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Midsummer Night's Fling: Belinda Boring, Kamery Solomon, Lacey Weatherford

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by Weatherford, Lacey

  A Midsummer Night’s Fling

  A collection of stories

  Enchanted Hearts, Forever, and Faery Kissed


  Belinda Boring, Kamery Solomon, and Lacey Weatherford

  Moonstruck Media - Arizona

  Copyright © 2012 Moonstruck Media, Lacey Weatherford, Belinda Boring, Kamery Solomon


  Published by

  Moonstruck Media


  Smashwords Ebook Edition

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  This book is available in print and ebook format.

  Enchanted Hearts

  By Belinda Boring


  To Mum and Dad

  Who would’ve thought I’d be living my dreams like this?

  Oh wait, you both did. Thanks for always believing in me. I love you.

  To Angel

  Willy. Never forget it *winks*

  Chapter One


  I knew I shouldn’t be here, but like every other time, her beauty beckoned me.

  I was helpless to resist the lure of temptation—completely captivated—enchanted. Some would find irony in a Fae enchanted by a human. Once upon a time, I may have argued with them and convinced them of the impossibility of such a statement.

  That was before I saw her, however. Everything had changed in that moment.

  I don’t believe in fate, the concept absurd to those of my people. We are endless—eternal—the masters of our own destinies. The longevity of our lives affords us the chance to sample all that life offers and with that comes the arrogant belief of our superiority.

  Had someone told me I would become fascinated with a human female, I would’ve laughed and dismissed them with a casual wave of my hand. I would’ve reminded them who I was—Prince Hadrian Strongbow, youngest son to Queen Willomena—and such behavior was beneath me.

  That was before I saw her, however. Everything changed in that moment.

  Aithne. Her name was like a prayer on my lips.

  Until that first encounter, I’d considered myself incapable of being influenced by baser emotions. But one look at her radiant beauty—the way her countenance seemed to outshine even the sun—was my undoing.


  I didn’t ever stand a chance.

  “This needs to stop, Brother. Nothing can come from such an attachment.” There was a touch of sadness to my eldest brother’s voice. Having one other sibling, Favian and I were the closest, and I wasn’t surprised that he’d followed me here.

  I sensed his presence long before Favian revealed himself. Standing just within the tree line, I used the shadows cast by the fading sun as a way to keep hidden and didn’t turn to respond. My focus, as always, rested on her.

  My Aithne.

  “Come, there’s much to do at home. The hunt approaches, and a lot is expected of you.”

  “I don’t care. I will be home when I’m good and ready,” I responded. A smile curled over my lips as I caught the sight of a small flash of skin. My mouth watered as the desire to taste her grew strong. Leaning against the trunk of the old, giant, oak tree, I kept my arms tightly folded across my chest. The need to touch her soft body was maddening.

  Favian moved beside me, and let out a heavy sigh. “This is folly, Hadrian, pure and simple. If you must, have your fling, but do so quickly. Take your fill and purge her from your system.” He took a step forward and I could hear the beginning of frustration in his voice. I knew he didn’t understand my fascination with Aithne, but I was helpless to explain something I didn’t quite comprehend myself. All I knew was I couldn’t keep away, and the feelings I was experiencing were deeper than anything I’d ever known.

  “I choose more than a mere dalliance. One taste would never satisfy me. She’s under my skin, brother, and not so easily removed. How can I not be in love with her? She is exquisite.”

  “She is human and therefore beneath you. You speak of love? Don’t fool yourself. What you feel is the stirrings of lust, and will no doubt lead to an unhealthy obsession. She is not for you. Come home.”

  “I’m under her spell,” I murmured, ignoring his pleas.

  “It will fade. You’re not the first to think so.” Favian put his hand on my shoulder and moved to block my view of Aithne. Anger stirred within me and caused my fists to clench. For the first time since his arrival, I looked at my brother and acknowledged him.

  “Why are you here?” Suddenly impatient, I spoke through gritted teeth. The faster I could get rid of him, the sooner I’d be able to continue watching the object of my affection. The coolness in the air suggested evening was fast approaching, and time was of the essence. Any moment she could decide to leave, and I wasn’t prepared to see her go just yet. I was never ready.

  “In truth, I am curious. I want to see what holds the sole attention of my beloved brother and brings him across into this world, defying his mother’s wishes. You know she won’t turn a blind eye forever. It’s why I suggest you hurry, have your fling, and be done with this.” Favian shifted so he was in my full view. With my complete attention, it was difficult to ignore his concern. “Please, favored or not, you don’t want to upset her. You know how she feels.”

  Closing my eyelids, I recalled the countless lectures I’d received in my youth—about the ruthlessness of humans and their fickle hearts. Many Fae had been lured into traps only to find their souls ensnared. It had led only to misery—so my Mother spoke—and I’d promised to avoid it at all cost. I’d kept my word. Until Aithne.

  “Turn around and look for yourself. See what brings me here eager for a mere glimpse.” I ignored the flicker of hesitation that crossed Favian’s face. The idea his soul could be captured by just one look was pure superstition, and I struggled not to laugh. “See.”

  He had no need to fear, she was perfect. Sitting in the shallow depths of the river, the water caressed her slender form as she trailed her dainty hands through the crystal liquid. The sun’s rays caused her raven-black hair to shine, the soft curls framing her face perfectly. I longed to twirl the long strands around my fingers—the same way the tips floated about in the current when she tilted her head back and stared at the sky. She was flawless—from the porcelain glow of her skin to the smile that brightened her countenance. What I yearned for was to see the true color of her dark eyes. I imagined they were a rich chocolate brown and just once, I wanted them to look my way.

  He moved slowly, but once he beheld her there was silence. I couldn’t tell what his thoughts were—his expression guarded—but I was confident he understood what brought me back here seeking her presence. Her innocent beauty was irresistible.

  “I see a human female, brother, one who is obviously not plain but nothing that would warrant your growing obsession. She is pretty e
nough. Have your way with her, and be done with it.”

  “She will never be just a fling,” I growled softly.

  “It’s all she could ever be.” The sorrow in his voice floated in the air. Moving around me, Favian clasped my shoulder and squeezed it gently in apology. “I’m sorry, Hadrian, come home. Please.”

  I bowed my head, not wanting to hear his reasoning or the honesty of his words. I wasn’t ready to acknowledge them, and we stood that way for a moment before I finally nodded.

  “I’ll be there shortly,” I conceded without turning to the sound of splashing water which beckoned for one more glance. Favian appeared satisfied with my response and faded away into the trees.

  Letting out a sigh, I took a step to follow. But her tinkling laughter reached out, and—like a fish trapped in a net—I was caught again. Imprisoned by desire, I broke my vow without a second thought.

  It was one thing to yearn from the shadows. It was another to break free from my confining hiding place and fully reveal I was there.

  A gasp filled the air, and my heart constricted. I’d done it. I was exposed and there was no going back now. Staring into the face of my Aithne as her eyes grew wider by the second, she must have recognized what I was. It should’ve concerned me, but the only thing I could think or feel was relief.


  One simple word uttered from her lips, and I was lost.

  Chapter Two


  The cool water against my skin felt luxurious. Skimming my hands through the crystal clear liquid, my mind wasn’t on the matter of relaxing or enjoying the last few moments of freedom before I returned to my chores. No, my entire being focused on the man I knew was standing hidden within the tree line.

  I knew if I turned all I’d see was the abundant greenery that grew around the village. Farnsworth Forest was as mysterious as it was beautiful and offered my home protection from the marauding thieves who liked to prey on innocent people. Rumors were plentiful—old wives tales about the Fae and how they also shared the woods. Depending on the person, most of the village regarded it as pure nonsense and superstition.

  Not me. I believed. I may not have been able to see the man who watched me from a distance, but I could feel him. His stare caused my skin to tingle with awareness. I should feel threatened, scared even, but it excited me.

  Dressed only in the light fabric of my simple shift, the sun warmed me and calmed my soul as much as sitting in the shallowness of the cool river soothed the tired ache in my muscles. A daily swim as a reward for the day’s hard work was one of my favorite rituals. But as refreshing as it was, it was soon surpassed by something even more favored.

  Him—the male hidden within the shadows. Always watching. Never speaking.

  He was the source of many day dreams and the focus of many wild fancies at night. Would he flee if I suddenly stood and searched for him? Or would he come forward and reveal his identity? He was a constant presence in my thoughts, and although I knew he was within reach, something held me back.

  Being the object of such scrutiny was an intoxicating feeling. For what seemed like the hundredth time since I first became of aware of him, I prayed he would finally leave the safety of the shade. My mind told me the mysterious observer was just one of the local boys too afraid to approach me. But my heart whispered he was Fae—one of the gentle folk, the Tuatha de Daanan.

  Leaning backward on my elbows, I closed my eyes as my head tilted toward the sky. Strands of my hair floated in the water as the sound of the trickling river’s current filled the air. Every now and then a small fish nibbled at my submerged toes and caused me to laugh. All the while, I knew his gaze never left me.

  A noise startled me. Darting out of the water, my hands automatically moved in an attempt to maintain some semblance of modesty. I scanned the area looking for the source. Everything was as it should be, but something told me he came.

  Not knowing where to look, my senses heightened as I turned around in circles. Goosebumps covered my skin when I suddenly knew where he was. Instinctively I turned and gaped when I finally beheld him, my hands stifling the gasp of surprise. It was as though the world stilled.

  He was magnificent, and he was staring at me with such intent. I didn’t think as I uttered the first thing that entered my mind.


  And with that one word I was lost.

  I couldn’t take my eyes from him. For all the fantasies I’d indulged in, nothing could’ve prepared me for this. My imagination hadn’t done him justice in the slightest, and my mind worked hard to memorize everything I saw.

  He had thick, dark hair the color of midnight which fell just above his shoulders. It looked like he had been raking it back with his hand and it made my fingers itch to feel its texture.

  His features were strong and angular with a square jawline. High cheekbones gave him the look of an aristocrat. His skin held the sheen often famed as belonging solely to the Fae. He was beautiful, and I blushed at the female term. There was no other word to describe him because handsome didn’t do him justice.

  I beheld his face. His lips were curled slightly in a smile, and I traced my own distractedly. They looked perfect, his bottom lip slightly fuller than the top, and I wondered what it would be like to feel them against my ear whispering sweet nothings.

  Finally, I met his contemplative stare, and the sensation of drowning almost consumed me. In the shade of the most pure blue, his eyes spoke so much. There was an Otherworldliness in them, but what captured me was the look of fascination and longing. I wasn’t prepared to see such strength and passion, and I realized I’d stopped breathing. Forcing myself to break his hold over me, I glanced down at the ground and noticed the water lapping at my feet.

  “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  His voice. It was like nothing I’d ever heard before, as though an angel had floated down from the sky and began singing the holiest of melodies. It held richness in its tone, and I could feel the seductive influence already beginning to tug at my heart strings.

  It was in that moment I realized the truthfullness of the Fae stories and the power they had to enchant humans. Everything about this male lured me in and encouraged wild abandonment. I wanted to fall to the floor and worship him—simply from hearing him speak.

  Heaven help me.

  “You didn’t. I . . .” For the first time in my life I was speechless, something my Papa thought could never happen. He stepped completely out of the tree line and—as the sun fully illuminated him—I could feel myself faltering. He was beyond my wildest dreams, and all I could do was stare silently as he approached.

  Likewise, he examined me with deliberate contemplation. One second he was looking into my eyes, then my lips, then travelling down my neckline before he paused. I knew I needed to retrieve my gown, but my feet were rooted. I couldn’t move even if the hounds of Hell were relentlessly pursuing me.

  The stranger stopped just out of arm’s reach. He licked his lips softly, and I found myself leaning forward slightly as if to taste them also. The compulsion was the strangest feeling, but I didn’t fight it. I was too intrigued.

  Neither of us said anything as tension filled the air. My body sensed a pull toward him as if the only place it belonged was beside him—against him. I shook my head and tried to clear my thoughts. The action helped momentarily, but one more look into his eyes and the connection snapped back into place.

  “My name is Aithne,” I whispered.

  “Mine is Hadrian.” He raised his hand and tentatively stroked the side of my cheek. I gasped as his touch left a trail of pleasure in its wake. “I have wanted to do that for a very long time.”

  I couldn’t stop the shiver or the way my body leaned into his caress. Somewhere in the back of my mind something screamed of propriety and that I shouldn’t allow such intimacy from a stranger. I closed my eyes, ignoring the voice, and prayed he would continue.

  Placing one of his fingers under my chin, Ha
drian lifted my face toward him. His gaze was magnetic, and I was at his complete mercy. My own hands were idle and the need to explore became a constant temptation. But he held me captive and all I could do was wait for his lead.

  His head inched closer.

  “I wonder what you taste like, sweet Aithne. That question has tortured me.”

  A butterfly commotion rose in my stomach as the flittering turned my insides into a riot of nerves. He was going to give me my first-ever kiss. My hands rested on my stomach fortifying my resolve as his hands gripped the side of my arms. His thumbs moved in soft circles and caused a faintness to come over me.

  Hadrian was so close, his breath fanning lightly over my skin. I watched his descending mouth—his lips. I was a storm of emotions—sensations—as the anticipation grew.

  As he pulled me closer I held onto his shirt front and offered a silent plea that my knees wouldn’t fail me. His lips were a mere fraction from mine. All I needed to do was creep up on my tiptoes, and the moment would be complete.

  We lingered there, the sound of our breath mingling as our eyes locked. He shifted slightly, and traced a delicate pattern across my cheekbone. “I shouldn’t.” His other arm encircled my waist. “But how can I not?”

  My patience snapped as I clenched my fists into the supple material. Proper or not, I wanted to claim what was before me. I needed what was being offered. I prepared to inch upward, determined.

  “Aithne?” A voice called, disturbing the magic of the moment.

  “No . . . ,” I whispered. A feeling of dismay washed over me as I watched Hadrian step back to see who was approaching. His own features looked uncertain, and I knew in that second he was preparing to disappear. “Please don’t go.”


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