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Dare to Succeed [The Dare Series 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “We’ll be in town shortly.”

  “In town? Why? Just drop me off at my place. I’ll clean this up.”

  “You may need more than just basic first aid. I saw the way you landed. You could have hurt your back.”

  “I’m fine. I’ll be okay, don’t turn this into a three-ring circus.”

  Her comment bothered him. Especially since he just texted Monroe, who was supposed to meet him in town to discuss some investors interested in relocating their stores to Chance from Dallas. As one of the lead board members, the sheriff was careful to not exploit the town and maintain its small town feel and attraction.

  “What exactly do you mean by three-ring circus? You saying something about my brothers and me?” he asked.

  “No. Of course not. I mean, I just meant that if you drive into town and people see me hurt then they’ll go all crazy. I saw how they treated Mary Beth last week when she tripped on the sidewalk and took a fall. They were ready to call an ambulance and bring food and pies to her house for weeks. I don’t need that. I take care of myself,” she said.

  That was what she thought.

  “Then I suppose it could be best to take you home. Do you have a first aid kit there?” he asked.

  “I think Dr. Anders had one in the hall closet in the apartment. If not I’ll just improvise,” she said.

  He took out his phone as they came to the stop sign and text the words “her house now.” Hopefully Monroe would know to meet him there instead.

  * * * *

  Alicia eased her head up off of the sheriff’s lap as the truck came to a complete stop. She inhaled one more time, loving the scent of his cologne and the hardness of his thighs as the fabric of his uniform pants tickled her cheek. She felt hot, bothered, on edge, and it amazed her and frightened her. The sheriff was mean, hard, and downright totally out of her league. She was a nobody, and he was the sheriff of Chance, a man women drooled over and talked about, wondering what type of women he liked and how many female residents of Chance he slept with. She wanted nothing to do with that.

  Throw in the uniform, this patrol truck with all its gadgets and the gun, the handcuffs and superiority, and hell, she was a nervous wreck.

  As she eased up she felt the achiness and downright burning pain. It was crazy. Her thigh was a complete mess. The skin was chafed back and covered in dirt and tiny stone pieces. She wanted to cry and wondered how she would get this cleaned up. She felt embarrassed having the sheriff this close to her with her short shorts on and the tank top she wore for running. She felt exposed and practically naked, but as he tried to help her up she heard the other vehicle pull up and wondered who it could be. The door slammed closed and then she gasped as the sheriff tried to help her upward from the seat.

  “That hurts?” the sheriff asked and she nodded her head and tried to make the tears disappear. She prayed nothing was broken. That would be her luck. She would break bones, not know it, and then not be able to take a chance at starting her own store.

  “What the hell happened?” She heard Monroe’s voice just as the sheriff got her into a sitting position.

  “What are you doing here?” she barked at him, unintentionally of course but it was out of her mouth before she could stop herself.

  “I was supposed to meet my brother in town for a meeting. He said he was hung up and then that you were hurt. How did this happen?” Monroe asked.

  “I was jogging and his truck came out of nowhere,” she said.

  “What? You ran from the woods right out onto the road without even looking. If it weren’t for my quick reflexes and driving skills I would have hit you,” the sheriff stated in anger.

  “Whatever. Just help me out of your truck so you both can leave.”

  She eased down off the seat with the sheriff’s assistance. Then Monroe placed his hand on her hip.

  “That is some nasty damage. You need to clean that out thoroughly.”

  “I know. I will.”

  “Alone?” Monroe asked.

  “How else?” she said and then tried to walk on her own. “Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch,” she said struggling repeatedly to make it to the walkway.

  “Goddamn it. Hold on,” Monroe said and scooped her up into his arms. She gasped and held onto him.

  “What is with you men picking me up and carrying me? I’ll get there. Just slowly.”

  “I’ll get you there faster, and we don’t mind picking you up and carrying you,” he said and she felt her belly do a series of somersaults. What did that mean? She hoped they didn’t think she was flirting or pretending to be hurt. Her thigh stung so badly, the tiny stones were rubbing into her cut skin.

  “Key?” the sheriff asked.

  “It’s unlocked,” she said to them.

  “Unlocked. Anyone could be in there waiting for you,” the sheriff said.

  “You telling me that you’re not doing your job and the town is unsafe?” she challenged.

  He went to speak and then pointed at her.

  “Lock that door for now on.”

  She gulped. He was so damn forceful and demanding. Why did that arouse her? She should fear that control. Then there was Monroe, who remained close-lipped as the sheriff opened the door to her apartment above the garage at Dr. Anders’s place.

  “Set her down on the couch,” the sheriff ordered in that tone of his.

  “Where did you say that first aid kit was?” he asked.

  “I said I can get it and take care of it myself.”

  Monroe squatted down by the couch and caressed her hair from her cheek. She froze in place. Why did he have to touch her? God, he’s so good looking and he smells incredible. Shit. I probably smell. I was running and sweating. Oh God. She was suddenly embarrassed and didn’t know how she could sniff herself without making it obvious, but then the sheriff returned to the living room with other things besides a first aid kit. They were going to stay and help her. Oh God.

  * * * *

  Monroe took every opportunity to take in the sight of Alicia. She was so damn sexy and beautiful. The short shorts she wore were tight and small. Her thighs muscular and toned, and the tank top she wore barely confined her abundant breasts. In this position on the couch, on her side, her breasts were pouring from the top, revealing way more cleavage than he ever had the opportunity to see on Alicia.

  His brother Max was getting the supplies ready to clean out the cut and ensure she didn’t get an infection.

  “I can do this. Really, you both don’t need to waste your time. I’m sure you have better things to do,” she said but Max ignored her.

  “Lay still, this may sting a little.”

  “Max knows what he’s doing, baby,” Monroe said to her then placed his hand on her hip, where skin was exposed as she shifted the moment the water collided against the cuts and scrapes on her thigh.

  “Ouch. Oh damn that hurts,” she said and maneuvered her face into the pillow. The move caused her ass to push out nearly off the couch and gave them a perfect view of her backside.

  “Stay still,” Monroe told her and glanced at his brother. Max looked so serious. He probably felt responsible for her injuries. He couldn’t help himself. As Max continued to wash out the wound while Alicia moaned and shivered, he caressed her arm. Her shoulder then to her hip. She was so sexy and beautiful. He thought about her all the time. When his brother texted today he thought perhaps Max made a move, Alicia accepted it, and wanted Monroe and Caldwell, too. Maybe not.

  * * * *

  Alicia felt her heart racing and damn it her pussy ached more than the damn cuts and scratches on her thigh. These men were so attractive, and she liked them, Caldwell, too, even though he wasn’t here. God, she hoped they didn’t call him to come over, too, or she was done for. They were playing with her. They had to be. They could get any woman they wanted. Why would they waste time with the likes of her?

  “Thank you for doing this, but it really wasn’t necessary,” she said, tilting her head to the side to lock gazes with
Max and Monroe.

  “You never would have been able to do this on your own. You’re squirming and cringing even now. I had to make sure all that dirt and bad stuff was out of it,” Max said then placed his hands on her thigh and calf at each end from where the cuts and scratches began and ended. He moved her leg slightly.

  “I think I got it all out. Now for the ointment,” he said.

  She turned toward him. “You don’t have to do that. I can get it,” she said, taking in the sight of his uniform, the badge, and that older, more seasoned expression he always had. She was angering him. He was complicated. Her life was way too complicated already.

  She felt the hand on her shoulder then fingers touch her chin and tilt it upward. Her eyes locked gazes with Monroe.

  “It’s our responsibility to protect you and watch out for you. We don’t want to ever see you hurt, or in pain. Got that?” he asked.

  Her core tightened and in her mind she wished she were different, stronger, capable of having men like Monroe, Caldwell, and Max, but she wasn’t. She was weak, palpable to the point where their control, their good looks, their attraction she felt for them would overrule her rational mind and make her succumb to hurt and sadness once again. Like the books she read all said. You must first admit to the problem, agree that you have a problem before you can make changes to alleviate the problem and make it disappear. She’d been trying to do that for the better part of a year now. No such luck.

  “I am not your responsibility. It isn’t your job to protect me and watch over me. You had to do that for a week while Marlena was in danger. We’re months past that. Listen, I’m not going to argue with you. I appreciate the help with this, but I think I’ll be okay.”

  She felt Max press the ointment to her raw skin and she flinched. “Oh God,” she whispered.

  “Easy, baby. I know it burns. I’ll be quick,” Max said. The fact that he called her “baby” was one thing, but the way it made her feel was completely another. Her pussy clenched, her breasts felt full, and she wished for things she stopped wishing for once Tony screwed her over.

  Monroe stood up and walked toward the wall with her displays of stained glass panels she made. Then he looked at the one she was working on. A custom order.

  “These are amazing, Alicia. You should open up your own storefront.”

  Max wiped his hands after he closed up the tube.

  “I don’t know. It’s risky.”

  Monroe turned toward her.

  “But you’re doing well, selling on eBay?” he asked.

  “I’m doing very well there.”

  “Then you should consider opening up a small storefront. You can do custom orders and then random sales on eBay still.”

  “I’ve thought about it.”

  “You go to the new construction site on the edge of town a lot. You considering renting one of the storefronts there?” Max asked her and she saw Monroe’s eyes light up.

  “I don’t think so. I mean, maybe. I don’t know, why?” she asked and then turned to sit up, feeling the effects of the ointment kick in.

  “This is amazing work. You’re very talented,” Max told her then walked out of the room to the bathroom to wash his hands she assumed as she heard the water start a few seconds after he disappeared.

  “Is that what you were doing? You were checking out the construction site?” Monroe asked her.

  “I like going there and see it improve every day. It’s going to be a prime location,” she said as she placed her hands on her lap.

  “I heard that they sold six out of the twelve storefronts already. If you’re considering it, let Caldwell and me know. We’re friends with the guy building them.”

  “Oh, well like I said, I’m not sure I’m ready for that. I mean I would love to. Don’t get me wrong, but I don’t know if I want to take the financial risk. It’s a lot to consider.”

  “Hey, your stuff is great. If you don’t want to take it all on yourself, you could find a partner, or someone who supports your work that’s willing to back you financially.”

  “And if it fails, then what? I owe that person my life?”

  “No, there are ways to protect both parties. If you’re interested, talk to Caldwell or myself. We know people,” he told her and she nodded her head as she took in the sight of Monroe. He wore dress pants, a pair of cowboy boots peeked out from the hem on his ankles, and he wore a blue button-down shirt, no tie. He looked good. He looked classy.

  She heard him clear his throat and then cross his arms in front of his chest.

  “The place looks good. You’re a neat freak huh?” he asked.

  “I wouldn’t say that. You haven’t been in her bathroom,” Max said and then winked at Monroe.

  “What’s wrong with my bathroom?” she asked and tried to stand up as she thought about how she might have left it this morning. She was a bit of a neat freak. She was always cleaning. In fact, she cleaned the bathroom this morning.

  Then she remembered how she washed out some bras and thong panties to hang on the line she made in the bathroom shower. Oh God. He saw them. The sheriff saw her panties hanging in there.

  Alicia felt her cheeks warm and she cleared her throat.

  “So, thanks again for the help.”

  She grunted as she got up and Max reached for her to help her.

  “I’m fine.”

  He held her gaze. His dark brown eyes bore into hers.

  “You’re more than fine, Alicia. You’re perfect.”

  She didn’t know why he said that and she didn’t want to ask, but didn’t get the chance. He excused himself and said he needed to get back to work.

  “Now you be sure to cover that up and reapply the ointment. I’ll check in on you later.”

  “That won’t be necessary. I have work to do.”

  “I’ll text you.”

  She wondered how he would do that since she never gave out her cell number, and then it hit her. He was the sheriff, he could find out anything. She thought about Tony and how he sold the company they had right out from underneath her and how he cheated on her and basically used her. The sheriff could know already and he and his brothers could be looking to do the same thing.

  “Alicia.” She heard her name and there was Monroe.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, placing his hands on her shoulders.

  She shook them off and stepped back, ignoring the ache.

  “Please leave. I’ll be fine.” She looked toward the sheriff. “Don’t call me or text me. I’ll take care of myself, thank you.”

  She thought Max might challenge her but instead he looked perplexed and he winked before he opened the door and indicated he was waiting on Monroe to leave with him.

  Monroe smiled.

  “You take care of that leg and be sure to call me about the storefront. We can make it happen together.”

  The door closed and she sighed feeling the tears in her eyes.

  I bet you could. You and your two brothers would use me, play with my emotions and truly destroy any bit of self-confidence I may have left somewhere inside of me. You’re all hot and sexy, but no thank you. I’m destined for loneliness. That’s the way it has to be.

  Chapter 2

  “I don’t think she’s coming,” Max said as he stood in the kitchen along with his brothers. He had a feeling Alicia would change her mind despite how excited Caldwell was about getting her over here for a project. He didn’t think it was such a great idea since Alicia was so shy and seemed timid when it came to them. It felt like he got her here under false pretenses and that could only mean disaster.

  “She’ll come here, despite her injury. Even though she seems fearful of us she is still professional. That’s one of the qualities I personally find endearing,” Caldwell replied.

  “I hope her leg is okay,” Monroe said as they heard the doorbell ring.

  “Holy shit. She’s here,” Monroe added and Caldwell hurried down the hallway to the door.

  Max and Monroe follow
ed and as Caldwell opened the door there stood Alicia looking incredible as usual.

  She pushed the strand of hair behind her ear and shyly looked up at Caldwell.

  “Sorry I’m late, my car wouldn’t start.”

  Caldwell looked past her and Max felt concerned.

  “Maybe you should get that checked out?” Monroe said as he joined them by the front door.

  She looked over her shoulder toward her car. “That’s okay. It’s been doing that for a while.”

  “Well then you should definitely get it checked out. The last thing you need is to be stuck on the side of the road somewhere all alone,” Max said to her, instantly hoping she heeded his advice. He couldn’t help but to think of all the bad things that could happen to a beautiful woman like Alicia stuck on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.

  “It will be fine,” she said, looking at Max as if he upset her.

  “Come on inside. Welcome to our home,” Caldwell interrupted and she smiled and entered.

  Max felt his gut clench. She was so petite compared to the three of them it made him feel protective as usual.

  “This is so big, and the ceilings are so high,” she told them as she walked around and took in the sight.

  “We’re tall men. Always hated walking into places and having to duck between every doorway,” Monroe told her.

  She nodded her head.

  “I wouldn’t know how that feels,” she said and Monroe smiled.

  Max looked her over. “How is your thigh? You taking good care of it? Applying the ointment?” he asked.

  She swallowed hard and looked up at him with an expression that warned him to be patient with her. She was a timid thing.

  “Yes, sheriff. It still hurts a bit but I’ll be fine,” she said and he raised one of his eyebrows up at her but before he could tell her to call him Max, his brother interrupted.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” Monroe asked.

  “No, thank you. If you would like to show me the wine cellar and this window you want me to see, that would be great and I can get out of your hair in no time.”


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