally, I get the courage to discuss my dilemma with my friends, Jake vs. Leo. It really isn’t that simple to talk to them about this. They are all so very opinionated and will probably tell me something I don’t want to hear. But that is one of the many reasons I love them, straight to the point with no sugar coating. “Hey ladies, I have something I really need to talk to you all about?”

  In unison, “What’s up?”

  “I had breakfast with Jake yesterday. He wants me back.”

  First Del. “Oh hell no.”

  Then Karrie. “Really?”

  Britnee just sat there.

  I continue, “Yeah, he said once he saw me again, he realized that I have always been the woman for him. And after Ashley passed away, life is too short. He misses me and wants me back. He will do whatever it takes to get me back.”

  Del again. “Horse shit.”

  Now, Karrie. “Del, shut up. This isn’t a bad thing.”

  “Yes, it is. He had his fucking chance. He wanted to see what else was out there. He probably banged his way through several girls and none of them met his standards. Now, he wants to crawl back with his tail between his legs for Paige. Bull fucking shit. Paige, why are you even considering this? He is a fucking tool.”

  I was shocked with Del’s reaction; I know she has never liked him but wow. “Del, we were engaged to be married. He was the love of my life at one time. It is hard not to think of the possibility of being with him again.”

  “It is fucking easy; just say no. I have something way better. What about Leo? Didn’t you just ask us about you getting together with him and being more than just fucking?”

  Karrie chimes in. “Del, you need to hear her out. Plus, she and Leo haven’t even established any type of relationship besides sex. Why wouldn’t she go back to someone who is going to promise her a relationship? I think Jake is a better option for her.”

  Del again. “Have you lost your mind? He broke her heart because he wanted to experience other women.”

  “Well, at least he didn’t cheat on her. He broke it off with her instead of hurting her worse. Now he realizes he made a mistake. Why wouldn’t you want your friend to have happiness with the person she loves?”

  Del shaking her head. “You’re nuts.”

  Britnee decides she wants to provide input. “Paige, what the hell do you want to do? Get your damn head out of it and follow your heart.”

  I look at Britnee. “I am afraid of what my heart is telling me. I am so torn.”

  “How are you torn? Either you want to be with Leo, who gets you, or Jake, who is what you thought you wanted. My opinion is invalid here because I am not you but you can’t string Leo along if you are considering Jake. If you want Leo, then tell Jake to leave you alone. We all know how persistent he is. Do what your heart is telling you to do.”

  “I know what I am getting with Jake. We are established. I still love him. He is also like the son my father never had.”

  Del is shaking her head. “This is stupid. Paige, do you even hear yourself? You are just fucking scared. You are choosing the easier option instead of giving Leo and you a chance.”

  Karrie looks at Del. “Leave it alone.”


  “Ladies, thanks for your help. It has helped. I am just
going to sleep on it tonight. It is a big decision but like Brit says, I don’t want to string anybody along. And we are done talking about this now.”

  Del folds her arms over her chest, still shaking her head at me. This girl knows me far too well. Yes, my decision is leaning toward what is comfortable to me. It is just hard to shake off five plus years with someone and not even consider the possibility of rekindling what we once had.

  Leo is amazing. I have never met a man who gets me more worked up than him. He knows my body better than I do. He makes me more comfortable with my body. The way he looks at me with his eyes, sent my body and nerves in a whirlwind of confusion and desire. He touches me and my body lights up. But we are just about sex. We haven’t even had our first official date yet. We were never a couple. It was two adults agreeing to a relationship built around naughty time. I am unsure if we can become more than just that.

  Chapter 23

  The following days, I just spent my time working and overall reflecting. Jake being Jake, has been flowering me with attention left and right. Flowers on my door steps, fruit arrangements sent to my work, and silly text message that made me smile. I have made my decision. It is one both Del and Britnee didn’t agree with me on, but they agreed to support my decision because they love me.

  At the end of my shift at work, I text Leo.

  Paige:Can I see you tonight?

  Leo:Hey babe! You’re in luck. Not working nights.

  Paige: Good.What time then?

  Leo:What are you wearing?

  Paige:Really? What time tonight?

  Leo:You pissed off? 7pm!

  Paige:No, just don’t feel it is necessary to describe my work attire. See you tonight.

  Leo:Bye babe.

  The simple term babe has me concerned on how this is all going to go down tonight. My small and large intestines are unraveling again. He is going to know something’s up with me, he could already tell in my text messages. This is going to be hard. How do you break it off with someone who you have grown to care for while realizing they are not the one for you? Well, at least I think.

  I am dreading tonight.


  I am running late. If tonight is truly going to be our last night together, I need to make it special for the both of us. I wore one of my long Chevron red shirts with black leggings. It is plain and simple but Leo loved this look on me. Honestly, nothing is his preference but I can’t walk around naked to his apartment.

  When I arrived at his door, he greeted me with his million-dollar smile that makes me fall apart. Leo grabs me instantly and pulls me close to him for a long heartfelt kiss. Why does life have to throw curve balls like this? When he pulls away, he leaves me craving more. Completely lost within our kiss, I stumble over my feet. He laughs at me.

  Leo grabs my hand and leads me to through the kitchen to the dining room. Walking into the dining room, I notice the lights are dim and the flame of the candles are reaching new heights, lighting up the room. There is a bottle of wine chilling on the table next to two plates filled with lettuce topped with mandarin oranges, strawberries, blueberries, carrots, pecans and green peppers. The plate of salad represented the colors of the rainbow with vibrant colors putting forth. I look at Leo, amazed at the effort he went through for tonight on such short notice.

  “You’ve been busy.”

  “If you didn’t text me earlier, I was going to text you. I wanted to surprise you with food you love.”

  I blissfully smile. “If this is the first course, I can’t imagine what the main course is.”

  “Well, you will be surprised. Now, sit. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”

  He pulls out the chair for me and I sit down to enjoy my crisp, fruity salad that simply tasted like heaven in greens.

  Dinner was spectacular. Leo made parmesan crusted chicken with a pesto glaze and orzo pasta with diced tomatoes and dried basil. Dessert was chocolate mousse with strawberries. Holy Moly, he can cook. We laughed a lot. It was as if we have been together for years. Which is making my decision even harder.

  After dinner, we sit down to watch a movie before heading to bed. Despite us both having to work in the morning, this is what we wanted to do. I really wanted to spend as much non-skin to skin time with him as possible.

  While watching The Unusual Suspects, Leo holds me in his arms as we cuddle under his plush blanket. Many times, he would kiss the top of my head. His fingers were constantly rubbing my arms. It feels like this is the real thing between us but yet, it won’t have a chance. My body tenses up at the thought of what I am about to do come tomorrow morning.

  He senses my body firming up. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m just tired. It has been a rough week, as you know.”

  “I’m sorry, babe.” He moves his hand from my arm and runs it through his hair. He sighs, “I know this is still new to us but my mother is really hoping you would come to her and William’s Labor Day party. It is kind of a big deal to her.”

  I push my body up from his and turn my head to face him. “Your mom wants me at the party.”

  “Yeah, she likes you. She thinks your feisty ass is good for me or something.”

  “I don’t know. That is in a few weeks. I usually do something with Bryan and Margo that weekend. I’m not sure when they are having their picnic.”

  He looks at me. “You don’t want to go, do you?”

  “No, it isn’t that. I just don’t know what is going on.”

  “Knowing how anal you are, you know exactly what is exactly going. Just tell me the truth, if it is too much too soon, I understand. I am a little hesitant too, being that this will be the first time I bring someone I am seeing to a family and friends party. It is fine.”

  “It might be a little too soon. Let me think about it.”

  “That is understandable, babe.” He leans in to kiss me. Once again, he ignites the boiling point in my blood causing my veins to explode with desire. My anxious instincts kick in and I push him down onto the couch. The feisty red-head in me is done wasting time watching a movie, I want him.

  I am on top of him, unbuckling his belt and opening his pants, reaching for his fully erect cock. He starts to laugh, “Well, I think we are done watching the movie. My girl is not wasting time.” He sits up and moves me off of him. He stands up and grabs my hand. I stand up to face him, when he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

  He carries me to the bedroom and lightly tosses me on the bed. Leo pulls his shirt over his head. Winking at me, he throws his shirt at me, hitting me right in the face. I chuckle. He pauses before taking his pants off. “One minute, I need to turn some music on.”

  I laugh. “What?”

  “Just you wait and see.”

  “Oh good lord, I am afraid to know.”

  “Sit your ass on the end of the bed and be quiet.”

  Laughing. “Okay.”

  He turns around to his Bose entertainment alarm clock. I watch as he plays with his IPod looking for God knows what. Then Pony by Ginuwine comes on. I am trying to hold back my laughter and trying my best to seem serious.

  Standing in front of me, he starts to move his hips. Oh my goodness. I ask, “What are you doing?”

  He leans down to me. “Be quiet and enjoy the show.”

  I nod my head in agreement. He whips his belt out and throws it down to the floor. Leo slowly moves his zipper down, winking at me again. He pushes his jeans and boxers down, slightly revealing his wonderfully shaped V but not exposing too much. Trying my best not to laugh, I continue to shake my head and smile at him. Leo turns to have his ass facing me. His pants start to creep down, exposing green and blue plaid boxers. He wiggles his ass at me. Then his pants hit the floor. He kicks them off to the side, then turns to face me and starts back to shaking his hips at me.

  He is closer to me with a serious expression on his face, he grabs my arms and raises them above my head. He pulls my Chevron blouse over my head before leaning in to kiss me while unho
oking my bra. I push him back and stand up. His emerald eyes staring at me, full of want and clearly craving. He pulls my body close to his and he continues to dance on me. I wrap my arms around his neck and let him do his thing, which I am enjoying every minute of.

  Leo leans in to me, kissing me. We both lose it. Passion, need, and want consume us both. We fall onto his bed. I push his boxers off. He grabs my leggings off of me, throwing them across the room. I whisper, “I want you in me.”

  There was no hesitation, he rams his cock into me with such force. He starts to pound hard and deep in me. I moan, “Slow it down a little. We’re both going to come too quickly. I want to enjoy every minute of you in me.”

  He grunts, “Fuck, you saying that is going to make me come.” His hips start to slow down, pushing his cock deeper and deeper into me. Feeling every ounce of his girth in me causes me to pant. My hands place under his chest to push him off of me. “I want on you now.”

  “Okay. Get on him then.”

  He wraps his arms under me as he flips us around. On top of him, I start to ride him. We moan in unison, I grind harder and faster. My insides start to unfold around him. My moans became louder and breathless. My release causes him to release in me. He moans, “Fuck, Paige.”

  My body rests limp over his body, sweat drops dripping down my face. It was short, sweet and completely exhausting. This man and what he does to me. There is no mistake that we are made for each other in the bedroom. Our bodies understand each other, we understand each other.

  He leans up to kiss me. “You’re amazing.”

  “You are too.” I pause, pealing my body off his, then lying next to him. I laugh. “So, where did you learn to dance like that?”

  He laughs, “You don’t want to know. Just to say, plenty of boring nights at my parents’ house party when we were kids.”

  “So you would have a dance off?”

  “No. Just a bunch of boys wanting to breakdance.”

  “Well Dr. Davis, you definitely surprised me.”


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