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The Klaus Brothers Boxed Set

Page 7

by penny watson

  Nicholas hugged Lucy tightly against him. “Forgive me?”

  “Yes, I forgive you. How can I ever thank you for saving my life? I can’t believe what you’ve done for me.” Lucy stroked his face. “I hope you trust me enough to tell me the truth from now on.”

  “There’s nothing left to hide. I knowingly disobeyed several crucial laws of Glasdorf yesterday. You were going to die, and I simply could not allow that to happen. The council will call a special meeting called the Tag der Rache, and I’ll be asked to defend myself.”

  “I want to go with you. And talk to the council. What’s going to happen when you meet with them?”

  Nicholas shook his head. “I don’t know. I guess it’s possible I’ll be expelled from Glasdorf…”

  “What! They wouldn’t do that! You’d be separated from your family, Nicholas. I won’t let them, I’ll talk to them—”

  Nicholas cupped Lucy’s cheeks in his giant hands. “Don’t worry, sweet. Whatever happens, I’ll be okay. I can make it in the Sudenwelt as a chef, right? Nothing is as important as your well-being. That means everything to me.”

  Lucy buried her face in his chest.

  Damn. I don’t want her to feel guilty. I don’t have any regrets for what I’ve done. “How about a tour of Glasdorf? There’s so much I want to show you. And I can’t wait for you to meet my family. We might run into my brothers around town and I’ll introduce you.”

  Lucy turned her face up to Nicholas. “I saw the photo in your bedroom. You and your brothers are all giants. The elves must think you guys are Paul Bunyan, or something.”

  Nick laughed. “Not all the elves are like Markus and Hector. Some of them are rather…how should I put this…a little rough around the edges?”

  Lucy looked intrigued. “How rough?”

  “Well, if we stop by Dag’s Pub you’ll get the idea. Sometimes they get a little stir crazy living up here. My youngest brother Oskar has a difficult job keeping all of the workers in line. And things tend to get pretty crazy as Christmas approaches. As you can imagine, it’s a very frantic time in Glasdorf.”

  Lucy kissed the tip of his nose. “I can’t wait to see the rest of the village! Let’s go…but, I don’t have any clothes.”

  “Actually, you do. Oda, Markus’s wife, sent me home with lots of packages for you. Let’s go take a look.”

  Chattering away, Lucy dragged Nicholas into the bedroom. Most people would have reacted with disbelief, even scorn, to the news that Santa was not just a children’s legend, but a reality. Lucy was bursting with excitement, eagerly opening all of the boxes from Oda, as thrilled as a child on Christmas morning.

  Nicholas had to swallow a groan as she started to model her new outfits. Each one seemed more alluring than the last, clinging to every curve, highlighting the sexy swing of her hips. She spun around in front of the full-length mirror, and he was treated to a sweat-inducing view of her gorgeous arse and a wild mane of copper curls. It certainly was not helping that his sleigh bed was just a few steps away. He could just imagine pushing her down on the silky sheets, rubbing his aching erection between her legs, showing her just how primed he was…

  “Oda has very good taste. I love this dress. It’s feminine, but also really comfortable. I could even bake in this!” Lucy smoothed her hands down the sides of a rich blue dress that set off her reddish curls and sparkling eyes.

  Nicholas instantly snapped out of his wayward reverie. Pull it together, man.

  “Baking. Speaking of baking, how would you like to see my kitchen, Klaus Küche? I need to check in with my workers and see how the Christmas orders are coming along.”

  Lucy stopped suddenly, her face ashen. “Oh my God, Nicholas, I can’t believe I’ve forgotten about Sweet Inspiration. I have orders, and employees counting on me. Mrs. Henderson’s party. How could I have forgotten?”

  “I guess almost dying, being abducted by Santa’s son, and waking up at the North Pole may have been a bit of a distraction. Never fear, I’ve sent a friend to your café, and he’s filling in for you until…well, until you’ve recovered. He told your customers and the police that you were injured in the accident and I brought you to a special medical facility to save you.”

  “Who’s this friend? Someone you trust? Does he know anything about baking?”

  Nicholas chuckled. “He is a very close friend from the Sudenwelt, not to mention a master chef. He owes me lots of favors, and I called them in. Mrs. Henderson and all of your orders will be taken care of.”

  Lucy’s forehead crinkled. “I don’t know, Nicholas. This is my busiest time of year. I’ve never been away from my shop before. There are a lot of people counting on me. Amy Chandler’s birthday party is coming up. And my oven sometimes gets a little finicky. I’m the only one who knows how to coax it into gear…”

  Nicholas pulled Lucy into his arms and kissed her forehead. “I promise you that your café is in good hands. I know how important Sweet Inspiration is to you.”

  Lucy smiled sheepishly. “Thank you for being so thoughtful. I hope Joe wasn’t too worried.”

  “He was very much relieved to hear you’re okay.”

  “This is actually the first vacation I’ve had…well, ever. I’ve worked in my café every single day since it opened.”

  “Well then, I have to ensure that you are properly pampered on your vacation. In every way.”

  Lucy’s blush was too rosy to hide. “I can’t wait,” she whispered and slipped her hand into his. Nicholas swallowed a lump in his throat. He was determined to make this a vacation she would never forget.

  And maybe if I’m lucky, she won’t want to leave.

  Lucy had fallen totally in love.

  With a village.

  Glasdorf was the most enchanting, festive town she could ever imagine. Every street was lined with charming shops and restaurants, singing elves enjoying the Christmas season, and sleighs gliding on the snowy roadways. She and Nicholas sipped mugs of hot chocolate as they meandered through the streets. Lucy eagerly explored the shops, amazed by the cheerful elves who greeted her. There were clock stores and bell stores and toy stores and candy stores. Shops filled with antiques, music shops with every imaginable instrument, stores filled with beautiful linens and hand-knit items…and bakeries. Some had stacks of cookies in the frosted windows; some were filled with trays of chocolates and petit fours. One shop was literally made completely out of gingerbread…the entire thing! When Lucy expressed her disbelief, Nicholas leaned over and took a bite out of the doorframe. A little old woman shooed him away with a broom, but she was laughing, her eyes crinkled with mischief.

  “How would you like to see my kitchen, Lucy Anne? It’s right down this street.”

  “Oh, I would love to.”

  “Here we are. Klaus Küche.” Nicholas beamed as they turned the corner and came to a gigantic building.

  “Oh Nicholas! It’s wonderful.” Lucy gazed in awe at the enormous shop. A seemingly endless line of windows framed by peppermint-striped awnings stretched down the entire block. Inside she could see hundreds of elves in baker’s whites scurrying around the kitchen. The delicious scent of baking cookies filled the air. Mothers with their children hustled in and out of the shop, with baskets of goodies in their arms.

  “Umm, that smells so good. What kind of cookies are you baking today?” Lucy grabbed Nicholas’s hand and pulled him toward the front door.

  “Snickerdoodles. They’re my father’s favorites.”

  “So it’s true that Santa loves cookies and milk!”

  Nicholas nodded. “There’s nothing my father likes better than a plate of fresh, hot cookies right out of the oven, and a big glass of milk.”

  Lucy laughed. “Does he really eat all those cookies children leave for him on Christmas Eve?”

  “He shares them with the elves. There’s actually a ton of sleighs in action on delivery night. But the reindeer are a myth, sorry.”

  “No Rudolph?” Lucy pouted. “I don’t believe it.

  “The sleighs are powered by elfin magic. We don’t have reindeer, but we do have a lot of other animals. My father has a fantastic pack of malamutes. And my mother loves birds. She has a room filled with finches at their house.”

  Lucy entered the foyer to Klaus Küche and gasped. “Oh…my…God. This is incredible.” Rows and rows of stainless steel tables filled an enormous workroom crawling with elves. One wall was covered with ovens, stacked three high. Elves stood on stepladders to reach the upper level, as baking sheets were quickly unloaded and replaced with new ones. Another wall was lined with shelves, covered with transparent glass canisters. Lucy could see candies and colored sugars, dried fruits and nuts. There were packages of flour, sugar and salt, as well as countless bottles of flavorings. The elves occupied different stations; some mixing, some cleaning, some packaging, and some in charge of the ovens.

  It seemed to Lucy that as soon as she and Nicholas entered the shop, the elves began to work a little faster, eager to please their boss. Not one of them smiled and said hello, however. Lucy thought that was a little strange. In fact, the elves seemed to be studiously avoiding all eye contact with Nicholas.

  “Lucy, I’m going to check in at the office and make sure our holiday orders are on track. Would you like to join me, or continue exploring the kitchen?”

  “Actually, I would love to stay here in the kitchen. I’ve never seen anything like it. Is that okay?”

  “Of course. If you have any questions, the elves will be happy to assist you.” Nicholas gave her a soft kiss on the lips before heading off.

  As Lucy slowly investigated the shop, the elves seemed to relax. A bit hesitant at first, they slid glances and timid smiles her way, and finally they began to speak and introduce themselves.

  “You must be Nicholas’s new lady friend we’ve been hearing about. Would you like a tour of the facility?” a serious-looking elf inquired.

  “I would love a tour! I’m in heaven in this kitchen. It simply has everything, doesn’t it? My café back home is much smaller, but we still manage to crank out some yummy treats.”

  “Oh, you have a café in the Sudenwelt! We didn’t know you were a baker, Miss…?”

  “Brewster. Lucy Anne Brewster. I’m from Eston, New York. It’s a really tiny town. My shop is called Sweet Inspiration.”

  About half a dozen elves gathered around her looking quite curious.

  “Nice to meet you, Lucy Anne. I’m Max, in charge of the gingerbread men, women and children.” He had spoken so seriously, so sincerely, Lucy could not help laughing.

  “That sounds like a fun job. Where are the gingerbread…people?”

  “Right this way, Miss.” Max grabbed onto Lucy’s hand and led her down a hallway. The other elves tagged along, chattering behind them. About a dozen more elves had joined their parade before Max stopped in front of a door labeled Pfefferkuchen.

  “Here we are, Miss Lucy.” Max opened the door and Lucy gasped in delight. In a room the size of a football field was a model village, complete with cars and trains, houses and bridges, schoolyards and churches, lakes and mountains. And everything was made of gingerbread. Thick layers of creamy icing topped the cottages, sparkling sugar glistened from the frozen ponds, and lights twinkled from inside the buildings. The trains clacked along the tracks, and church bells began to ring. Lucy glanced around the room. Where are the electrical wires?

  “It’s magic, Miss.” Max smiled at Lucy and a big dimple popped out on his chin, just above his russet-colored beard.

  Lucy was surprised to feel a tiny hand reach for hers and give her a squeeze. She looked down to find a pretty blonde elf with long silky braids holding her hand.

  “I’m Birgit. Are you okay, Miss Lucy? Don’t be sad.”

  Lucy realized that tears were slowly rolling down her cheeks. “Oh, Birgit. I’m not sad. I’m captivated. This is…a miracle. I wish every child in the Sudenwelt could see this room. It is simply amazing.” Lucy squeezed Birgit’s hand and smiled. “Tell me what you do here. Do you like working here?”

  “Oh yes, Miss. I work in packaging. We have so many orders to fill for the holidays. Working for Nicholas Jr. is a very big honor in Glasdorf. His baked goods are the best in the world. It’s a very well-run kitchen, I assure you.”

  Lucy spied a shy-looking woman in the corner, very pregnant, and a bit flushed.

  “Hello. What’s your name?”

  “Greta, Miss. It’s an honor to meet you.”

  “I hope you haven’t been on your feet too long. Expectant mothers should take frequent rests during the day, you know. One of my employees had a baby last year. A little girl.” Lucy found a stool and pulled it over for the elf who looked surprised and thankful.

  “I’m having a girl, too. I’m going to name her Astrid.”

  “What a beautiful name. Can I get you something to drink, Greta? You look tired.”

  “Oh no, Miss. That’s not necessary.”

  “I’ll bet it’s time for all of you to have a break soon. Why don’t we all have some cocoa and you can tell me about Klaus Küche and Glasdorf?”

  Max clapped his hands delightedly. “What a nice idea. You don’t think Nicholas Jr. would mind, do you? He’s a little particular about how things get done here.”

  Lucy shook her head. “Nicholas won’t mind. He told me to enjoy myself, and that’s what I’m doing.” Lucy realized the gingerbread room was now packed with elves. Soon they were bringing her cocoa and platters of cookies, and regaling her with stories about Glasdorf. Nicholas is so lucky to work here, thought Lucy. The elves are so sweet natured and cheerful. This is a dream-come-true.

  Nicholas walked into a nightmare. The kitchen was deserted. Smoke was pouring out of at least five ovens, icing was hardening on tabletops, and trays of cookies were turning stale in front of his eyes. What the holy hell is going on in here? Where is everybody?

  Distantly he heard the sound of laughter; it almost sounded like a party. And it was coming from the gingerbread room. Nicholas stomped through the workroom and down the hall to the Pfefferkuchen display. He wrenched open the door and stopped in stunned silence at the sight in front of him. Lucy Anne was seated on a stool with scores of elves surrounding her. They were giggling and chatting away without a care in the world. Half-eaten platters of cookies and sweets were stacked around the room, and there were mugs of cocoa everywhere, some spilling onto the floor. Nicholas could feel a twitch in his left eyelid start to flutter.

  “Silence!” he roared. Everyone froze. A sea of startled faces turned towards him. Softening his voice, Nicholas continued. “Would someone like to tell me why there is no one manning the workroom? I have just been informed by the office that since I left for my vacation, production has decreased by seven percent. That is unacceptable. Christmas is only days away. Why, in the name of all that is holy, are all of you here instead of there?!” he pointed to the main work area as he shouted the end of his sentence.

  A tiny, red-faced man stepped forward. “Miss Lucy said we could take a break and tell her about Glasdorf. She has a lot of questions since she’s a Suddie.”

  Nicholas glanced at Lucy. She was clasping the hand of a pregnant elf and stroking her hand reassuringly. “Nicholas, there is no need to be so angry. All of your employees have been working so hard, I thought it would be nice to have a little break. You do allow your workers breaks during their shifts, don’t you?”

  “Of course I do. But not all at the same time. There is mass chaos out there right now, because my rules and regulations are not being followed.”

  Lucy stood up. “All of these wonderful elves have been gracious and kind to me. You should be appreciating their concern, instead of berating them. I’m happy to help clean up in the kitchen and catch up with the orders.”

  “Oh no, you don’t. Klaus Küche is not like Sweet Inspiration, Lucy. There are no puppies rolling around on the floor, no punk waitresses fleeing for Vegas, and no pushy clients ordering me about. I make the rule
s around here, and everyone follows them. To a ‘T.’ We are a bit more organized and efficient in Glasdorf.”

  Suddenly aware that a multitude of curious faces was observing him, Nicholas turned to the workers and barked “Back to work! Now!” The room cleared in a matter of seconds. He reached for Lucy’s hand, but she stepped back from him, her eyes sparking with anger.

  “That was uncalled for, Nicholas. Rude, and…and…unkind. Your elves were just being sociable. It’s my fault that they left their stations. I told them it was okay. I didn’t realize it would jeopardize your precious schedule.”

  She poked him in the chest with her finger. “And how dare you insult my café! Sweet Inspiration might not be as impressive as your kitchen, but my customers love it. At least my employees aren’t scared of me.”

  “Maybe that’s your problem, Lucy Anne. They should be a little bit scared of you. Instead, they run you ragged. You need to learn how to become more authoritative if you want to run an efficient business.”

  “You…you…you pompous ass!” Lucy grabbed the nearest object she could find, which happened to be the remains of a cherry-filled chocolate bon bon on a plate. Nicholas gasped as she flung the dessert right at him, splattering it all over his pristine white shirt. He looked down in disbelief at the mess on his chest. Before he could utter another word, Lucy was racing past him with tears streaming down her face.

  “Wait, Lucy, dammit, slow down!” She was out the door before he could catch her. “Well, hell.” Nicholas could not believe their lovely day had soured so quickly. It probably wasn’t such a good idea to criticize her business. Or yell at the elves in front of her. She was clearly feeling protective of his workers.

  He banged the door open and glared at the nearest elf he spotted. “Clean up the damned mess in there! Immediately!” Then he trudged down the hallway to the main workroom. Hundreds of accusing eyes stared at him. The pregnant elf stepped forward, trembling all over.

  “You made Miss Lucy cry, Mr. Klaus. We like her.”


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