Texas Tycoon's Christmas Fiancée

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Texas Tycoon's Christmas Fiancée Page 11

by Sara Orwig

  Her spirits sank as Nick related the terms his dad had given him. When he finished, they gazed at each other in silence. She rubbed her forehead.

  “I can’t believe he would take your inheritance in such a manner.”

  “Believe it. My father does what he has to when he wants something. I checked with his attorney, who had been told he could talk to me about the new will.”

  “So if I don’t capitulate, you lose a fortune.”

  Standing, Nick yanked on his sweater as he crossed the room to her. “I’ve thought of a solution. Hear me out, because your first reaction is going to be an emphatic no.”

  “You’re not reassuring me. All right, what is your idea?”

  “Marry me. We’ll have a marriage of convenience.”

  Shocked, she stared at him momentarily speechless. “You’re right,” she said finally. “My reaction is a very emphatic no. We’re not in love, Nick. You’re not a marrying man. What happened to what you said to me—you’re a confirmed bachelor. I recall, ‘My father has married enough to scare me from that forever.’”

  “I’m suggesting a temporary union. It’s a marriage of convenience, no deep emotional involvement on either of our parts, but beneficial to both.”

  “I think ‘beneficial’ would be describing what you and your dad get. I would gain nothing.”

  “Of course you would,” Nick said quietly, moving a strand of hair behind her ear, his touch mildly distracting even though her attention was on what he was saying. “I’d make it worth your while because I’ll inherit the bulk of my dad’s estate. Michael will have a trust and as my wife, you would have money to take care of him in any manner you desire. You can have your restaurant. In addition, I’ll pay you a million.”

  Another surprise jolted her. Her head spun at the thought of what Nick was offering. Her life and Michael’s would be altered drastically. “It boggles my mind. I can’t imagine that much money being mine. I’ve been poor my whole life until the last few years and that’s been what I’ve earned by hard work. You see what a simple life I lead. I can’t fathom living in the manner you’re proposing, much less marrying you. It’s worth that much to you to do this?” she asked, unable to grasp how Nick could be making her such an offer.

  “My father is enormously wealthy. If I inherit, I’ll be a billionaire.”

  “It’s that important to you that you would lock yourself into a loveless marriage?”

  “Yes, to you. A union with you isn’t exactly a grim prospect, Grace. We have a hot chemistry between us. We could make this work. I’ll remind you again, it’s temporary.”

  She rubbed her forehead again. “Nick, my head spins. It’s lust between us. There are so many questions about the marriage, much less thinking of the future and Michael and the money.”

  “Look, I don’t want to lose Dad’s fortune, I’ll admit that. No, we’re not in love, but frankly, Dad’s health is very poor. He spent years just sleeping three or four hours a night, working on high-pressure deals, partying when he wasn’t working. He hasn’t taken care of himself and now he’s paying a price. His doctors have talked to me. We won’t be married forever and you’ll come out of it well fixed, Michael taken care of, and you and Michael can lead your own lives.”

  “That sounds cold.”

  “Not too cold,” he remarked drily. “You and I get along great except for this problem between us caused by my dad. Marry me, let me adopt Michael. That puts him in the Rafford family, but there is no earthly way Dad could or would take him from you if you’re my wife.”

  “I suppose that’s true,” she said. “Not as long as I stay with you.”

  “Damn straight. If you don’t like being married to me, we don’t have to be in each other’s faces. There’s enough money to do as you please. I’ll set up an allowance for you that will be generous and you can do what you want. Keep catering, open your restaurant, stay home with Michael—suit yourself. This will give me Dad’s inheritance and give you what you’ve dreamed of in life. You’ll achieve that goal of yours far sooner.”

  Nick’s dark gaze compelled her to want to accept. She moved away from him to break the spell he spun just with his presence.

  “Nick, that’s a lot to think about. You have to give me some time.”

  “I will, but remember, time is important. Dad could have another attack or a stroke, and then the deal is off because it would be too late. I hate to be blunt about it, but that’s the truth as presented to me by his doctors.”

  “You would be Michael’s legal father,” she said, turning to study Nick and wondering how good this would be for Michael.

  “I’m glad you’re considering Michael, too. While he’s only a baby, he has a big stake in your decision. As my child, he would be my heir and I would support him until he’s grown.” Locks of black hair fell across Nick’s forehead and a muscle worked in his jaw, another hint of the intensity of his feelings.

  “Of course, I’m wondering what kind of father you’d be.”

  “I can’t make promises about something I don’t know about myself, but I’ve been surprised how much he’s wiggled into my life. I enjoyed last night and today with him around. He has a way of winning you over, though it’s effortless on his part.”

  “Yes, he does,” she said, thinking about Nick’s declaration.

  “This marriage between us won’t last and I have no inclination to take Michael from you. Michael would be my heir.”

  “At least you’re honest and that’s good.” They stared at each other and she could feel the clash of wills and see the determination in Nick’s expression. He crossed the room to her to place his hands on her shoulders.

  “Marry me. It won’t be bad and you know it. You’d get what you want. I’d get what I want. Dad gets what he wants. It will be good for Michael and there is no way on earth you’ll lose your baby. Dad and I will just be more in your life than otherwise.”

  “More in my life? Nick, you and I would have an intimate relationship.”

  “I can’t see that that would be bad,” he said quietly, slipping his hand to her throat. “We’re not in love, but sex promises to be great between us.”

  “I still can’t imagine you suggesting this. You have a lot to lose.”

  “Not as much as I have to gain,” he countered. “My bachelor freedom I can forgo for a while. Grace, once again, this is a temporary marriage. It’s not a lifetime commitment.”

  “You’re charming and sexy. You’ve told me what a confirmed bachelor you are. Suppose I fall in love with you?”

  “Hopefully, if that happens, I’ll fall in love with you. If I don’t, that’s one of the risks you take, but there aren’t many other risks and people can survive breakups. At the moment we’re not in love.”

  “Intimacy may lend itself to love. I know I can’t be detached about someone I’m intimate with.”

  “Regard it as a risk. I think this marriage will be well worth your while for all the pluses there are.”

  “You know I can’t possibly give you an answer now.”

  “I’ll repeat, don’t wait long. I can’t see that you have much to lose and you have a world to gain for both you and Michael.” Nick drew her into his embrace and leaned forward to kiss her.

  She stood resisting him, her thoughts on his proposition, but then his mouth opened hers, his tongue thrust inside and her attention shifted to Nick. He kissed her passionately as if trying to win her over physically, a reminder of the strength of their attraction. Marriage, making love constantly, a million dollars, plus her restaurant. It spun in her thoughts, but his kiss drove away reason. In seconds passion encompassed her.

  She wound her fingers in his hair again, standing on tiptoe to kiss him ardently. She ran her hands over him, slipping them beneath his sweater to caress his smooth back, trailing down to his narrow waist.

  Nick stepped back, pulling off first his sweater again, and then hers. “This is good, Grace. We do well together.” His gaze traveled to her
breasts as he unzipped her slacks and let them drop. He unclasped her bra to push it away, cupping her breasts to caress her before kissing her.

  His tongue was hot, wet as he circled a nipple and made her clutch his shoulders. In minutes he straightened to kiss her, holding her with one arm banding her waist while his hand caressed her inner thighs. She spread her legs slightly, giving him access.

  “You’re beautiful. Desirable,” he whispered. “Awesome,” he added, his words another caress that heightened her desire.

  His hand slipped higher and he tugged away her panties before his fingers touched her intimately, stroking her while he continued to kiss her.

  Her heart thudded violently and she could feel his heartbeat racing beneath her hand spread on his chest.

  She moaned with longing, sliding her hand down, unfastening his pants to get them out of the way and feeling his washboard stomach. Minutes later she pushed away his tight briefs. She took his stiff rod in her hand to caress him.

  Sensations showered her, heightening her response and longing. She tugged at his shoulders, spreading her legs wider for him. “Nick,” she whispered before kissing him.

  She wanted him and she was crossing a line where there would be no turning back. She was also on the verge of accepting Nick’s marriage proposal and then they would be making love every night. She would not stop him tonight. If marriage loomed she wanted him now before she made her decision, yet deep in her heart, she was inclined to say yes to Nick and take the breathtaking proposition he offered. Say yes and gain the world for herself and for Michael.

  Nick’s kisses and caresses reclaimed her attention and she forgot his proposition as she clung to him and returned his passion.

  “Are you protected?” he asked, and she leaned away slightly.

  “No,” she answered.

  “I can take care of it.” He kissed her again until she forgot about his question or their brief conversation. He swept her into his arms and carried her to place her on the sofa. Picking up his trousers, he removed his billfold, retrieving a packet in foil.

  She watched him, marveling at his strong body, virile and fit. He returned to kneel to kiss her, starting at her feet and working his way up until he moved between her legs and let his tongue travel where his fingers had played.

  “Nick,” she gasped, her fingers tangling in his hair. His tongue dallied across her belly, drifting higher to give attention to each of her breasts, and then he moved over her to kiss her, his weight solid.

  She kissed him until he shifted, kneeling between her open legs. His gaze traveled deliberately over her. “You’re stunning.” She watched his strong, well-formed hands as he put on the condom and then he lowered himself to enter her, filling her slowly, causing her to arch to meet him.

  “Nick.” She cried his name again, pulling his shoulders closer, running her hand down over his broad back and his firm buttocks. She locked her long legs around him, in motion with him, carried on a spiral of passion.

  Nick slipped an arm around her, holding her, kissing her as he thrust slowly and withdrew, setting her on fire with need.

  “Love me,” she cried, her hips arching against him. His control held and he continued to pleasure her until her pulse roared in her ears and nothing existed for her except Nick’s body pleasuring hers.

  Finally his control shattered. He pumped faster, Grace moving with him as her need reached a climax. Carried high, she crashed with satisfaction that washed over her. She held him tightly while he shuddered with his release. His body was sweat covered, as heated as hers.

  With a galloping heart, she gasped for breath until he kissed her passionately again, moving with her, slowing now. His breathing was heavy, irregular as her own.

  “Nick, how I wanted you.” She could never go back to feeling remote from him the way she had before.

  “Ah, Grace, you’re unbelievable, better than I had hoped, and I expected the world. We’ll be great. You can’t argue that one,” he whispered, showering light kisses on her face while he held her. “This is a Christmas to remember. Make it extraordinarily special. Be my Christmas fiancée.”

  Christmas fiancée. How tempting Nick could be.

  Slowly she cooled and caught her breath while she remained locked in his embrace, one with him and for now, no dissension between them.

  “I want you in my bed every night. I would have without the proposal,” Nick said, studying her, and her heart missed a beat over the promise of passion in his eyes. In that moment, she was certain she would fall in love with him. Particularly if he turned out to be a great father to Michael.

  She combed raven locks off his forehead and Nick leaned down to kiss her. “Say yes, Grace. It’ll be good for everyone. You won’t have regrets.”

  “I’ll have a hundred second thoughts and possibly dissatisfaction,” she said, certain she would. “But I’ll admit, I’m considering your proposal because Michael and I would gain. And it would keep your father from ever taking Michael away from me. I don’t think a court would take a baby from the guardian mother, but I’m not a blood relative and your dad is. Plus he has the power and the money to win what he wants. He probably knows judges and has the best attorneys, whereas I can’t possibly have the resources to put up much of a fight.”

  “Lamentably for you, that’s right. My dad knows he can get what he wants.” Nick rolled over, holding her tightly and keeping her with him as they squeezed together on her sofa.

  “Next time we find a bed,” he said.

  “I have two bedrooms. One is empty now.”

  “That sounds promising. Can that be an invitation for me to stay?”

  She smiled, tracing his lips with her fingers. “I suppose it is since you asked. Nick, I want to talk to my attorney about this.”

  “Fine. I had a prenup drawn up. It’s in the car, so I’ll get it before I leave. You can look at it and make changes, but everything you’ll get is in the document.”

  “You’re so sure of yourself, it’s revolting,” she said. “You already have the prenup. Your arrogance has always been obvious.”

  “But adorable,” he said in fun. “I’m sure of myself because this is a good deal. Grace, I don’t give up my bachelor freedom lightly. I’ve thought about this.”

  “You want your inheritance as badly as your father wants Michael. Neither of you is accustomed to losing.”

  “You’ve managed to resist both of us pretty well so far. Frankly, I’d say you’re the winner in this battle.”

  “Maybe I am,” she said, winding her fingers in his chest hair and thinking about their lovemaking. “You’re a sexy fellow.”

  He shifted to look down at her. “I’m glad you think so because you burn me to cinders.”

  “Ah, the result I intend,” she said smugly, wishing with her whole heart she did. “Maybe I’ll marry you and make you fall in love with me, you who are so sure of yourself.”

  He chuckled. “Do that. I’m not protesting. Let’s go find your bed before one of us falls on the floor.” When he stood and picked her up, she pointed in the direction of one of the open doors.

  “I have a baby monitor in there and I can hear Michael anyway, although he rarely wakes in the night any longer.”

  “And which direction is the bathroom?”

  “The door to the right,” she said.

  He placed her on the bed and brushed a light kiss on her mouth. “I’ll be right back,” he said, and left.

  She stood, turned back the covers on the bed and climbed in, pulling a sheet over her. In minutes he returned, aroused and ready. He slipped in beside her and pulled her into his arms.

  “Come here, sexy woman,” he said, kissing her. His hand drifted down her back and over her bottom, rekindling desire.

  It was dawn when she fell asleep in his arms. She had no idea how long she slept, but she stirred and looked at Nick, who had his arms wrapped around her as he held her close.

  The past two days had been unforgettable, tonight’
s proposition, a shock. She would call her attorney to make sure the sham marriage would be as big a protection of Michael as Nick had said. She suspected it would because she couldn’t imagine that it wouldn’t completely satisfy Eli and return Nick’s inheritance to him.

  The risk was falling in love—inevitable with Nick. Would he ever really fall in love with any one woman? Or would he be in and out of marriages and relationships like his father?

  One million dollars. Plus Michael taken care of financially for the rest of his life. Plus an allowance. She could not possibly refuse him. With her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she looked at Nick, seeing his handsome features, the thick midnight hair tumbling on his forehead, black lashes feathered over his cheeks.

  Their lovemaking had been one more argument on Nick’s side. The passion was fantastic, beyond anything she had dreamed possible. She studied Nick’s straight nose and prominent cheekbones, his firm jaw. If Nick stayed in her life, she would fall in love—it was absolutely unavoidable. Yet heartbreak was a risk worth taking for everything else Nick promised. She just had to remember to not expect any long-term relationship. A temporary marriage with myriad benefits.

  On any given day there were people walking around who were survivors of a broken heart. She would also pull through. He had a prenuptial agreement already drawn up, which was a clear indication of his confidence.

  Her life was about to be turned topsy-turvy by the man holding her close. He was still a stranger in many ways, yet she was becoming friends with Nick, getting to know his father and learning some of the family history.

  While she gazed at him and thought about their lovemaking, desire returned. Soon he had to be going, but they could make love one more time. She raised slightly to trace the curves of his ear with her tongue.

  Almost instantly his arm tightened around her and his eyes opened. She gazed into his dark eyes and felt his arousal as he pulled her closer to kiss her and they loved once again.


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