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A Billionaire BWWM Romance 4: The Proposal

Page 4

by J A Fielding

  “I second that,” she agreed.

  “What do you mean?” Steven asked. Meg rolled her eyes and shook her head.

  “Men will never get it. Here’s the thing, mister. Women love clichés. They live for clichés. The only reason why chick flicks are such a success is because of the happily ever after endings that producers love so much,” she said as she looked at Steven.

  “I second that,” Dana said as she took another sip of her wine.

  “So you want me to do what everybody does? Go down on one knee in a crowded restaurant or have ‘will you marry me’ on the kiss cam at a basketball game?” Steven asked. Dana and Meg exchanged a look before they both shook their heads. “That’s what I see on most American movies. So to me, that is the cliché.” Meg laughed.

  “Stereotype much?” she asked.

  “Trust me when I tell you those are the only grand gestures I know of. And I don’t think she would like that,” he frowned.

  “Actually she wouldn’t. She hates attention,” Meg agreed.

  “You could always do what Kanye did and get a band,” Dana said matter of factly. “A really big band,” she added.

  “How big was the band?” Steven asked. Dana raised an eyebrow.

  “You do realize that I was just kidding, right?” she said. Steven shrugged.

  “This is not a very good time to be joking. I literally feel like I am about to explode,” he said.

  “Oh come on. It’s not that bad. You should be pumped,” Meg said. Steven looked at her and shook his head.

  “Pumped?” he asked. Meg nodded.

  “Yeah, pumped. Excited. It is exciting what you are doing,” she said.

  “What if she says no?” Steven fretted. Dana laughed.

  “That woman loves you. There is no way she would say no to you,” she promised.

  “Yeah, if I was you, I would be all calm and collected,” Meg suggested. Steven ran his fingers through his hair

  “I have never done this before, so forgive me if I don’t know how to make a decisive move on the most important day of my life,” he panicked as he raked his fingers through his hair. Dana looked at Meg and smiled.

  “You’re nervous,” she said. “That is so sweet,” she added.

  “I never thought you had a nervous bone inside you,” Meg told him. Steven looked at his untouched glass for a moment before he flashed down the contents making Meg raise an eyebrow. “Wow,” she muttered under her breath.

  “So, how about I bring her here?” Steven asked. “This is where we first had an informal meeting.”

  “What do you mean?” Dana asked.

  “This is where I brought her when we first met…you know, when she was helping me with my listings?” Steven asked.

  “Wasn’t that a formal meeting?” Dana asked.

  “Yeah, but I think this just became our place over time,” he gned.rin

  “Wow, next you will tell me that you guys have a song,” Meg laughed. Steven smiled at her. “Oh my God, you already have a song. Don’t you?” she asked. Steven laughed and shook his head.

  “No, we don’t. We’re not that…Notebook,” he said.

  “You know about The Notebook? You are the ideal man,” Dana said.

  “I only know it because I was forced to sit through the ordeal. Twice,” he joked.

  “I like the restaurant idea. It sounds nice and romantic,” Dana said. “And it’s a good cliché too.”

  “Yeah firsts are a big deal. Nice call there, Davenport,” Meg winked before she took another bite of her food. She looked at Steven and smiled. “So, what else do you have in mind? Put the ring in her champagne?”

  “I don’t know why people never see the health hazard associated with that,” Meg said shaking her head. “Not in her wine, please, not in her wine,” she said as she looked at Steven who smiled.

  “Maybe I can just wine and dine her and then have the ring inside her dessert,” he suggested. “She loves the chocolate soufflés here. So maybe I’ll go with that,” he added. “Don’t worry it will be at the very bottom so she might feel it against the bowl.”. Dana looked at Meg and smiled.

  “You know I fail to understand why you are stressing over this. Trust me, you got this,” she said. Steven looked at Meg, who was busy chewing on a piece of sirloin.

  “Yeah, what she said,” Meg said with her mouth full.


  When Steven went back to the office, he wanted to call Julie but he decided not to and opened his email.

  To: Julie Parker

  From: Steven Davenport


  Hey honey. Just thought I would check up on you and see how your day is coming along. Listen, I was thinking it’s been a while since we had some time to ourselves. You know, quality time. So I thought we could take some time and have dinner at Amelia’s on Thursday. What do you think?

  He clicked send and then looked at his computer screen just as a new email came in. His heart was beating hard in his chest as he looked at the new email, but he soon felt the excitement die down when he saw that it was one of the email forwards from his sister. Just then, it hit him. His sister. That was the one person in his family he wanted to tell. He picked up his phone and dialed him.

  “Hey big brother,” she greeted when she picked up. “Watched the video already?”

  “Hey there little sister. No, I haven’t watched it. I just wanted to say hi. What have you been up to lately?” he asked with a smile.

  “Nothing much. I just got home actually. It was Katrina’s birthday today,” she said.

  “Had fun?” Steven asked with a smile.

  “More than it was appropriate for a sixteen year old’s birthday party,” she laughed. “So, what’s up with you?”

  “I need to tell you something. But you can’t tell anyone else. Especially not mother,” Steven said. There was a long silence before he heard his sister’s excited squeal.

  “You are popping the question. Aren’t you?” Steven smiled and nodded as if he could see her.

  “Yes, I am,” Steven said.

  “Oh Stevie. I’m so happy for you,” she shrieked. “When are you doing it?”

  “Thursday night over dinner,” he explained. He pulled his phone away from his ear when his sister squealed again. “Listen, I have to go, but we’ll talk soon. Okay? I love you,” he said before he hung up when he saw Julie’s reply. He put the phone down and clicked on the email.

  To: Steven Davenport

  From: Julie Parker


  Hey babe. That sounds great. Anything special we are celebrating?

  Steven smiled and shrugged before he started typing.

  To: Julie Parker

  From: Steven Davenport


  Nothing special, but with you every single day is special. I just want to see you. We never get any time alone and when we do…well, you know what we end up doing.

  PS: Not that I’m complaining.

  He looked at that last line for a long minute before he clicked send. It was only a few minutes before the reply came.

  To: Steven Davenport

  From: Julie Parker


  So should I wear something special? Maybe a nice black dress and some stiletto heels?

  Steven was already getting hard as he read the email.

  To: Julie Parker

  From: Steven Davenport


  Don’t do this to me now. I am about to go in for a meeting and my pants are a bit restraining if you know what I mean.

  He loosened his tie and took a long, deep breath. He knew that she was going to send another email and soon. Just then, he heard the familiar beep that signified a new email.

  To: Steven Davenport

  From: Julie Parker


  Fine babe. I won’t tell you tha
t I will show up in a tight black dress and those red shoes you love. I won’t tell you that I will use my foot to caress your leg until I feel that bulging resistance on your crotch and then I will not tell you that I will walk out and wait for you in the car. I will also not tell you that I will have you bend me over the back seat and have your way with me.

  By this time Steven had a raging hard on. The only thing in his mind was what he had just read. He picked up his phone and called Julie. She picked up after the third ring.

  “Stop it,” he said in a low voice.

  “What are you talking about?” Julie asked innocently.

  “Do you know what you are doing to me? I may have to cancel the meeting,” Steven said. Julie laughed.

  “Want me to come over? We could have some quality time in your office,” she said in a naughty voice.

  “Baby please. I have a meeting in a few minutes. I’m serious,” he groaned. Julie sighed.

  “Okay. I just miss you,” she said.

  “Really? You seem to take a lot of pleasure in tormenting me,” he said.

  “Maybe later on I can show you just how much pleasure I can get from tormenting you,” she said.

  “Looking forward to it,” he said just as his assistant poked his head through the doorway and signaled for him to go to the board room. “Tell them to get started. I’ll be right there,” Steven said.

  “Who are you talking to?” Julie asked.

  “My assistant. My meeting has started, but now I can’t stand up because there is evidence of your torment in my pants,” he said. Julie laughed.

  “I can help you with that,” she suggested.

  “Really? How?” Steven asked.

  “Well, if we were back in ancient Rome and we had to go to bath house, then you and I would share the same space with my dad and nan…naked,” Julie said. Steven frowned and then closed his eyes.

  “That’s…disturbing,” he shivered.

  “Well, did it work?” Julie asked.

  “Like a charm. I have to go,” Steven sighed.

  “Happy to be of service. I love you,” Julie replied.

  “I love you too,” he said before he hung up. “Why would she make me picture Michael naked?” he thought as he walked out of his office and made his way to the board room.


  As far as Julie was concerned, Thursday night was about reconnection. When they first started dating, Steven and Julie had made a decision that they would take time out of their schedules and for one day a week, they would dine out. That way, they would get to forget all about their busy lives and focus on their relationship. At first, it had worked out great, but lately the two had found themselves busier than usual. They barely had enough time for themselves, let alone each other. Even though they saw each other regularly, they still didn’t get a chance to get intimate. Sometimes they would go for days, even weeks without having sex. She wanted to get the perfect dress for dinner on Thursday. For Steven to go the extra mile to be sure they got a few hours off this week, he deserved a treat. When she walked into a store, she noticed a black peplum lace dress. She was about to take it when another black number caught her eye. It was a short strapless black dress with cut out detail at the waist line. She took the dress down from the hanger and then walked to the changing room. As soon as she wore it, she knew it. That was the dress she was going to wear for dinner. She could already see the full outfit in her mind. As she paid for the dress, she pictured the look on Steven’s face when he saw her in the dress. Hopefully, he wouldn’t lose himself in the moment and take her right there on the restaurant table. She smiled as she carried the bag home. She couldn’t wait for Thursday night.

  When she got home, she picked up her phone and sent a quick text to Steven.

  Hey babe. What are you doing? Want to come over?

  She placed the phone next to her and switched on the TV. It was only a few minutes before the reply came in.

  Wish I could. Late night strategy meeting, How’s tomorrow?

  She was frowning as she read the text.

  Sounds perfect. Call me when you get home.

  She sent the text and then stood up and walked to the kitchen. She opened the fridge and looked inside. There wasn’t much, but there was a couple of slices of leftover pizza. She took the container and put it in the microwave and then set the timer. As she stood there watching the container inside the microwave oven, she couldn’t help but think how crazy the last few weeks had been. It was almost like she was single again. She needed to see Steven and maybe have a few days together.

  “Maybe we should take a vacation,” she thought as she took the container out of the microwave. But that was something she would raise with Steven. Maybe on Thursday night…

  Chapter 5

  Julie was over excited when she went into work on Thursday morning. Andy had just called her and informed her that he had managed to get a Little Rock listing, something Julie didn’t think possible. She walked to the office as quickly as she could and saw Andy placing files on her desk.

  “Is that it?” she asked. Andy turned around and looked at her. “The listing?” she asked.

  “Oh yeah. This is it,” Andy said.

  “How did it happen so fast?” she asked as she sat down and looked through the file. Sonya was right. Little Rock was not just some other everyday property. It was the ideal space. The house in question was a four bedroom white mansion. She was still looking at it and didn’t even realize that she was smiling.

  “Pretty nice, huh?” Andy asked.

  “It’s beautiful,” she gushed. “Again, how did this happen? Whose ass did you have to kiss?”

  “Actually, I have a friend who is the PA to Bart Petersen,” Andy started. Julie shook her head.

  “Who the hell is Bart Peterson?”

  “Petersen,” Andy corrected. “He is an English American actor of Russian descent. He just made his mark in Hollywood. Anyway, my friend, Rachel overheard Bart’s wife saying that she wouldn’t invite Alicia and Cory Smith…” his words trailed off when Julie’s mouth gaped open. “What?” he asked.

  “The Fashion TV guys? They were a real couple?” she asked.

  “Yes, they were,” he said. “And they bought a home in Little Rock, this one to be particular, two years ago. But according to Bart’s wife, they have been at loggerheads for the past few months and they have officially broken up. They decided to put the house back on the market because none of them wanted the memories,” Andy concluded.

  “You are a gem. I owe you…whatever the hell you want. Just keep it under a thousand bucks,” Julie said before she ran out of the office carrying the files in her hand. When she got to the elevator, she called Sonya and gave her the good news. Forty minutes later, she was at Little Rock showing the house to Sonya.

  “You got this really fast,” Sonya said when they walked into the house.

  “I know. Some relationships didn’t work out and slam, bang, I got the listing,” Julie explained with a smile.

  “Great,” Sonya replied as she looked around.

  “If you want, we can do something about the white walls,” Julie offered. Sonya turned around and looked at her.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Don’t you think the place is a bit too white?” Julie asked looking around. Everything was white. The walls were white, the couches were white, the rug was white…if it was any whiter, it could have been heaven for all she cared. Sonya shook her head.

  “It’s perfect. I’ll call it The Clarke Manor,” she said smiling.

  “Does that mean we have a deal?” Julie asked. Sonya smiled and nodded.

  “I’ll have the check drawn immediately,” she promised. “You really are a realtor to the stars,” she added.

  “You would be the first,” she said. “I’ll have the papers drawn so you can sign them. How’s tomorrow?” Julie asked.

  “Sounds good. I’ll see you then,” Sonya waved as she walked out leaving Julie to do her happy dance
. When she was done, she walked out and got into her car. She knew that the listing meant a hefty commission and she could already think of how to spend a few hundred bucks.


  When Julie got home that evening, she took a shower and then put on black lace lingerie. She then put a bottle of champagne on ice and then looked into the gift box she had come with. She had never been a very good at giving gifts as far as Steven was concerned, but she was sure he would love it. She had just put on her bathrobe when she heard the front door open and close. She stood up and held the bottle in one hand and two glasses in the other.

  “Hey lover,” she purred in a sultry voice when she saw Steven walking towards her.

  “Hey…you. What’s going on?” he asked as he walked towards her. He looked at the bottle and glasses and raised an eyebrow. “Did I forget something? A birthday maybe? Anniversary?” he asked as he put his laptop bag and car keys on the table. Julie shook her head and smiled.

  “I am just happy to be alive,” she grinned.

  “Okay. So we’re popping champagne?” he asked. She shrugged and nodded.

  “You do the honors,” she said as she handed him the bottle. He smiled.

  “Okay. Heads up,” he said as he shook the bottle and popped the cork. “Whoa there….glasses,” he said as he held the bottle away from him. He poured the drink into the two glasses and then put the bottle on the table. “So, what are we drinking to?” he asked as he raised his glass.

  “To life, great moments, you and a fifty thousand dollar commission,” she said smiling. Steven smiled and raised an eyebrow.

  “Good for you. I’ll drink to that,” he winked as he clinked his glass with hers before he took a long sip.

  “And for the main course, we are having good old Kentucky Fried Chicken,” she laughed looking at him.

  “Been a while since I had some good junk up in me,” he said as he sat down. She sat next to him and unpacked the KFC bags on the table before she handed him a wet wipe.

  “So, fifty grand. What did you sell? Your soul?” he asked. She shook her head and smiled.

  “A four bedroom mansion on Little Rock,” she told him as she cleaned her hands. He looked at her and frowned.


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