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Texas Tycoon's Christmas Fiancée

Page 3

by Sara Orwig

“Oh, no. I’m definitely going to be the holdout. I’ll bet a million and I will win,” Jake said.

  “I’m guaranteed to win,” Tony stated.

  “You guys—betting a million over getting married. I could be the winner because I’m the youngest, but my money is going elsewhere,” Gabe said. “Count me out of this.”

  “All right,” Nick said. “We have a bet. Last one to marry gets one million from the other two—namely, I will collect from both of you.”

  “Deal,” Jake said as Tony nodded. “It’s sweet,” Jake added. “Gabe is our witness. I don’t expect this bet to be over for years.”

  “You guys are in it now, and it will be years,” Nick said, smiling and relaxing.

  Their conversation shifted to sports and for half an hour he didn’t think about Grace, the baby or his father. It wasn’t until he told his friends goodbye and left that he went back to thinking about his father’s demands.

  “Might as well get this over now,” he said to himself, dreading breaking the news to his father. He changed direction and headed to his father’s palatial estate. When he entered the grounds, he called his dad’s nurse to let her know he was coming.

  Circling splashing fountains, assorted statues and well-tended beds of flowers, Nick drove around the mansion to the back, sitting in the car long enough to call his office and tell them when he would be in.

  He pushed the bell at the back and the door was opened by a gray-haired uniformed woman he had known since childhood.

  “Good morning, Miss Lou,” Nick said, smiling at her.

  “Morning to you, Mr. Nick. Your father will be glad to see you.”

  “I have doubts about that. I’m telling him something he doesn’t want to hear.”

  She laughed. “None of your escapades now!”

  “There hasn’t been any such nonsense since I went off to college,” he said, laughing with her.

  She chuckled and shook her head. “He’s in the library. He’ll be glad to see you. I think he’s lonesome. He talks to me a lot more now.”

  “Then he shouldn’t be so lonesome. You’re good company,” Nick said, smiling at her. He walked down the broad terrazzo-floored hall to enter the spacious room that included three walls of shelves filled with books and pictures.

  His father was in a chair near the bay windows and his nurse turned to smile at Nick as she stood.

  “Good morning.”

  “Hi, Megan. Morning, Dad,” Nick said, crossing the room. “Megan, you can stay. I won’t be here long,” he said, but she shook her head.

  “I have some things I can do,” she said.

  Nick watched the petite auburn-haired nurse as she left through the open door into the hall. Nick sat facing his father, who was dressed and had shaved, wearing a cardigan over his shirt and with his feet in slippers. He was a thinner version of his old self and more gray had spread through his thick black hair. Nick knew he resembled his father and wondered if this was how he would look someday.

  “How are you this morning?” Nick asked.

  “Same as last week. I take it you’ve talked to Grace Wayland.”

  “Yes, I did. I went to her office today to discuss Michael.”

  “So when do I get to see my grandson?”

  “Dad, because of Alicia, Grace has very strong feelings about us. She resents Bart’s treatment of Alicia, especially Alicia’s last visit with Bart.”

  A pained look crossed his father’s face and his gaze shifted to the windows. Nick noticed a muscle working in his dad’s jaw while he crushed the corner of his open cardigan in one hand. “I’m sorry I didn’t talk to Bart more at the time. I made a mistake in not taking an interest from the first.”

  “Grace is bitter over her friend. She sees no point in bringing Michael to see you.”

  “Damn it, Nick! You can be persuasive. Why didn’t you talk her into a meeting?”

  “Well, maybe my heart wasn’t in it. Stop and think a minute about it. We’re not certain this is Bart’s child.”

  “He told me that it probably was his baby. Early on, I didn’t feel strongly about it, but my life has changed. I want to see my grandson. This is vital to me,” his father snapped, some of the old force returning to his voice. He stood and walked to the mantel to brace his arm on it. “I want that child in the family. I intend to see that he has the family name.” Eli turned to stare at Nick. “Doesn’t she realize it will be better for Michael?”

  “I pointed out to her that you can do a lot more for Michael than she will ever be able to,” Nick said patiently, knowing there would be more to come because his father never gave up on something he wanted badly.

  “She’s not thinking about the baby.”

  “That doesn’t matter if she refuses to allow you to see him. Bart signed away his rights. He gave up any claim. Add to that, Grace’s bitter feelings over the treatment her friend received from Bart.”

  “I suppose she blames Bart for Alicia’s wreck.”

  “She probably does,” Nick said, mindful that Grace did blame Bart. “Dad, give it up. Someday I’ll give you grandchildren. Besides, you’ve told me that you never wanted more children, nor did any of the women you married. It’s a late point in life to decide you want to enjoy a grandchild.”

  “Nick, damn it, I intend to give my grandson his heritage of the Rafford name and in some manner to rectify what Bart did.”

  “You’ll send your blood pressure higher worrying over this,” Nick said gently. “Right now, you’re not completely well. You can’t deal with a grandbaby. You really never have wanted to have babies around.”

  “No, I haven’t. I just want to see the little boy. I want him legally an heir—and I’ve told you that you will get the bulk of the estate no matter what happens. I wouldn’t think of cutting you out of most of what I possess, but there is enough for him to have a trust. After all, Nick, he is your nephew.”

  “It’s difficult to relate to a baby I’ve never seen, with a deceased mother I can’t recall meeting.” Stretching out his long legs, Nick folded his hands, giving his father time to vent his frustration.

  “Bart handled things badly, but I’m aware of this family’s responsibility—”

  “Dad, you don’t have a responsibility. Bart signed his away totally.”

  Eli scowled, glaring at his son. “I want this baby in our family and I can do so much for him.”

  “Grace Wayland doesn’t want you to. She doesn’t want you to meet him. She refused to see you. I’m sorry, but there it is.”

  “The hell you say? You walked out and gave up? You don’t give up when it’s something you want.”

  “Understand, Grace was adamant about it. She’s incensed over her friend. She isn’t going to be talked into it.”

  “Well, then I’ll bribe her into it. Did you tell her I would set up a trust for Michael?”

  “I told her you could do many beneficial things for him. I pointed out to her that you can do far more for Michael than she can and it didn’t move her. She doesn’t want nannies or chauffeurs or boarding schools for him.”

  “Damn it, what’s the matter with the woman? She’s in business for herself. You told me she came from a poor background with no college education in the family. How can she turn up her nose at money for the baby?”

  “She’s unhappy with the Raffords,” Nick reaffirmed patiently.

  “Alicia came from that same poor background, but she appreciated money.”

  “I can imagine,” Nick remarked drily, thinking his brother got tangled up often with women after his money. “In a way, it’s refreshing to meet a woman who doesn’t put the dollar first.”

  “Refreshing? It’s damned stubborn. She’s letting emotions cloud her judgment and she isn’t giving the baby a fair shake.”

  “She was unmovable,” Nick said, hanging on to patience. “Maybe if I try again in a few months she will have thought it over and softened up about it.”

  “Nick, time is important to me. It grows s
horter by the day.”

  “Your doctors say you are doing fine. Let’s wait a few weeks—Christmas is coming and maybe the holidays will change her mind. I’ll talk to her again sometime,” Nick said, astounded at the words coming out of his mouth. He didn’t want to argue with Grace Wayland again, but his sympathy went out to his dad. “I’ll try again soon. We won’t give up.” When he stood, Eli crossed the room.

  “I don’t want to give up. This is my grandson. I’m sticking to what I want, to know him and give him our family name.”

  Nick nodded. “I tried, Dad. I better go. I have an eleven-o’clock appointment. I’ll let myself out.”

  On his way out, Nick checked in with the nurse and the staff, then left. Relieved to have broken the news to his dad, he wondered whether his dad would give up. Nick didn’t want to argue further with Grace. With a little time maybe his dad’s feelings about the baby would cool, although Nick knew that was probably wishful thinking. His dad was like a dog with a bone over something he wanted and couldn’t have. He would go after it and hang on like crazy.

  Nick shifted his thoughts to business, running over the information he had been given for a morning appointment to discuss a land acquisition in the Dakotas. Wrapped in thoughts about business, he continued to the twenty-story building in downtown Dallas that housed the Rafford energy company.

  Business occupied Nick for the rest of the day until late afternoon, when his direct line rang and he saw it was a call from his dad.

  “I knew it,” he said under his breath, wondering what scheme his father had hatched during the day to pressure Grace about the baby. His father wouldn’t discuss it over the phone, so Nick promised to drive out and see him after work. He replaced the receiver and spent another hour working before closing up.

  As he walked through his secretary’s station he smiled. “See you tomorrow, Jeananne.”

  “Have a good evening,” she answered.

  “Thanks, I will,” he said as he left, wondering if his father was going to make another plea that would mean dealing with Grace. He couldn’t imagine any other reason for the request to drive out and see him again. They went months without seeing each other. Twice in one day had to mean something was brewing.

  Nick drove through the estate, up the winding driveway past the statuary and fountains. He continued to the back, the easiest way in, greeting the staff and heading this time for his father’s favorite living area.

  Still in his cardigan and slippers, Eli smiled. “Thanks for coming. I want to talk further about this problem of Michael.”

  “I figured you did.”

  “Would you like to join me in a drink? I have a fine bottle of red wine.”

  “Sure, Dad. Let me,” Nick said, crossing the room to the bar where a bottle of red wine had already been placed on the counter with two crystal glasses beside it.

  He uncorked the bottle to pour the Pinot Noir.

  “So how are profits this month?” Eli asked.

  “Better than last month,” Nick answered, picking up their drinks. “I have a land deal in North Dakota that will be good I think.”

  “I don’t worry that you’ll ever spread yourself too thin even though you do take risks.”

  “You recognize you have to take risks,” Nick said. “I learned that from you.”

  “Here’s to success,” Eli said, lifting his glass of wine.

  Nick sat in a navy wing chair facing his father and lifted his glass. “I’ll gladly drink to that. So what’s up?”

  Eli smiled. “I’m aware how persuasive you can be when you want to be. I’m going to do a little arm-twisting myself. Nick, I want my grandbaby in my life. I’m counting on you to see to it that my wish is granted.”

  “I’ve tried. With Bart signing away his rights and declaring that he wanted nothing to do with the baby, there’s little I can do.”

  “You made tentative overtures about my seeing Michael. I want Michael legally my grandson and to have my name. I intend to get what I want.”

  Now Eli sounded like himself and not a frail, aging man. Nick wondered where the conversation was going and what his dad had in mind.

  “I talked to my lawyer today. Harvey came out to the house after lunch. I hate to do this, Nick, but I don’t think you’re taking me seriously or are convinced about how much I want my grandson in my life.”

  “Wrong. I’m definitely taking you seriously,” Nick said as he braced for another odious assignment.

  “Well, you will now. As of this afternoon, I have two new wills. One leaves the bulk of my estate, the houses, my possessions to you with a trust for Michael and five million when he reaches twenty-one. The other will leaves my sizable fortune to charity with the exception of this house and one million to you.”

  “You’re cutting me out of your will,” Nick said, shocked and staring at his father.

  “I hope not. I don’t want to have to use that will. If you get Grace Wayland to agree to allowing me to legally have Michael declared a Rafford and to let me know him, I will shred that will and you will get the bulk of everything I own. Otherwise, Nick, your inheritance is cut. You won’t starve or be broke—you’re a multimillionaire already—but I’m worth a lot and I’m sure this will give you an incentive.”

  “Damn it, Dad, I can’t move that woman to do what she doesn’t want to do or legally doesn’t have to do,” Nick said. He was barely hanging on to his temper, exasperated with his father’s unreasonable demands.

  Eli smiled. “Think about it. You have monumental achievements. Women like you, Nick. I can count on you. Make no mistake though, I mean what I say. Harvey has the wills and my instructions.”

  “So exactly what do I have to get her to agree to? Let me get this clear. You want more than a visit with the baby.”

  “I want him in the family. I want her to willingly go to court with us and give him the Rafford name.”

  “Damn it,” Nick said. There was no point in arguing and the sooner he got out of his father’s presence, the less likely they were to get into a real battle of wills. He stood. “Under the circumstances, I better start making plans. I’ll think over what you want,” he said, glancing at his watch. “I have to go, Dad. I’ll see what I can do.”

  “I’m sure of your success, Nick.” Eli raised his glass in the gesture of a toast.

  “You haven’t met Grace Wayland. She has strong feelings about our family.”

  “You’ll convince her otherwise. I’ve never seen the woman you couldn’t wrap around your little finger.”

  Nick shook his head and left. As he drove to his condo, he mulled over the turn in his life. His father meant what he’d said. Nick knew it was no idle threat. And he didn’t want to toss away a fortune and give up. Not without a fight.

  The problem loomed a full-scale battle. Grace hadn’t wanted to let his dad see the baby, much less actually let him become part of the family.

  Nick thought of her green eyes flashing with fire. The prospect of seeing her again was two-edged. He hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind since they met. On the other hand, he had little relish for the struggle to win her over. He had tried reasoning with her. Now he’d just have to try charming her.

  He concentrated on driving while he began to map out his next move.

  Grace ran over the bookings for the coming week. Christmas was approaching and she had a long list of parties. She glanced up to see her assistant.

  “Nick Rafford is here,” Jada announced.

  “Tell him to come in,” Grace said. “I’ll get this over with quickly.”

  “I don’t think I’d be in a rush,” Jada said, smiling.

  Grace was certain he would try to talk her into yielding on her refusal to meet with his father. She’d hated the jump in her pulse when he had called for this appointment. She was just as annoyed now that she experienced a tingling awareness of him as well as being unable to avoid thinking about how she looked. And she had talked too long to him today on the phone. What s
hould have been a five-minute call had turned into half an hour before she realized how much time she was spending.

  While she placed papers in a file cabinet, Jada announced Nick.

  “Grace, here’s Nick Rafford.”

  Hoping she didn’t reveal the physical reaction, the hitch in her breathing at the sight of him, she motioned toward a chair. He was the most handsome man she had ever known. “Please have a seat.”

  “Thanks. Ever the businesswoman,” Nick said, smiling with a flash of white teeth that were as flawless and winning as the rest of his appearance. As before, his dark eyes kept her spellbound until she realized she was gazing back, with silence spreading thickly between them.

  “So what brings you to my office?” she asked, trying to be brisk and cut the breathlessness from her voice. How could the man stir such a reaction by nothing more than his presence? She was amazed by his effect on her. Men didn’t set her heart racing and make her insides tingly. Nick had never flirted with her and they barely knew each other, yet her response to the sight of him was unmistakable. Worse, he heightened her consciousness of herself, her plain navy skirt and shirt, the shortness of the skirt that didn’t reach her knees. Again she was mindful of her drab, simple office, something she seldom had given a thought about until Nick.

  “I assume this is your busiest time of the year, unless June weddings bump Christmas to second place,” he said. He looked relaxed as if in total command of the situation in spite of having been soundly dismissed in their last meeting.

  “Good guess. This is the busiest season and June is second.”

  “That’s what I figured. The last time I saw you I made my case. I’m here on a different errand. This time I want to drop family matters. I’m doing what I would have done if we’d met under different circumstances. Namely, I’d like to take you to dinner—strictly a man and a beautiful woman he would like to know better. Just an evening out with nothing else going on for a few hours.”

  She laughed. “You’re doing this to soften me up for another argument about Michael.”

  Amusement lit his dark eyes and heightened his already overwhelming appeal. “Maybe, but that isn’t my intention for this one night. You’re an attractive woman,” he said quietly, causing her more palpitations. “You’re single. I want to take you out. Are you free tonight?”


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