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Mansion Halloween Ball

Page 6

by Belita Renn

  "I saw the come get me swing of your ass at the Halloween Ball. It thrilled me so much I fingered your crack on the dance floor remember?"

  "I wasn't aroused then."

  "The hell you weren't. You decided you wanted me before we reached the dance floor."

  "What?” She chuckled.

  He nodded, “By the time I got you in my arms I couldn't wait to start. I was so aroused I started on the dance floor and believe me I don't normally act so forward."

  She snorted. “I am beginning to doubt everything you say."

  He was laughing when the elevator doors opened. Heads turned to stare as they stepped off the elevator. “I swear it's true.” He smiled at the people gawking at them.

  "Darling there you are I was beginning to grow worried.” A beautiful blonde with a knock ‘em dead figure in a body clinging tea dress walked toward them. Her gaze focused on Hale she flashed him a dazzling smile.

  Hale stiffened. “Stella, what are you doing here?"

  "I wanted to meet you, darling. It seems like ages since you left me this morning.” Reaching his side, she slide her arm through Hale's.

  Smiling she glanced at Carie. “Is this your new little secretary? You haven't been flirting and giving her ideas of landing the boss have you?"

  "Carie is my assistant not my secretary,” He stiffly corrected.

  Well, he had certainly consigned her to the position she was supposed to be filling.

  At least he hadn't humiliated her and announced this was his office mistress.

  But of course he wouldn't, he wanted to keep things strictly professional at the office.

  "I'm Stella Monty, Hale's fiancé. I imagine he has told you all about me."

  "As a matter of fact he hasn't had time. It is good to meet you, Miss Monty."

  "Stella, I told you not to come to my place of work."

  "But how else is everyone to meet me, and know what a lucky man you are?"

  The blonde chuckled. “What happened to the elevator?"

  "The first day on the job and I get stuck in the elevator.” He smiled.

  People chuckled and smiled as they walked across the lobby and through the exit doors.

  "Come along Miss Clark, I wish to speak with you before we leave."

  Forced to follow, her blood boiling with humiliation and anger she walked on wooden legs across the lobby and out the doorway.

  "Run along Stella, I must speak to Miss Clark.” He was saying as she stepped from the building onto the short covered alcove.

  "Oh, can't I wait and ride with you? I so miss being with you?"

  "No dear, you run along home, I will be over later. I have some business that must be handled first."

  "Very well.” Lifting her cheek Stella waited for his kiss. Hale dutifully leaned and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

  Her heart growing harder with each passing moment, Carie felt as though all the men that had used her in the past had been kind when compared to the heartless treatment she had received from Mr. Noble. Lifting her chin, she advanced to the sidewalk where they stood beside the car parked by the curb.

  Hale escorted the woman to the car, his hand cupping her elbow. He didn't bother waiting for the woman's driver that stepped from the car to hurry around and open the door. He opened the door and helped the woman into the limo, then he glanced at the driver over the roof of the car.

  "I told you not to bring her here. Why did you ignore my direct order?"

  "She insisted sir and threatened to take a cab. I thought it best to bring her."

  Hale sighed, “I suppose. We will settle this later. Take her home."

  "Yes, sir.” The driver slid inside the car and started the engine, then drove away.

  Hale stood watching the limousine roll slowly away. Then he glanced around the area to make certain they were alone.

  "Do you think they suspected?"

  "Yes, goodnight Mr. Noble.” Turning in the opposite direction from the executive parking spaces she started toward her parked car.

  "Shit, you're not coming home with me?"

  Out of the corner of her eye, she could see him following her across the parking lot. She stopped and turned around to face him.

  "Stop following me. Anyone that didn't suspect what we were doing will if you keep following me."

  "I can explain about Stella."

  "There is nothing to explain, Mr. Noble. I will see you in the morning."

  "This is not over Carie. I will come by your place and we will discuss it."

  "Don't waste your time Mister Noble. You don't owe me anything.” She quickened her steps and hurried toward her car. While cursing herself for being all manners of a fool she wrenched open her car door and slid beneath the steering wheel. She started the engine with a roar; she slammed the vehicle into reverse she started backing from her car space.

  A hand hit on the roof of the car; Hale skidded to a stop beside the driver's side window. “Carie, the engagement won't last for too much longer. If you will just be patient for a while, I can get her out of our lives."

  She snorted derisively, switched the car gear and started forward. Only minutes before he had been engaged to Stella. Now that the woman had departed, he was conveniently no longer going to be engaged. Once she was away from the parking lot, she allowed the tears to stream down her cheeks. She had been used many times in her life, but never by someone as cold and calculating as Hale Noble.

  Reaching her townhouse, she pulled the ‘69 Camaro into the garage and then shut and locked the door.

  * * * *

  Entering the silence of the townhouse, she felt the oppression of the strain she had been under since leaving Hale.

  A half hour later a vase of mixed roses arrived, the attached card was bordered with mixed roses.

  "I promise I can get this all worked out. I am not really engaged. H."

  Wisely he had not signed his name to the card, so it could never be used against him. He had all ready proved himself to be a liar. Did he really believe that by merely saying he wasn't engaged, conveniently when no one else was present, she would roll over and beg to be stroked like a pet? He hadn't denied the engagement at work in front of the other employees, or in front of the other woman. Did he really believe that she was that much under his spell? Of course, he had never expected Stella to show up. He had ordered her to stay away. “The poor woman must be a fool."

  After gathering the flowers to her chest, she laid her chin on the blooms, and cried. She crushed the blooms with her face and her arms as she walked into the kitchen, then dropped vase and flowers into the wastebasket. Next, she removed a bottle of desert wine from the refrigerator, the cork was popped anyway, and took a drink. Finally, she carried the wine with her to the bedroom, so she continued to drink straight from the bottle.

  After removing all of her clothing except panties, she slid on a tee shirt and moved to the bed. While lying on the bed she consoled herself that she was lucky to have found out his true nature. If Hale would make love to her while engaged to Stella, he would cheat on her even if he broke off with Stella.

  No way did she want to become involved with a man like Hale Noble. You already are involved. “Well, it is over now."

  Logic didn't stop her from mourning. Feeling like a cheated fool didn't stop her body from remembering his sweet touch or kind loving manner. Her heart ached and her body longed for his loving even though her mind now knew that he wasn't worth breaking her heart over.

  She was halfway finished drinking the wine and feeling relaxed, when the doorbell chimed. Swinging the bottle from her fingers, she strolled down the hall to the living room.

  While opening the door, Hale suddenly shouldered his way into the room. “What are you doing?"

  "We are going to talk. Stella is my fiancé, but not for long. I merely allowed the engagement, until I could make her break it off."

  "How kind of you,” she mocked.

  "I am not telling you so you will think I am kind."

  "Don't worry, I don't."

  "I am telling you so we can have a relationship. You can help me get free of her."

  Shaking her head, she turned and walked away. “I am not going to become involved in this."

  She held the bottle to her lips and drank from the bottle as she walked to the bedroom, and climbed onto the bed.

  "Are you drunk?"

  "Maybe.” She hiccupped. “Probably. What do you want from me, Hale? My blessings, you have it."

  "Let's forget the whole thing. It really has nothing to do with you. It is a personal problem I have.” Moving to the side of the bed, he sat down. “I will get it straightened out, but between now and then I don't want to lose you."

  "Don't worry you won't.” She chuckled. “You are an evil man, Hale."

  Nodding he reached out and plucked her nipple through the tee shirt. “You have beautiful breasts."

  "Thank you."

  "Let's take this nasty tee shirt off."

  Carie shook her head. “I am not getting naked for you anymore. I have made my decision. Let's say you went straight to Stella's house and broke off the engagement. Even if you end your engagement to Stella, I want nothing more to do with you. Our affair ended this afternoon."

  "You don't mean that."

  "You are a snake that uses people Hale, and this moonwalker has taken the shuttle home."

  "Let's go out to dinner and discuss this rationally. You need some food on your stomach."

  "My stomach is quite happy thank you."

  "Should I leave? Then we can discuss this when you are sober."

  "If you'd like.” She pointed toward the bedroom door. “You know the way out."

  "It's not a real engagement.” After staring at her with a frustrated expression, he finally turned and quit the room. A half-minute later, she heard the front door slam.

  His scent lingered in the air to torment her.

  Chapter Six

  She took a couple of aspirin and went to work. Once in her office she had felt hesitant about entering his office and facing him again. Therefore, she forced herself to march to the connecting door, open it and walk inside before she had time to lose her nerve.

  "Good morning Mr. Noble,” she greeted him with a pleasant attitude she was far from feeling.

  "Can we discuss this now?"

  "You said you would behave professionally at work. Which includes leaving personal matters, at home.” Dipping her head into the filing cabinet, she shuffled through the tabs looking for the files he had asked for before leaving the previous day.

  "After work then?"

  She nodded. “That is the proper time for private situations."

  In the office, she was formal and polite, she went about her tasks efficiently. She was determined he would have no excuse to find fault with her work.

  At lunchtime, she switched the phones to an answering service and slipped from the office. Being in no mood to discuss the situation with Mary, she rode the elevator to the lobby and quit the building. Driving to a local burger spot, she ordered food to go, and then sat in the parking lot beneath the shade of an oak tree while eating.

  After returning to the office in exactly one hour, she contacted the answering service and took down messages.

  Two were from Hale demanding files. “Thank you April."

  "He sounded most vexed."

  "I will get what he needs straight away.” When she delivered the files, he stared at her with a set jaw. Waiting until she had placed the files before him before she looked him in the eyes, she maintained a polite expression. “Will there be anything else, Mr. Noble?"

  "Not at this time.” Tossing a pen onto the desk, he sat forward and shoved back his chair. Not waiting to see what he had planned she turned on her heels and strode toward the door.

  "Why are women so stubborn? They get something between their teeth and then snarl and shake their heads and refuse to release it.” Standing, he circled the desk and sat on the corner, swing one leg absently.

  "I don't know sir. Shall I contact research?"

  "No. How are you at business dinners?"

  "Adequate, I imagine."

  "Good, we will be dining out this evening, if you have plans cancel them,” he dismissed her by sliding off his desk and circling back to his chair. His gaze was already on the file before him as he sank to the seat.

  After work, he met her at the elevator and rode down with her. “Stella has mental problems. I never asked her to marry me. She got it in her head that we were engaged and I allowed it to continue. Perhaps it was the wrong way to handle the situation, but I thought if I could wait her out she would break it off and I could avoid a bad scene."

  When the elevator doors opened, he indicated for her to precede him. At the front door, his arm came around and opened it for her. “We can go in my car, leave yours here."

  "I cannot ride away with you. Meet me down the street at the gas station."

  He continued to advance at her side. “Are you ashamed of having a Frenchman for a lover?"

  "No of course not.” Frowning, she glared at him. “I really don't think about race at all, it's the personality that I consider when deciding on relationships."

  "Good, me too."

  Taking her in his arms, he kissed her long and deep, uncaring of who was in the parking lot, or was stepping through the office doors behind them. When he released her, he was smiling, it grew when he saw her stunned expression. He kissed her again and she melted in his arms.

  Pleased by her response he ended the kiss slowly and murmured against her lips, “Now you can ride with me.” Turning her in the direction of his car, he maintained an arm around her waist. “How long have you been on the pill?"


  "I was just wondering how hard I needed to work to overcome the influence it has on your body."

  Her hip bumping against his with each step, she felt happy and chuckled. “You really think you have the ability to erase the medication from my body."

  He tilted his head, a grin tugging his lips. “I will enjoy trying."

  "Aren't you afraid I will take you seriously? Haven't you ever heard of love at first sight?"

  Enjoying the caress of his fingers on her side Carie smiled up at him.

  "You know I have heard of it. If you recall I mentioned I knew you had fallen in love with me the other night. Don't let it worry you, I still have you entranced with my sexual magic spell. In eighty years, or so I will release you."

  Laughing softly she shook her head. “No way. You cannot keep a person under a spell that long it would be cruel."

  His mouth flattening he inhaled a deep breath and released it. “All right, I will release you after all of our children have reached the age of ten. Deal?"

  She eyed him suspiciously, “How many children are we talking about?"

  "No more than ten, cross my heart.” Placing his hand over his heart, he gazed at her seriously.

  She chuckled. “Ah hell Hale, you are going to keep me on my toes."

  Lifting her chin, he kissed her lips. “On your knees and back mostly. Think you can handle it?"

  Turning her face from him, she grinned. “Oh, I will consider it. What are you going to do for me?"

  "I'll change diapers.” He promised, leading her toward the new Jag parked in the president's parking space. “And I'll get up in the middle of the night with you.” A grin lifted the corner of his mouth revealing his white teeth. The double connotation wasn't lost on her.

  "First things first Mr. Noble, and this is very important. What's your mother like?"

  "You will love her. Honest, and she will love you if you will take me off her hands.” Opening the car door he assisted her inside and latched the door. Striding quickly around to the driver's seat, he slid in beside her.

  "So you still live at home with your parents?"

  He burst into laughter, it took him a moment before he could start the engine.

  "I cannot stay long, I have to get
some rest for work tomorrow,” she reminded.

  "I'll call your boss and arrange for you to arrive late. I hear he is a very understanding fellow."

  "Indeed, and would he be so understanding if everyone arrived late?"

  "Well, it is too late to arrange it now. How about if I arrange for everyone that arrives early to leave early?” He suggested.

  "You cannot start doing things like that the stock would plummet."

  He flashed her a grin. “See you are looking after me all ready."

  "You said we were going to keep it professional at work."

  "All right, I will make certain you are up in time to get to work. I will take you by your place to get some fresh clothes. I know the general area where you live, but I don't know the exact location, you need to instruct me."

  She gave him directions to her house and a short time later, they were pulling into the driveway. “Stay put."

  Climbing from the car, he walked to her side and assisted her from the seat. Waving for her to precede him, Hale closed the car door. A moment later, a wolf whistle drew her attention.

  Glancing back, she chuckled. “I didn't think executives did things like that wolf call."

  "Most executive assistance don't walk with that sassy come get me walk either.” He stepped up beside her and took the key from her hand. Opening the door he pushed the door in then allowed her to step inside.

  "Would you like something to drink while you wait?"

  "I'll get it, you go ahead. Take your time I will read a magazine or watch something on the television."

  She crossed the room then strolled down the hall to her bedroom, her mind shifting through her closet for what she wanted to carry. If she took a quick shower she could wear fresh clothes to his place, then she would only need clothing for in the morning.

  Entering the bedroom, she moved to the walk in closet and stepped inside. She was bending over to pick up a pair of shoes when something bumped into her from behind. If hands hadn't grabbed her hips she would have fallen on her head.


  "Bored all ready?"

  "No. I was feeling a little anxious."

  She straightened and smoothed her hair from her face while turning to face him. “Anxious?” Her forehead wrinkled. “It was too fast. We can slow down. I didn't really expect you to marry me, you know."


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