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Alphas of Seduction

Page 30

by Victoria Blue

  In the glow of my phone, I see a dark figure stick his head through my tent’s entrance.

  “Kaylee?” a male voice whispers, almost inaudibly.

  “Ben?” I reply.


  “Come in,” I whisper.

  Ben enters the tent and fills the small space with the scents of the campfire and weed. The scent of testosterone. Cold air is wafting off his sweatshirt and hair. He’s visibly shivering from the cold. “It’s cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey,” he mutters.

  Oh, that accent. “Well, it’s toasty warm in here,” I whisper. “You want to join me?”

  “Yeah. Thanks.”

  “I’m naked,” I warn. “Do you want me to put something on?”

  “Fuck no.”

  Ben rips off his shirt like it’s on fire, revealing in the dim light the outline of a truly spectacular torso. Beautiful arms. An unexpected tattoo on his rib cage. His jeans come off. And then his briefs, revealing an unmistakable hard-on straining toward his delectable abs.

  When Ben slides into my sleeping bag with me, I jerk and shudder at the iciness of his flesh against mine.

  “Holy fuck-burgers,” I breathe, involuntarily lurching away from him. And we both laugh and then cover our mouths to keep from waking anyone.

  I put my warm hands on his cold ones and rub them fervently, thawing them out, and slowly but surely my body heat transfers to him.

  When we’re both warm, Ben nuzzles his nose against mine. “Thanks for the note,” he whispers. “I’d been trying to get your attention all night in all kinds of roundabout ways.”

  “Well, you most definitely got it,” I say. “I just figured I’d speed things along, seeing as how we’re leaving tomorrow morning.”

  “Thanks for grabbing the bull by the horns.”

  “Or rather, the Aussie.”

  He chuckles softly and, much to my sizzling delight, leans in for a kiss.

  Ben’s soft lips are tentative at first. Gentle. Reverent. He’s kissing me like he’s not expecting anything from me but a simple kiss—like he’s assuming nothing more than that, despite our mutual nakedness. And I like it. I like the way he’s taking his time. The way he’s making me feel wooed and courted, despite the fact that his naked hard-on keeps brushing my thigh. And so, I let him set the pace. I let him lead, as he’s clearly so good at doing.

  And it turns out to be a fantastic decision, letting Ben take charge. Because when he finally opens my lips with his and slides his tongue into my mouth and his hand down my back, every cell of my body explodes with desire like he’s just run his tongue straight up the full length of my slit. I run my hand down his muscled back to his ass and caress him and, in response, he kisses me more passionately and slides his hand to my ass. He pulls me into him and pushes his hard-on into my hip, all prior tentativeness gone. He’s claiming me now. Showing me what’s to come. He grinds his hard-on against my entrance, right against my throbbing clit, as his tongue claims my mouth and his hands squeeze and knead my ass with fervor, and I begin to throb and shudder and moan and yearn against him. This boy is good.

  In short order, I’m desperate. Humping the small space between us, my body aching to be penetrated. When Ben slides a finger inside me, I grip his hard cock in reply, egging him on—and he moans softly at my touch. When I feel the evidence of Ben’s need beaded at his tip, my arousal spikes. I slide the sticky wetness around his mushroom tip and down the silky length of his shaft and he moans his appreciation and slides another finger inside me.

  When I groan and hump his fingers, he slides yet another one inside me and finger-fucks me until I’m shuddering and cooing and gasping for air. A sound of pure desire lurches from my throat—a sound that makes him quake and thrust himself ferociously against my entrance. I open my legs and rest my thigh atop his hip, opening myself to him completely, offering him every inch of me, inviting him in, and his wet fingers slither to my hard tip. He pinches and teases my hard bud, making me jerk and jolt and moan with desperation.

  “Little circles,” I whisper, and, God bless this Aussie, he complies—and, within seconds, I’m hanging on by the barest of margins. “A little faster,” I whisper fiercely. “Oh, God. Yes. Don’t stop.”

  When pre-cum drips onto my hand, I lose it. Waves of pleasure seize my womb sharply and then ripple deliciously through my core, kissing every nerve ending in my body in sensual delight. A long, low growl of pleasure lurches from my throat, and I bite Ben’s muscular shoulder to muffle the sound. God help me if Carter overhears me and catches us in the act. “Do you have a condom?” I whisper when my orgasm ends.

  “Fuckin’ oath.” He reaches outside of the sleeping bag, filling the small space with cold air, just for a moment, and when he returns to me, his breathing is erratic. His excitement palpable. He gets himself covered, his chest heaving, and then, without hesitation, he slides on top of me, touches between my legs to find his target, positions his hard cock at my wet entrance, pulls my hands above my head and grasps my fingers in his, inhales deeply, and slowly burrows himself inside me.

  And I’m instantly in heaven.

  There’s nothing like the sensation of that first penetration by someone new. Especially someone as big and muscular and strong and glorious and masculine as Ben. There’s no greater turn-on than a man’s body filling mine, especially when he’s gotten me wet and aching for it. God, I crave this very thing. Yearn for it. And unapologetically get it whenever I can. And, wow, yes, talk about getting filled up. Ben is inside me all the way, all the way up to his balls. I feel them brushing against me as he begins to thrust. And the sensation lights me on fire.

  I grab Ben’s ass and squeeze, and he begins thrusting harder with a loud groan. I wrap my legs around him as best I can in the small space. He kisses me, the rhythm of his tongue’s movement matching his body’s.

  “Harder,” I whisper against his hungry lips. “I like it really hard.”

  Ben complies, making my eyes roll back into my head with pleasure. His thrusts are ferocious. His hard-on steely. His warm, muscular body on top of mine is sending me to Nirvana.

  I whisper his name. Over and over again. Dig my fingernails into his broad shoulders. Moan. Whimper. And finally, deliciously, blissfully come.

  And that’s it for Ben. As my innermost muscles constrict and ripple around him, he comes on my heels with a primal grunt and a fierce clenching of his formidable ass.

  When his body has finished jerking and jolting, Ben rolls off me to my side and we kiss and kiss and stroke each other and smile, our bodies intertwined in the small, warm sleeping bag.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he says.

  “So are you,” I say. And I’m telling the truth. He’s so beautiful he’s practically glowing against the darkness of my tent.

  “Was that good for you?”

  I chuckle, assuming he’s making a joke.

  “Can I tell you something crazy?” he whispers. “That was my first time.”

  I stare in shock.

  “And it was fucking awesome,” he adds. “Thank you.”

  “You’re serious?” I ask.

  “Dead serious.”

  “Your first time in the States, you mean?”

  “My first time ever.”

  “But how is that possible? You look like a god.”

  “Don’t judge a book by its cover. Before I came to the States, I had a longtime girlfriend. We were saving ourselves for marriage. Well, she was, so I went along with it. I had no particular desire to do it, to be honest, but her ‘virtue’ mattered to her a lot, so I said I’d wait. I honestly thought I was gonna marry her one day, so I wanted to respect her.”


  “As it turned out, my girlfriend and I broke up a couple nights before I came to the States. She wanted me to swear I’d remain faithful to her while I was here, that I wouldn’t even kiss anyone else the whole time—wouldn’t even flirt with anyone else. And in that moment, I realized I
couldn’t make that promise. So I broke it off. I figured it was better to be honest with her upfront, even if it broke her heart, than even potentially cheat on her when I was away.”

  My heart skips a beat. “Absolutely,” I say. “But what took you so long to pull the trigger? You’ve been here a couple months, haven’t you? Why haven’t you had sex before now? You must have had ample opportunity.”

  Ben shrugs. “It’s a bit daunting, doing it for the first time. I wanted to do it with the right person. I’m a bit on the shy side, if you haven’t noticed. Making the first move isn’t my strong suit. I’m working on that. Taking an acting class to force myself out of my comfort zone. But it doesn’t come naturally for me to subject myself to potential rejection.”

  “Rejection? Who’d ever reject you? Ben, you’re gorgeous.”

  He shrugs.

  “Well, don’t worry about a thing, Shy Boy,” I say, stroking his chestnut locks. “You were amazing. I got off hard, if you didn’t notice. If anything, your shyness has been a turn-on for me. I’ve always been a sucker for the strong, silent type.”

  “Yeah?” He nuzzles my nose, smiling. “How big a sucker? Big enough to have another go with me?”

  I reach down and touch him and, yep, he’s hard as a stone. “Do you have another condom?”

  “I brought three, as a matter of fact.”

  “Three? Why on earth would a virgin bring three condoms on a camping trip with his buddies?”

  “Because Carter told me you were joining the trip at the last minute and that you’re really into sex, especially with younger guys. He said I should bring a shitload of condoms in case you happen to pick me.”

  Blood rushes into my face in a torrent. My brother knows everything about me?

  “What?” Ben asks, apparently reacting to my stiff body language.

  “What else did Carter tell you about me?”

  “Not a whole lot. He said you’re really into yoga and hiking. He said you teach yoga part-time while going to school full-time and that—”

  “No, no, not stuff like that. What did Carter tell you about me being really into sex? Did he tell you any specific stories he’s heard about me? Any rumors?”

  “Shit. I’m sorry if I’ve said something wrong. I didn’t mean to—”

  “Ben, what did Carter say about me?”

  “Not a lot. He just said that you were legendary in high school. That was his word, not mine: legendary. He said you’ve always been super picky about the guys you hook up with—which, by the way, isn’t a surprise to me, given how hot you are—but that when you choose someone, the guy always feels like he won the lottery.”

  “What else?”

  He pauses. “He said the last two years in college you’ve left ‘a trail of happy dicks and broken hearts’ in your wake.”

  I cringe. Oh my God. My brain feels like it’s melting. I open and close my mouth, trying to process.

  “I’m sorry if I’ve said something wrong. I assumed you and Carter had talked about this stuff a million times.”

  My heart is in my mouth. “No. I talk to my best friend about stuff like this and nobody else. Least of all my little brother. It’s nobody’s business but my own.”

  “Absolutely. Of course. Don’t worry, I won’t tell a soul about tonight, if that’s what you want. Not even Carter.”

  “Yeah, right. You won’t tell the brother who told you to bring condoms that his sister did, in fact, invite you to her tent?”

  “If it would embarrass you for me to talk about it, then I won’t. Not with Carter or anyone else. If Carter asks, I’ll tell him I didn’t have the balls to make a move on you, and you didn’t make one, either.”

  “Did my brother sound upset when he said that stuff about me?”

  “Not at all. He doesn’t think you’re a ganga, if that’s what you’re thinking. He actually sounded proud of you.”

  I have no idea what a ganga is, but I think I can guess. “Proud of me?” I say.

  “Well, not proud. Wrong word. But, like, he admires you. He said you don’t give a fuck what girls are ‘supposed’ to do and he thinks that’s bloody fantastic. He actually called you a ‘badass bitch.’ And I couldn’t agree more. You’re most definitely a badass bitch in my book.” When I smirk at him, he lays his palm on my naked hip and grins. “After being with my girlfriend for so long, and listening to her constantly worrying about what people thought of her and what she was ‘supposed’ to do, I’m finding you refreshing. Sexy as fuck, as a matter of fact. I like the way you go after what you want.” He strokes the curve of my hip, sending goose bumps across my flesh, even in the warm space. “I think you’re sexy, Kaylee,” he whispers. “Sexy and beautiful and fucking amazing. I’ve been watching you all night, trying to gather the courage to make a move. The last thing in the world I’m gonna do is judge you for inviting me into your tent, believe me.”

  “Thank you.” I slide my palm onto Ben’s gorgeous face and kiss him. “Okay, Shy Boy. Let’s go again.” I smile wickedly. “Because this badass bitch can go all night.”

  Chapter 2

  Los Angeles, Present day

  I settle into my car after having just finished a long day of work. I pull out my phone, intending to text my best friend, Tatiana, about our plan to grab dinner and drinks tonight. But I’m surprised to find I’ve got a text from an unknown number waiting for me.

  Hi, Kaylee. Happy Friday. This is Ben Watson. I got your number from Carter. Hope that’s okay. You might not remember me. Surely you made a bigger impression on me than I made on you when we met seven years ago. I’m the shy Aussie you invited to your tent during a camping trip in Coconino. And happily, I’m not nearly as shy anymore. I’ve recently moved to LA for a new job. I don’t know anyone in town other than my new co-workers, and they’re not interested in socialising outside of work, apparently. Would you be interested in meeting for a drink? I’d love to pick your brain about living in LA. Get your recs on your favourite bars, hiking spots, etc. I’m available tonight, if you’re free. If not, then name your night. I’m free as a bird these days. I can make anything work. Hope to hear from you. xx

  I read and reread the message twice and then breathlessly place a call to my best friend.

  “Ciao, bella,” Tatiana says when she picks up.

  “Dude,” I blurt. “There shall be no dinner and drinks with you tonight. I’ve unexpectedly got a date with a hot Aussie.”


  “Remember when I went camping with Carter and a bunch of his friends from NAU and wound up devirginizing a hot Australian in my sleeping bag?”

  “Get out!”

  “He just texted me. He said he moved to LA for a job and he knows no one and he wants to meet me for drinks tonight so he can ‘pick my brain’ about living here.”

  “Ha! More like he wants to meet for drinks so he can fuck your body tonight.”

  “God willing.”

  “Oh my God. Read me his entire text. I want to hear his exact words.”

  I read Tatiana Ben’s entire text.

  “He thinks you might not remember him?” Tatiana says incredulously.

  “I know, right? How many Aussies does he think I’ve devirginized?”

  “On camping trips in Coconino, no less.”

  We both laugh.

  “And it’s not like it was a wham, bam, thank you, ma’am that night, either,” I say. “After I devirginized him, we had sex two more times over the course of, like, six hours. And in between actual sex, we made out. Talked. Made out again. Laughed a ton. It was an incredible night. The kind of night you think about again and again over the years because it was just so damned magical and nothing else has ever quite compared. And he thinks I’m such a slut I wouldn’t even remember a night like that?”

  “Aw, cut him some slack, babe. He was just reserving himself a way to save face in case you totally brushed him off. It’s been seven years, after all. And as I recall, you shut him down when he asked for your p
hone number the next morning.”

  I laugh. “True.”

  “I’m sure he’s been pining for you all these years and doesn’t want to look like a fool if you’re creeped out he texted after all this time.”

  “Oh, there’s no way he’s been pining for me all this time, Tati. Trust me. He was absolutely gorgeous. After I broke the seal for him, so to speak, I’m sure he went home and had a field day with the ladies. And why would I be creeped out he texted me? His message was adorable.”

  “Actually, you should be complimented he said you might not remember him. I’m sure with every other girl he’s screwed since you popped his cherry, he’s felt like he held all the power. Like he made that girl’s day, month, year. With you, he felt like he was the lucky one. That’s got to be a hard memory to shake.”

  “Which is precisely why I refused to give him my phone number the next morning. I knew he was going back to Australia and we’d never see each other again. So I wanted to remain this perfect, mythical creature in his eyes forever and ever. Better that than have pointless FaceTime sex with him a couple times and have to witness our mutual infatuation slowly petering out.”

  “You’re the one who got away, babe. I’m sure every other girl but you has turned into a cling-on after he bangs them. But not Kaylee. The girl who slipped him a note, banged him in her tent, and then said buh-bye like he was just another piece of meat. If I were a guy, I’d have a seven-year hard-on for you, too.”

  I giggle. “He hasn’t had a seven-year hard-on for me, Tati. Trust me, if you’d seen him, you wouldn’t think that for a minute. That man can get any girl he wants.”

  “He’s had a seven-year hard-on for you. I’d bet anything.”

  “Whatever. If that’s true, then hopefully, it’ll make the sex tonight even hotter.”

  “Sex on the first date? So does that mean no chance of a second date with this one? Sex on the first date always means no second date with you.”

  “Yeah, sex is all I’ve got to offer right now. I’m still not completely detoxed from Zack.” I shudder. “Controlling and clingy boys looking for a girlfriend need not apply right now. I’m not interested.”


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