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Bad Boys Rule

Page 49

by Naughty Aphrodite

  I looked closely at him but still my mind refused to connect all the dots…then it finally dawned on me. It was Nathan!

  “What the hell?” I stuttered as he walked around the car towards me, “have you gone totally off your rocker and stolen a car to impress me?”

  “Not exactly, although I would feel very happy if you were indeed impressed with my rapid move up in the world,” Nathan said with a broad grin and took me in his arms.

  “I don’t understand what’s going on,” I said and suddenly felt very silly.

  “I’m so sorry for the way I shouted at you the last time I saw you,” Nathan said, “Can you ever forgive me?”

  “Actually I wanted to apologize to you again for selling the toys you bought Justin…as it turns out it was all in vain anyway,” I said and looked up at Nathan as if was seeing his face for the first time. I thought back to that first day when I saw him on the factory floor and how helplessly lost he’d appeared to be as he struggled to find his feet in the assembly line. I remembered how he’d looked just like some naughty schoolboy every time he arrived unannounced at my little apartment and how my heart had yearned for his beautiful smile during the time that we’d been apart. As I looked at him now he appeared to have come of age and there was something mature and very manly in the way he looked straight into my eyes with self-assured confidence. I still couldn’t figure out exactly what was going on though, or where Nathan had gotten the money to buy such an expensive car with.

  “You’ve done nothing that I need to forgive you for and I promise you everything is going to be all right,” he said and kissed me on my lips right there in the middle of the street.

  “For some reason I believe you,” I replied, “now please tell me whose car this is!”

  Nathan just laughed and promised to explain everything to me in due course.

  “Why don’t we sit down somewhere so I can fill you in on what is going on,” Nathan suggested and I took him by the hand and walked back to my parents’ house with him. Nathan was a perfect gentleman and even though we were not officially together or anything, I felt incredibly proud as I introduced him to my parents.

  “If only you knew how many girls have tried to introduce me to their parents before with absolutely no luck at all!” Nathan joked and my dad laughed out loud.

  “Seems like you’ve really hit the jackpot this time my girl!’ my dad said and my mom immediately scolded him for his remark.

  “Don’t you talk like that and make the young man feel all uncomfortable now!’ she said and looked at my dad with a stern expression on her face.

  “Oh its quire all right, Nathan doesn’t know how to be offended,” I joked and we all sat down and listened with mouths wide open as Nathan explained that Edward Electronics really belonged to his father and that he was now the Operational Manager of the Company.

  “It took me a number of phone calls and some help from old Jerry on the factory floor to get a hold of your employee file. I used the information inside it to get hold of your parents’ address and just hoped that this was where I would be able to find you. Fortunately you had them down as your next of kin and that’s how I landed here today.”

  I shook my head in disbelief and found it hard to wrap my mind around everything Nathan was telling me. “All this time you were filthy rich and you said nothing while you watched me struggle without money?” I asked incredulously when he was finished.

  “Not at all, “Nathan replied, “I was actually just as dirt poor as you after my dad took away all of my credit cards and froze all of my bank accounts while I worked at the factory to prove that I was capable of doing an honest day’s work.”

  It was quite a story and even though I knew that what Nathan was telling me was the truth, my mind still didn’t quite know how to process this incredible dump of information.

  “So what happens now?” I asked and all of us looked at Nathan expectantly.

  “Well, I have the funny feeling that some people at the factory are in for a bit of a surprise as far as their employment status are concerned and as things stand the factory in Round Rock is going to need a new Factory Manager very soon.”

  “How does that help me to get my old job back?” I asked, still puzzled.

  “You’re not getting your old job back,” Nathan replied, “I’m offering you a brand new job as Factory Manager in Grant Belmont’s place!”

  I sat there stunned and my mom threw her hands in the air. “Hallelujah! “ she shouted and my dad had tears in his eyes when he looked at me.

  “You see my girl? Everything is going to be all right just like I promised you.”

  “What about you?” I asked and looked at Nathan for some sign of what he might be thinking as far as the two of us were concerned.

  “Well I’m going to have to work very closely with the new Factory Manger to make sure that she puts far more effective management systems in place than we have at the factory at the moment, so I will be moving into a large mansion in Round Rock, Texas for that purpose,” Nathan said and looked at me with a broad grin on his face.

  “That sounds more like it,” I said and suddenly my heart flooded with joy as I realized that Nathan and I was going to be working side by side again at the factory.

  “I know you will probably have to ask your parents first whether this would be okay, but the place where I’m going to be staying is very large and it would be such a shame to let so many of the rooms stand empty…I thought that maybe you and Justin could live there with me for free as one of the perks of your new management position,’” Nathan said and looked over at my parents. “Of course Emily will be staying and sleeping in her own room,” he added hastily.

  “Of course,” my dad said and winked at Nathan.

  “Would this be an awkward time for me to tell you that I love you?” I asked and kissed Nathan right there I front of my parents while my mom and dad smiled happily.

  “Not at all…as long as you don’t mind me telling you the exact same thing,” Nathan said and took me in his strong, safe arms.

  “Nathan!” Justin suddenly shouted from behind us and ran up to join Nathan and I for a three-way hug.

  “Can we have a hug too?” my mom said and pulled my dad closer and then we all stood there together like one big happy family, with Nathan’s silver Porsche standing ready to take me and Justin away to the life I’d always dreamed of.


  There was a lot of things to get ready before we would be able to move into the large house in Round Rock and I spent the better part of two days just directing the large furniture trucks as they offloaded all of the furniture for the house.

  I was very excited to show Emily our new home and when she finally drove up the driveway in her little car I waved at her and made a mental note to take her to a car dealership the next day and buy her a brand new car so she would never have to struggle with that little stubborn piece of scrap metal she was driving again in the mornings.

  “This is absolutely unbelievable, Emily said as he walked up to me where I was waiting for her at the top of the stairs.

  “Do you like it?” I asked and watched as Justin ran inside to go and see the inside of the house.

  “It’s beautiful but that’s not what I’m talking about, Emily replied, “This is exactly like a dream I had one night…I was walking across a large lawn towards a house that looked exactly like this one and there was a man standing at the top of the stairs, waiting for me and waving just like you did today!”

  “Well that goes to show that dreams do come true,” I said with a smile.

  “They most certainly do,” Emily whispered and put her arms around my neck and kissed me on my lips for the longest time.

  We could ear Justin running around inside the house and I took Emily inside to go and show her the place. There were marble tiles on the floors and all of the door handles were plated with pure gold; a little something I’d specifically asked for
as a kind of personal touch.

  The first thing I did after I’d taken Emily and Justin through the entire house was to set up the massive TV screen in the lounge and to connect the brand new PlayStation games I’d bought for Justin so that he could make up for all the times in his life when he hadn’t had any toys to play with. He literally only paused the game to have a bite of pizza with Emily and me every now and then before getting right back to playing all of the games I’d bought him.

  “There’s one little boy who’s very happy that you managed to talk some sense into your dad,” Emily joked as Justin went crazy trying to shoot all of the zombies that were running across the TV screen in his game.

  “And how about his mom, is he happy?” I asked and looked Emily straight in the eye.

  “Happier than I’ve ever been in my entire life,” she said and I could see that she meant every word of it.

  “There’s something I want to show you upstairs,” I said and took Emily by the hand and let her all the way up the swirling staircase while Justin carried on playing his favorite TV games.

  “What is it you want to show me?” Emily asked, all curious.

  “I just wanted to show you what they delivered here earlier today,” I said and led her into the master bedroom.

  “Oh my God! The bed is bigger than my entire old apartment!” Emily exclaimed when she saw the massive King size bed in the middle of the room. It had the most beautiful delicate white linen on it and I couldn’t wait to feel what it would be like to sink into its cool depths. The bed looked slightly isolated in the middle of the empty room and Emily had a broad grin on her face as she looked around the rest of the empty room.

  “You just couldn’t wait to get a bed in here, could you?” Emily said and looked at me with a fake expression of disapproval on her face.

  “Can you blame me?” I asked and kissed her gently on her lips.

  “What about Justin?” she said and kissed me right back.

  “There is no force in the universe strong enough to tear him away from his video games,” I answered with a smile and loosened her bra behind her back.

  “There was a moment there when I thought we would never be together like this ever again Nathan,” she said and kissed me back hungrily while she helped me out of my pants. I slipped on a condom and bent down to kiss her all over her breasts… they seemed to me like ripe, juicy fruits waiting to be feasted on.

  “My dear Emily, the only desire stronger than Justin’s desire to play his video games is my desire for you and nothing in his world, or the next, could ever keep me away from you,” I whispered and started nibbling on her earlobes.

  I picked her up and carried her off to the massive bed. Then I put her down and pulled off her last piece of clothing, a dainty pair of pink panties. I kissed her all the way up her legs and finally nestled my tongue in her wet depths as she moaned softly and arched her back to give me full access to all of her secret places. I licked her and stroked her with my fingers until her body shook violently with an intense orgasm.

  Then she pulled me down on top of her and rolled me over on my back to get working on my rock hard cock that was standing at attention like soldier ready for battle. She took me in her mouth and I almost blew my load when I felt the incredible sensation of her wet mouth on my manhood. When she finally mounted me and started riding me like a wild horse I held onto her and looked deep into her eyes while we made love with reckless abandon. We were making up for all of the misunderstandings; all of the lonely nights we’d spent in our separate little apartments in Round Rock, Texas while we were secretly yearning for one another’s embrace.

  I finally rolled her over on her back and entered her gently before I started to rock my hips up and down with ever increasing speed and strength. I could see the desire in her eyes as she started breathing heavily and dug her fingernails into my back. When we finally crashed all the way across the threshold of pleasure together Emily moaned loudly and we fell back onto the bed to get our breath back after the first of many incredible lovemaking sessions in our new house.

  We just knew that Justin must have heard Emily’s loud moan and, sure enough, he shortly called out from below us in the living room.

  “Are you okay mommy?”

  “I’m fine my big boy, you can go back to your TV games!” Emily shouted right back.

  “Okay, just tell me if you need my help with something!” Justin shouted once more and then we could hear the sound of wild gunfire commencing again as Justin continued to massacre some more zombies below us on the TV screen in the living room.

  “Now are you ready to get back to our little game over here?” I whispered and Emily grabbed my cock with both hands.

  “I’m always ready, she said with a naughty smile, “Now show me if you are as good at putting in some extra work over here in this bedroom as you are at putting in overtime on the factory floor.”


  “Close the door behind you and don’t sit down,” I said in my best imitation of Grant’s Belmont’s own despicable tone of voice as our now-demoted ex-Factory Manager skulked into my office with hanging shoulders.

  “Yes mam,” Grant said and stood there with his face looking even rattier than usual.

  “I don’t have time for a long conversation with you so I want you to listen up and then get right back to the assembly line. Your rate of work is highly unsatisfactory and if you don’t pick up the pace I’m afraid you’re in danger of also losing your job on the assembly line after you’ve already been demoted from management.”

  “But mam I’m having trouble learning all…”

  “Please save me all of the sad stories and get out of my office!” I said and watched with satisfaction as the ill-mannered little man who’d summarily fired me a couple of days earlier made his way back to the factory floor to go and do the job I used to do while I sat in his old chair watching him.

  “Hurry up! We don’t have all day to stand here and wait for you!” Jerry shouted at Grant Belmont as he moved into position behind his work station.

  I looked at my watch and decided to make myself a nice cup of coffee while I waited for Nathan to arrive so we could work on the new and improved management systems for the factory. Old Jerry looked up to where I was sitting in my office and gave me a wink and a smile as we all got ready for another productive day at work down in Round Rock, Texas at the revived, revamped and newly managed factory of Edward Electronics.


  Unexpected Threesome

  Chapter 1

  Today was the big day that Mia had been waiting for the past three weeks. After months of talking about it, Darryl, her husband and longtime boyfriend of five years, has finally decided they could go on that adventure to the Pocono Mountains in Northern Pennsylvania. Darryl grew up in those parts and knew them well, he said. He used to describe them so vividly that his rosy cheeks blushed with excitement every time. Anything that made him ecstatic was a pure pleasure pill for Mia.

  Looking around their third-floor apartment on this early summer morning, soon they would be away from the constant drum of trash trucks, kids screaming and carrying on, people fighting and yelling at each other and all the clamorous drama that went with city life.

  Today would be an oppressive day in the town judging from that scrawny weatherman that was always on the nightly channel sixteen news, his wispy mustache whipping back and forth as he blurted out the balmy temperatures that would be well into the nineties. Threats of intense thunderstorms and possible tornadoes threatened the city for the next week or so. Darryl told her in that smooth talking tone he must have used countless times on the customers who came into Lucky's Car Palace every day, that the mountains would be cool, invigorating and downright awesome.

  Envisioning making hot love to her man of many years, she could picture the towering blades of emerald-green grass and the domineering pine trees shrouding them as they lay naked, Darryl’s ripped body on top
of hers. She dug her elongated hands into his arching back his smooth flesh as soft as a newborn baby's bottom. Gazing into his face, his sparkling blue eyes offered such compassion and warmth. Smiling, Darryl tickled her skin with his firm hands, the gentle strokes of male bulky fingers running along the incline of her thighs, closing in on her womanhood. Each stroke drove her hormones into an erotic frenzy she never experienced before. It was as if the mountains had instilled in him the true masculinity giving him the power to show her things she never previously encountered. In the distance as his hard cock rubbed against her legs, she could hear the screeching cries of animals looking for their young probably wanting to keep them out of trouble. Everything was so free here, so peaceful, it was the way life was meant to be.

  "Hey, baby. Did I interrupt something?" Darryl appeared from behind, his fingers running along the nape of her neck.


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