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Bad Boys Rule

Page 20

by Naughty Aphrodite

  “Allow me to leave,” she whimpered, but he yelled from the base of his heart. “No! I’m never letting you go.”

  She began to struggle desperately but he refused to budge until it turned violent.

  “Let me go!” she yelled and hit him with all of her strength, her eyes shut and the tears running down her face. “Caleb, let me go!”

  Caleb managed to cage both of her hands by her sides and slammed his mouth against hers.

  The first shot of pleasure that shot straight to his groin nearly crippled him.

  For a moment, he forgot how to breathe, his eyes shut as he savored that exhilarating taste of her lips that he had missed for so long.

  In her absence, he had been unable to consider anyone else for even a second and thought himself ruined for life by this one woman. But now that he had her in his arms once again, he felt as though his entire world was spinning around in circles. She continued to fight him until he slipped his tongue even deeper into her mouth. A few moments later, he felt the resistance flow out of her.

  She grabbed his shirt with her fist and pulled him even closer, wrapping her hands around his neck and pressing her body to his as though she wanted them both to be merged as one.

  Caleb spun himself until he was the one backed up against the wall, and then lifted her legs to wrap around his waist.

  He handed her the reins and she took him to a place he’d thought he'd never be able to return to. A place of maddening ecstasy and of love so pure he felt as though his two feet were no longer on the ground.

  He held her with all of his might, and for dear life, while she kissed him as though he would disappear at any moment. Her kisses were laced with her sobs and spoke of her love, filled with such torment that only he could understand.

  He turned once more until her back was against the wall, and pulled up her T-shirt. He flung it away, and she quickly returned her mouth to his, oblivious to everything else until he dragged his lips from her and placed it on her left breast.

  He sucked on it as though he were dying of thirst, while his free hand kneaded its twin.

  She threw her head back, her arms around his head to hold on for dear life until he brought his lips back to her neck.

  She lifted his face to hers and wiped the tear that fell from the corner of his eyes.

  She looked like there were a billion things that she wanted to say to him, but in the end, she pulled her legs from his grasp so that she could stand on her own feet. Caleb didn’t want to let her go. He tightened his hold on her waist, but she started to push him toward the bed until he eventually let go and fell on the soft mattress.

  She crawled in too, her gaze never leaving him and before she had to ask, he ripped the buttons off his shirt and shrugged it off as though he were on fire.

  She took off her bra and then glued her bare chest to his, kissing him deeply as he fought to unbuckle his belt. When he had succeeded, she dragged her lips from his and ran kisses down his sculpted torso. When she arrived at his hips, she tugged down his jeans and briefs until she could gain the access she longed for, and then left the rest to him.

  She found him ready and willing, so she grabbed him and took him into her mouth. In response, he released an animal groan that almost sent her off the edge.

  It had been so long, yet it felt as familiar as though she had never stopped.

  Tears filled his eyes as she milked him with love, and crazed passion and his emotions nearly choked him. She gripped the base of his shaft with her hand and worshiped him until eventually, he tried to pull her up.

  “I can’t take anymore,” he said to her, as he fisted the covers of the bed in anguish, but she refused.

  She increased her suckle, covering his shaft with wet, hot kisses and blowing him as though she were possessed with some insatiable hunger.

  Eventually, he came so hard that his juices shot down her throat and spilled on her face.

  “Fuck!” he roared into the night, and her chest swelled up with pride. He was trembling violently, mind blowing ecstasy quaking through his entire body.

  This was her man, and only she had ever been able to release such emotion from him. Famished, but unable to stop herself, she began to kiss his quivering body once more until he pulled her up and kissed her mouth. Then he turned her over, stood up from the bed with his eyes never leaving hers, and tore off the rest of his clothes.

  “Who else in this goddamn world do you expect will be able to do this to me?” he asked, deep resentment in his tone.

  Impatient, Aisha started to reach for him and he allowed her to pull him down to her. He tore away the strip of fabric that covered her essence, and in the next moment, his mouth was on her moist pussy lips. She moaned loudly, outbursts of pleasure running through her body.

  “Caleb,” she gasped, her eyes rolling into the back of her head, but he wouldn’t let her move away from his grip.

  Tears filled her eyes as she put a hand over her mouth to keep from screaming, while the other hand grasped the bed sheet for dear life.

  His tongue drove deep into her. He lapped up all of her juices until eventually, her hand fell from her mouth and she let out a hellish scream.

  She thought she heard him chuckle, but by then she was incoherent. Her eyes were staring straight ahead but the ceiling had disappeared from sight. All she could see and feel was a drugging haze of love and ecstasy.

  “Caleb,” she cried, but he kept going with such fervency until she could take it no more.

  She grabbed his head and in that moment, she reached the peak, her body twisting and writhing in one endless spasm.

  Finally, her back shot up from the bed, and her mouth opened wide in shock. Her legs suddenly closed shut, trapping him within as she devoured the waves of pleasure that rocked her body until he was able to pull himself away and find his way back to her lips.

  He swallowed her groans until they turned into tears. So he laid on his back, pulling her into his arms and cradling her like a child. She clenched him tightly, and he found himself dumbfounded in that moment at just how in sync their hearts were. All that she felt, he also felt, and it was too overwhelming to bear.

  “I fucking love you,” he whispered to her. “With all of my soul. How could you just leave?”

  She buried her face deeper into his chest. After a little while, he turned to gaze into her eyes. He wiped the tears from her face. “We’re not done yet,” he told her and before she could say a word, gripped her waist and brought her to sit astride him.

  She bit her bottom lip and held his gaze as she automatically began to grind her hips against him.

  “I want a ride,” he said, and her cheeks burnt a deep shade of red at the memories that that single phrase evoked.

  She shut her eyes, and with his help, impaled herself on him.

  Deep rumbling groans escaped him, and it awed her at how completely and perfectly he filled her.

  She was made for him, and she believed it now more than ever. How she could have managed to harden her heart to all of these, she would never know.

  Aisha began to move her hips slowly, but soon her tempo picked up the speed. She held up her hair in a sensual trance as she writhed against him, his cock moving within her to the rhythm of her lap.

  Caleb responded with passionate rumblings from the pit of his stomach, his eyes clenched shut and his arms lined with bulging veins.

  Eventually, he hoisted her up by the waist and hastened her for a few moments before relinquishing control. She took the initiative and rode him harder, increasing her pace. She pounded her hips against him until he could no longer lie still. She was sweating profusely, so he sat up and wiped the sweat from her brow. Then, after a deep look into her eyes, he kissed her with such fervor that she held onto him tightly.

  In the next moment, he had flipped her gently on her back.

  He took over, and upon the first hard thrust, a loud gasp escaped her lips. He kept going, eac
h thrust coming harder and going deeper.

  “Keep going,” she pleaded, her arms around his head. He placed kisses all over her as he made deep, hard love to her, and soon she had reached her peak once more.

  With one last thrust, she exploded around him and so did he, his seed shooting deep inside of her.

  Their groans were uninhibited, and wild, and told the tale of the release they had both craved for so long.

  He gently rolled over with his shaft still buried inside her, never wanting to part. “Please don’t go,” he muttered in an agonized plea. “Please... Please.”

  She laid her head on his chest and fell asleep to the beat of his heart.

  Chapter 17

  Caleb awoke once again to an empty space by his side.

  At first, he felt disoriented by such a deep sleep, but then it all came back to him. She was gone. Again.

  Panicked, he shot out of the bed and looked down toward the living room.

  “Aisha,” he called out, but there was no response.


  His heart began to pound painfully in his chest as he cursed her with all of his heart.

  If you are running scared once again and have taken off, I swear that I will never forgive you.

  He hurriedly found his clothes and put them on. I swear to God… I’ll kill you myself.

  He was already running down the stairs whilst trying to button on his shirt when he remembered his phone. He ran back up and found it on his bedside table.

  However, underneath it, was a note. His hands shook as he picked it up and tried to prepare himself for whatever it would read. He eventually summoned the courage and focused on the scribble.

  “I will be staying at the hospital’s staff room for now,” it read. “I made you a late lunch. Aisha.”

  He heaved a sigh of relief and sat on the bed. After much contemplation, he picked up his phone and placed a very important call.

  Chapter 18

  Aisha spent the following week living out of her duffel bag in the On-call Room.

  Her colleagues only ever met her resting in the bunk beds when her shift was over, and even if they noticed that she almost never left, most of them chucked it up to dedication.

  So much about her medical skills had gotten rusty, that she spent each day studying at every chance she got. She had avoided Caleb for the first few days until she had found that he had taken a short leave of absence and had traveled back to the Capital. Concerned, she thought to call him but had managed to talk herself out of it.

  Today, she sat in the Hybrid Room as she sutured the wounded leg of a young man while his wife stood nagging him by the side. She was furious at the carelessness that had caused the injury, and no matter how many times he apologized, the woman kept on nagging, too upset to stop herself. He calmly bore it all, aware that he had caused her severe worry, and watching all of this tugged at the chords of envy within Aisha.

  “Stay still or else it’ll scar,” she said to him, but then noticed that their gazes had shifted from her. She turned around to see what they were looking at and met the quiet gaze of Dr. Caleb Pace.

  Aisha jumped to her feet, her heart threatening to rip out of her chest as he strolled into the room with his hands in his coat’s pockets.

  “C-cal-,” she quickly corrected herself. “Dr. Pace.”

  He didn’t take his eyes off her. “Dr. Graves, please see me in my office when you’re done,” he said to her and returned the smiles of the patient and nurse that stood by her side.

  With a nod, Aisha sat back down to round up her work, but she was too visibly shaken.

  “It’s one of two things,” the wife said, breaking the silence. “It’s either you’re scared of him, or you’re in love with him.”

  “Look at the guy,” her husband interjected. “The answer is both.”

  “Please stop,” Aisha pleaded, especially when she noticed the widened eyes of the nurse attending to her. She cleared her throat and continued with her suturing.

  Soon, she was finished and occupied with updating a patient’s chart by the nurse’s station, however, her mind was filled with worry. She was so glad he had returned, but there were so many ‘uncomfortable’ things between them that needed addressing. They both needed to sort out themselves or else just like that night, every line would remain blurred.

  She continued updating charts and reading up on the medical history of the current patient until a woman suddenly ran into the ER with a toddler. Aisha recognized her immediately as she had attended to them a few days earlier.

  “What is it?” she asked. “Why are you back?”

  “My baby…” the woman cried. “You said that he was fine, that it was just a cold…”

  Aisha immediately took the baby from her and hurriedly placed him in the Hybrid Room. She held her stethoscope to listen to the beat of his heart. “Was he having convulsions?” she asked, but before the mother could respond, there was a loud, angry, roar in the ER.

  “Where is she?” the person barked. “Where is the idiot that misdiagnosed my child?”

  Aisha knew that they were coming for her, but she focused on examining the child. “Did you give him the fever reducer?”

  She was eventually found, and the man came into the room. Aisha lifted a pen torch to the child’s eyes, but the man slapped it from her hand and roughly shoved at her shoulders.

  She stumbled backward, the nurse by her side helping to break what would have been a painful fall.

  “You idiot!” he pointed at her. “You almost killed my child. Stay the fuck away from him.”

  “John,” his wife pleaded. “Please calm down.”

  He roughly threw off his wife’s arm from his and looked around. “Are there no other doctors in this fucking hospital? Why am I stuck with this idiot?”

  “I’ll get someone else,” Aisha said and began to run out when Caleb appeared by the plastic wrap door.

  “Step back,” he said to her and she complied. He came into the room and looked around to see what was going on. “What is all the commotion about?”

  “This stupid woman over here almost...”

  “Excuse me?”

  The room went silent and seemingly did so the entire ER. Aisha stepped in. “Dr. Pace, it’s fine. I failed to-”

  “I’m not talking to you,” he said and slowly approached the man. “If you’re not going to watch your mouth in my hospital then I suggest you leave right now.”

  “She almost fucking killed my child.”

  “Well, your child is not dead yet. Keep making a fuss instead of allowing him to get treated and watch what happens in the next few minutes.”

  The man closed his mouth, and Caleb turned to her.

  “What are you doing?” he asked. “Won’t you examine the child?”

  Aisha came to her senses and began to fumble with her stethoscope once again.

  “Doesn’t he have a fever?” Caleb asked.

  “I-I think so.”

  “Then take off his clothes!” Caleb half-yelled.

  She did as she was told, and found tiny red blotches along the child’s arm. She turned to his mother.

  “How long has this been here?”

  “A few days.”

  Purpura, she thought.

  “What’s your diagnosis?” Caleb asked Aisha.

  She straightened and thought for a moment. “He’s been having convulsions and running a high fever… and now this. Perhaps it’s Meningococcal Meningitis.”

  “Menin- what?” the father shrieked. “Didn’t you tell my wife that it was just a cold?”

  “Get to work then,” Caleb said to her. He turned around to walk out of the ER as she gave instructions to the nurse. Aisha ran after him and met him at the reception.

  “Please guide me,” she said. “I’m not sure of what to so.”

  He gazed quietly at her. “Do a spinal tap, and then prepare for a lumbar puncture.
Have you ordered a blood test?”

  “I just did.”

  He continued with the instructions and when he was done, she thanked him and returned back to the ER.

  After all was settled with the child, she began to head back to her room when she passed by his office. He had asked to see her so she mustered up the courage to knock, and when granted access went quietly in.

  She stood at the door and waited for him to speak, and when he didn’t for a while she eventually lifted her head to him.


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