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Gentle Beast

Page 10

by Margaret Afseth

  At least this time I am allowed a chance to fight. Last time, when they took my mate, I never saw the power wand before it took me down.


  The noises from outside terrified the five human women in the shack. The new one had fled to the corner out of sheer fright.

  It sounded like a ferocious fight between a dog and a cat: snarling, hissing, barking and occasionally, the yelp of an injured victim; the tearing of flesh, and liquid splat of blood.

  Moriah, nearer to the door, tried to crawl to her daughter and the others, but realized if she went by the gaping exit, she would be seen. It might bring whatever was out there inside. She couldn’t risk that, so she stayed where she was.

  Only the new woman might know what was happening, but the tape across their mouths successfully muffled them all. Each was bound hands in front, legs free. If they wanted to run, now would be the best time, yet Moriah knew, she would not get away like the others, she’d be too slow, injured as she was. And Iora, for all her animosity toward her at times, would not leave her mother behind.

  First off, they needed to know what they faced. Moriah raised wrist-wrapped hands, and pulled at the tape over her lips. It stung, brought tears to her eyes, but it was easy to rip it away.

  There was no point screaming; it might bring worse than the cat men.

  “You! The one they brought in last,” Moriah whispered. “I need you to take off your gag.”

  She was just a young girl not much older than Iora; all of them were in their upper teens or early twenties, except for Moriah. She had no time to ponder that. She had already assumed leadership; there was no point in backtracking now.

  The young girl removed the tape.

  “What happened to you outside?” Moriah asked.

  The girl gave a visible shiver. “Great giant dogs! One grabbed the woman on the back of the other cat. When it pulled, it brought the cat thing over on its back. It just bit into its throat so fast, blood spurting everywhere. The girl on its back, I think was knocked out. Then the dog just started eating her.”

  This brought frightened muffled moans, and squeals of panic from the other girls. Moriah quickly hushed them. “Be quiet! You’ll bring them in here.”

  It's not just Iora, but also the other girls now that are my responsibility. I have to think!

  Which is worse, dog or cat? Both are monstrous, and obviously deadly, but at least the cat creatures seem a bit benevolent.

  In Moriah’s opinion, it was better to go with the feline, to hope they’d win out.

  The sounds outside suddenly died. Now all you could hear was what appeared to be the feasting of a wild animal. Moriah shuddered, waited.

  After a time, she grew brave. Trembling, she grabbed a nearby rotting three-foot two-by-four, and using it to push herself to a standing position, inched toward the dark opening in the aging structure to see what was going on out there. As she stood in the doorway, the stick now a weapon lifted above her shoulder, she took in the scene.

  Bodies were everywhere. Three dogs remained, one eating at a cat creature, another feasting on the trunk of a human woman; the third approaching the still, face up, form of the battered larger black feline. He stirred, and Moriah realized he was still alive.

  It went against everything in her, but Moriah knew when the dogs were finished out here, they’d come inside. Her best bet at protection was to help her kidnapper. The dogs had not noticed her, so moving silently, she rashly stepped into the open.


  Shiveron opened his eyes to find his chosen female approaching him with a large club. He didn’t notice the Roog male just behind him, who was searching the bodies for any still living; all he thought was she meant to finish him off.

  But he was still too groggy to move quickly.

  The human swung down hard; Shiveron rolled to one side, heard the blow crack against the skull, and saw the Roog dog fall forward across his legs. Before he could free himself, he saw the other two beasts had noticed, and were coming at them from either side.

  The female had lost balance with the force of the swing, stumbled against him and sat down jarringly at his side. He knew she wouldn’t survive tussled up as she was.


  The unyielding impact had knocked the wind from Moriah and deadened feeling. For a second she sat stupefied. Then looking at the cat, she saw claws ease out from human-like hands, and dread flooded up her chest.

  But instead of the killer cut she expected, he slashed between her bound hands, freeing her.

  “Fight little female, like you never have before!”

  And then he was on his feet battling with a dog beast.

  Forgetting her own pain, Moriah stayed at his back, her own to his, swinging at a second attacker as often as she could. The second blow shattered the beam in her hand, and she was left with only a foot of weapon.

  And suddenly in the throws of battle, there were two more beside them. They were not foes, and Moriah gave way to them, sat down in among the bleeding corpses…until she heard the wailing of the smaller cat male.

  She looked up, saw the large black feline go to the new arrival.

  He must have spoke in her tongue so she would understand.

  “Reon! Reon, son, be silent. You will bring more down upon us.”

  “What was it all for?” the younger admonished, answering in the same language. “All these died for me, and we have lost what we came for.”

  “None lost, Reon. They gave their lives valiantly; their hope even in death to give what they procured to another. And the females are safe…”

  “Mine too?”

  “Yes. But were it not for mother, the one you first meant to leave behind, I would not have lived. She is worth much more than her weight in treasure.”

  The smaller beast turned toward Moriah. “Her beauty is inner, hidden deep.”

  The elder male laughed, patted his back. “You are exhausted.”

  “And you are hurt, Poppa. I feel it.”

  “We must leave this place quickly. No time to waste. Are you able to run back? Did you stop for a break between?”

  “Only as long as it took them to leave the ship and follow.”

  “Huh!” he grunted in disapproval.


  Shiveron turned to the two new arrivals, as they joined them. “We have five females inside. You left Cam back at the ship?”

  “Yes, sir. Figured it best in case we were victorious. He’ll have the shuttle ready.”

  “Let’s go then. I will carry two. Each of you pick your choice, she will be yours to keep. Reon will carry the one for Cam.”

  “Poppa, I carry my she.”

  “No. I cannot carry two heavy ones. Your she is light.”

  Reon sighed, surrendering.


  Moriah followed them inside. The larger male turned to her, and again spoke in her tongue.

  “I am Shiveron. My son is Reon. For your benefit, we will speak in your dialect, and translate if need be. We have taken you…to be mates for our males. If you do not accept this, you may go back to the city, but…many Roog are about, now. You will not make it back alive.”

  He turned to the other girls. “All are free to leave, should they choose…”

  Shiveron left the choice hanging in the air. All had heard his words. None moved.

  He turned to the other cat men, hissed instructions.

  The women didn’t flee when the large beasts came toward them. Each male chose a female, slinging it over its back, the bound wrists under their chins.

  Shiveron turned to Iora. “Come little she; you will ride my back. I will carry your momma in front.” When he had her shifted behind him, he scooped Moriah up into his large arms, and rose. “What is your young one called?”


  “Iora, hold in with your knees against my sides, then you will not bounce with every step.”


  The rest of the journey was uneventful. Half way to thei
r destination, Reon stopped, gasping with exhaustion, bending forward panting. They waited till he was able to go on, then continued at a more leisurely pace.

  As they entered the inner parts of the spaceship, Shiveron folded to his knees, and fell on his left side. One of the greys was abruptly standing over them. He bent and pulled the girl from Shiveron’s back. Moriah slipped from the downed male’s limp arms, and stood up, fearful. Then, Reon still panting was beside them.

  “Cam, take the ship home!” he ordered, as if he were now in charge. Moriah seemed to hear the words in her mind.

  Reon bent to his father’s side. “Poppa, can you hear me? You are safe. Go normal.”

  To Moriah’s utter surprise both Reon and Shiveron metamorphed into a combination between a cat and a humanoid. But now Shiveron’s body was covered in angry looking puncture holes, bite marks and deep ragged tears.

  Moriah took to trembling, as she realized the agony he had endured to get them to safety. She would never again assume this male was what he appeared to be.

  Reon examined his father’s injures.

  “Poppa, I will get water for you to heal.”

  “No. It can wait,” Shiveron objected, without opening his eyes. His breathing was harsh and laboured. “I will heal back when I bath at home. Just…let me lay here a bit.”

  “Okay, Poppa.” Reon stood, beckoned to Moriah and her daughter. “I will take the shes and put them where they are safe.”

  “No. Leave my she,” Shiveron returned weakly.

  When Reon had left with Iora, Moriah sat down beside the injured male. Shiveron reached out, took her hand, and pulled her to him. She lay down. He folded her gently against him, sighed, never once opening his eyes.

  And that tender needy embrace erased all thoughts Moriah may have had of fleeing from him.


  It was raining. Without opening her eyes, Althea stuck out her tongue to catch the moisture, and realized the water was hot.

  Her eyelids flashed open.

  Where am I?

  Warily, she looked about her. She was in an enormous shower stall, propped up, seated against the wet wall, opposite the flowing showerhead.

  Then she saw him, and her brutal past experiences came thundering back.

  He stood, his back to her, naked, if you could call that nude. His shoulders and back were covered in a short auburn fur, and he had a seven-foot, shorthaired tail, resting limp to the side. As she looked higher, she found a mop of copper curls, wet and pasted against his head, and tiny cat-like ears.

  At first Althea thought this might be Bom, but of course, the body colouring didn’t fit; also, this one had no dog in him.

  How did I get in here? Don't cats hate water?

  He seemed to be enjoying the cascade, his eyes closed in pure pleasure, and it appeared his intention, the escaping droplets were to cleanse her on the way down, as well, for he stood slightly to the side so the flow bounced from him to her.

  Althea made an attempt to rise, but weakness prevented.

  He turned swiftly, sensing her movement.

  “Oh, no, little she,” he quickly cautioned. “You are far too weak to stand yet. Stay put. Enjoy your wash. I will see to you when I’m done.”

  Who is this guy? He sure doesn’t act like my other captors.

  Too wobbly to even crawl away, she just sat watching him.

  At last he turned off the water, squatted down to her level. Althea flinched, closed her eyes, and pulled back.

  “Oh, little she. Don’t be afraid of me. Loki means to help you.” He reached out a human-like hand, took her chin in his palm. “Please look at me. Do you not remember Loki caring for you? I am physician; I would never do you harm.”

  Upon opening her eyes, his groin was directly across from her, and any reply fled from her mind. All Althea saw was the flap of skin where his man tool should have been.

  Stunned, she realized he was some sort of cat, not the vicious dog creatures she was accustomed to.

  Is it male or female?

  Embarrassed, her gaze slid up to his waist, and she realized he was wearing a rusty looking wide spandex belt, with glowing lights along its horizontal length.

  Why would anyone wear a belt in the shower?

  Uncomfortable, no longer listening to his chatter, Althea licked her dry lips.

  “Ah…little one,” he said with sympathy. “You must be thirsty.”

  Suddenly he was gone. Althea relaxed for the moment. And then he was back with a huge cup of water, holding it to her lips.

  “Drink it all…”

  She didn’t need to be told a second time. Althea caught the edge of the cup, sloshing it over her naked skin as she gulped it in.

  It is cool. So good.

  “Easy. Easy, you will choke, little female. Slowly.”

  But Althea was afraid he was just teasing, and would take it from her, before she had enough.

  When the cup was empty, she sat back exhausted. As he disappeared again, Althea closed her eyes, and immediately fell asleep.


  She opened her eyes, as Loki turned on the showerhead in his hand. She was covered in soapsuds. Too spent to assist or fight him, Althea let him do the work.

  To his credit, he was both gentle and careful, turning her to the side to reach her back. It was then she realized she was in some sort of brace, fitted all along her spine.

  And when he sprayed the back of her neck and head, she was aware she was shaved as bald as a baby bird.

  He turned off the water, and as the cold hit her, she shivered. Suddenly, a pressure formed in her belly, and she steeled herself.

  Need to go.

  Althea began to squirm.

  Shouldn’t have drunk all that water.

  He chuckled. “Just let it go, little she,” he suggested. “Won’t matter in here.”

  But she was stubborn, and held back.

  “It isn’t good for you to hold it,” Loki warned. “Do I have to make you go?”

  How would he do that?

  But nature undid her; her legs became wet, and a warm red-brown fluid drizzled out and spread across the bottom of the stall to the centre drain.

  “That’s better. Don’t ever hold it.”

  When he reached for the wand again, she found her voice.

  “Where do I pee?” Althea croaked.

  “For now till you’re stronger right here in the stall. Or I will lift you to the stool. It’s much too high for you to get up there.”

  Oh, wonderful! I am at his mercy for even basic natural functions.

  Loki turned on the water, sprayed off her legs, rolled her, and washed bottom, as well. Althea was beginning to feel considerably mortified.

  He patted her dry with a large towel, then cautiously lifted her, and carried her to a large mat in the corner. They appeared to be in a kind of combination bedroom and kitchenette. Rolling her to her stomach, her head away from him, he began fiddling with the back brace.

  “I think you are healed enough, we can dispense with this.”

  A sudden snap-release and Althea was free.

  “You can try to move, but do so carefully. Let me know if it hurts.”

  The first thing Althea did was roll over, and pull the sheet up over her nakedness.

  “Ah,” he said. “I should find something for you to wear. Don’t try to leave the room. You will not be safe outside.”

  When he left the compartment, Althea dropped into a doze again.


  It must have been hours later; Loki came with a bowl of broth. He sat behind her for support, and spoon-fed her. At first she made a face, turning away.

  Althea remembered what their stew was made from, and she would have none of it.

  “It’s only fish broth,” Loki explained. “I know; I don’t much like it either, but it’s all that’s safe to eat. I promise, if I ever get out of here, I’ll never eat fish again.”

  That made Althea chuckle.

  He is
a cat; he should like fish. But then he likes water and takes a bath. Is it so unlikely, he’d dislike fish?

  As her tongue found the chunks of shredded fish, and she tried to chew, Althea realized she had teeth.

  “How’d I get new teeth?” she asked in surprise.

  Loki laughed. “I transfused you. My blood has healing properties. You will easily mend yourself now.”

  Althea looked down at her emaciated arm atop the sheet. “Well, can’t be soon enough. I look like a scarecrow.”

  “Better to look like that, than to have Bom recognize you.”

  “What did you do, steal me from him?”

  “Not quite. He told me to dispose of your body. I hid you in my room instead.”

  “Won’t he kill you for that?”

  “He doesn’t know, and he needs me. He doesn’t dare kill me. The Feline hierarchy would rebel at such an action.”

  “Why do you stay here then?”

  “Unfortunately, I can no more leave than you can.”

  “Are you a prisoner, too?”

  “Indeed.” He sighed. “And at the whim and will of the mighty Bom,” Loki declared sarcastically. “He said six months, but that remains to be seen.”

  Althea looked above and behind her head trying to look up at him. Her sight was much improved, as well.

  “Why? What did you do?”

  He gently pushed her head down with his free hand. “Be careful how you move. I don’t want to put you back in the brace.”

  As Althea relaxed again, and he brought another spoonful of his soup to her lips, he answered her question.

  “I defended my sister’s honour. Bom meant to defile her.”

  “But isn’t he a dog?”

  “Part Feline, part Roog. Two species with great animosity toward each other.”

  And suddenly, Loki no longer seemed like her adversary. He had become a friend.


  “Hey, human, Nyle!”

  A scrappy three-foot high weasel-like creature stood a few feet from where Nyle was mopping the hall floor. He quickly checked where Kaudy was; she was polishing brass doorknobs a few feet behind him.

  “Human! You hear me?” their visitor squealed impatiently. “You deaf?”


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