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Gentle Beast

Page 8

by Margaret Afseth

  And my young male is cursed to the no mate list too, because of his Noor blood.

  If the human male has the Noor anomaly, so does his young female. She is fourteen, Jabek sixteen, perfect for mating…but will they be allowed to reproduce?

  At the very least, he will have a companion.

  She had to do this, if not for herself, for her son.

  Twila typed in: Will accept; will sponsor. Notify of arrival time, please. And sent the message.

  When she stood up and made to leave the room, Thor grinned widely.

  “I hear one word of this on the floor, or anywhere on ship,” Twila hissed. “I will see you are transferred off our base, so fast you will wonder what Tornado Being caught you unprepared.”

  “Mum’s the word!” Thor agreed stoically.

  “Better be!” Twila growled.


  Loki stumbled and almost fell. He sat down hard on the floor between two empty beds.

  The room swam, gyrating, tilting nauseatingly. He was about to pass out. He hadn’t done that since a child.

  The next he was aware, the short Root, head physician Zaba, stood over him. “U…e…l!” he bellowed. “Where are you?”

  “Here, here,” Uel panted joining the irate master. “Oh…dear…”

  “Yes. Oh, dear. What is wrong with this stupid Noor?”

  Loki couldn’t get the words out to tell them he’d be fine in a minute.

  He knew what was wrong with him. He’d given too much blood; he hadn’t stopped at the fourth night, like he’d planned.

  The little she isn’t responding as she should, and I am loath to give up in defeat.


  “Well,” Uel declared. “He’s probably low energy. You can’t expect to keep him in a belt without effect…and obviously, he’s not been getting enough rest.”

  “Harrumph,” grunted Zaba. “So…you think he wants a day off?”

  Uel hissed in annoyance at the insensitive Root. “Wouldn’t hurt. We could all use a day off once in a while.”

  “You have sleep period. Casualties never come in until after Roog quit feasting and rutting.”

  Uel hissed in frustration. “The Noor needs a break. Give him time to heal back.”

  “From what?”

  “He’s practically responsible for this whole bay, keeps it running smoothly, tends it by himself mostly; keeps it clean, is on call in the night. Give him a break.”

  “Harrumph! So…okay, one day. That’s all! Get him out of here, before I change my mind.” Then the Root turned his back, and stalked away.

  “What mind?” grumbled Uel. “Stiff slave driver! Loki, whatever you been doing, you better quit it, before Bom finds out. I’m no dummy; I’ve covered for you, but soon they are going to realize you’ve been stealing supplies and using equipment at night. You want us to stay here the rest of our lives?”

  Loki licked his lips; croaked out the words. “I’ll be fine in a minute. Just help me stand up.”

  “You’re an idiot! If you think this will get you out of here, you’re sadly mistaken. Others have tried it before you. Bom has fed them to his dog cousins.”

  “He wouldn’t like my taste. I’m Noor. We have a tingling bitter after flavour.”

  “Ha! Glad you still have a sense of humour,” Uel declared, as he helped Loki to his feet. “But it doesn’t impress me. I got you some free time; use it! Go get some rest!”

  “Kay.” Loki swayed dangerously.

  “Need me to help you to your room?”

  Loki thought of what he had hidden there. If Uel knew before the she was healed, Loki couldn’t trust he wouldn’t tell Bom.

  “No. No, I’ll make it.”

  “Okay then.” Uel gave him a sidelong glance, then turned and walked away in the direction the old Root had gone.

  Loki sighed, and stumbled away in the opposite direction.


  As he passed by the stasis chamber, he stopped short, his thoughts going to his hidden patient. He turned into the room; stood there watching the dim pulsing light.

  Wish you could tell me what to do next? All your knowledge stored away in there, and I can’t even tap it. She’s dying on me anyway. I can’t give any more.

  His vision narrowed. Swaying in weakness, Loki turned about dejectedly.

  If he had been more alert, he might have noticed the light in the case blink out. It then appeared on the ceiling above the case. When Loki left the room, travelled step by weary step to his chamber, it followed, hovering at the ceiling just behind. When he slowly opened the door, stepped in, before he shut it, the transparent creature slipped in, hovering at the ceiling.

  It remained there while Loki checked his unresponsive patient, lay down beside her, and gave way to sleep.

  An hour passed. The light image moved, shifted, lowered slowly to hover over the small human form…and blended with it.


  Loki sat bolt upright, as he woke to the thrashing of his diminutive bedmate. Her sounds were almost animalistic, as she tore frantically at the facemask of the breather unit. She was covered in sweat, seemed almost convulsing, yet her actions appeared purposeful.

  Loki quickly unlocked the mask from her face, tossed it away to a corner; heard the clank of the empty oxygen cylinder as it hit the floor. Before he could move out of the way, the female turned on her side, gagged, and retched, foam spraying from between parted lips. The light blanket over them was baptized.

  Somehow Loki didn’t care anymore. He moaned, and slid down beside her. Hopelessly, he lay there, wishing she would just give up and die.

  What have I done? I am just prolonging her torture. Hasn’t she suffered enough?

  A light rap at the door had him worried. “Who’s there?”

  Has someone heard the commotion? What time was it, anyway? Still day?

  “It’s Uel,” came the voice of his fellow prisoner. “Sorry to disturb you, but…I need to tell you something. I figured you’d want to know.”

  “Just a minute.”

  I can’t let him inside. Especially not now!


  Loki opened the door, standing blocking the view into his room. Uel didn’t try to enter, but spoke in a whisper.

  “Pew! I smell vomit. You sick?” But the Feline didn’t wait for an answer. “I told you never to eat the stew. Human meat doesn’t agree with Feline digestion. Get fish from More, rather.”

  Loki wasn’t going to correct his misconception. “What’s so important? I haven’t been asleep that long, have I?”

  “Naw, it’s still middle noon. I thought you’d be interested…”

  “In what?”

  Uel sighed, skirting the issue. “Well…I was dumping trash down the disposal chute, and…well…”

  “Spit it out Uel. I’d like to go back to bed.”

  “Ah, ya sure. Well, as I passed by the stasis room, I noticed it was dark.”

  Loki frowned. “What are you saying?”

  “The Essence…I think, it’s died…”

  Loki groaned, doubling forward in grief.

  Ah, man! Now, I can’t even help it.

  “Sorry…” Uel seemed at a loss at what to say.

  Loki straightened, suddenly resolute.

  “Better this way,” he declared coldly. “It’s time she was released from her bondage. She’s been tortured long enough!”

  When he spoke the words, Loki had more in mind then just the Essence.

  Without thinking, he pushed the door closed, slamming it in Uel’s face.


  I will do one more thing for her before I leave her to die.

  Finding an old cooking pail, he filled it with warm water and soapsuds, and brought it to his sleep mat. Leaving it on the floor, he first removed the light sheet he had over the human.

  What difference does it make if she is naked for now? This will soon be over.

  Setting the thin coverlet in soapy water in the walled bottom of th
e shower stall, he washed, rinsed, wrung it out, and hung it over the top of the rail to dry.

  Kneeling down beside the bed, he turned the female on her back. It struck him then; she had rolled over on her own the first time.

  And wasn't she using her hands to try to tear away the mask?

  She should have no ability to move! She has been motionless for nearly a week!

  Is she healing?

  He shook his head.

  No, she can’t be, all my imagination.

  I’m too stressed. I’m seeing things. This needs to end, not just for her, but also for me.

  Loki wrung out the cloth he’d placed in the pail of soapsuds, brought it to the gaunt face. The lips were still parted, and she seemed to be breathing easier.

  In his mind, he purposely denied the fact.

  As he washed carefully at the now green-yellow skin of the shiner, he realized the swelling had lessened. That too he ignored. He washed the second eyelid. Rinsed his cloth, turning back to wash around mouth and nose, and was shocked to find the eyes open.

  This he could not ignore.

  For a moment the eyes shimmered in rainbow hues, then the irises turned blue with an elongated vertical pupil like that of a cat, and lastly her soul-windows became the cerulean blue human irises with a tiny centre of black.

  Loki pulled in his breath.

  I have infected her; passed on the curse of the Noor. I sure can’t leave her to die now!

  The eyes slid shut; she sighed weakly, as she moved off into sleep.

  Tears dripped from Loki’s eyes, as he finished bathing her.

  At least now she will mend. From this point on, I will forever be responsible for her. That is a given!

  Loki also determined, he would keep her out of a belt, even if it cost him his life, and someday…he would set her free.


  In the Feline society, females went into first heat at fourteen, at which time they were mated. Males were ready at fifteen. When first mate died or was killed, males were delegated to warrior status, and their sentence included all junior male family members under them, as well.

  With the lack of available females in their twelve planet system, if warrior males wished to change their societal position, they were left no other recourse but to seek a partner elsewhere. And there was only one place where there was a bounty of such females: the Forbidden planet!

  Reon was well past the age of ready mating; both he and his father were delegate warriors. At eighteen, Shiveron’s only male offspring was never to be allowed a mate in their society, unless an intervention could be enacted.

  Shiveron had gathered a collection of like-minded individuals, each with the thought of acquiring what was not readily available to them. His main purpose was to get a mate for Reon; he never expected a second mate for himself.

  However, if he were to find a single mother and daughter of the appropriate ages, it would be much appreciated, and he would indeed take the opportunity.

  He vowed he would never take the female from a mated set, even though by Feline order of challenge, many fought and overpowered to take a mate from another.

  But, as far as Shiveron was concerned, this human species they preyed upon left much to be desired when it came to protection, sexual prowess, and the tenderness required to keep a partner content.

  Tonight, the warriors were going hunting on planet Earth.

  Cloaked and invisible to the naked eye, in the bushes many miles from the large city, the group had left hidden the small shuttlecraft that had brought them. It would sit waiting for their return until dawn. The males' intention was to scavenge the area in the dark of night, until they had found what they sought, and had attained their goal.

  They took to the surface in slow easy strides, so as not to use up more energy on the going, that returning burdened down the necessary vigour would be at their disposal, available should they be chased and a fight ensue. Keeping to the shadows along the city edge, loping fast, like a pack of primitives, not moving closer in until the houses came in sight, they approached the large urban settlement.

  Shiveron led his hunting pride into this alien world. Purposely, as a safety precaution, the destination had been left a long way off, but if they held back their strength, and played it out gradual, they would fair well.

  The perceptions of the group were heightened, the Felines in hunting mode. Even Shiveron and Reon though Noor half were disguised by shape-shift as Feline.

  The distant city lights shone brightly, reflecting against the dark sky in vertical rainbows. The air was cool. Such a night should have been most enjoyable, would have been, had they not been on a planet in the Roog system, where they would be hunted as enemy, because Roog were dog and Feline cat, adversarial by nature.

  But these were not like the Roog: vicious, predatory, and merciless. Felines were cautious, watchful, timid, and benevolent, yet if need be, they could be intimidating.

  These were strong males, powerful, warriors. Yet of them, Shiveron was the largest, his assumed black wavy coat blending into the night around them, except should the moonlight reflect back from his normal silver markings, which he’d chosen to retain. The six greys paced beside him coalescing like shadows, huge, cat-like, but still smaller than he, and in the centre, the youngest even shorter.

  Only Reon, who had also chosen to keep his white markings, could perhaps be seen from afar, so the others hid the younger kit in the midst of them, protected by the midnight and the grey, confusing the eye, camouflaged as shadows…almost.

  With great trepidation, Shiveron had taken his son along, yet he knew the younger male needed to be the one to chose his own. Also, he was the lighter, swifter, in case they were attacked unexpectedly, or pursued. Reon could run ahead, arousing those left at the shuttle, sending back a second wave to deliver those cornered.

  The males slowed as they entered the avenues, slinking in between the structures, into the alleyways behind, separating to go their separate ways. They would come back together again at the city’s edge, when each had found his chosen.

  Now that they were alone, Shiveron stood indecisive, wondering what route to take.

  The sudden brightness of the street lamps made his eyes water. In reflex, he squinted. This blinding glare meant, now he needed to depend on his other senses until ocular vision adjusted and returned.

  Why must humans persist in chasing away the darkness? Perhaps it is because night is never safe for them.

  The air was colder than he was used to. Shiveron had never seen snow before. The white frozen water covered the paved streets everywhere.

  Slippery. Hard on the bare feet!

  There were puddles of melted moisture, ice-cold liquid! He stood in one; his toes had gotten wet.

  The moisture hanging in the air clung to his fur.

  Uncomfortable! I am a warrior male; I will not complain!

  He felt static energy spit across his shoulders and back, causing the hair of his tail to spike, standing on end. Shiveron wanted to yowl with the discomfort it brought.

  How do the pure feline stand this constantly? Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to go in camouflage?

  I am a warrior male! This is nothing!

  We must wait; somewhere nearby is the one we want. Let Reon sense her.

  Shiveron’s hair was curling from the condensation, making him appear as a new birthed kit.

  Like a female!

  I am not meant to be beautiful. I am a male! I am warrior! And proud of it!

  What is wrong with me, that I am so distracted?

  At last his eyes adjusted to the glow of the street lamps. No longer blinded, Shiveron took his bearings. He stood still listening.

  What attracted both males was the angry shouting, as it lacerated the air around them. It sounded like a pair of she-cats fighting, the sounds of home, almost.

  And to a Feline, their screaming and yelling meant there was no male at home.

  Shiveron turned to Reon. “Do y
ou think you could tame one?

  Reon grinned wickedly, and nodded.


  Prone on the sofa, Moriah fumed, as she cut the connection to the other end.

  Where is my mother? How many times now have I tried to call her and received no answer? It must be a month since we've talked.

  If I hadn’t hurt myself so bad at work this week, I’d go over there tonight and make her let me in. Never mind it is near bedtime, I'd take her to task for ignoring me. Doesn't she even care what happens to us? You aren’t the only one who has health problems, mom; accidents happen to others, too!

  So what if you are sixty, you should be a mom first and always! You should care, no matter what!

  And what is the matter with that brother of mine, that he can’t call once in awhile either?

  Her daughter, Iora, stomped up the stairs into the living room, roughly slamming the bowl of treats she carried on to the coffee table.

  “Why are you so miserable?” Moriah demanded. “You’ve been short tempered the whole night, like a bee has gotten into your hair or something.”

  The caramel skinned beauty had gorgeous black curls she kept perfectly, painstaking styled. Iora spent hours and hours primping before the mirror in the bathroom before leaving each day for school. At sixteen, it seemed, the most important thing in her life was to look good; her appearance was even more important than eating.

  Because of this, and her fussy eating habits, she was under developed and rail thin. Her height also accentuated the fact; she was taller than Moriah’s five foot four.

  “I’m tired of handing out candy to these snot-nosed brats,” Iora fired back hotly. “I want to go out with my friends! Why do I have to stay; you’re here? I’m not some old fogey.”

  “What was that?” Moriah fired back quickly. “Did you just call me an old fogey?”

  At just the right moment, the doorbell at the back door interrupted; Iora grabbed the bowl and fled from her mother, to give out suckers to the costumed halloweeners.

  As soon as the girl returned to the upper level, Moriah, from where she lay on the couch, picked up the argument.

  “Where do you think you’re going this late at night, anyway?”


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