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Bad Boys Rule

Page 58

by Naughty Aphrodite

  “What has gotten into you, girl? What is wrong with you?” Jenna questioned, the curtness in her voice reminding Kristy of a strict first-grade teacher she had back in school Ms. Clark with her domineering looks and unemotional voice.

  “You know what you’re doing. Flaunting yourself all over that guy knowing I liked him too. You always do that shit to me, Jenna. You see someone I like and you devour them like a piranha. You’re just not fair. You can have any guy you want.” Kristy cried letting her emotions flood out of her not caring what or how she said it.

  “Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I told you to jump on him back in Philadelphia. No, you want to play Ms. Innocence and good girl shit. Honey that will get you nowhere in this life. Trust me. I know. I have been there.”

  Jenna always knew how to put the right words out there, ones that would make Kristy take a hard reflection on her own life and make her really think about what she was doing. As angry as she was, she couldn’t help but agree further than the truth. All her life she worried about what her mother thought or would say trying to be Ms. Perfect and it has gotten her nowhere in life. Dolores, her sister, certainly didn’t abide by such rules. Pregnant at age 18 and moving on with her life with a man who truly cared and worshiped her as if she was a queen, she was the epitome of happiness.

  “You know, you’re right. I am just being stupid. That is why. That is why- ”

  Kristy couldn’t say even though her heart was pushing her to. Every thought was demanding, she conveys these feelings to her friend. She was beyond a friend at this point. She had to say what has been on her mind for so long. It was time she finally stopped being Ms. Innocence like Jenna said and truly let her know how she feels about her.

  “What is it, honey? Tell me. You know you can tell me anything.”

  “I fucking love you! I want you as my girlfriend. Ever since we met back in middle school and through high school, I have secretly wanted you more and more each day.”

  “Are you serious? This is too funny. I have felt the same for you too. I have always loved you more than a sister, friend or anything else you want to call it. I would love to have you as my first girlfriend.”

  Jenna walked up and kissed Kristy on the tip of her mouth running her tongue down her throat. Cupping Kristy’s breasts through her sweaty t-shirt squeezing them like a pair of melons being checked for freshness, sent a warm tingling sensation throughout her body. Her shorts wet with excitement begging for Jenna to lick her in all the right places sending her to an ecstasy she never would forget.

  “Ah, now this is what I’m talking about. Two lesbians who find themselves. Man, you both are fucking hot and I want to fuck the shit out of both of you.” Garry stood there in his birthday suit his dick as long and thick as some tree bark. Curving to the right his cock head was like looking at an army soldiers helmet.

  “Oh, you naughty boy. I knew there was a reason I liked you. What do you think Kristy?”

  Her hormones raging through her body with the steadfast pace of a marathon runner on their last lap, she desired both of them deep in her. Garry’s hard dick pounding her untouched pussy for the first time sent shivers through her spine. Sweat dripping from her as she fantasized his hunky body hovering over her those long strong legs anchored on the bed as he pounded the shit out of her, broke the boundary between Ms. Innocence and Ms. First Fuck.

  “Yes. I want it all. Give it to me.”Tearing off her clothes laying back on the bed as Kristy began to dine on her wet pussy.

  Taking his hard prick in her mouth Kristy could taste the salty taste of his pre-cum moistening her lips like gloss. The thickness of his member jammed her throat as his baseball size balls banged against the edge of her throat. Each inch of him expanded her throat in ways she never thought possible. It was as if his hugeness was meant for her and her only. His cock tasted so good. Jenna’s tickling tongue and fingers plunged deeper into Kristy’s womanhood unleashing the hidden monster of lust welled deep within her. Crying out as her first orgasm ravaged her body every muscle tightening up in one climatic moment she thrust herself back onto the bed for only a second before Garry shoved his hardness back into her hot wet mouth.

  “Fuck your girl can suck dick. Fuccckkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!” Moaning as he dumped the first of many hot loads.

  Swallowing every inch of his man seed, something she never even imagined, Kristy felt the layers of inexperience peel from her in one climatic moment after another. Her breasts swelled with excitement she wanted to feel Garry’s hardness deep in her.

  “Fuck me, baby. Please fuck me!!!” Kristy moaned begging for his hardness.

  “I think we both can fuck you, sweetie. I have something for you too.” Jenna smiled as she bent down and reached something out of the bottom of Kristy’s bed.

  It was one of those strap ons. Kristy had only seen them in porn movies that she would secretly watch online. It was long thick and just as nice as the real thing swinging between Garry’s legs. Tying the piece around her firm buttocks Jenna demanded Kristy turn around. Garry sat on the bed pushing his manhood into Kristy’s moist pussy at the same time as Jenna opened her asshole with her toy. The sheer ecstasy she was feeling was unlike anything ever felt before. His probing penis piercing through her womanhood examining every inch of her untouched parts with his thick shlong.

  “Ah, fuck, this pussy is so tight and wet. Fuck, you are hot Kristy. I knew that the moment I laid eyes on you. Fuck, you are so fucking hot. Give me more of that fucking pussy. Give it to me!!!!” Garry demanded.

  “Oh, baby I love this ass. It feels so wet on my dick. I could fuck it for hours.” Jenna moaned as she pinched the tips of Kristy’s breasts.

  “Yes, fuck me!! Fuck me! I want to feel you both in me!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Kristy moaned as she unleashed more of her dripping pussy juices on Garry’s raging cock.

  “Fuck!!!” Garry roared unleashing more of his hot seed into Kristy, his sweaty balls slamming against her pussy lips.

  Looking into Garry’s tightened face his boyhood transformed into manhood as he grunted sent a wave of intense ecstasy through Kristy’s body. Her pussy juices squirted out onto his still hard cock its head moist with her love juice. Smiling she could feel Jenna’s strong thrusts into her ass moaning as she fucked her deep, unlike anything she felt. Her ass hot with pleasure demanded more and more of the love tool deep in her wet pussy.

  “I think it’s time I give your girlfriend a real send off.” Kissing Kristy on the tip of her lips digging his tongue down into her mouth his breath was like smelling hot sex.

  Jumping behind Jenna he thrust his hardness into her, his sinewy legs anchoring against her back as he pounded her relentlessly. Taking off the toy she turned Kristy back to her, her lips locking with hers as Kristy reached down into Jenna’s pussy and fingered the warm moistness below.

  “Oh my fucking God! Fuck me deep! Give it to me. Garry, please. Ahhhh!! Kristy, I love you, baby.” Swabbing her tongue around Kristy’s lips as she shot her own pussy juices right into her lover’s hands.

  “Ahhhhhh!!!!” Garry roared as he pulled out his snake like prick shooting an ooze of thick white cum on her back.

  “Now this is what I call a good fucking time.” Jenna smiled kissing her new lover.

  “I couldn’t agree more, honey. I love you a lot.” Kristy smiled, sweat glazing her body as if she had just doused herself with baby oil.

  “You girls are fucking awesome.” Garry said as he stroked his shrinking penis.

  “Yeah, I know.” Jenna replied, tenderly stroking the hair of her lesbian interest.

  Chapter 14

  The airport in St. Bart’s was unlike other ones that Kristy had seen. It was small most of the airplanes were minuscule in nature and required you fly them over the islands massive oceanic circumference before transferring to one of the bigger airports in the states. Though she had a strong fear of being over the ocean flying for countless hours, now she had her new lover to explore a
nd experience things with. Holding hands as they stood on the concrete walkway, the airport crew standing there in their khaki shorts, tropical colored shirts, and tanned smiling faces, she hoped one day that they could come back to this magical island. If it hadn’t been for this trip, compliments of the John and Hank show, she would have never found her true purpose, experienced her first and most awesome sex she ever had and met a really great man.

  Garry and Freddy stood next to them as an elderly woman with silver straw thin hair took a picture of the group. Say cheese she said in that raspy voice of hers probably the results of years of smoking. No sooner did she give them the camera back that Kristy’s confirmations were made true when the woman pulled out a long cancer stick from her white purse.

  “Well, I guess this is goodbye ladies. We really had a nice time.” Garry said his voice brimming with excitement.

  “We did. Keep in touch. You have our information now.” Jenna said.

  “Yes, and I know where you all work.” Gary replied giving both girls a huge hug.

  Walking off Kristy couldn’t help but feel a bit of sadness enter her heart hoping one day she could come back and see Garry again. He opened her mind to so many things that she never thought possible. It is weird how things happen in life and one never knows the true reason till it’s all over and done.

  “I love you.” Kristy said to Jenna kissing her on the lips.

  “You too, baby. When we get home I am getting you out of that dreadful apartment and job with Ms. Coyle. We’ll figure it all out.” Jenna said.

  For the first time in her life as the sun beat down on her head, its glowing warmth offering plenty of comfort Kristy felt things would finally work out. Life will be good. No more worries and as the islanders say it: don’t worry, be happy! Smiling she walked onto the tiny airplane that would take them to the airport in Florida. Looking at Jenna, for the first time she wasn’t afraid.


  Billionaire In Disguise (Part 1)

  Chapter 1

  Norman slammed his McLaren P1 into gear and swung the steering wheel, adrenaline coursed through his body as he took the corner too quickly and his tyres squealed in protest. He straightened the car and pressed down hard on the accelerator, the road was long and straight in front of him now and he could allow his thoughts to take over. Damn it all! Why was he always such a mug?

  Just yesterday his life, on the surface at least, had been pretty near perfect. His real estate business was doing so well that he’d been named on the Forbes billionaire list for the 3rd year in a row.

  “Christ!” He growled as he drew his attention back to the road to narrowly avoid a deer running across.

  A whirlwind few weeks of meetings, corporate events, and business dinners had given him virtually no chance to relax or spend time with his girlfriend Celine. When his business partner Mark had canceled their 11am meeting yesterday, he had jumped at the chance to take the day off.

  “I’ll surprise Celine,” he’d said to his secretary. “I’m going to take the day off and see if she wants to go to that fancy restaurant that she likes.”

  He shook his head. “What a grade A idiot” he exclaimed to the empty car.

  Pulling up at his house, the cars outside had suggested that Celine had guests, no doubt her little entourage of friends. As a busy model, she liked to take every opportunity to spend time relaxing by the pool with her inner sanctum, other models, actresses and occasionally a couple of famous singers.

  He made his way into the hall, stopping for a moment to check the mirror and relax in the cool interior. The whole house had recently been upgraded to Celine’s rather exacting specifications. The marble on the hall floor had been flown in from Italy. Hand-mined by dwarves straight out of Lord of the Rings judging by the cost of it. Still it and the top of the range air conditioning provided a welcome relief from the baking summer sun. Personally, he’d preferred the original oak paneling. It had a simple old world charm about it that Norman had found homely. Besides, surely the whole point of buying a castle was for it to actually look like one. Still Celine always had a way of getting what she wanted.

  The living room had been similarly decorated with Italian marble and lavish velvet soft furnishings, which Celine had assured him, were exactly like the ones she had seen at Jay Z’s house when she’d been to a party there. When he’d admitted he wasn’t entirely sure who Jay Z was she’d sneered before patting him on the head.

  “Well, never mind darling. I suppose you don’t really need to know. Just take my word for it.”

  Then she’d turned her back on him and carried on discussing the fine detail of pure silk throw cushions with the ludicrously expensive interior designer who she’d insisted upon. Apparently he did all Elton John’s interior design.

  He’d moved through the lounge and closer towards the French doors, following the soft murmur of conversation and laughter outside. He paused for a second just behind one of the curtains assessing the scene. Several models had been lying around the pool in various stages of undress.

  Even now, lost deep in his anger he couldn’t avoid a little grin. How was this his life? Never in his wild dreams as a teenage boy, growing up in an average house, with a real estate agent father and stay at home mom, had he ever thought he’d be coming home to a backyard full of beautiful women in their bikinis. Well, it would no doubt be a long time before that happened again.

  Trying to make sure he still kept at least some of his concentration on the road, Norman carried on his thoughts of yesterday. He’d been about to make his presence known when he’d heard the start of a conversation. Not really one for eavesdropping, something about the tone had made him stop to listen some more.

  “How’s it going with good old Norm, Celine?” One of the models had giggled. He couldn’t remember her name, Candice or Cadence or something. Cadence, yes, that was it.

  “Oh you know, as interesting as life with a guy in real estate can be. Thank goodness he’s been so busy these last few weeks. I haven’t had to feign interest in his conversations. Do you know he didn’t even know who the Kardashians were? He asked if they were related to some lawyer dude!” There had been giggles all around the pool at that.

  “Seriously”. Cadence had asked. “How do you even put up with him? He sounds like such a bore.”

  Celine had leaned forward and slightly stroked her friend on the shoulder.

  “Nah... let's just say the golden credit card sometimes come with the unavoidable attachment. But don’t worry, darling. We’ll get you on the yacht circuit this season and you can bag yourself a billionaire bore too”.

  Unavoidable attachment? A billionaire bore? That was how she thought of him? Maybe not a bore but definitely a mug. Could it be really true that she was with him just for the money? He’d had his suspicions at the start of the relationship but for some reason, he’d truly believed that she had come to love him. Just like he had her. Did she fake her love the whole time? He couldn’t believe his ears – this was the real Celine he has not yet had the chance to meet.

  Unable to listen to any more, he’d stepped through the doors and onto the patio.

  “Ladies!” There had been a stunned silence as they all turned to look at him and realized he must have heard everything.

  “As lovely a day as it is, I think this little tete a tete is over and it’s time you took this little pool party elsewhere.”

  He’d stood hard as granite as Celine weaved her way over to him.

  “Darling! What a surprise. Is everything ok? I hadn’t expected you back so early.”

  “Clearly...” He had shrugged off her arm and inched further away from her. “Celine, if you could see your friends out. I think we need to talk. I’ll be in the kitchen when you’re done.”

  The thought still making him steam with anger, Norman realized that he was grinding his teeth as he went over it again. What a bitch she had turned out to be. The argument that followed had to go
down as one of the worst of his life. She’d feigned innocence at first, blaming her friends, saying it was all for show and of course she loved him. Then she’d grown hysterical and mean. He was a bore, a nobody until he’d met her. She’d given him street cred, a reason for other people to want to be friends with him. Did he honestly think people would have come to his boring open houses if it wasn’t for her and her friends? He’d snorted bitterly.

  “Well, as you have proven, I’m a billionaire which clearly means I’ll never be short of scroungers and lowlifes hanging around me just because I’m rich.”

  She’d slapped him then.

  “You bastard! I’ll ruin you. You’ll never sell a stupid house again and you’ll grow old poor and alone.”


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