Immortal Dreams

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Immortal Dreams Page 9

by Sage, Jennifer

  “What are you doing?” She said, still as a statue.

  Brushing it aside he kissed the nape of her neck and ran his rough palms along her stomach. “I am pleasuring my mate Beauty, do not tell me that you don’t enjoy me on your flesh.”

  She shivered and couldn’t speak. She was supposed to be angry with him! His lips burned her where it touched, making her ache for the tender morsels he was giving. This was different than the animal. This was a gentle creature. Interesting.

  He turned her around to face him and began the slow climb from the nape of her neck to her newly pointed ears and then moved to her mouth. Sucking and biting her lips gently, he teased her until she was nearly shivering for his tongue on hers. He would not let her have it though. He taunted her into submission, making the world spin. Her skin pressed against the bare muscles of his chest was heavenly. Asshole? Check. Incredibly fierce and hot? Check. Makes me melt when he touches me? Check. Could this chewing out go any worse? Anger gone? Check. Ugh!

  Morkain backed away from her slightly so that she could see the intent in his eyes.

  “Look into the water Isabel and tell me what you see,” he whispered. “You must concentrate so I am going to stand aside for just a moment.”

  She groaned and opened her eyes, seeing his own blazing blue fire staring back. “Morkain, I…”

  “Just look Isabel,” he said softly. “This is a gift of yours. And I only offer this to help this decision be easier for you. I may already know what is right, but this must be terribly difficult for you.”

  Just looking at him incredulously for a moment she saw a flicker of depth that she doubted she would ever know fully, even if they did have eternity together. Allowing herself to marvel over the Elven male that stood before her a moment she smiled. He no doubt was a fine warrior too and just the thought of him out in the field fighting for his home and for love made her heart clench. Would he fight for her too?

  “Isabel, you should at least try. We can leave if you want, it is only my intention that you have some peace.”

  She sighed and kneeled to the ground, staring into the water. What’s the worst that could happen? No magic could be used against her and her amulet protected her from spells. If her mother truly was one of the finest Foresayers in Loveryn then why could the gift not be hers as well?

  She gazed into the water, watching the moonlight dance across it. Nothing stirred beneath its glossy rims. She tried to think of her mother and then she tried thinking of nothing, which, if you’ve ever tried to do, you will know it’s impossible. Especially with a scantily dressed Elven God looking down at you!

  “There’s nothing here. It’s just water!” Frustration began to swell.

  “Breathe and relax Isabel, it will come.”

  She took a deep breath and tried again and slowly, the water began to turn. Gasping, she watched a scene unfold. The blood moon was high in the sky and she stood on a hill with blood on her white dress, a sword in one hand a dagger in the other. Bodhe stood to her back, both of them fighting the shadow beasts that came from all corners. The scene changed and light drowned out the shadows and her and Morkain were being crowned. A woman with the most beautiful long blonde hair and green eyes walked up to her and hugged her. “Mom?” she fought the urge to reach out and touch the water.

  Again the scene changed and she saw the same woman sleeping in a cavern somewhere, alone in a lightless place. She and Bodhe walked hand in hand in the chamber, tears running down Isabel’s eyes as they sealed it shut from the demons outside. A deep growl came from Morkain at the sight of this.

  “Gods Isabel, you must stop this vision now, I had no idea you would be able to see so much. A glimpse perhaps, but this…this is beyond what you should be capable of.” he spoke gently. “Come away from the waters Beauty, you have seen enough.”

  But she refused to look away, shock and fear coursing through her veins. Her heartbeat seemed so loud she thought it was echoing in this cave. Or maybe that was just the thundering she heard in her ears. The images turned to black and the water was just water again. She crumpled down in front of it, more unsure of anything than she had ever been.

  Just then water sprayed up from the little pool and her mother’s face reappeared. “The signs Isabel, look for the signs of my curse upon you.”

  Morkain gasped and Isabel lunged forward to hear more but it went completely black then, not even the moonlight illuminated the water.

  She fell back on the stone and began to cry, the image of a mother she had never known and worlds she would destroy too much for her heart to take. Is it so awful to ask for just one decision to be simple?

  He rushed to her side and she placed her head in his lap. “Please don’t cry beauty, I wished only to give you some clarity. I don’t want to see you suffer.”

  “Is that where my mother is?” she sobbed, tears falling down her cheeks. “In some lightless place? And what does this all mean? I thought only the Sidhe had the waters that could see?” She looked up at him, scared and confused for the first time since all this began.

  “We have our magic too Isabel, we always have,” he stroked her tears away tenderly. Raising her up to his chest he held her and looked into her eyes and saw the amber in them burning with fire.

  “I will make the right choice Morkain. I must! Where are the damned signs! She keeps mentioning that but the only signs I have had so far is equally matched lust and whether or not you want to hear it, it’s the truth!”

  He burned with anger at the mere thought but remained calm with her. “Hush now Beauty, It will all be okay in the end. The signs are right in front of you. Keiren is a Foresayer and it seems you will be following in her path. You will make the right choice Isabel, I have faith in you.”

  She looked up at him, tears still welling in her pain filled eyes. “Shhhhh Princess, do not cry. I will always be here for you.”

  He wiped away the tears from her cheeks and kissed her head softly.

  Princess? Bodhe’s smile danced in her head and then the image of her mother being sealed in from the demons came crashing in too.

  “I wish to go home.”

  He roared as she disappeared.

  Chapter 9

  “He found a loophole that tricky little Elf. I’ve gone over my curse again and again and I did not mention anything about her using magic. I shall have to think of an appropriate punishment for him.” She floated down to a ravine and tapped her long slender fingers against the wall of ice. “Really Nikolai, must you turn everything to ice? I happen to like things warm!”

  With a wave of his blue tinged hand the wall of ice flowed steady into a stream. “Happy now sister?”

  “I would be happier if all the fish were not floating on top of it dead. Water Elementals!”

  “Well at least I do not go around setting hurricanes and tornados in the worlds for fun, picking off mortals and immortals alike!” He grunted at her.

  “I can’t help it that I get bored brother. We have been here for so long and really this little curse has been the most fun I’ve had in forever. Do you think we can get some more of them to summon us again? What could we tempt them with?” She pondered this as she brushed the boughs of the massive oaks with a flick of her wrist.

  Nikolai looked out onto the lake and saw the scene reflecting over again with the young immortal inside the cave in Albequen. Isura was thrilled with her work. They would have to mend the veils most certainly regardless because, and only because, the world being taken over by the darker species would mean that at least three of them would be without playthings. But this was all good fun. At least for them anyway. Chuckling softly he drifted off.

  “Call to me Isura, if there are any developments.”

  She just nodded absently and continued to stir up the trees with the wind at her fingertips as he disappeared.


  The sound of thunder shaking the massive house jarred her awake and when her eyes darted around she saw Amele sitting in a chai
r across the room looking out the window fiercely.

  “They are swarming outside Isabel and there are more than just the Unseelie now. We’re going to be hunting a bit this morning.” She said with a grin.

  Rubbing her eyes she sat up and then slumped back down into the coarse sheets. Amele eyed her warily. “Rough night?”

  She nodded and swallowed back the tears, images of her mother in that dark tomb too much to think about.

  “Hey now, what’s wrong girl? Did the Elf call you names again?”

  “No, I-I saw in the water…visions.”

  “Of course you didn’t see any visions in Albequen Bel, they don’t have the waters there.”

  “They have waters too and I know what I saw. It was horrible Amele!” She told her tale and then watched Amele’s face turn dark.

  “Bastard.” She muttered in her native tongue.

  “Amele, I can understand you remember? Why do you say that? And what is going on outside?”

  Amele turned to gaze out the window, arms crossed over her chest and Isabel followed her gaze. Outside the Unseelie watched the house from the trees and the shadow demons slipped in and out of form all around them. They looked like billows of smoke one moment and then charred skin and horned heads would flicker. Not the lickable type of demons at all. Definitely the killable type however.

  Isabel stood behind her and gasped. “There are so many of them! What are they all waiting for?”

  “You I believe.”

  She reached instinctively for the dagger attached to her leg. Immortal killing dagger on board, check. “What the hell do they want with me? And you still didn’t answer my question about why you called Morkain that?”

  “I can’t answer that Isabel. I won’t break the rules and I shouldn’t have said anything at all, I’m sorry. As for why the dark horde swarms outside, I think they are waiting for you. It makes sense since your choice could ultimately give them the freedom to travel where they choose. The veil is thinning and the demons definitely should not be here. They have no business with the mortal world and have never chosen to cross before, not that they are banned. But they found out about you somehow and now you may be better off dead than alive in their mind. If you are dead, then you can’t choose the right one and they could effectively cause a great deal of chaos anywhere they please. But don’t worry, they’re no match for us. I could take them all but I promised the other guards they could have some fun too.” She mocked a pout for Isabel to see.

  Amele had a wicked glow emanating from her and she could tell by looking at her in her chosen dark leather clothing and sword strapped to back that she was ready to start the day with some blood. It still blew her mind that just days ago she was the carefree and somewhat reckless and sexual blond bombshell that she always felt so inadequate next to when they went out. Hell, she still felt inadequate but now it was for entirely different reasons. Thousands of years of ruthless killing shone in her eyes and though she knew it was not with disdain for life, but because she fought with the belief in what was right. She was here to protect her too, and seeing the deadly stare that grazed the monsters outside, for the second time this week she was unbelievably thankful for it.

  “Amele, how am I supposed to know the truth? I know what I saw in the water and it was real. But it didn’t make any sense to me. And signs? I keep looking for them but I can’t see any. Other than the signs of my hormones raging at the nearness of them. I feel attached to both of them and it doesn’t help that my mother left me so inexperienced with men. I feel lost and consumed. When I’m with either one I feel like it’s right. Can’t I just keep them both?” She looked down grinning, partly ashamed and partly very not ashamed.

  Amele came out of her warrior stance and burst out laughing. “Oh dear, you’ve got it bad. And for both of them! I’m afraid you can only keep one but there’s nothing in the prophecy that says you can’t enjoy both of them before the time is up. Explore honey, no lightning will strike those two down and if anyone can make you scream like a siren it will be them. I don’t envy your choice a bit, but I do envy what you get to explore. Just don’t forget that you are the one in control. Take what you want and then make your choice. I wish I had better advice on the signs and on what you saw in the water, but I can’t guide you in any way. I am here to protect you. But I can tell you to go for it,” she grinned.

  She looked up at her shocked. “You make it sound so easy. But it’s not easy for me when their hearts are involved too. I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

  “Isabel Masters, you listen to me girl. You could only hurt one of them. One most certainly does not love you and never will. I know it’s very confusing right now but you have to trust me on this. You’ll never know unless you let them both in. Completely. Take what they are offering and see what suits you better. Curse be damned, follow your heart Bel. Your mother would tell you the same thing if she could. Why do you think she went to all this trouble and now sleeps in the darkness? She did that for you. It was her barter for your life to be as normal as possible for this long. As heir to the throne of Albequen, it could have gone either way. You may have been taken to be raised there or you could have grown up in Loveryn. But she wanted you to have a choice. To have a chance.”

  Isabel looked up at her and smiled thoughtfully. “You’re right, but how do I let them in completely without, you know? Since I can’t…well, I can’t really be with them and God it’s hard to stop when they’re near.”

  Amele stood there motionless for a few moments deep in thought. “Actually dear,” she grinned wickedly, “there are more ways than one to enjoy them.”

  They both began to laugh. “But what am I supposed to do about the vision I had? And look at the mess outside? It seems like I don’t have much more time.” She gazed out the window towards the raging storm, catching a menacing glance of white eyes when the lightning struck outside. “God they’re really nasty. How exactly are they related again?”

  Laughing, “Well they’re not really related anymore. The first Unseelie was a beautiful Sidhe like us, but he was corrupt and wanted power. He made a deal with the fire Elemental Reisha in exchange for rule of the crown. The thing that he didn’t know was that it wouldn’t be the Sidhe crown that he would take. The Elemental tricked him, as they often do. They stripped him of his beauty and made a kingdom for him and his partner to rule in the shadowlands. They also stripped him of emotion, hence the need to feed from creatures that feel. That was thousands of years ago though and the result of their breeding is before you.”

  She looked curiously. “So why can’t they feed off immortals instead of humans?”

  “Well they could try of course, but then we would kill them. They cannot glamour us and that is their only shield so that they can get the energy they seek. Humans are the only race that are blinded by glamour.” She paused for a moment and studied Isabel’s ears. “And speaking of glamour hon, you’re going to need to learn some before too much longer or get used to wearing a hat!” She laughed softly.

  She reached up and felt the tips of her ears. Really? They had grown that much in a night! Oh! Well not that she had expected to be able to but there would definitely not be any returning to the University now. Hello teacher, how do you like my new do? Not! Though, they were literally growing on her, she mused. It was sexy too the way Amele braided her own hair behind them.

  A crash of thunder rattled the house and one of the guards came rushing in. Isabel stood there in her birthday suit and squealed as he bowed his head.

  “Greetings Loth, what can we do for you?” She chuckled as Isabel darted for her robe.

  “Majesties, I apologize for the intrusion but you are needed downstairs. There is something you need to see and quickly! Meet me in the back parlor as soon as you are able!” he rushed away as quickly as he came.

  Isabel tightened her robe and looked over at Amele with a deep scowl on her face. “Majesties? And you were going to let me know about this when?”

brushed off the question. “C’mon Isabel, let’s see what’s so damned important that it requires the head of the Eastern Guard to come nearly bust down the door. But you may want to get dressed, never go into a battle in lingerie I always say unless it’s one that you really don’t want to win,” she laughed and watched Isabel scowl as she pulled on shorts and a t-shirt. Dagger in place she pulled on her hiking boots and flew with Amele quickly down the steps. Of course, Amele really flew, Isabel just ran behind her.

  In the parlor to the rear of the house she noticed at least 10 of the guards standing near a picture window.

  “What’s this all about?” Amele commanded. The men parted quickly and bowed.

  Ah, so they weren’t bowing to me at all? Who the hell is Amele? First human, then Sidhe, then ancient warrior who really kicked ass and now royalty? Well you think you know people until you realize you just don’t know them at all! Glancing down at her thigh she could barely make out a dagger beneath the hanging dark leather. Bitch! She had a raka of her own the whole time.

  Amele turned from the window and smiled at her. “Really Isabel, you don’t think she would send just anyone to watch over you now do you? Come here halfling, this is interesting indeed.”

  Her mouth dropped open. Could she hear her too? Son of a…

  “Isabel! There’s time to be pissed off later, get your ass over here child!”

  Growling lowly she walked towards the window and gasped as soon as she came into view of what they were all staring at. Through the rain it was difficult to make out but there was a slight shimmering sphere just beyond the tree line maybe 100 yards away. Two sentient looking creatures stood to each side and she watched as demons and Unseelie alike were coming through it.


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