Flatline (Med Rom Series)

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Flatline (Med Rom Series) Page 16

by Kristine Dugger

  “I really just wanted to see you smile, that is all. I know you found it quite amusing.”

  “Well, I loved it. It was kind of sexy.”

  “Yeah, sexy. I never busted out the moves for anybody before. The fact that I can dance is something I tend to keep to myself. My brother, on the other hand, is a different story.”

  I start to laugh. “Oh my God, Greg has danced for Del.”

  He laughs with me. “Probably on more than one occasion. Just to say, he was that friend who was not afraid to bust out a speedo and dance for the ladies.”

  I laugh harder, causing my eyes to water. “I can’t believe she hasn’t told me. Maybe she wants to keep this to herself.”

  “And I hope you keep this to yourself as well.”

  I look him in the eyes. “Your secret is safe with me.”

  “Good.” He leans into me and presses his lips against mine. This, of course, leads to another round of mind-blowing sex.


  Morning comes and Leo leans over to tell me that he is getting in the shower. It is five in the morning. I pretend I am asleep. Once I hear the door shut to the bathroom, I get up and get dressed quickly. I run out to the kitchen and grab my purse. In my purse is the letter I wrote Leo. I pull it out to give it one last look.

  It read:

  Dear Leo,

  This is extremely hard but this arrangement we have is ending today. I am so sorry if I have led you on in any way. But a second chance has been brought to my attention that I feel I need to take to ensure my heart is in the right place. I would feel guilty if I didn’t take advantage of this opportunity to rekindle a relationship that was once strong. I am sorry.

  I do want you to know that you are an amazing person. The way you have made me feel the last couple of weeks is what made this decision extremely hard. You have brought out a side of me that I never knew I had. I am more confident in myself because of the way you made me feel. I will never forget our weekend at the cabin and how we connected. I knew then it was becoming more than just two individuals having sex. My feelings for you became more prevalent, which left me confused.

  I hope you realize this has nothing to do with you but with me wanting to give a past love another chance. Again, I am sorry.



  The letter looks perfect. I set it down next to the coffee maker. Knowing Leo, the coffee pot will be the first place he goes to once he figures out I am gone.

  The water turns off. I grab my purse and keys, and I quietly scurry out of his apartment. I run down the stairs and out of his complex tower.

  When I get into my car, the tears are streaming down my cheeks. Leo is not going to be too pleased to read that we are officially done. Yes, it was the coward thing to do but I couldn’t face Leo. What makes this so hard is that I knew we were falling for each other. But the other part of me feels I need to make sure Jake is truly the man I thought was the man for me. I still love Jake.

  What Leo and I have is just at the beginning. I have a hard time turning my back at a second chance with someone I loved for five years. My head is telling me to regroup and focus on Jake and me. Rebuilding what we have established before. Plus, I know what I am getting with Jake.

  Leo, not so much. We started off as sex and that was the arrangement. We still haven’t yet gone on a date. Jake is the safer option.

  Before leaving the parking lot, I look up at his apartment and for the first time in my life, I feel like a fucking tool.

  Chapter 24

  The last few weeks have been extremely tricky. I have been dodging Leo. He has been calling and texting me almost every day. Del and Britnee are annoyed with the fact they are lying to the man they both wanted me to choose. Leo has been very persistent. He doesn’t come up to the unit every day. But when he does, he is on a mission to find me. I feel horrible that I have put him through this but I can’t face him. I don’t need him trying to change my mind. I am still very vulnerable to him, whether I like it or not.

  Jake and I have officially started dating again. The title of girlfriend is back on the table. It is a little awkward right now, but we are getting through it. Jake has been making every attempt to show me that he wants me. His family knows about us seeing each other again. I haven’t yet to tell my mother and sister. My mother will be pleased because she has always felt that Jake and I are meant to be. Margo, on the other hand, I know will have strong opinions about me seeing Jake again. After the breakup, he was on her most hated people list. I am not looking forward to that conversation, but she is going to have to realize that Jake is now back in my life.

  Del and Britnee have not been speaking much to me since I decided to take Jake back. They support my decision but are not liking it one bit. Plus, they are tired of telling Leo that I am not in the unit when I actually am. I see him walk by in frustration.

  Today, Karrie is working, she just had a run-in with Leo. I walk up to her and say, “Thank you so much.”

  She sighs, “Paige, all three of us are getting tired of helping you dodge Leo. This is not fun at all for us. I love you and am happy you went with Jake but this thing with Leo is getting bad. You need to figure something out soon. Others are noticing that Dr. Davis has been looking for you. There is talk between the other nurses.”

  “Well, there is no reason to talk. It is none of their business. Leo will give up soon.”

  She looks at me with a blank expression across her face. “What happened between you two?”

  “Nothing. I stopped it before it got serious.”

  “You fell in love with him.”

  I shake my head at her. “No, I am in love with Jake. That is who I am with.”

  “I know but it is just weird that Leo is up here constantly looking for you. Whatever happened, he is wanting more of an explanation.”

  “He got his explanation when I broke it off.”

  “Okay, well I hope this stops soon. Remember we love you, but there is not much more lying to a provider we can do. You will need to face him if he keeps coming.”

  “Duly noted. Thanks, Karrie.” I walk away from her and back to my work. I feel horrible putting my friends through this. I know it is hard for all of us but I really don’t want to face the music and see Leo.


  After working a long day in the unit, I am walking to my car when I notice someone standing beside it. It is dark out and the garage light is dim. I couldn’t quite see who is standing by my car. I grab my keys to put my pepper spray within reach of my hand. The closer I get, the more I am starting to realize who is standing beside my car. It is Leo. He isn’t looking like his normal buoyant self. His brown hair is a mess, bags are under his eyes like he hasn’t slept in days and his eyes are hidden behind black framed glasses. But his eyes aren’t green anymore, they were just as dark as his glasses.

  I approach Leo. “What are you doing here?”

  With anger in his voice, he says,“Just like that, you’re saying we are done?”

  Pleading with him. “I am sorry, Leo. He is where my heart is.”

  “How can you say your heart is with someone who left you because he wanted to experience other women before he settles down?”

  “Leo, he is safe to me. I know what I am getting with him.”

  “Safe? That is a bullshit answer and you know it. You’re just afraid.”

  “Afraid of being in a relationship with someone who doesn’t do relationships.”

  Shaking his head at me. “I didn’t do relationships until I met you.”


  “You have no idea how you’ve changed me. Now you’re leaving me to be with someone who doesn’t see you or understand who you are and what you are.”

  “And you’re saying you do?”

  “Paige.” He cups my face and brings it close to his. “That night when there was no sex. You just letting me hold you, was the night I knew something was different about you. You were down about your mother. That small window
you let me in. We didn’t realize it that night. But later, I realized you and I were more than just sex.

  “Leo, I can’t.”

  “Paige, I love you.”

  “I am so sorry.”

  “I really hope this is what you want. It isn’t what I want at all.”


  His eyes were glistened over. “I will respect your wishes, but he won’t love you like I know you need to be loved. The way I love you.”

  Tears streamed down my face, I cry, “Leo, I can’t.”

  “You can. You’re just not ready to. Goodbye, Paige.”


  His lips gently press against mine; my body begins to unwind in his embrace. Was I making the right decision? Is Jake who I truly want to spend the rest of my life with. Do I love Leo like he loves me?

  He releases his lips from mine. His eyes gaze into mine. His lips press against my forehead. He lets me go and smirks, “I hope to run-into you again.”

  I watched as he walks away again. The tears continue to stream down my cheeks as he leaves me standing and wondering if this is what I really want.

  Just like a flatline, Leo and mine’s relationship had many consistent ups but at the end, our ups became sparse, eventually flattening out.

  The End...For Now.


  Thank you so much for taking the time to read Flatline. I know you are probably hating me right now. When I wrote this book, I had no clue where it was going to lead me. Then it happened…cliffhanger.

  You are wondering what is going to happen with Paige and Leo. Trust me, me too. Pulse will be coming soon and it will leave you breathless and needing resuscitation.

  Who’s ready?


  As always, I would like to thank my family for all the love and support they provide me in my writing career. I know a lot of nights you deal with mommy/wifey needing to write, edit, format, brainstorm, or talk about whatever comes to her mind with her novels. I want you to know that all of this is not only for mommy/wifey but it is for you too. I love you all so very much.

  To my lovely personal assistant, Nichole Dennis. Girl, you make my heart sing. Having you a part of Team Kris has been a life saver for me. You get my crazy life and you want to help me succeed at being an author. I know when things get rough and I feel like I suck at this writer’s life, you tell me to “buck up” and stop whining. You bring me back up, letting me know that I am an amazing writer. Me love you long time, girlfriend. You are more than just a friend, you are family. I am blessed to have you in my life. Here is to many more books together.

  To this spectacular group, Books and Boy Books Blog. Thank you for taking a chance on me. You opened up your heart to this girl and are doing whatever it takes to help me succeed. This I can’t thank you enough. HUGS!!!

  Next up, Natalie Miller. Where to start with you, lady? You are my momma bear, my toughest critic, my go to on questions about books in general, and most importantly, my friend. You are not afraid to let me know when shit is not sounding right, you push me to be the best that I can be, and you are always there for me. This I can’t thank you enough. So, thanks.

  To my dear friend and fellow author, Stacey Johnston. I love having someone like you in my corner. We are two authors who met as reviewers and became great friends. We rant, we laugh, and just chat about whatever comes to mind. I am very fortunate to have met you through this wonderful community of readers and authors. Love you, girl.

  Shauna Kruse, my lovely photographer for this book and future covers. You listen and perfected my vision. When I opened to look at my photos, I was as giddy as a school girl on the first day of school. Through this business process, we have become friends. I am proud to support you and be a part of Team Kruse.

  Kristen Lazarus-Wood, you are one my absolute favorites. You went from being the female model on Flatline to being one of my friends. I love how we hit it off. I know JJ and Shauna shook their heads at us numerous times because we would just ramble. I love you, girl. Stay beautiful inside and out, like you do.

  Justin James Caldwell, you don’t understand how happy I was that I choose you to play my Leo. Kristen and you made me laugh so damn hard so many times. Then the Pony video from Book Splash came out and I was floored. I was like a proud momma when I saw the video. I am like, that is my boy dancing to a song that is featured in my novel. I love your goofy, loveable attitude. Stay true to yourself and amazing things will happen for you. I just know it.

  Lastly, to my editor, Toni Michelle of Polished Pages Editing. Thank you for stepping into the mind of Kristine Dugger. I know my writing is a little different from most. My fast-paced writing style loves to jump around in tenses. Way to take on the challenge that is me. I thank you for that.


  Kristine Dugger is a contemporary romance novelist who specializes in realism and whole lot of humor. She resides in Papillion, NE. Writing has always been a passion of hers. Kristine has a Master’s degree in Nutrition and Health Science from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

  She is a Pediatric Clinical Dietitian by day, writer by night, always a mom. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two very beautiful daughters, reading, listening to music, kickboxing, exercising and playing/watching sports.

  Fun facts about Kristine:

  -Nutrition Nerd

  -Played Competitive slow pitch softball for 8 years

  -Heavy metal loving, tattooed mommy of two beautiful girls

  -Diehard Nebraska Cornhusker Fan / Kansas City Royal Fan




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