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Alphas of Seduction

Page 5

by Victoria Blue

  A knock on the door interrupted my people watching, and I was annoyed by the lack of privacy I seemed to have despite the sign on the door. No one knew I was at that hotel, and now, for the second time, I had a visitor. I didn’t bother with the peephole, just yanked the door open with frustrated force, that time to my utter surprise.


  “Hello, Daniel.”

  “Hi. How did you know where to find me?” I asked bluntly.

  “It wasn’t that hard, and I gave the bellman a twenty.” She smiled shyly before asking, “May I come in?”

  “Of course, please.” I stepped aside and opened the door as wide as I could. She walked past me and into the room, directly to the window I’d just been standing at.

  “Great people-watching spot.” She was on the same wavelength as me, even after all the time that had passed.

  “That’s funny you should say that. I was just lost in thought over there when you knocked.”

  “Oh? Did I interrupt? I’m sorry I came unannounced. I didn’t really have a way to get in touch with you,” she apologized.

  “Well, you ran off the other day before I could give you my number.” I couldn’t help but remind her of her hasty exit.

  “I know”—she looked down where she twisted her hands—“and I’m sorry about that, too. I was just so overwhelmed. It had been quite a day already. Even before seeing you.”

  Her disposition was entirely different than the day of the funeral. Too different, actually. Forced. Too polite. As if she were keeping up appearances. It rubbed me the wrong way to the point the hair on the back of my neck prickled when she spoke.

  “So how long will you be in town?” She had returned to watching out the window. “I don’t even know where you’re living these days?” She looked back over her shoulder when she asked.

  “I live in Los Angeles,” I stated plainly, knowing it would be a shock that we had been living so close all these years.

  I watched the color drain from her face before she quickly pinned on a practiced smile. “You do? Isn’t California great? I’m just south of LA, in San Diego.”

  “I’m aware,” I said dryly.

  “We’re practically neighbors then! Just Mickey Mouse between us.” She grinned awkwardly, her charade becoming difficult to witness.

  “What’s going on here?” I couldn’t stand another minute of it, actually.

  “What do you mean? I just came to catch up a little.” She watched as I took a few purposeful steps toward her. “Like you suggested.” I could see her throat work as she swallowed when I stopped inside her personal space.

  “Daniel, what are you doing?” She looked up at me, her eyes wide, but not necessarily with fear.

  “Catching up.” I used her ridiculous words against her as I reached forward and wrapped my hand around the back of her neck, cradling her head in my palm. She didn’t fight me or tell me to stop, so I slowly closed the space between us until our lips pressed together in a very gentle kiss. When I opened my eyes, I found her denim-blue ones staring back at me, glassy with arousal.

  “Now that’s better,” I said quietly, pulling back to a reasonable distance.

  “You shouldn’t have done that,” she said, touching her lips where mine had just been.


  She didn’t respond.

  She was breathtaking. The years had treated her like fine wine, aging her with finesse. Her brown hair was thicker than ever. Soft red strands caught the sun when she turned just right. Her skin was still untouched by age, creamy silk stretched tightly over high cheekbones and the perfect slope of her elfin nose. Her barely there makeup accentuated her navy-blue eyes, always wide with inquisitive wonder.

  Inspiration struck like lightning.

  “Will you help me with something?” I held my breath, hoping she wouldn’t turn me down.

  “If I can. Although I don’t know how much assistance I can be. I don’t know anyone in this town anymore.”

  “No, something here. Right now.”

  “Okay. Sure. I mean, I think so?” Her uncertainty was ridiculously alluring.

  “Let me draw you again. Like I used to.”

  “Oh, Daniel.” She was shaking her head before she even spoke. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

  “What can it hurt? I’ve been lacking a muse lately, and watching you stand there in the natural light? I feel encouraged. You just have to stand there. If you get tired, you can sit. I’ll go quickly. Promise.” I was already rushing to the bedroom to grab the sketch pad that had been otherwise taunting me. Quickly, tearing through my briefcase for my sketch pencils, I grabbed the case and came back into the main room. She hadn’t moved from the window, so I was hopeful.

  “You’re stunning. You haven’t changed at all.” I took a moment to really drink her in.

  “I have. Quite a bit, actually. In ways you don’t see, maybe.” She looked out over the property again.

  “Then let me say you’re beautiful. You take my breath away. Like you always have.”

  “You’re too kind.” Her shy smile had blood rushing to my cock. But I needed to put those thoughts aside for the moment.

  “I speak the truth. Now be still, and the world will see what I see.”

  My fingers flew over the paper, capturing her pose. Her features in profile were undeniably exquisite. Idea after idea for dress styles came to mind and I feverishly made notes in the margin. The most important things at the moment were her perfect features and making sure my interpretation on paper did them justice. I stood and walked over to her, tucking the sketch pad under my arm and the pencil behind my ear.

  “Can you turn just slightly toward the window with your hip?” I pressed her opposite hip back into my thigh while simultaneously pushing the other forward, tilting her frame at the angle I had in mind. I stood back to look at her.

  “That’s perfect. Now let’s try this hand here, and this one…” I thought for a few seconds. “Yes, here.” I stood back again, squinted my eyes, adjusted her again, then met her gaze. We were mere inches apart and my body instantly heated from the proximity.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “For what?” she said just as quietly.

  “I needed this. I needed you. I just didn’t realize it.”

  I hurried back to my spot in the chair before I got carried away and kissed her again. There would be time for that later. I was so inspired by what I saw in my creative mind’s eye, I couldn’t think beyond that at the moment.

  After nearly two hours she finally threw in the towel.

  “Daniel, I can’t. I don’t have the stamina I did when we were younger.”

  I raised my brow, thinking along a whole other line entirely, and she quickly caught on.

  “You know what I mean. Standing here like a statue. It’s harder than you would think,” she huffed.

  I set my sketch book on the table and walked toward her. The hours of concentrating on every curve and angle of her body had finally worn down my resolve. I needed to touch her. She saw the look of desire on my face and began backing up until she bumped into the wall, effectively cornering herself. I advanced the final step and placed my hands on the wall on either side of her head.

  “Now what?” I wore a devilish grin, knowing she was right where I wanted her.

  “Daniel,” she breathed, my name a warm fan on my lips I was so close. “Please.”

  “Please what? Please kiss you? Please touch you? Fuck you?” I rubbed my nose along the column of her neck, inhaling the mixture of her perfume and arousal.

  “No. Please stop.” Her voice was a coarse whisper, like nails scratching down my back during climax.

  “I don’t think I can do that. I don’t think you really want me to. I can practically hear your heart racing. You’re as aroused as I am.”

  “People’s hearts beat fast from all kinds of things. Fear. Anger. Frustration.”

  A flush spread across the creamy skin of her
neck and chest, moving up to her face. A betraying sign of her excitement. I remembered it along with all the other things I had memorized about her. I reached out and skimmed my fingertips along her collarbone from her throat to her shoulder, repeating the motion several times until she closed her eyes and sighed.

  “That’s not so bad, is it?” My own voice sounded miles away, the blood swooshing along in time with my pulse making it hard to hear much else.

  “Daniel. Please. We can’t be doing this,” she gasped.

  “We can. No one is here to stop us now, Janvier. We’re adults. We’re here alone. I promise no one will barge in here this time.”

  No more waiting. I covered her peach lips with mine. Softly at first, and when she didn’t object, I kissed her again, licking at the seam of her lips where she pressed them together. “Don’t be like that. Kiss me. You want to. Why are you afraid? Do you remember how we felt together? How our bodies felt when they were one? It was explosive. It hasn’t been like that since. At least not for me. Let me kiss you.”

  I pressed my mouth to hers again and she yielded. When I swept my tongue forward, I was met by hers. Warm, wet, and needy, we both moaned into each other as we deepened our kiss. I wrapped my hands around her slender neck and held her in place while I explored her mouth, until I felt like I would go mad with the need to consume her. We were panting when we parted, my erection demanding to be released from the confines of my jeans.

  “I have to go. I can’t do this. I just can’t. I’m sorry. I can’t.” Abruptly, she straightened, pushing me away and ran over to the table to grab her purse. She bolted for the door, looking back only as she fumbled with the deadbolt and lock.

  “I’m sorry.” Tears streaked her mottled skin and she quickly swiped at her eyes and disappeared through the open door, not bothering to take the few extra seconds to close it behind her. I dashed across the room to try to stop her, but she was gone. The long, detail-free corridor was empty. Void of all things, especially Janvier. I couldn’t tell you any other detail about the space—the color of the walls, whether the floor was hardwood or tile—just that she was gone.


  I closed the door and leaned against it for a good ten minutes, reliving the kiss we’d just shared. If I closed my eyes, I could still taste her on my tongue, still feel her skin beneath my fingertips and hear the whisper of her passionate moans. She was as wrapped up in me as I was her, but for some reason, she continued to deny herself.

  If I couldn’t figure out why, I wouldn’t be able to convince her it was unnecessary. I did the only thing I knew how to do. I buried myself in work. I took out the sketches I’d made of her and pored over every detail. I spent hours perfecting the nuances of her form, every line, every curve, until each one exemplified the faultlessness of the woman herself.

  Then I let my talent and creativity run wild on the playground of my imagination. Coming up with original designs that accentuated her body and that were fabric translations of her personality kept me up through the night. I ordered pot after pot of coffee from room service, barely stopping to eat the food I ordered along with it.

  I was possessed.



  For the first time in as long as my memory served, I felt the passion that had moved me when I was younger, living in the Greensboro home and drawing out under the weeping willow tree. Idea after idea came to mind and eventually I had to call the concierge to see if they could round up more art supplies for me.

  Just as I stepped from the shower, I heard a knock on the door and I hurried to answer it, white towel wrapped low around my waist. I was sure the concierge had come through and was at my room to collect the enormous tip I’d promised.

  I swung the door open and Anna stood in the hallway.

  “This is a pleasant surprise,” she said, eyeing my state of undress.

  “Sorry, I was expecting the concierge.”

  “I won’t keep you long. It’s been a few days, and I haven’t heard from you.”

  “I’m in. And I have the sketches already done,” I said as she invited herself inside. Better than me standing in the doorway in a towel, I supposed.

  “Jesus Christ, you smell like you’ve been mainlining Starbucks. And that’s after a shower. Have you slept since I saw you last?” she asked.

  “Don’t knock the process. Do you want them now or the day of the show?”

  “Just bring them that morning. That way all the nosy ladies on my committee won’t be tempted to leak them on their social media pages.” She looked around the room at the mess it had become.

  “Fine. Is that all?” I looked down to my towel, thinking I’d like some privacy.

  “That’ll do it.” She walked over to the door and paused with her hand on the knob. “I’m going to give you the keys to the kingdom. So, pay attention. She’s scared. Scared to death, actually. When the Greensboros split the two of you up? It eviscerated her. We all had to stand by and watch her crumble and then try to pick up the pieces and make her whole again. What those bastards did to the two of you was inhumane. Love isn’t wrong. It isn’t shameful or illegal. It did a number on her.” She tapped on her temple, indicating our separation did mental harm to Janvier.

  I could relate to that concept completely. I’d spent months in a fog. Just getting out of bed in the morning took extreme effort at first. Putting on clothes and going to work took monumental determination. The pain never went away. The longing and emptiness never subsided, just eventually scabbed over by daily monotony.

  Anna continued, now standing more in the hall than in my room. “She’s afraid to love again. With that douchebag husband of hers? She was safe. She didn’t love him. She wasn’t invested, so there was no risk. He was safe. I don’t think she realized what a controlling asshole he would turn out to be, but that was Katherine’s doing. She handpicked that bag of dicks for her daughter, knowing he would never let her step out of line again. Well, joke’s on her now, isn’t it? I can’t wait to see her fucking sourpuss face when you show up at the club.”

  “She needs to stop running away from me then. Every time we are alone, she takes off running. We spent time together today—no, wait, that was yesterday, wasn’t it? What day is it?” I looked around for my phone, finding it on the table, then realizing it was dead.

  “Look, the charity event is in two days. I emailed you the itinerary with all the setup times and shit. Nothing has been delivered to your attention, so I can only assume you’re bringing the display dresses with you?”

  I smacked my forehead, realizing I hadn’t called my office to send the dresses I wanted to show. I needed to do that immediately, and now they would need to be overnighted so they would get here on time.

  “I see you have some arrangements to make so I’ll get out of your way. Thank you for doing this, Daniel. It’s going to be a great event. Get some sleep. You look like shit.” She quietly closed the door behind her as she left. I picked up the desk phone and called my office immediately. My entire future rested on this showcase. I couldn’t risk waiting another minute.

  Chapter 5


  “All right, troops, time to move out. We ready?” Anna clapped her hands together, then grabbed her bags from the end of my bed. “Thanks for letting me get ready here, Jane. The plumbing should be fixed at my place by the end of the week. Someone remind me again about the charm of a historical home?”

  “No worries. It’s like old times. I’ve cherished all the time we’ve spent together while I’ve been here.” I opened my arms and my two best friends stepped in close so we could share a group hug.

  “It will just make me miss you that much more when I go back to California.” I dabbed at the corner of my eye, trying to stave off the tears I could feel prickling as they formed.

  “Anna, this is amazing,” I commented as we entered the clubhouse lobby. The place had been transformed to resemble an upscale boutique with gowns and accessories on display from end to
end. Many designers had donated their creations from all different price points. The very lavish pieces were in a single row in the center of the room, with several of the famous designers on hand to take pictures, sign autographs, and later auction off their creations.

  My heart leapt into my throat when I saw Daniel standing proudly in the center of the room by a stunning scarlet gown. He was talking to an elderly woman whom I recognized from Katherine’s circle of friends, smiling warmly as she prattled on.

  He noticed me almost the moment I noticed him. Electricity seemed to arc between us, even from that distance. His smile changed in temperature, from warm and friendly to alluring and sexy as his eyes raked over my body. I could feel my pulse quicken and my body temperature climb, to the point I thought the air conditioning might have chosen that exact moment to stop working altogether.

  Daniel excused himself from the woman, kissing her on the cheek before walking in my direction. My eyes widened as I tried desperately to tell him with my stare to stay where he was.

  “Hello, ladies.” Charlie and Anna swung around to find Daniel and me staring at one another, not noticing another person in the room.

  “Daniel, so nice to see you again.” Anna smiled smugly.

  Charlie offered her hand right in front of my face, apparently the only way she thought she would get his attention. He grinned and took her hand, kissed the top like a true gentleman, but never took his eyes off me.

  “Charles. So lovely to see you again.”

  “Same.” She pouted, not used to be ignored by a man. Any. Man.

  “Janvier, you look stunning, as usual. This color is simply magical with your eyes. It will do me good to remember this combination.”

  “Thank you.” My reply came out rough and sexy, as if we’d just rolled over from a hearty fucking. How did he affect me this way? I should feel embarrassed.


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