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Gentle Beast

Page 20

by Margaret Afseth

  Closer into the room were the cutting tables, also in a circle, and then the empty space in which he and Tusha lay. At junctions, breaks between tables existed, these each leading out, one to the feasting area of the Roog, another to the storage rooms, and a third and fourth and fifth, accessing the tunnels to other parts of the prison, such as the meat cages, the med bay, and the sleeping area of the prisoners. Loki assumed the Roog had another access, beyond their eating area, which lead into their own sleep quarters, though he had been to that area only from another direction.

  Ignoring the constant activity around him, he gazed up to the high, impenetrable gloom above, pondering, wondering.

  Is there a way out up there?

  It was so high above, and the walls were like sheer cliffs, no human could ever climb out, as was attested to by the fact, no one had ever escaped, and apparently had not even tried.

  If that was the way out, the Roog seemed confident, it could not be gotten to…not even by a Feline.

  Maybe a Slither could? But, none are in captivity in here.

  And then Loki’s thoughts went to what Tusha had done with his belt.

  Can she maybe find a way up?

  At thoughts of her, almost as if Tusha sensed her companion wished to talk, the small female at his side stirred, stretched, and yawned.

  He waited until she opened her eyes; let her lay there for a time until she awakened fully.

  Finally, motioning upward with his chin, he directed her to look. “See the ceiling?”


  “Notice the smoke?”

  After looking at the different blackened metal chimneys, she returned her eyes to the large overhead dome. “There is none.”

  “So, where does it go?”

  Again, she pondered the dark recesses above them. For long moments she said nothing. “You think, there’s a way out up there?” she finally asked.

  Loki didn’t have to voice it; such a prospect was the desire of everyone in the facility.

  “Do you think you could get up there to find out?”

  “Not sure…”

  “Will you try? For me?”


  Tusha stood at the wall, back in a shadowy corner away from the constant bustle. Here it was the darkest, and mostly hidden from the view of those coming through the tunnels on the far side of the kitchens.

  The storage rooms that held extra supplies like flour and the bread makings, the fruit that came in, and other things, were just beyond, around the curve of a closer tunnel.

  This location was where they mixed the dough for the loaves that were continually being prepared. It was also the noisiest place in the kitchen, because either the giant dough machine was rocking and shaking as it stirred its load, or the machine was being cleaned out with strong smelling detergents in preparation of receiving another batch.

  Those with these duties kept mostly to themselves, not only excluded, but isolated from the rest by choice; they preferred to feed themselves, often sneaking some of what they prepared on the sly.

  It was the perfect spot to search out a path to the top.

  Tusha looked up at the sheer granite face.

  How can anyone climb that?

  There was a way…but it meant she must use manipulation. Loki, she was certain, had considered that.

  And, if I make a path up, is there any way out at the top?

  She looked back at the activity out in the kitchen centre. Only Loki was watching her.

  Okay. I promised to try to find a way out, if there is one. That smoke, up above, gets out somehow. But is the opening big enough to crawl through, and what is on the other side?

  Tusha touched the wall at her shoulder level, and willed the indentation. A slit big enough to place a toe or a hand appeared.

  But, though that would do for an agile person, those of lesser ability, such as all the aged in here, would have difficulty boosting up to the mark. So, she made another just at knee level. Then placing foot and hand in the appropriate holds, Tusha began to climb.

  Again, an opening appeared just where it was needed for her other foot, and another above the handhold, each gap emerging at a comfortable distance, so that a small human person could mount the wall…all in shadow, out of sight, not visible from below, unless you stood right inside the corner and searched.

  They need to place a piece of equipment just out from this wall to block sight, so no one can see the coming or going.

  It seemed her actions had been noted by Darren, and he had been struck with the same idea, for he ordered Norris to help him, and they began moving the gigantic dough mixer over to the corner to hide what she was doing.

  It was a good thing the two men were so focused on their purpose; neither realized she wasn’t just finding the handholds, but was actually making them.

  Once she had reached the area above their heads, Tusha blended with the shadows.


  Tusha had reached the top, and just even with her chin was a hole big enough for two people to crawl through…large enough for someone the size of Loki to fit through easily.

  She peered inside. There was a ledge on the other side, so she pulled herself over the lip, and dropped into what appeared to be a narrow tunnel, leading away into the darkness. The only problem, it was filled with acrid smoke.

  And, she could not stand upright in it.

  Tusha tried not to cough, but she couldn’t hold her breath for long, so she crawled rapidly forward and around a bend. Here the space became less congested; it widened and also increased in height.

  She stood up, made her way along, until the wall on one side suddenly disappeared, dropped into endless, black space.

  Tusha proceeded, carefully now, less she fall to her death, along the ledge, until she found a second enclosed tunnel large enough for her to walk upright. As she progressed, she realized there was no smoke here, and even better, there was fresh air gently blowing passed her cheek.

  There is a way out! We just needed to travel the course.

  It suddenly dawn on her she’d been gone a long time. She could not examine the rest of the way. It was time to get back to Loki.

  If Bom comes, finds him out of the belt, there is no telling what he might do.


  Darren, and Norris, Tusha and Downy, and Loki were gathered in a corner debating the best means to go about the escape attempt.

  “Someone needs to stay behind,” Darren decided. “We can’t all go at once. It’s better if only a few go this time, make sure there is a way out. When we hear back, we can plan for another group to leave then.”

  “Just a few, would be wise,” Loki concurred. “That way they won’t be so easily missed, and the route out can be kept secret.”

  Tusha was thinking ahead. “When we get up there, we should set up safe places to go for those coming out…like the safe houses used for refugees.”

  “That is a good suggestion,” Norris agreed. “Many will be unfamiliar with life up there. Most of us have been down here a long time.”

  “And probably, many things have changed,” Downy added.

  “Also, we don’t want them to find us, and recapture us again,” Norris pointed out.

  “These are all good suggestions,” Loki admitted. “So, who will be the first?”

  Downy and Norris looked at one another; a silent agreement seemed to pass between them. “We’ll go. I don’t know how we’ll do it, but we’re willing to set up and maintain a halfway place, but you’ll have to give us time to do that.”

  “Won’t you be missed quicker than anyone else?” asked Loki. “Isn’t your duty to see to the bread?”

  “Those under us are trained to take over if something were to happen to us,” Downy supplied. “We’d like to be first, if that’s okay with you, Darren?”

  “As I said, I prefer to stay behind. There’s nothing up there for me. I can more easily cover for those that disappear. I’m the only one in here with a translator, and it
’s me the Roog usually deal with. Like Downy says, things are set up so both she and Norris can easily be replaced.”

  “Okay then,” Loki agreed. “Who else? Tusha goes, for certain. Bom will be seeking to take her life.”

  Darren nodded. “And you must go, Noor.”

  Tusha broke in. “I want to take Beth…”

  Loki hissed in rejection of that. “That will not be easy. That means we must delay until another night when the Roog are in stupor.”

  Tusha frowned. “But…isn’t the purpose to set those in the cages free? I’d like to take those left in the meat cages, as well. The Roog will simply think they’d all been eaten.”

  “She has a point there,” Darren agreed.

  Loki sighed. He had hoped to set Tusha free this night, but he surrendered, seeing the wisdom in waiting.

  “Well then, let’s set the date to go as of two nights from now. That will also give me more time to get back on my feet.”

  Consensus was unanimous.


  Tusha slipped silently into More’s establishment. He had his back to her, as he rearranged his produce. She moved to stand just beside him, waiting until he noticed her.

  “Ha!” he said, shocked, when he turned. Stepping back to peer at her, like a farsighted individual, he added, “Loki’s little she not dead, after all.”

  She quickly switched to his tongue, answering at a mere whisper.

  “Does More still wish to leave this place?”

  He frowned, if you could consider that a tree creature could pucker its brow. “More go, if he could. Yes. Why?”

  “We have found a way to the world above. Come with us, we leave night after this.”

  “Ha!” he said again, then thought a while. At last, he spoke regretfully. “More cannot live on surface. He have nobody to talk to, and primitives of my kind up there are …stupid.”

  “More is afraid,” challenged Tusha.

  “Yes,” he agreed quietly. “Be alone there. Better stay here. Have lived beneath for so long; don’t know how to live another place. But, More keep secret. When you leave above place, send space flier back for More. I go then to Loki’s land.”

  “Ah, Moore.” Tusha shook her head, saddened.

  “Okay then,” she agreed. “But don’t you betray us. Someday, I’ll come back and free you. I promise.”

  “More know. Sometime, you be Queen again. More say, proud to know you, then.”

  Tusha laughed.

  As she fled back toward the kitchens, she wondered:

  Does that old Root have the foretelling eye?


  The urgent hungers for food and fleshly release abated; the brawling and antagonistic challenges lessened; and the frantic gratification of open coupling ended.

  The dogs grew still, each participant staggering off drunkenly to its chamber, to sleep off the fatigue from the exertion orgy required, leaving behind their empty dining hall in all its cluttered disarray.

  The only activity that remained was in the area of the ever-functioning kitchens.

  Tonight was the night!


  As Tusha made her way along the aisles between the reeking meat cages, the tunnels were deserted. Most cells were empty, save for the last two at the end. Each of these contained ten or fifteen occupants: one cell for women, the other for men.

  She knew, the keys to the sliding rail doors were on the belts of the Roog sentries…and all those were gone to their beds. But, that fact did not bother the small human Noor. No one else was with her to see, nor would the beleaguered, despondent prisoners care about how it was done, when the barriers slid away.

  Tusha placed her hand against the bars, willed them to glide back into its space. And not only did the gate open, but it did it soundlessly.

  In the dimness, all fear filled eyes turned her way.

  “We have found a way out,” she whispered, but it seemed to ignite no emotion of hope in their breasts. “Go back…to the kitchens…if you wish to be free.”

  Many slunk deeper into the dark recesses, disbelieving, but one brave woman chose to challenge. “Why should we believe you? It’s other humans who help take us off to that place to become…the dogs’ next meal.”

  “Their feasting is over for the night, but the way out we’ve found is through the kitchen. Come please! When you get there, ask for Darren.”

  Yet, only two women hesitantly approached the gaping doorway, eager for freedom at any cost. Tusha stepped away as they fled, leaving the barrier ajar, in case the others gained enough courage to follow their comrades.

  Turning her back, Tusha slid the second gate open. Five impatient, portly men charged the opening, fighting against each other for the right to be first through. Unlike the women, they obviously had listened in, decided before hand, and would do anything to gain their freedom.

  As with the ladies, the rest of the male group held back. Once more, Tusha left the barrier open, in case they changed their minds.

  Then she fled down a tunnel off to the side, toward the cages of the pregnant ones.

  It is time to rescue Beth!


  Tusha stepped into the cage that held the young girl. It had only two occupants: one fast asleep, the other sitting despondently, staring into middle distance at nothing.

  “Beth,” Tusha whispered, gently shaking the apathetic teen. “I’ve come to save you. We have found a way out.”

  But Beth gave no evidence she had heard.

  The second girl beside them stirred. Tusha gave her no mind; it was the adolescent that had come in with her she felt most concerned about, the shattered sufferer.

  “Beth…you want your baby safe, don’t you?”

  Unexpectedly, the eyes came back in focus, met hers. “No baby…just a dream. Bad nightmare…man…rape,” Beth muttered, near incoherent. “Baby evil…kill it…”

  “It’s not evil. I’ll not let them kill it,” Tusha soothed. “Come with me. You’ll get to raise it.”

  But, Beth went away again to her escape place, responding no further.

  The second girl sat up.

  “Take me. Oh, please. Take me!” she pleaded.

  As Tusha turned, she recognized the young patient who had come to the med bay in tears. She was the one who had wanted to raise her child, not kill it.

  Tusha looked at the teenager’s belly; she was very near delivery.

  How can I refuse? But, can she make it out through the caverns?

  “What is your name?”

  “Amara.” The child was holding her breath in anticipation.

  Tusha knew this was a rash decision, but the recollection of what was to happen to the fetus, should the girl be left behind, conquered and over ruled logic and rationality.

  “Okay, Amara. I’ll take you both. Will you help me with Beth?”


  A voice from the cage next door broke the silence.

  “You would risk all,” it rebuked. “For what?”

  Tusha’s insides went cold.

  Lana! They put her that close.

  All the woman need do was reach through the bars to torment these two.

  How many times has she badgered them with words? They might escape her probing hands by moving across the cage, but her hateful words could always follow wherever they went.

  Tusha, the free one, moved out to the other cage door; faced her nemesis through the bars.

  “Why do you risk all for the empty minded one?” Lana challenged.

  “To preserve the life that dwells inside her!”

  “For one baby, you would risk your life?”

  “Yes! They have intelligent human beings inside. Most forget that! Not just down here, but above on the surface, as well. To even save one, would never pay the debt of the countless ones destroyed!”

  “Then how about saving the creature inside me?”

  Tusha pulled in a breath, as if she’d been punched in the gut.

  It's true; the baby L
ana carries cannot be blamed that her mother is like a vicious animal, nor is it responsible for the way it was conceived.

  “If it had been within my power,” Tusha fired back. “I would have saved the other child.”

  Both knew to what she referred.

  “Then take me along this time. I’ll help you with Beth, and the other one.”

  Tusha knew this woman could not be trusted, but whether from self-preservation or sudden benevolent empathy, the logic was indisputable.

  Tusha touched the bars of the cage containing Lana; they opened silently setting her enemy free.

  “You’d better keep up, old woman,” Tusha sarcastically threw back over her shoulder, as she guided the other two girls.

  And Lana hurried after, silently, amazingly submissive.


  When Tusha returned to the kitchens, Loki and Darren were already directing the would-be escapees up the wall. Near the top, Norris could be seen leading the group, and just disappearing through the hole at the top.

  “How many do we have?” she wanted to know.

  “With the three you just brought,” Darren admitted. “There are only twenty.”

  “That’s all?”

  It distressed Tusha that only thirteen from the meat stalls had taken advantage of freedom.

  Don't they realize, to remain, are sentenced to a horrible excruciating death?

  The Roog like their food live; they prefer the fresh kill!

  Loki turned from gazing upward, and catching sight of Lana, hissed his disapproval. He knew who she was instantly, for he’d not only seen to her in the med bay, but had viewed visions of this female’s vicious behavior toward her, from Tusha’s mind.

  “Why this one?” he demanded. “Are there not others more worthy?”

  Tusha knew appeasement was needed; yet Loki was being judgmental, and as that was not his usual attitude, she felt justified in giving rebuke.

  “Love your enemy,” she bluntly fired back, as if she were his mate and had the right to rebuff him.


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