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Just One of the Royals

Page 17

by Leah Rooper

  I heave out a gasp, but Madison captures it immediately and I end up moaning into her mouth.

  She pulls away, and when I go to kiss her again, she places a finger to my lips. “W-what—?” she gasps. “What am I wrong about?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” My voice is a husky whisper. “This. What I feel for you. This is real love. It always has been.”

  Her eyes widen, and her perfect mouth opens. “Y-you…you love me?”

  I hold her gaze even as fear quickens inside me. “I know I’m not smart or responsible, and I know my motorcycle makes weird noises, and your dad probably hates me, and we have this whole king thing to figure out…” I place my hand on the side of her face, just like I’ve dreamed of doing for years. “But I love you, Madison Myong. I love how you obsess over movies, I love that serious face you get when you’re working on a problem. I love it when you get excited and your voice gets all screechy—”

  “It does not!”

  I laugh. “I love how you put your all into everything you do. I love you because you put up with my shit, but you call me on it, too. I love that you came to Eldonia for me and that you believed in me when I couldn’t.” My whole body shakes, and I choke out, “I just love you.”

  She doesn’t say anything, just stares at me with that dumbfounded expression.


  Quickly, I roll off of her, and scrub my face with my hands. “Jesus, I’m sorry, Mads—”

  But when I take my hands away, she’s staring down at me, her smile brighter than the night sky. “You love me,” she says.

  “Yeah,” I say. “Should I say it to you another forty thousand times?”

  “You love me,” she says again, as if she can’t believe it. Then she bursts out laughing.

  “Wow, I’m happy my feelings are so hilarious to you,” I growl and shove her off me.

  She rolls on her back. Her hair has come undone and spreads out like a halo around her head. She clutches her belly and howls with laughter.

  I sit with my elbows on my knees, waiting for her to stop. What an idiot I am.

  “It’s—just—so—funny!” she gasps out between laughs.

  “What is so funny?” I finally snap.

  She stops laughing, but a smile remains on her lips. Then she sits up and strokes my jaw. I know it must be rough with stubble from being up all night.

  “It’s funny, Daniel Sacachelli,” she says, “because I’m in love with you.”

  Now it’s my turn to make a dumbfounded expression. “R-really?”

  Her face is soft and joyful all at once. “Really, really.”

  I grab her, tangling my hands in her hair like I’ve always wanted to. She falls forward, straddling me in that giant pink dress of hers, and kisses me hard.

  My whole body is responding to her now, and it’s telling me just how much I need this girl. Every part of her.

  I kiss her over and over again, and I want to touch her everywhere at once—her hair, her cheek, her neck, her back.

  “Wait,” Madison says, but continues kissing me. “I—” kiss “need—” kiss “to—” “tell—” kiss “you—” kiss “something—”

  I give her a little room to talk, but keep my lips on her jaw. “Mmm?”

  “About,” she gasps, “you being King. And Eva. And—”

  This moment is too perfect to ruin with thoughts of Eldonia and my impending kingship.

  “Later,” I murmur into her ear. “Tell me later.”

  She pulls back and stares at me, chewing on her bottom lip like she always does when she’s concerned. Then her face relaxes. “Okay. I’ll tell you later.”

  I capture her mouth in another kiss before I say, “I’m tired of this garden. What about you?”

  She gives me a wicked grin in reply.

  We stumble back to my room in a blur of kisses and wandering hands. My feet crisscross back and forth across the hallway as I push her against one wall, then the other. We bump one of those red and white vases the Queen Dowager loves so much and it teeters precariously. I can’t even be nervous. We just burst out laughing and continue kissing down the hall.

  When we get to the bottom of the stairs, Madison trips over her dress. She pulls away from me to hoist the cumbersome fabric up.

  “Where are you going?” I growl and scoop her into my arms, giant ball gown and all. Silently, I thank Coach for all those weight lifting drills because, somehow, I’m able to carry her all the way back to my room.

  I stumble against the door of my room.

  “Nice muscles,” she jokes.

  I laugh as I grope for the door handle. “I think I’ll suggest this to Coach Z for next season’s training—lifting girls in poofy dresses.” Finally, I get the door open and head into the privacy of my room.

  She flicks the door shut with her hand. “I don’t think the Falcons would get much work done.”

  “I know I wouldn’t.” And then I toss her on the bed and climb on top of her. Her giant dress has consumed her, and I pull back the ruffles until I find her beautiful face. I trail my finger along her cheek and she closes her eyes and presses her cheek into my hand.

  Her hands drag through my hair as she pulls me down for a long kiss. I deepen it.

  There’s so much I don’t know, but right now, everything is okay. As long as she loves me, everything will be okay…

  My hand bumps against something scratchy. Tucked into the top of her dress is a small scrap of paper. I pull it out. “What’s this?”

  September 9th


  @ the Chicago School of Theatre & Music

  Ask for Paula Elliot

  To the next star of 100 Years Fallen,

  You’ve earned it, Madison! Thanks for turning that hockey boy into a prince.



  “What is this?” I rasp.

  Madison snatches the note from my hand, but it doesn’t matter. The words have already ingrained themselves into my brain.

  “It’s nothing,” she says.

  “Nothing?” I jump off the bed and back away a few paces. It feels like my whole world is imploding and there’s nowhere to stand where the debris won’t crush me. “Because it looks a whole lot like my sister bribed you with some audition to come here.”

  Madison looks down at the note, shaking in her hands. “I know it looks like that but…”

  “But what? But the idea of being my girlfriend is so repulsive, you couldn’t do it without some sort of reward?”

  “No!” Madison steps forward, but I back up. “I told you I love you!”

  “You did,” I say, voice shaking. “You told me that after I’d said I’d be King.”

  It hits me like a ton of bricks. Madison’s suggestion to be my fake girlfriend after eavesdropping on Eva and me at the diner. Our first kiss…in front of the paparazzi. That confused look she gave me in the garden, as if she was deciding something.

  Deciding if dating a king was worth being with me.

  “No,” she breathes. “Listen to me, Daniel. I didn’t want to force you to become anything you didn’t want to be. But at the diner, Eva mentioned this…and…and I was wrong. I’m sorry. That audition doesn’t mean anything to me, anymore.”

  “Oh, I bet.” I cross my arms. “Now that you’ve got a taste for a fancy castle and pretty gowns, you think this is a pretty good gig. Now that I’ve decided to take the throne, maybe you can stomach acting like you care about me, if it means you get to benefit from it.”

  Tears flow down Madison’s face. “Just listen to me, please. I’ve loved you all along. When we started this act—”

  “It was never an act.” I cross my arms. “Not for me.”

  Madison’s lip quivers and she steps toward me. I walk toward the door and open it.

  “Get out.”



  The door slams behind me. “Daniel!” I cry, pounding a fist against the wood. “Just listen to me!” My voice cracks and my fa
ce runs hot with tears. “Please! Listen!”

  But there’s only silence on the other side.

  I slide down the door. Great heaving sobs shudder from me, and I know Daniel can hear.

  But he doesn’t care.

  Because he thinks I don’t care.

  I bury my face in my hands. What have I done? I got so caught up in the whole thing—the audition, the balls, the crowns…I forgot what really matters.

  My friendship with Daniel.

  And now I’ve ruined that.

  I guess I am the best actress of them all. Living a lie so well, it consumed my truth.

  But lies are empty. And now, I’m left with nothing.

  I take off one of my pink gloves and blow my nose with it. What a mess I’ve become. When I pull my hands away from my face, they’re covered in glitter and mascara.

  I try once more, turning to the door and knocking gently. “Daniel, please…”

  Terrible, yawning silence.

  I pull myself up, nearly tangling my feet in my dress and start stumbling down the hall. I have to find Alice. I have to find some way to make this right. Only I can—

  There I go again. I. Me. Madison. It’s always about me. My audition. My ability to turn Daniel into a prince. What I want!

  Maybe if I had just opened my eyes, I could have seen what I had in front of me all along.

  Daniel loved me. All my hopes and dreams about us, they had all suddenly come true. Daniel loved me. If only I had seen it earlier. Instead, I gave it all up for some dumb audition.

  I stomp down the empty hallway and scream, letting my rage bounce off the walls. It’s early enough that some of the staff might be up, but I don’t care who hears me. I’m so…angry! Angry at myself!

  I pass a deep, crimson curtain hanging over one of the windows. In a burst of anger, I snatch it in my glitter-bombed hands and pull. It topples downward, covering me.

  “ARGH!” I scream and throw the curtain off. I stamp at it with my heels, try to tear it with my shaking hands. I don’t want this stage anymore. It’s time for the curtain to come down on my act.

  Big, hot tears fall from my eyes and I throw myself down into the curtain, sobbing into the fabric.

  All of those laughs and memories we’ve shared over the last two years…I never thought they meant anything to him. I never thought he could see me as anything more than a friend, never trusted in those moments of vulnerability. I never realized that for Daniel, it wasn’t about the cost. It was about what he could do for his family. For me.

  And here I am, destroying what is probably a priceless curtain.

  I…I just don’t know where to go from here. I don’t have a script to tell me how to fix this. There’s no disguise or costume that will cover up what I have been these past few weeks—the villain.

  If only I could fix this.

  Then I hear it.

  Tap, tap, tap.

  The sound of heels clicking down the hall.

  I know that sound. Those are Eva’s Christian Dior pumps. What is she doing out in the hallway so late?

  As quietly as I can, I stand, detangling myself from my giant dress and the curtain.

  Tap, tap, tap. Then, muffled voices.

  I take off my heels and walk silently around the corner of the hallway. On one side is the door that leads to the ballroom. On the other, stands Evangeline.

  And Lyle Worthington.

  Not wanting to interrupt, I duck back around the corner, but keep an ear peeled. Maybe hearing Eva tear Lyle a new one will improve my night. But what is he still doing here? It’s almost dawn.

  “You know, despite the reason for the ball, I quite enjoyed the party,” Lyle says, his voice smooth as slime. “My favorite part was when you had to walk your brother through every conversation—”

  “Shut your gob, Lyle,” Eva snarls.

  I can’t see, but I imagine Lyle’s cocky grin crossing his face. “But Eva darling, you were the one who asked me to talk. So, I’m talking.”

  “You don’t have to say a single word except ‘yes’. So, shut your smug mouth and listen.” Even in her hushed tone, Eva’s voice is withering. “This morning. You. And I. The King’s Chapel.”

  “And why would I meet you there?”

  “Because,” Eva says, her voice strained, “we’re getting married.”




  I have to cover my mouth and hold on to the wall to stop from screaming. Marry Lyle? What is she thinking?

  For once, even Lyle is speechless. “W-wedding? But I thought—”

  “Well, things change. You and I are getting married. And you’re going to be King of Eldonia.”

  Even Lyle can’t find composure. “Yes. Yes, of course.”

  “But,” Eva snaps and it almost sounds like she slams him against the wall, “this is an absolute secret. You must tell NO ONE, especially Daniel.”

  “Ooh,” Lyle trills, his charm coming back once more, “is this a coup?”

  “No,” Eva says. “It’s a rescue.”

  And then I hear her heels tap, tap, tap on the floor toward me.

  “Eek!” The sound escapes me, and I clamp my hands over my mouth. Hopefully Eva just thinks her castle is infested with mice and doesn’t recognize that squeal as mine. I’ve got to get out of here before she realizes I’ve heard her entire plan to marry Lyle Worthington!

  I pick up the sides of my dress and sprint backward, trying to land as lightly as I can on my feet. I turn a corner, then stop to catch my breath. I listen carefully, but don’t hear those Dior pumps anymore.


  Now that I’m alone, in some unknown part of the castle, I can let this all sink in.




  Eva wants to marry Lyle? What is going on?

  “I can’t believe it,” I say out loud, because it’s too much to keep in my head. I turn to the suit of armor beside me. “I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!”

  There’s only one thing to do.

  I have to find Alice.

  I re-trace my steps until I recognize the paintings and windows. This is the corridor with Daniel’s room. I stare at his door.

  All I want to do is pound on the door until he lets me in, tell him I’m sorry, tell him I wish we could go back to the beginning.

  Oh yeah, and tell him his little sister’s planning to marry a sociopath.

  But I know he won’t let me in. He shouldn’t have to bear any more burdens tonight. Leaving him alone is the least I can do.

  So, I run past his door, to the third one on the right—Alice’s room.

  POUND POUND POUND. My fist seems to shake the whole castle.

  No answer. There’s no way she’s still at the garden with Hayden…

  Then I hear muffled voices. But the door doesn’t open.

  Oh, for Pete’s sake…


  The door flings open and I’m met with the bare, rock wall of Hayden Tremblay’s chest.

  I’ve seen it hundreds of times when I’ve patched him up after a rough game. I’m over swooning at his washboard abs and pecs of steel.

  Hayden blinks down at me lazily. Then I notice his trousers are unbuttoned.

  I don’t have time for their shenanigans!

  “Hi Hayden.” I smile, then duck under his arm.

  “Madison, we’re busy here—”

  “No, I’m busy here,” I growl and give Hayden a big shove on the back. “Bye, bae.” He tumbles forward out of the room and I slam the door.

  “Um, can I help you?” Alice crosses her arms. She’s sitting on the bed, wearing only a tank top and her booty shorts.

  “Sorry,” I say, scooping Hayden’s clothing off the floor. “But we’ve got BIG problems!” I open the door a crack to see Hayden glowering at me. I shove his clothes into his hands. “Goodbye, Hayden!”

  I slam the door in his face.

  I c
an’t have Hayden here while I spill the beans to Alice. Knowing him, his only suggestion will be to tell Daniel right away.

  But I can’t do that. I have to figure this out before Daniel finds out. I have to fix this…for him.

  “This had better be juicy, Myong,” Alice grumbles and snatches a hoodie off the floor.

  “The juiciest,” I assure.

  And then I collapse on her bed and spill it—the hot and heavy make out session between Daniel and me, him finding the audition paper, my Scarlett O’Hara worthy sobfest and about Eva and Lyle.

  Alice doesn’t seem to ever blink those owl grey eyes. After I’m done talking, she just stares at me.

  “WELL?” I finally shriek.

  She rubs the side of her nose. “This is a thorny situation.”

  “I just don’t get it.” I collapse on the bed, engulfed in blankets and my dress. “Why would Eva suddenly want to marry Lyle? After everything we’ve done to make Daniel an amazing king? After he killed his speech? Why would she suddenly change her mind?”

  Alice plops beside me and rests her head on my shoulder. “I don’t know. They seemed to be getting along great when we were playing street hockey.”

  Then suddenly, it clicks. “Eva doesn’t want Daniel to be king.”

  “What? She’s spent the last week trying to convince him—”

  “Because now she sees,” I say, “it won’t make Daniel happy.”

  “She’s sacrificing herself for him.”

  “Her happiness for his,” I whisper. “She’ll marry Lyle, so Daniel can go home to the life he loves.”

  “That’s why it’s a secret,” Alice bursts. “If Daniel finds out—”

  “He won’t let her marry him.”

  We both let out a breath at the same time.

  “We can’t let her marry him,” I say.

  “But we can’t let Daniel be king either,” Alice says. “Eva’s right. It will destroy him.”

  “Even if Eva marries Lyle, Daniel still has first dibs on the throne.” I shake my head.

  “I guess Eva figures that if she marries Lyle, Daniel won’t feel pressured to be king anymore.”


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