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Alphas of Seduction

Page 26

by Victoria Blue

  I giggle against his mouth and he pulls back to look down at me.

  “Hey, are you okay? You know we don’t have to do—”

  I reach up and gently touch his mouth, still wet from my kiss and stop the words. I wasn’t going to let him talk me out of this. There was no stopping now. “I’m fine, let’s get inside, we have way too many clothes on don’t you think?”

  “Rodger that.”

  And before I can ask him what that even means, he’s picking me up in his arms, my legs snake around his waist tight. Then the door to the room is opening, we’re stumbling inside, laughing, and his mouth and his hands are on me again.

  All I know, with complete and utter certainty, is that I want more of this man, in every carnal way I can think of.

  Chapter 5


  I swear to god that if I don’t get inside her soon, I’m going to fucking combust. Just burn to a bloody crisp right before her eyes.

  She smells so good, like innocence and sin wrapped up in moonlight. Yet musky and earthy and so delicious I can’t wait a second longer to get my mouth on her body.

  We’re tossing clothes, not caring where they land. All except those fucking boots, they’re staying on as I push her back to lie against the king size bed. All I can do is just stare down at her for a moment. She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in a very long time She’s small and delicate, yet long limbed and lean, with full heavy breasts that seem almost too big for her frame. Such a tiny waist, that leads to the flare of hips and I swallow hard. Skimming my gaze lower to the tufts of soaked, red pubic hair above naked puffy lips. She’s swollen with arousal and begging for my touch. My mouth is watering, and I’m desperate to feast.

  “Is something wrong? I mean…do you still want me?”

  Her simple question pricks at my conscience. But I ignore it. It’s been six months since I’ve lain with a woman. Though no other comes close to the beauty splayed out before me. There’s a freight train of lust roaring through my head, drowning out everything, shrinking this moment between us to a pinpoint of urgent demand. There is no way in hell that I can wait a second longer, even if someone paid me a million dollars.

  I might question everything later, but not now. Of course it might be too late then, but… I was going with the moment. Lulu was blasting away all the common sense and decency I possessed. I was running on pure sexual instinct with her, almost mindless with need and starving to quench my thirst on her. I had a dizzying urge to mark and claim, and knew that in every way that mattered, I was bewitched and hopelessly enthralled with this woman.

  “Want you?” I’d lost my boots, socks and tank, had popped the button on my jeans, but the zip is still up. I slide it down deliberately, as I watch those incredible eyes of hers, follow my every move. She gives a breathless moan that scrapes across my skin like fingers, sending a rush of goosebumps spilling across my heated flesh, as I shuck the jeans from my hips. Then I am simply standing there before her, gripping and stroking the wide length of my throbbing cock. Her eyes, are a smoky dark purple, drunk with arousal and locked on to the shiny wet crest of my cock. Slippery with pre-ejaculate, harder than I’ve ever been in my life, stretched taut in my grasp. She moans, and wriggles restlessly, her legs part and close again tight as she squeezes them together. Jesus. My voice, even to my own ears, sounds thick with need. “Does this look like I don’t want you?”

  “No.” She swallows tightly. “You’re so big. I’m not sure all that will fit inside me.”

  “By the time I’ve finished sucking and licking your gorgeous breasts and nipping at your hard nipples, eating your pretty little pussy and fucking you with my tongue—” Again she moans, and gives a little squeal that cuts right to the core of me. This time, she uses her fingers to pull on the hard nubs of both breasts. My turn to groan as I gruffly finish, “and then I’ll finger fuck you into a frenzy, until you’re begging for my cock.”

  “I will?” Her words come out in a gasp, pining with desire.

  I’ll be damned if I make her wait a second longer.

  Using my knee to separate her lovely long legs, I kneel on the bed and move over her. She grips my wrists tight as I cup her face and kiss her again deeply. Those soft sweet mewls of pleasure spur me on. I take, and caress, give and devour, drench her mouth in sensation. Then I lick and nibble at her ear and trace the line and length of her throat to the hollow at the base where her heart beats wildly. It reminds me of a trapped bird, insistently thrashing against a cage. I will open the door and let her fly free.

  She releases her grip on both my wrists as I move down between her breasts. Cupping and feeling the weight of them in my palms, I suckle and nip at the straining hard tips of her perfect globes.

  Beneath me, her legs are splayed open and she’s thrashing her hips as she helplessly bats at the heavy stiffness of my shaft. I know what she needs, and I’ll quench every hunger she has, but first I have to taste her cream on my lips…feel her juices soaking my beard, and hear her cries ringing in my ears.

  I part her slit with a long swipe of my tongue, until I’m circling her clit, and sucking it deep. She’s struggling, and pulling my short hair by the roots. Her thighs are so tight about my head, that as she comes hard and spills hot and sweet all over my mouth, all I can do is groan and grind my aching cock against the bed. Her screams are enough to wake up residents in the motel a mile away, and I fucking love it. At long last she releases me, those strong thighs fall apart and I can finally push upward and over her to stare down into her lovely face. I swear she looks like a kitten, a tabby, sweet and sassy and full of wonder.

  “Mmm…you liked that didn’t you?”

  She’s gives me that megawatt smile again and nods, her face flushing adorably, her eyes wide and full of trust. So, fucking beautiful.

  “I—I need more, please,” she says so soft and gentle like, I could swear it was my imagination.

  “With pleasure,” I tell her, as I lean down to kiss her. She baulks at the taste and smell of herself on my face. I lift away grinning and stare at her.

  “Is that…all me?” she looks shocked and asks curiously.

  “Yes, and you’re delicious.”

  She giggles and laps at my face and lips, sniffing and tasting. “I really do taste good.”

  My cock lays against her wet cunt and with one easy push of her legs, I’m splaying them wider, aligning myself with her entrance. Then I’m pushing inside the snug, wet, and welcoming warmth of her pussy. She is gasping and wriggling, she’s tight but so slippery, that I retreat and then push in hard all the way in, bursting through the unmistakable barrier that marked her a virgin.

  Holy fuck.

  She squawks beneath me. Her whole body suddenly goes rigid and I stop, mid-stroke buried to the hilt, in the sweetest, tightest wettest little pussy I could ever have dreamt of.

  My heart is still pounding away like a jackhammer and I’m fighting the tremendous urge to fuck her hard and mercilessly, despite, or is it in spite of the innocence I have just claimed. A very male part of me is roaring in triumph, thrilled to bits that no other has ever been where I am now, and if I have my way, no other ever shall. I’m startled by the last thought, enough to growl,

  “Christ, Jesus, you could have told me, little girl.”

  The damn irony of that doesn’t escape me as I lift away enough to stare down and into her eyes. They are bright with unshed tears, and she has this look of betrayal on her face that again is so fucking adorable that I want to laugh aloud, and at the same time I feel like such a bastard.

  “It’s fine,” she lies.

  “Like hell it is, Lulu.”

  “Don’t look at me like that,” she wails.

  “Like what? Like I’ve been deceived?”

  “I just needed, I didn’t mean to, it’s just, that is—” She hitches a bloody great sob, and I’m done for. “Is there more? Will it keep hurting?”

  I stroke her face gently, kiss her tenderly. My cock is as
happy as clam surrounded and hugged tight by all that slick pressure. “Let’s just give you a minute to adjust, and then I’ll show you just how good it can be.”


  The hope is back in her face and I’ll do anything to wipe away the fright and bring back the joy. “I promise.” And then I get down to the business of doing just that.

  Chapter 6


  How did I get so lucky? I’m burning…stinging while his dick is stretching me wide. The tissues are tender and I’m frightened to move, scared he’ll grind his hips and it will hurt even more. But then he begins to thrust, every so slowly, gliding out and sliding back all the way in. But it doesn’t hurt. It feels good, and ignites an incredible pressure building inside me.

  “Oh, Brian.” I cling to his shoulders. He’s still looking into my eyes from where he strains above me, filling me like a wave that rolls over me. Then a sea-change of sensation as dormant nerves burst awake and sparkle pleasure throughout my bloodstream. I’m wide eyed and staring up at him.

  “That’s it,” he growls in that deep rich voice that I’m loving, “keep your eyes on mine. Just relax baby girl and go with it, feel me.”

  My breaths are hissing out and in with every hard thrust of his cock as his body slams against mine. Pleasure is scraping like a mountain inside me, building and building to something even more wonderful than the pleasures he gave me with his tongue and fingers.

  Incredible as this is, it gets even better. And soon I’m dangling over a precipice. One more thrust of that hard, heavy cock, filling me full of him and I’ll fall off the edge of the world and into oblivion. And then it happens and I am overwhelmed, the intensity is unlike anything I’ve ever felt. There’s a hard heavy pull in my belly. The heat in my loins is like an inferno. As ecstasy rises inside, my swollen pussy is spilling creamy delight all around him…soaking his balls. Then it’s his turn to cry out and gasp in agonized delight as I grip him tighter inside me, milking his cock in earnest.

  “That’s…ahhh…fuck me,” he groans. “Keep looking at me. Give it all to me beautiful. You are so goddamn amazing, your pussy feels incredible… so perfect wrapped around me. I’m going to come so hard.”

  He’s moving in and out of me, faster now…pushing ahead for his own climax. The thrill of it drags me with him yet again, as every scrape and pull has us trembling and grinding, pumping hard for more.

  The first jerky thrusts of my hips back at him are out of sync. But I quickly get it and become in tune with the rhythm to rise and fall…to meet his hips slamming against mine. I’m desperate to come with him and if his grunts and groans are anything to go by, he is just as eager. Eyes locking on one another, a fine layer of sweat is making his skin shine. His muscles taut and defined; ripple and bulge as we race for the peak.

  “Yes, baby that’s it. Come with me. Can you come with me now?”

  I nod frantic and needing just a little more. I’m not even sure what the more is, but he knows and ramps up the speed. And then it happens. His shouts and growls are blending with my screams as pleasure sears through me and I am tossed into the abyss.

  I’m on the pill, and know he can’t make me pregnant, so I am loving the feeling of him exploding in hot heavy blasts inside me. As he collapses on top of my panting body, I can feel his ejaculate spilling from me to run down and collect beneath me. Before I can think anymore, I fall into a sated sleep.

  Twice more he wakes me through the night, and we make love. While I’m on my hands and knees, he squeezes inside me from behind. I swear, it really did feel like he was hitting my tonsils.

  Then the last time, somewhere around dawn, he pulls me on top of him. With his hands around my waist he guides my hips as I thrust up and down upon him. But then he shows me how to squat over him. The only place we’re touching is his thick rod as he buries deep inside me. God, each time is better than the last. After he pours himself inside me again. I flop over beside him. He tosses me onto my back and crawls between my legs, licking and lapping, soothing my tender tissues with his soft talented tongue. He glides me up again, helpless, I hold tight to his body as he’s thrusting his tongue inside me, making me come.

  We lay in a heap of tangled limbs. I’m exhausted, sated, and floating on the clouds.

  “You’re amazing, Lulu. When can I see you again?”

  I shiver and pretend to doze off again. But instead of pressing me for an answer, he wraps me tightly in his arms and I hear him start to snore.

  I wait until his breathing turns to a slow rhythmic cadence before carefully untangling myself from his body, and easing off the bed. Watching him out of the corner of my eye, I gather up my things and toss on my clothes.

  Standing over the man who’s given me so much, I watch him sleep as the pale golden hue of dawn fills the room. Melancholy weighs my heart as I lean down, brush a soft kiss to his cheek, and then quietly slip out the door.

  I was home an hour later, creeping into the house that was unsurprisingly empty. Making my way upstairs to my room, I pause and take a long, hot shower before collapsing into my own bed. Thankful that I’m not working today, I snuggle the covers around me.

  I have no doubt that I fell asleep with a smile on my face, as I gently touched my tender breasts and pussy. I can still feel the scrape of his beard between my thighs and against my throat. What a man.

  “Oh, Brian, if you only knew…thank you,” I softly murmur as I drift off to sleep.

  Chapter 7


  As I’m sitting on the side of the bed, the room still smells of the sex we made…pillows and blankets lay in disarray, fighting the irritation rising inside me. She left without so much as a goodbye, or a kiss my ass.

  Since I’m the one who usually does a disappearing act, this is quite the turnaround. Frankly, it fucking sucks donkey balls.

  No number, no note, no nothing. How in the hell do I get in touch with her again? Was that it? Fuck me! I don’t even get a shot at a repeat performance? I know she had no other lover to compare me to, and I damn well know she didn’t leave here disappointed. I made her writhe and cream. I watched her eyes dilate, lose focus, and grow smoky with ecstasy. I felt every goddamn clutching squeeze of bliss consuming her. That sated expression stamped on her face was nothing short of nirvana.

  So why the fuck did she leave?

  Yeah, I know I should be happy as hell she doesn’t want to wear my ring. But I’m not and that pisses me off even more!

  I have no idea how I’ll find her again, but I will fucking find her. And when I do, I’m going to turn her over my knee and spank her ass red.

  “Oh, little girl. You can run, but you can’t hide. I know every inch of your sinful body. Your scent is branded in my soul. We’ll meet again, sooner than you think.”

  Getting up, I dress and forego the crappy coffee in the lobby, then head out. It’s time to return home and face up to my responsibilities as the new Master of Belle Metcalfe Plantation. I need to dust the old girl off, shine her up, and make it the proud residence she once was. I have a few ideas on how to achieve that, but I’ll need the help of a good architect first. Someone to help with the restorations I have in mind. But first I’ll have to come face-to-face with my mother; a widow still mourning the loss of her eldest son…her golden boy. She isn’t going to be pleased to see me.

  But once my work is done, I can reunite with the band of brothers who await my return. Until then, I have a score to settle lovely Lulu, wherever she might be.

  I might not find my happily ever after, but you can bet your sweet ass, I’ll find my happily for now.

  About Isabella LaPearl

  Isabella LaPearl is a USA Today bestselling author known for her collaboration with Shayla Black & Jenna Jacob for the Doms of Her Life Series. She enjoys writing sexy, erotic romance. A single mother, writer, reader and a love for riding motorcycles.

  To say it's been an extraordinary journey thus far would be an understatement... what a rush! What
a thrill to realize dreams and see them go from a seed to fruition. So for all you aspiring Authors, who like me, have a fire inside that burns brightly and demands to be sated by writing... Never give up.

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  Chapter 1


  You know it had been a rough week when you ended up at the bar alone on a Friday.

  Wait, did I say Friday?

  I meant Tuesday.

  I wished it were Friday.

  Okay, so it’d been an extra-rough week so far.

  But a rooftop bar, a breeze, and a drink was the combination that could make all of your problems go away.

  That was my theory, at least.

  It was quarter after nine, and I was lingering at the Green Eye, waiting to go home to my place.

  Sarah, my five-year-old daughter, was sleeping at my mother’s tonight, so there was no reason to race home.

  The bartender walked toward me, towel in hand as he wiped down a piece of glassware.

  “Another gin and tonic, Dagny?” he asked, tipping his chin up.

  I nodded. “Last one, I swear.”

  “You had a tough day today. Don’t beat yourself up about it.”

  I pinched my eyebrows together. “How’d you know I had a tough day?”

  “The bartender always knows,” he said, and winked as he handed me a refill. “I had a hunch. No need for you to explain.”


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