Texas Tycoon's Christmas Fiancée

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Texas Tycoon's Christmas Fiancée Page 12

by Sara Orwig

  It was the first graying of morning when she watched Nick dash to his car and return with a manila envelope. Once he closed the door he handed the envelope to her. “Look it over and give it to your attorney. I’ll see you later today. Do you work or stay home?”

  “Parties start up today and I’m working tonight. You can come by my office Monday at four and we can talk there.”

  They stood looking at each other. His warm brown eyes made it obvious he wanted to make love again. “You need to go, Nick. I have to get things done.”

  He stepped forward to embrace and kiss her. She hugged him tightly until finally she looked up. “You’re a lusty one.”

  “You drive me to lust,” he said, caressing her throat. “A few more minutes and we’ll be back in bed. All right. I’ll be at your office at four.” He walked to his car and was gone. She closed and locked the door and went to look at Michael, studying the sleeping baby and thinking about how his life had changed.

  She picked up the manila envelope to read the agreement, receiving more surprises with Nick’s generosity, because she would get more than he had told her. Michael would have a trust that would assure him a college education and a comfortable life not counting contributions from her. She would be given a generous allowance, one million to be paid, half when they married and half when they separated. She paused at that one, certain that if she married Nick she wouldn’t want it to end. She would do everything in her power to make him love her in return.

  Michael’s cries interrupted her reverie. She slipped the agreement back into the envelope and it was midmorning before she had a chance to talk to her attorney. She drove to his office for an early afternoon appointment that was brief because he urged her to accept Nick’s offer if she got along with Nick and thought she could live with him.

  She drove back to the office and told Jada that she didn’t want to be disturbed for the next hour while she sat in her office mulling over what she was about to do.

  Nick arrived promptly at four. Jada, bubbling as ever around him, showed him back to Grace’s office. She hadn’t told Jada or anyone else except her attorney about Nick’s proposal. This was something she wanted to make up her mind about without other influences except a legal opinion.

  Nick walked in, his navy jacket unbuttoned and open. He closed her office door and crossed the room to kiss her, a light kiss that turned into a passionate one.

  “Nick, we’re in my office,” she said finally, trying to catch her breath.

  “With the door closed. It’s private and you’re delectable.”

  They studied each other and he raised one black eyebrow. “Did you talk to your attorney?”

  “Yes. He gave me the go-ahead from a legal standpoint.”

  “Terrific. Now it’s whether you want to live with me and take my offer or not.” He embraced her lightly. “Will you marry me, Grace?” he asked, and she wondered if the day would come when she would wish those words had been said in love.

  “Yes, Nick, I will. And I want the prenuptial agreement.”

  “Ah, Grace.” He let out his breath and pulled her up to kiss her hard, an exuberant, triumphant kiss that started fires and made her want to be alone with him. He wrapped his arms around her to kiss her thoroughly, holding her close. She was committed now and her life had just changed forever.

  He released her. “We need to get together to make our plans. One thing—let’s wed as soon as possible. I’ll help you in every way I can and I’ll pay for the wedding so spend what you want.”

  “Nick, slow down,” she said, laughing as his words spilled out.

  “I’m excited about this. When can you go with me to tell my dad?”

  “Nick, won’t he see right through this and know it’s a sham marriage?”

  “Not at all. He proposed to my third stepmother after knowing her a week. I’ve been in touch with him and he knows I see you. He’ll accept it because it’s what he wants. Michael will legally be his grandson. When can you get away to see him? Can you give me time tomorrow afternoon?”

  “I have a wedding tomorrow night, but I’ll turn things over to Jada and if you’ll be here promptly at five, we can go then.”

  “I’ll tell him today. I’ll break the news so it’s not too much of an emotional upheaval. He’ll want to see you.”

  “I won’t be able to stay long.”

  “That’s fine. It shouldn’t take long. He’ll probably want a party sometime if the doctor allows it. We can do that after the wedding. So how soon can we get married?”

  “I haven’t thought ahead about this because I’ve spent my time trying to decide whether my answer would be yes or no. I don’t have to have a big wedding. I just have Jada and another close friend, my two sisters, and my aunt.”

  “You know a lot of people because of your business and I imagine you have some clients you’ve gotten to be friends with. My dad is going to want the world to know about Michael. Between Dad’s friends and mine, we’ll have a big guest list.”

  “Why didn’t this family feel that way about Michael when Alicia was alive?” Grace couldn’t keep from saying, thinking what a sad turn of events to have them want Michael now after Alicia was gone.

  “That was Bart’s doing and I’ve told you, Dad’s illness has changed his values. I’m giving you carte blanche to hire people and get everything pulled together quickly.”

  “How quickly? I want Aunt Clara to be a part of all this and she won’t be back for two more weeks.”

  “Look at the calendar. Mid-January.”

  “You don’t adopt Michael until we’re married and I have the first half of my money,” she stated firmly. “I’ve written that in the prenuptial agreement.”

  Amusement flashed in Nick’s eyes. “Fine. Get your calendar. Friday is the last day of December. Let’s have a wedding two weeks from that—it would be mid-January, actually almost three weeks away from today. Your aunt will have returned by then.”

  “Nick, this makes my head spin. Two weeks from this Saturday and a big wedding. My sisters may be in Timbuktu. We are so scattered.”

  “You contact them and let’s get started. When can I have an evening with you?” he asked, his tone changing. Her pulse skipped and she wriggled away to look at her calendar. “Thursday is a rehearsal dinner that Jada can manage. I’ll go out with you on Thursday.”

  “Great. Here,” he said, handing her a credit card. “Use this. I’ll have my secretary text the names of florists I’ve used a lot. If you trust me and will tell me what kind of music you like, I can get the musicians.”

  “Nick, we’re doing this and we know so little about each other.”

  “We know what’s important,” he said, his expression changing. “I’ve thought about you all day long,” he said. “I couldn’t wait to see you,” he added, and leaned close to kiss her again.

  Wedding plans were forgotten, along with the tingly excitement she felt over her new life.

  Desire overwhelmed her and she kissed him, letting go plans and worries. As their kisses heated and longing intensified, she wanted so much more. Reluctantly, she stopped.

  “Nick, there’s something else. I’d like to wait until we marry to have sex again. Last night was impulsive. I couldn’t resist you and your seductive lovemaking. I don’t rush into things and I’m charging headfirst into this marriage, definitely the physical relationship. Can we postpone sex until the wedding?”

  “I’m not going to like waiting. What’s the point?”

  “A relationship now and getting ready for a crash wedding. These things will complicate my life at a time of the year when I’m really busy with my business. Plus if I stop working and stay home with Michael—which I will be able to do—I’ll be busy getting the catering business taken care of,” she said, thinking she was capitulating too fast to everything Nick wanted. He could wait for a physical relationship until the wedding. She didn’t want to wait herself, but she wasn’t going to be that easy for Nick.

“Whatever you want,” he said. “Won’t be agreeable, but if it’s what you want, we wait.”


  “No complaints over last night, are there?” he asked, studying her.

  “What do you think?” she asked, running her hand along his thigh. He inhaled deeply and pulled her close.

  “When you do that, I’m not keeping hands off,” he said before he kissed her. Again, she responded, kissing him with abandon for a few more minutes, wondering whether she could resist him until they said vows. She intended for him to really desire her and she hoped above all, to avoid having him tire of making love before they became man and wife. Last night had been spectacular, fireworks and dizzying sex for her, but she didn’t know if he had been as dazzled as she.

  Now she poured herself into her kiss, on fire with longing, erotic images of Nick’s virile body taunting her.

  When she ended their kisses, she caught her breath. “I’m going to have to leave the office shortly for a party we’re catering tonight. This is a large, important party and Glenda is keeping Michael for me.”

  “All right, I’ll go. I’m going to miss you.”

  “Good. I want you to miss me,” she said softly, tapping his chest and leaning closer to him. “I want you to miss me and think about me and count the minutes until we’re together again.”

  “I think your wish is granted.” He framed her face. “You’ve given me a fortune with your agreement. I’ll make this marriage good for you in return. I just want to let Dad know and I want to have the ceremony as quickly as we can. Then I want to make love to you all night and all day long for at least a two-week honeymoon.”

  “Sounds wonderful, Nick,” she said. “In your past relationships, I’m curious, have you always been the one to walk or have you ever had heartbreak?”

  “No heartbreak, Grace. Either I’ve been the one or it’s been mutual. Don’t worry about when we part. We haven’t gotten together yet.”

  She smiled at him. “You want this to be great and I do, too. Maybe our marriage will work the way we both hope,” she said, wishing again that if she fell in love with him, it would be mutual and he would love her in return.

  “What if I ask your father to escort me in place of my dad who’s no longer living? Will that be too difficult for him? I really don’t have anyone to ask. Clara’s sons aren’t close to me—I doubt if they’ll even attend. Alicia’s parents are gone, too. She had fewer relatives than I do, hence I have Michael.”

  “I’ll check with Megan, but I doubt if it will be too hard for Dad. He can hang on to you. He will be overcome with delight that you asked him. You’ll see—he will show his gratitude to you in some tangible way for the marriage and for asking him to escort you.”

  “I don’t need that,” she replied, and Nick shook his head.

  “You’re unique, Grace. Stop resisting accepting something good.”

  “You got what you want. I’m going to marry you. Now you go.”

  He smiled. “I’ll go, but I’ll be back and I will think about you while we’re apart.”

  She walked to the front door with him, stepping outside where a chilly wind buffeted her. “I’ll wait to tell anyone except Aunt Clara and my sisters until we’ve told your dad.”


  Nick climbed in his car to drive away and she went to her office to call her aunt.

  How would Clara react?


  Nick called his father’s house and let Megan know he was coming to the house to see his dad. The next call was to Jake and one to Tony, arranging to meet them at the club where they could eat. He called Jake’s brother and asked Gabe to join them. With excitement humming in him, Nick drove away, thinking about the wedding. He would have to decide which of his friends he would ask to be in the wedding party. Tony and Jake definitely. Gabe would have to be included, perhaps as an usher. Who would be best man? He might have to flip a coin, but if he decided in such a manner, he would tell Jake and Tony when he was with both of them. The fortune was his. He had won over Grace. He’d lose his bachelor freedom—the minute he thought about the prospect, he remembered making love to Grace and became aroused. He wanted her constantly. He didn’t mind losing his freedom if it meant sex constantly with Grace.

  Except no sex until the wedding. Seemed silly to him because she obviously wanted him and she was the sexiest woman he had ever been with. He couldn’t concentrate on work today and too much of the time he had daydreamed about a honeymoon with Grace, something he hadn’t given a thought to until after last night.

  At his father’s mansion, he went to the library and found his dad reading. His father looked up from his book. “To what do I owe this visit?” he asked. “You don’t usually appear at this time of day.”

  “I can’t stay long. I stopped by because I have some news that I think you’ll like.”

  “Good. Maybe I can guess. I hope this involves my grandson. Grace has agreed to the name change.”

  “Better than that,” Nick stated, his satisfaction increasing. “You know Grace and I have been seeing each other. Dad, I proposed and Grace has accepted. We’re going to be married.”

  “I’ll be damned,” Eli said. A rewarding smile wreathed his face and Nick’s spirits climbed another notch. “I hoped that might happen, but didn’t think it would. Nick, this is the best news. You did it. Michael will be your child and you can adopt him.”

  “Grace has already agreed to the adoption.”

  “This won’t be a long engagement, will it?” his Dad asked, squinting his eyes at Nick who smiled.

  “No. We’re definitely doing this—Saturday, January fifteenth.”

  “Excellent! You’ll have to take time to have a drink with me now while I celebrate. You should have brought Grace,” Eli said. His tone of voice had strengthened, sounding more like his former self.

  “She wanted to come, but she had a party lined up. We’ll both be here late afternoon tomorrow.”

  Nick poured two glasses of wine, taking one to his father, who stood to accept it.

  “Tomorrow night we’ll have champagne. I’m pleased beyond measure. I’ll call about my will as soon as you leave. The bulk of my estate will go to you because now Michael will be your heir and it will pass to him someday.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “Here’s to success and a marriage that gives you tremendous joy. You did it, son. I knew you could.” He raised his glass in a toast and Nick clinked his glass lightly against his dad’s, then sipped his wine.

  His father lowered his glass. “I like Grace, also.”

  “Of course you do. You like beautiful women.”

  His father chuckled. “This is a night to celebrate. I’ll have to tell Megan the news.”

  Nick spent a leisurely hour with his dad and Megan before heading to the club to meet his closest friends.

  When he joined Tony and Jake at their table in the bar, Jake frowned. “You look like the cat that swallowed the proverbial canary. What gives?” Jake groaned and slapped his hand against his face. “Aye-aye-aye. I’ll bet I know why you wanted to see both of us. You did it?”

  “Yes, I did,”

  “Will you two stop the riddle and tell me what is going on?” Tony asked. “Oh, hell, I bet I know, too. Jake told me you were thinking about proposing to your caterer because of your dad. That’s what this is about, isn’t it?” Tony asked.

  “You’re exactly on target. Grace accepted my proposal.”

  “No surprise there,” Tony remarked in a cynical tone. He stared at Nick. “You’re loco and desperate to do this. Can’t blame you. All three of us have manipulative dads. Whatever Eli threatened, he would carry it out, including cutting you off.”

  “It’s a bummer and I hope you don’t get hurt or aren’t too miserable.”

  Nick smiled. “You’ve both seen Grace. I don’t expect to be miserable one minute.”

  His friends stared at him, heightening his amusement over their glum reactions.

  Just then, Gabe joined them. “Evening. Sorry I’m late. Have I missed anything?”

  “Only that Nick is getting married,” Jake drawled. “A damn marriage of convenience.”

  “You might hold the congrats,” Tony said. “Unless you want to congratulate him for getting his inheritance.”

  “Sorry, no congratulations here. I’m surprised you look as happy as you do, because you just lost one million in that bet you three made.”

  “I’ve already heard about that,” Nick said, smiling at them.

  “You’re loco. You’re smiling when you’ve lost a million, you’re getting a loveless marriage and you will be a dad overnight. You know nothing about babies,” Tony said. “I’ll manage.”

  “He’s lost his mind,” Tony said, and the others agreed while Nick took some more good-natured kidding.

  “You’re not scared or worried about this marriage, are you?” Jake asked.

  “I’m not thrilled with what I have to do, but scared or worried to have a marriage of convenience with Grace and inherit my father’s fortune? No. I think this is going to work.”

  Jake looked at Tony and they both nodded. “He’s done it,” Tony said.

  “So we might as well accept the inevitable and toast him on succeeding in getting back his inheritance. That would have been a hell of a loss,” Jake said. All three men raised glasses and Nick raised his to touch each glass lightly.

  “Here’s to success, Nick, and a rewarding bargain with Grace.”

  “Thanks for the grudging wishes,” Nick said and sipped his martini. As he lowered his glass, Gabe stood. “I’m meeting a friend for dinner. I’ll see you guys later. Congratulations, Nick.”

  “Thanks, Gabe. Keep in mind, the wedding is mid-January.”

  “You’re not wasting any time,” Tony remarked as Gabe walked away.

  “Nope, I’m not. There’s no reason to and that’s the first question from Dad—he wanted to make certain this wasn’t a long engagement. He’s talking to his attorney about his will as we speak. Now, will both of you be able to be there?”


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