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Alphas of Seduction

Page 37

by Victoria Blue

  Every movement made me want him more, but he seemed to want to take his time, almost seducing me. Little did he know that, given the chance, I wanted to push him down on the bed and tear his clothes off to get to him.

  His hard cock pressed against the small of my back, practically teasing me with what was to come. I reached back and palmed him through his pants, and for the first time, Ethan let out a deep moan.

  “I think it’s time I took some of these clothes off,” he said, stepping away from me.

  I turned around to see him unbutton his black dress shirt. He let it hang open for a minute as he undid his pants to reveal black boxer briefs. The muscular body I’d guessed I’d see under his clothes looked even better than I’d imagined all afternoon. Tan and toned, Ethan Stone was a nearly perfect specimen of a man. But even better, across his chest sat an intricate, all-black Celtic-knot-design tattoo.

  He slid his pants off and looked up at me, smiling as I watched him. When he shrugged out of his shirt, my eyes opened wide in surprise to see his chest wasn’t the only part of him tattooed. The design continued down his left arm to his wrist and mixed with different images of a clock, some woman, a cross, and words I couldn’t make out. On his right shoulder he had a tattoo of an all-black fire-breathing dragon.

  As my gaze skimmed over his body in admiration of how gorgeous he truly was, I couldn’t help but wish I had kept up with that workout program my friends and I had started last summer. Ethan’s washboard abs put my much less defined and squishy midsection to shame.

  I crossed my arms in front of my body to hide it, but I couldn’t stay like that for long once he took me by the hand and pulled me to him. He seemed to be oblivious to my imperfections.

  Then before I could say a word, he stuffed his hands into my hair and leaned down to kiss me better than I’d ever been kissed before. His soft lips pressed against mine as he tugged my head back just roughly enough to make my pussy run wet.

  I moaned into his mouth, and he slid his tongue over mine to tease me with what he might do to other parts of my body with it. More than anything, I wanted him to make good on that and more.

  His hands left my hair and traveled down my body until they cupped my ass. Pulling me into him, he pushed his hips forward so his cock pressed just above my pussy. I’d never wished to be just a few inches taller more than at that moment.

  I wanted to feel his cock in my hand, feel the hardness against my palm, so I slid my hand down his body and beneath those black boxer briefs and heard him groan. Looking up, I saw need in his dark eyes that thrilled me. I wrapped my hand around his cock and slowly moved up the shaft, feeling the silky skin against my hand. With every inch, that need grew until I reached the head.

  Ethan closed his eyes and moaned, “Oh, God…”

  Then in the split second as I thought about dropping to my knees and sucking his cock just to hear that sensual moan from him again, he spun me around and pushed me back onto the bed. Right before my eyes, he transformed from that sexy man who had seduced me from the moment he caught up to me at the elevator to a man with a singular goal.

  To possess a woman in the most intimate way possible.

  I’d never seen that look in a man’s eyes before. Was sex always like this for him? I envied him if that was the case.

  He stripped out of his boxer briefs, slid a condom on, and tugged my panties down my legs as I fumbled with my bra. I tossed it aside and watched as Ethan lowered himself down onto me. In one smooth motion, he kissed me long and deep while he pushed apart my legs with his knee. Then before I could catch my breath, he thrust into me slowly, inch by inch, until he filled me completely while his hands worshipped the rest of me.

  My body surrendered to him even before my mind did, taking all he had as he pumped into me. I heard him say my name, but from the moment he began fucking me, I was lost to the ecstasy of the experience.

  I ran my hands over his body, loving the hardness of him beneath my touch. His back muscles flexed with every thrust of his cock into my body, and he grunted in a way that made our fucking animalistic. I’d never felt like this with a man, and as much as I knew I shouldn’t, I wanted more.

  More of him. More of how he made me feel. More of everything about Ethan Stone.

  Chapter 5


  I opened my eyes and looked around at the room I lay in. It looked like my suite, but didn’t Summer and I go to her room after the bar? Looking down at my chest, I saw her brown hair spread out over me, covering her face. As I tried to piece together the events of last night, she moved against me.

  Slowly, it all came back. Yes, we’d gone to her room first—or more accurately, for the first round—but then I’d told her my room was more comfortable and we’d made our way up here to the penthouse. From then, it had been round after round of sex until we both collapsed onto the bed exhausted.

  Summer lifted her head off my body and pushed her hair off her face. I’d seen supermodels first thing in the morning, and none of them looked better than she did at that moment.

  “Good morning. Have a nice sleep?” I asked with a chuckle.

  She sat bolt upright and tugged the sheet around her body to cover her. Why, I had no idea. After what we’d done all last night, I’d seen every inch of her intimately.

  “Oh my God! What time is it? My plane leaves at eight,” she said as she swiveled her head back and forth looking for a clock.

  I looked across the room and shook my head. “I’m sorry to tell you you’re not going to make that flight.”

  Summer buried her face in her hands and sobbed, “Oh, God. I have to be back in New York for Monday morning, and I’m never going to be able to do that now that I’ve missed that flight. My boss is going to kill me if I’m not in the office bright and early for work.”

  “Relax. It’s okay. You can catch a ride back with me,” I offered, hoping to make her feel better.

  She looked up and twisted her face into a grimace. “That’s a nice offer, but sitting in first class isn’t going to get me back to New York any faster.”

  “I’m not in first class. I have the Stone Worldwide private plane. I’d planned to leave around nine today, so you’ll come with me.”

  “A private plane?”

  “Yeah. I’m happy to help. So relax. You’ll be back in plenty of time. In fact, I’m going to call down to get some breakfast and then we’ll head to the airport. Why don’t you take a shower and when you’re done, the food will be here.”

  Instead of making her happy, my suggestion did the opposite. She lowered her head and mumbled, “God, I must look a wreck.”

  I sat up and tilted her chin up to see her face. Shaking my head, I smiled. “You look great. I just figured a shower might relax you.”

  She forced a smile and stood up, tugging the sheet to cover herself. I pulled harder, though, and she ended up completely naked. Glaring at me, she said, “I needed that, you know.”

  “No, you didn’t. I’ve seen every square inch of your body from half a dozen vantage points, Summer. Trust me. You don’t have to cover yourself around me.”

  A blush crept over her cheeks, and she smiled shyly. “I’m going to take a shower.”

  And with that, she hurried away to the bathroom. I had to admit, I liked the view as much as I’d enjoyed everything else with her. And I’d been right. That nice girl had been a freak in private.

  Leaning back against the headboard, I put my hands behind my head and thought about how to proceed with my plan. It had gone a little faster than I’d intended, no doubt. I’d figured we’d take it slow, get to know one another, and then she could meet the family. Since we’d launched into warp drive last night, I needed to figure out how to go from here. The end game remained the same. I needed her to help me convince my family I’d settled down with a nice girl.

  All that had changed was finding out that behind closed doors, my nice girl was the best sex I’d ever had.

  Twenty hours later, the Stone co
mpany plane landed at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey. In that time, Summer and I got to know each other better than I knew practically anyone but my best friends and my sisters. I found out she cries at sad movies and then apologizes for being silly and crying, which was way more charming than I would have thought it could be. I found out turbulence terrifies her, but she doesn’t cry when she’s scared.

  And to my surprise, I found out that it was possible to spend nearly an entire day with a woman and have a good time that didn’t include being in bed with her. I couldn’t remember the last time I enjoyed being with someone as much as I did with Summer on that flight. We laughed, she cried at a few movies, and it felt like I’d known her all my life.

  I was sorry our time alone ended, but I planned to have more. But as she prepared to leave, she turned toward me and took a sledgehammer to all my plans.

  “I need you to promise me you won’t tell anyone what happened between us, okay, Ethan?”

  Her brown eyes pleaded more than her words, but I sat there stunned. Was she embarrassed that we’d slept together? Women usually wanted to tell the world they’d spent the night with me, and now Summer was saying she wanted to keep it a secret, like it was something wrong.

  My ego didn’t appreciate the hit, and even more, what Summer wanted threatened everything I needed her for. I couldn’t decide if I was offended or disappointed.


  A sheepish look came over her face, and she looked down at the floor, avoiding my gaze. “Because if my boss found out, she’d fire me.”

  Then she lifted her head and added, “I can’t imagine keeping this quiet will bother you. I never expected to see you again after last night anyway.”

  Fuck. Now I definitely felt insulted. Even more, I felt my plan begin to crumble around me. My mind raced. She wanted to keep our rendezvous quiet, and I needed her to make my family believe I’d found a nice girl.

  Then an answer came to me. It wasn’t nice, but then again, I never claimed to be nice.

  “I’ll keep what we did quiet if you do something for me.”

  She looked hurt as she waited to hear what I wanted from her. “What could you want from me?”

  That she thought I was such a dick that I wouldn’t want to see her again after our night of incredible sex and then nearly a whole day with just the two of us together on the flight back stung, but I couldn’t let hurt feelings get in the way.

  “I want you to meet my family. Maybe once or twice you come out to the house with me.”


  Taking a deep breath, I sat back in my chair and confessed the truth. “I need you to make them think I’ve settled down with a nice girl. If they think we’re together and happy, they’ll leave me alone and I can live my life as I want to. You do that for me, and I promise your boss will never find out about the night we spent together.”

  Now she looked even more hurt. Shaking her head like she couldn’t believe what she’d heard, she asked, “Is that why you followed me up to my room? You wanted me to fall for you after a night of great sex so you could pretend to your family that you cared for me?”

  “No, not exactly. I didn’t plan on sleeping with you, Summer. I just wanted to get to know you so you’d help me get my family off my back.”

  “Then why are you blackmailing me with telling my boss?”

  Clearly, this situation had gotten away from me, so I stood up and walked over to her. Taking her hand, I tried to explain. “I’m not blackmailing you. I had just hoped you’d help me. You’d have a good time, I’d have a good time, and everyone would be happy.”

  Her eyes filled with tears, and I thought she’d begin to cry, but then she took a deep breath and forced herself to smile. “Fine. Then I have a demand. If you’re going to be pretending to be with me, you can’t be with any other women. I won’t be made a fool of simply because you want to lie to your family.”

  She’d forced my hand, so I had little choice but to agree. But it would only be for a month or so. That didn’t sound too bad.

  “Deal. While we’re a pretend couple, I won’t go with any other women. But you can’t go with any other men, either.”

  Summer pulled her hand away and shrugged. “You’re lucky you caught me between boyfriends. So when does this whole charade begin?”

  Knowing my father would question the pilot like he always did after every time I used the plane, I smiled. “Right now. Make sure when I kiss you as we get off you make it look good.”

  She pointed to her bag and said, “Well, then any boyfriend of mine would carry my luggage. If we’re going to do this, we might as well do it all the way, right?”

  “As you wish, honey.”

  Chapter 6


  As I waited for Ethan to come around to my side of the car, I questioned why I’d ever agreed to any of this lie in the first place. True, if Julia found out what I’d done, she might fire me and I’d be penniless, but I felt like a complete fraud coming out to meet Tristan and Nina Stone and pretending to be their son’s girlfriend.

  For his part, he seemed to be as at ease with lying to them as he was with everything else. Nothing ruffled this guy’s feathers. Maybe that was because he’d lived such a charmed life, if the looks of the enormous home just outside the car was any indication.

  I’d never known anyone who lived in such an opulent home that it required a gate and a guard to enter like the Stones’ estate did. I assumed that came along with the billionaire lifestyle, something I knew nothing of.

  The car door opened, and Ethan smiled down at me as he extended his hand to help me out. “Welcome to the Stone Family Compound.”

  Hesitating, I thought to myself I’d never known anyone who called their home a compound.

  I took his hand and joined him, gawking at the sheer grandeur of the house as he closed the door and happily began guiding me toward the front door. Clearly, he was used to all this splendor, but I wasn’t, and I suddenly became quite aware that I didn’t fit in there.

  “Ethan, maybe this wasn’t a good idea. I feel really out of place,” I said as I literally began dragging my feet along the sidewalk.

  “You’re perfect. Don’t worry. Just remember that we’ve been dating for two weeks since the Australia shoot. I’ll do most of the talking. You just have to look like you’re really into me.”

  I rolled my eyes. God, why had I agreed to this?

  “You mean like gazing at you longingly when your parents are watching?” I asked sarcastically.

  He shook his head and cringed. “Let’s go easy on the gazing longingly stuff. That might feel weird in front of my parents. How about just trying to look like I don’t disgust you, which is how you look right about now.”

  That made me feel bad, so I looked down at the ground and my lame old black shoes I wore for every special occasion. “I just wonder if they’re going to know this is all a lie because of how I look. I mean, I don’t look like anyone a billionaire’s son would date.”

  Ethan lifted my chin with his forefinger and I saw him smiling at me. “Don’t put yourself down like that. You’re a nice girl from Philly. They’re going to love you. You’ll be lucky if you escape this dinner without my mother picking out her mother-of-the-groom dress.”

  He took my hand and led me to the front door, but with each step I knew what was wrong. Well, besides the lying. For the past two weeks, I’d pretended to be Ethan’s girlfriend, which meant little other than talking a couple times on the phone for a few minutes to arrange this dinner tonight and driving up here from the city. It cost me nothing but my ethics to do this, but I wanted more.

  I wanted him to like me for being a nice girl from Philly, not just his mother. I wanted him to genuinely like me and not just put on a show pretending to care.

  Oh, God. This was bad. I was falling for Ethan Stone.

  And at that moment, the front door opened and I saw a beautiful woman with shoulder-length brown hair and beautiful blue eyes beaming
a smile and a man no less stunning who couldn’t deny being Ethan’s father, even if he wanted to, they looked so much alike.

  Talented, gorgeous, and wealthy, Tristan and Nina Stone welcomed me into their home, and what was I going to give them in return?


  And the biggest lie wasn’t me pretending to be their son’s girlfriend.

  Chapter 7


  Just as I predicted, my parents adored Summer from the moment she walked through the door. My mother fawned over her like she was some kind of movie star. I didn’t think I’d ever seen my mother fangirl over anyone, but she did for Summer.

  Even the always cool Tristan Stone turned on his charm and seemed to take a real shine to her. That was saying something since the last time my father had mentioned anything to me about women, he’d snarled and said, “Maybe you can find someone who doesn’t look like she’s just left the club five minutes before you show up at our house with her.”

  While I thought that was pretty shitty of him to say, I had been in my dancer phase at the time, so maybe he wasn’t entirely wrong.

  But with Summer, even he seemed to approve.

  Dinner went off without a hitch, and almost on cue, I announced we’d have to leave. “Well, it’s been great, but we need to get back to the city. Summer’s job requires her to be practically on call twenty-four seven.”

  I had no idea if that was the truth. Hell, all I knew about her boss was she treated Summer like shit, and in turn, her assistant hated her. But whatever it took to get out of that house before either of my sisters showed up worked for me.

  My mother’s legendary pout came out as soon as I finished speaking. “No, you can’t. Tressa is due here any minute, and I know she’d be so disappointed if you don’t stay to at least say hi. Your sisters and we miss seeing you, Ethan, and I’m sure she’d like to meet Summer.”


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