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Just One of the Royals

Page 14

by Leah Rooper

  They’re all smiling. Laughing. Dancing to the strum of a guitar that Eldredge plays. Many of them pick up hockey sticks and face off against the Falcons in a game of street hockey.

  Somehow, miraculously, it has all come together.

  And Daniel stands behind the steaming pot of noodles, serving each person himself. Asking their name, what they do for a living, shaking their hands, introducing them to his mom, who stands beside him with pride.

  Perhaps he isn’t so much a king of the people, as a king for the people.

  “Are you Madison?” A deep voice drifts above all the others.

  I turn to see a tall, burly man with bushy blond sideburns and a thick mustache. Looking up at him is like staring up at a mountain. I don’t think I’ve ever met him before, but he’s somehow familiar…

  “Mr. Oak!” I say. The owner of the pub that burned down. “Yeah, I’m, uh, I’m Madison.”

  He smiles brightly. “The Prince tells me I have you to thank for all of this.” He gestures around him.

  A flush rises to my face and I glance at Daniel. “Oh, Daniel, I mean, the Prince, is just being modest. It really was his idea.”

  He places a beefy hand on my shoulder. “However it be, miss, you have my thanks.”

  “I just hope we can raise enough money.”

  “Any help is appreciated,” he says, eyes shining. “And when I have my pub back, you and the Prince will drink for free every night.”

  He laughs, and I do my best to laugh with him. I don’t have the heart to tell Mr. Oak I won’t be in Eldonia for much longer. That Daniel will have to find someone new to drink with.

  I stare at Daniel, smiling, laughing with his subjects. For the first time since this whole crazy adventure began, I think we might actually be pulling it off.

  And instead of filling me with excitement or pride, my body slowly fills with sadness, as dark and consuming as the night.

  The closer I get to achieving my goal, the further away Daniel slips from me. Soon, an entire ocean will stand between us, and any hope I had of making him see me as more than his friend will die completely.

  “You did well, Mads,” Alice says, coming up beside me. She wears her bright blue Falcons jersey, and her short hair sticks to her sweaty forehead. “Some of these Eldonian kids are pretty good. We should get them to come to Chicago.”

  I smile, but it feels forced. “No, Daniel will need them here.” Each word is heavy. “You know his first act as King will be to start a National Eldonian Hockey League.”

  Alice isn’t always the best at picking up feelings but she squeezes an arm around my shoulder. “I know it’s sad that Daniel won’t be coming back to Chicago. But you’ve done good. The people are so excited about him.”

  “Yeah,” I say. And despite the colored lanterns, the laughter of children, and the beaming smile on Daniel’s face, I feel cold inside.

  “Besides, you have your audition to think of,” Alice croons. “Imagine telling your parents you got a huge gig. Proving to them you can do this.”

  My blood quickens. Lies on top of lies on top of more lies. “I don’t think my parents would be very proud of me right now.”

  Alice gapes at me. “Are you kidding me? You’ve got an entire kingdom convinced you’re the Prince’s girlfriend. If that’s not Best Actress material, I don’t know what is.”

  I want to tell her to stop talking, ask her why she can’t see that all my accomplishments are built on my selfish lies.

  I shake my head. I’m not very proud of myself right now, either. And because I was too scared to ask for what I really wanted, I’m going to lose Daniel forever.

  “Hey, Bell!” A familiar voice breaks over the crowd. “Tag me in. I’m exhausted!”

  Tyler Evans, the third amigo in Daniel and Hayden’s BFF group, runs out of the pick-up hockey game.

  Alice takes a deep breath and says to me with a wink, “Duty calls.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief as Tyler and Alice swap places. At least Tyler doesn’t know all of my selfish secrets.

  “Looks like you’re getting your butt kicked by some kiddos,” I joke to Tyler as he runs over. With his curly blond hair and sparkling blue eyes, I always thought Tyler looked more like the frontman of a British boy band than a hockey player. Actually, Tyler, Daniel, and Hayden would make a great boy band. Tyler the sweet one, Daniel the bad boy, and Hayden the silent, brooding one. I should pitch them the idea.

  “It’s pretty typical,” Tyler says, laughing. The blue of the jersey brings out his tanzanite eyes.

  “Hey,” I say softly, “thanks for coming. Daniel needs you guys.”

  Tyler smiles, and like always, it’s warm and genuine. He’s always such a nice presence to have around, whether it’s at the rink or at a party. He’s a little too much sugar and not enough spice for my taste, but he’s a good friend and—I’m pretty sure—the only Falcon on the team never to have made a pass at me while I was bandaging them up.

  “Daniel’s my best friend,” Tyler says. “I’d fly around the world—or to a small European country—for that guy, anytime.”

  I laugh and then…Tyler and I both simultaneously draw in our breath.

  The Queen Dowager, with Eva on her arm, is walking down the steps of the castle to the courtyard. Her one black streak of hair glints in the sun, and her eyes are searching, judging. She came. The Queen Dowager actually came to Daniel’s community event. I can’t believe it.

  I also don’t know why Tyler is acting so strange. I mean, I’m pretty sure he has no idea who the Queen Dowager is, unless he’s done some serious Googling on Eldonia. But then I notice he’s not staring at the Queen.

  He’s staring at Eva.

  Okay, okay. Eva is flawless in her pale pink dress, with a lacy fascinator on her luscious long locks. But it’s the Queen’s presence that’s the real big deal right now.

  “Who is she?” Tyler breathes.

  “Umm, just Daniel Sacachelli’s one and only baby sister.” I give him a don’t-even-think-about-it stare. “And the princess of Eldonia. You’d better watch out. She’s kind of intense, and not just in the sexy-smouldering way, but also in the she-might-behead-you way.”

  Tyler’s mouth hangs open and his face reminds me of a baby owl. If Eva asked him to get in the guillotine at this moment, I have a feeling he would stick his neck in with pleasure.

  “Oh my God,” I say, grabbing Tyler’s arm. “The Queen’s going over to Daniel.”

  “Ow!” Tyler says. “Nails!”

  “Oh sorry.” I loosen my grip slightly. “BUT SHE’S GOING OVER TO DANIEL.”

  The Queen Dowager and Eva head straight toward Daniel’s spaghetti station. I bite my lip and wring Tyler’s arm between my hands. I hear him grunt but ignore it.

  Daniel’s face is stricken and I cover my eyes. I can’t bear to watch.

  “You okay, Madison?”

  I shake my head and peek through my fingers at Tyler. “Please tell me there’s no fighting.”

  “No fighting,” Tyler says with a smirk. “Just spaghetti.”

  I chance a look. Mama Sacachelli is loading up Eva’s plate with meatballs and sauce, and Daniel’s passing the Queen a plate of noodles. The Queen and Mama S exchange a few words and smiles and then the Queen even laughs. She laughs!

  Then she and Eva take a bite—the Queen’s a bit more dainty than Eva’s. Daniel looks like he might pass out at any moment. But the Queen smiles.

  And takes another bite.

  “She likes it,” I dare to say. “Tyler, she likes it!”

  “Who wouldn’t?” He shrugs. “Daniel’s mom is the best cook.”

  “But Daniel made it himself,” I say with pride. Because it’s not just spaghetti. The Queen Dowager came. And maybe, maybe, she’s starting to see Daniel for what he is—not just the rightful king, but the right king.

  “Oh my God,” Tyler says, his voice breathy. “Do I look sweaty?! I feel sweaty! Touch my head, am I sweaty?”

  Tyler gra
bs my hand and throws it under his blond curls.

  “Ew, yes. What’s your deal?”

  I feel her presence before I see it.

  “Hello, Madison.” Eva’s heels click methodically on the cobblestone as she approaches us. I can tell her mask is on and shields are up.

  “Oh, hey, Eva.” I quickly push my hair behind my ears and straighten a wrinkle in my sleeve.

  It’s like someone turned on a heater beside me. Tyler has gone as red as one of Eldonia’s famous tomatoes.

  Eva hardly gives him a glance. “I just wanted to thank you. For helping Dan-Dan put on such a wonderful event.” She still holds her plate of spaghetti. “This was a great idea.”

  “Thanks to you, we got Daniel’s team here.” Hmm, I can’t pass up an opportunity like this. “Like his BEST friend, Tyler Evans. Tyler’s a defenceman on Daniel’s team. Actually, Tyler’s the BEST defenceman. They don’t call him Tyler “THE BOULDER” Evans for nothing.”

  Tyler squeaks, “Actually, no one calls me that—”

  “Do they really?” Eva finally looks at him. “My bodyguard is called the Boulder. What a wonderful coincidence!”

  I take a step back. Tyler’s not able to get out a reply, but Eva’s on a roll, saying how the Boulder happens to be not only her bodyguard’s last name but is also very fitting because he is both the size and shape of a large rock formation. I narrow my eyes. Actually, I think this is the most I’ve ever seen Eva talk to anyone but Daniel, like, ever. Maybe hanging out with Alice and me has rubbed off on her.

  “Hey.” I bump backwards into something that actually feels quite boulderish. But when I turn around, I see it is the hard, chiselled chest of Daniel Sacachelli.

  “Hey,” I say back, trying to sound as casual as he does. “So, the Queen Dowager—”

  “Said she’d match every donation,” Daniel interrupts. A huge grin spreads across his face.

  “What?” I squeal and bounce on my toes. “Really?”

  “Really,” Daniel says. “We did it, Mads.”

  I give him a genuine smile. “I’m proud of you, Daniel.”

  “Everything about today,” he says, “is because of you.”

  And maybe it’s for the people. Maybe it’s for the press. Or maybe it’s for me, but he wraps his arms around my waist, and I push myself tight against his chest.

  And for the sweetest moment, everything fades away, and it’s just the two of us.

  And then there’s Eva. I guess she got tired of waiting for Tyler to say something. He’s still standing behind her, looking at the back of her head as if she’s a golden idol.

  “A wonderful event, Dan-Dan,” she says. “Mama is quite pleased with you, and she’s quite taken with your mother.”

  “Is she actually?” Daniel lets me go.

  “Yes. You know, I think it was good for her to meet your mother.” Eva looks down. “I think…I think Mama always thought your mother was some sort of American harlot. She didn’t realize that she’s kind and warm.” Eva’s eyes sparkle. “Just like her son.”

  Daniel’s gaze drifts from the spaghetti station, where his mom and the Queen are still chatting, back to his sister. “And you…are you happy?”

  She holds her plate of spaghetti out to Tyler. An awkward beat passes before he realizes what she wants him to do and leaps forward to hold it for her.

  With her hands free, Eva floats to Daniel and grabs his hands in hers. “Oh Dan-Dan, I’m so happy. I think…I think this is really happening.”

  Daniel stiffens. “Yeah. I guess it is.”

  “So what’s next?” I cross my arms and take a step closer to them.

  “Next,” Eva says, not taking her eyes off Daniel, “you will come to my arena, this time. And pledge your intent to take the throne in front of all the dignitaries, statesmen, and officials of Eldonia.”

  “Oh,” Daniel squeaks. “Just that.”

  “And on the anniversary of Papa’s death,” Eva says, kissing him on the cheek, “you shall be king.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  “And I promise, sincerely, to pledge myself to your service, as so many of you are pledged in the service of our great nation of Eldonia.” I swallow in a dry throat but force myself to continue. “As I go about this task of accepting my birthright, claiming the Eldonian throne, and becoming King, I shall strip away my name and become a Harwell in heart, in body, and mind. I give myself to you and—”

  “No. No. No.” Eva taps a finger on the piece of paper. “I pledge myself to Eldonia, and all the peoples who live in this Kingdom. I know I am a young leader, only seventeen, but it is my hope to grow along with this great country, and lead it into prosperity.”

  I snatch up the paper. “Hey, that last part wasn’t even in the speech.”

  “I know. I just thought of it.” She grabs the paper back and starts scribbling away.

  I tilt back in my chair, scrubbing my face with my hands, before looking around the study. Eva dragged me in here a couple hours ago—although it feels like days—to go over my speech for the ball. It’s where I’m to formally announce my claim to the throne and it has to be flawless—her words not mine.

  “Just face it, Eva,” I say. “This is hopeless. I can barely even read this out loud with the paper right in front of me. How am I going to memorize it?”

  “You don’t have a choice, Dan-Dan,” Eva says, as if this fact will suddenly make me some charismatic public speaker. I’m no good at public speaking. I’ve had some pretty cringe-worthy after-game interviews for local news stations, but none that ever bothered me. Hockey players aren’t supposed to be particularly eloquent.

  “You’re just so much better at this than I am.” I look over at my sister who is rewriting my speech for the hundredth time. “It should be you taking the throne. Heck, even Lyle would be better at this than me.”

  Eva casts me a single glance. “No. Lyle’s a creep. If I were to marry Lyle, I’d have no say, no power, no right to make decisions. It’d be like standing by a fire, watching everything you love go up in flames and being powerless to stop it.”

  “Well Lyle’s pretty good at burning things,” I mutter, but when she doesn’t laugh, I look up and say, “That’s, uh, that’s pretty dark, Eva.”

  “You should read the Harwell family history. There’s some dark stuff in there.” She steels me with a glare. “Someone with Harwell blood needs to rule.”

  “And that person should be you.”

  She throws down her pen, and her face grows bright red. I may have accidently shattered some of that cold demeanor of hers, and I’m not sure I’m prepared for what’s underneath.

  “You don’t think I want to rule, Dan-Dan? If I were a male, I would take the throne in a heartbeat. This is my home, these are my people.” She clutches a hand to her heart. “This is what I love.”

  She stands and walks to the window. I follow her.

  I look past the stone steps and out to the palace’s lush garden. “I wish we could go there and disappear, the way we used to as kids.”

  “The Magic Garden,” Eva says lightly.

  “You remember?” My eyes trace the tall hedges, the rose bushes, all the twists and turns. It’s a place Eva and I can never escape to again.

  “I love you too, you do know that, don’t you?” Her voice is soft, delicate. “You think I wanted to drag you here? Take you away from everything…and everyone you love?”

  “Eva…” I wrap my arms around her, and she falls against me.

  “I’ve tried, Daniel…” she says. “I’ve searched every loophole, every dusty old document. But there’s nothing. Only a king can make a law.”

  We look at each other, and say at the same time. “And Dad is dead.”



  My stomach feels like a snake pit.

  “I don’t think this connection is working.” The warped voice of Xander Bell comes across Alice’s laptop. His concerned face fills up the entire screen. �
�We’ve been Skyping for like twenty minutes and I don’t think I’ve heard Madison once.”

  “Ha ha,” I say. But he’s right. All afternoon, I’ve hardly made one peep, except to comment on the absurdity of the team Eva sent for Alice and me. They buzz around the room right now—four hairdressers, two makeup artists, three stylists, and SIX ladies-in-waiting. I didn’t even know those still existed. Does Eva really think we need fifteen people to get us ready?

  Still, it is an important day.

  Today is the grand ball where Daniel will go in front of all the VIPs of Eldonia and declare his intent to claim the throne.

  “And,” Eva had whispered to me before I left the community event, “once he does that, I’ll set up the audition for you. You’ve done great.”

  “Yeah, seriously, what’s with you?” Alice says, then groans as one of the hairstylists pulls on her hair.

  I stare into the mirror. Two of the stylists are busy at work, giving me rolling barrel curls. With my glittering eye shadow and highlights to die for, I can pretend I am a princess. Or at least, the real girlfriend of a prince.

  But I’m not. That’s just a lie. A lie Daniel and I have constructed together.

  But worst of all is the lie I’m hiding from him. That all of this—the fake romance, the community bash, bringing in his mom and teammates, wasn’t just to help him. It was to help me and my foolish ambition.

  “Okay, that’s it!” Alice says, and leaps from her chair. “You haven’t said a word all night. Something is seriously wrong, and you’re going to spill it.” She turns apologetically to the army behind us. “Think you guys could, uh, give us a minute?”

  The fifteen of them all seem to nod in unison, then, like ducklings in a row, file out of the room. Finally, when I hear that reassuring click of the door, I sink into my seat and let out a breath. Alice’s gaze burrows into me.

  “Guys,” I say. “I’ve spent the last week trying to turn Daniel into something he’s not. I’ve lied to my parents, I’ve lied to Daniel…” I swallow. “And I’ve lied to myself.”

  “What are you talking about?” Xander says, his voice cracking over the lousy connection.


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