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Immortal Dreams

Page 13

by Sage, Jennifer

  The little mortal was fun to watch though, struggling as she was before her turning. There was such little amusement anymore for them. Not forgotten but too feared now to be summoned, they were forced to be so bored, just watching the events of the worlds unfold. There was a time when they had joyous reign and all the magical creatures included them. But ever since the Reisha’s nasty curse of the greedy Sidhe that wanted to rule, none of them were called on again. No matter if they were mostly benign or not.

  Nikolai sighed and went back atop his mountain, ears pricking at the sound of his name. He zoned in on the source and saw the Sidhe warrior, royalty at that, ogling over him a few days before. Dark tresses and a wicked stance she made for a nice vision in the water. He laughed when he heard her say that she would love to fight him, just to get near him. Did he really just laugh? Shocking himself he stood and watched her more closely. Delicious curves rounded out her tall frame and when she was in the heat of battle her eyes burned with Amber. Interesting immortal. He had seen her before, but never looked at her too closely. She was a wild one, and he remembered her taking on the dragons before. Though when he remembered it this time, an odd sensation filled his gut. Strange. Immortals did not affect him, he was a God.

  Ah, it was nothing. But as the water swirled to present day and her face swam in it longer he made an unconscious decision to keep an eye on her. Her and the little mortal were about to get themselves into trouble and for some reason, he couldn’t take his eyes away. Was she eating ice cream? He wondered what that tasted like as she licked her lips and that sensation in his gut stirred again. He had been alone for too long! There had been no offerings to him in centuries! He growled and paced the mountain, rain coming down in sleets.

  Damned Reisha for her fun! Because of her they had all suffered. She should’ve told the greedy Prince ‘no’ and then they would not have been ravaged by the loneliness that comes with thousands of years of isolation. At least before there were great celebrations to honor them and maidens were offered for their pleasure. Of course, it was males that were offered to his sisters. So it’s really no wonder that they were all going quite mad.

  Even he was having a tough time. The most stable of all the Elementals was having a breakdown, and that was far too apparent in the way that he couldn’t keep his eyes off the dark haired Sidhe female. He roared from his mountain and thunder and lightning crashed to the earth.

  Chapter 12

  The town was unbearably normal. There weren’t any Unseelie or demons anywhere. “Where have they all gone Amele?” But even as she said it, she knew where they were.

  Amele just looked at her. They were standing in the center of town and there was nothing unusual anywhere. Just normal people going about their day to day business, completely unaware of the army that was amassing itself on the outskirts of Troy. Isabel wanted to be one of those people.

  “No you don’t Bel. Even after everything, you really don’t.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest defiantly.

  “How do you know Amele? I would love to be in ignorant bliss right now, going to my classes and not having learned any of what I have in the past week.”

  “I reiterate, no you don’t. You really think that you would give up Bodhe or Morkain or your mother for that matter to go back and study in a University? Ignorant of your heritage and happy? No Ms. Masters, you would not. You would eventually be miserable.”

  She glared at her but she knew she was right. She wouldn’t want to give up the knowledge of her mother and father or the incredible pleasure she had found. She would like just a little bit of ignorant bliss though, that would be nice. Oh yeah, she had twenty- two years of it. I guess that’s enough.

  They walked down to the tavern and swung inside, the usually well populated bar was minimalist at best today, only a few patrons that didn’t even look up from their drinks as they walked in. Amele walked up to the bar and ordered 2 shots of some dark colored liquid and Isabel nearly choked when she smelled it.


  “Just drink it. Trust me, it will take the edge off.”

  Isabel looked at her and remembered the night of throwing up less than a week ago but the stress and pressure of her choices the last few days made her throw caution to the wind.

  “What the hell.”

  Amele grinned and they both kicked back the black stuff with one smooth motion and slammed their glasses down on the bar. Of course Isabel started choking and Amele just laughed. “What was that crap Amele?” she said as she choked. “You know what, nevermind, I don’t want to know.”

  Her throat down to her stomach was burning from it already. Amele put a ten dollar bill on the counter and turned to her. “Shall we check out the closest city?”

  “Sure Amele, maybe there will be some uglies there.”

  They sifted from city to normal city all across the state and found nothing. No demons, no Unseelie feeding off emotions. Nothing. And thank goodness Amele did not make her visit anymore bars.

  “This is almost creepier than seeing them everywhere, I wonder what they’re up to Amele? They can’t possibly all be there? With only a few days left before they’re sent back to their world why wouldn’t they be feeding?”

  She looked at her with seriousness then. “The only possible explanation is that the Unseelie do not believe they are going back. Come, we must get back to the house.”

  ~Back in Loveryn~

  “They are being attacked mother. She is being attacked. There are only 100 or so guards there and from what she told me the Unseelie have found a direct portal into her backyard! They are too far outnumbered and we cannot send any in to assist them. The veils are breaking and even in our own lands we have found some shadow creatures lurking. I had to kill a Formyan myself near the edge of Loveryn. It was just crawling along in the shadows on its grotesque insect legs trying to get to the Larien’s keep. The damned thing actually attacked me. We must do something before it’s too late!”

  She eyed her son with revere. “But what can we do? Beyond making a pact with an Elemental ourselves which you know we cannot, there is no more that can be done Bodhe. She must make her choice and soon. Only then can we deal with the repercussions of it.”

  He was pacing the floor feverishly. “I am running out of time and I don’t know how to remedy this but I feel like there is something more that I don’t understand. She said specifically ‘another vision’. Where else could she have had a vision? Loveryn is the only place that holds the sacred waters. Unless, Gods, you do not think that she had one in Albequen?”

  “That is impossible Bodhe, there is no vessel for her there to see with. Even her mother required the waters of Loveryn to see into.”

  “I know but it doesn’t make sense. She has not been anywhere near the sacred grotto when she has come here before. I must get out of Loveryn, something is going terribly wrong!”

  He paced like a caged tiger around the large chamber and Danua looked at him with pity in her eyes. She knew how difficult this must be. “I wish I could ease this burden for you my son, but I cannot. Not without risking the entire world we live in. You must be patient and let this play out.”

  His emerald eyes flared. “I have run out of patience mother, the moment she returns I will make her mine and not a second later.”

  He stormed out of the room and ran to the Mages quarter of the city.


  In a blink they were back in the room that Isabel currently occupied. Nothing had changed outside. The Sidhe were still fighting the Unseelie under a sunless sky and it didn’t look as if they were tiring a bit. It also seemed like there were more of the dark ones than before. She gripped the dagger at her side and looked to Amele for guidance.

  “All we can do is hold them off until the curse is broken. Which we will. You are under my care Princess and they will not harm you here. Besides, you can’t tell me that it isn’t a complete rush when you’re fighting?” She grinned as she slipped h
er sword from her back.

  “Aren’t we going out there?”

  “Not now Isabel. You lost a day and are in need of a nap. You must go to Morkain and make up for that lost time. The hour comes soon to make a decision. But I promise I will let you have some fun when you rise,” she winked.

  “Impossible? Sleep now? But I feel like I just woke up!”

  “I’ll have one of the guard bring you some tea that will help with that. Really Isabel, you must. A lot depends on you now.”

  She sighed and sat down on the bed, removing her sword and dagger. “Alright, if I must. How am I supposed to know though Amele? This is all so confusing.”

  Amele turned away from her and looked out the window. “Be with him Isabel. Perhaps then you will know. You really haven’t spent as much time with Morkain as you have with Bodhe and maybe that will answer the questions that you have,” her face darkened looking at the scene unfolding outside.

  A guard entered silently and set some tea next to the bed, quickly bowing and leaving the room. Isabel looked over at Amele’s face and just nodded. “Okay, okay.”

  She stripped naked, crawled under the soft sheets and gulped the bitter, earthy tasting tea and was surprised when she was feeling so drowsy as soon as it was done. Laying back against the pillows she drew the covers up and was fast asleep before she even started counting sheep.

  “Where the hell have you been Isabel! I have been waiting for you all day!”

  She opened her eyes to his own snarling face and groaned. Her lids closed heavily and she stretched her arms above her head.

  “Well aren’t you a pleasure to awake to,” she said groggily. “It just so happens that we are under attack right now and I was wounded, so I’m sorry I was not able to run to your arms last night.”

  He eyed her doubtfully. “Under attack from what Beauty?”

  “Well besides the direct portal to the Unseelie Kingdom taking up residence in our backyard there are also these shadow demon jerks that want to kill me really bad. Too bad I have been getting them first,” her eyebrows rose with a defiant tone.

  “Are you okay now?” His tone softening. “Yes, I was healed. Thanks for asking.”

  She looked around and saw that she was in the chamber again, laying on the oversized bed in not much more than a thin nightie. He was bare from the waist up and wore only a kilt like skirt and pants with his boots. He had blood on his chest and his hair was in the warrior pleats.

  “What’s happening here Morkain? Why do you look like you have just come from battle as well?”

  He snorted, “Because I have. Some of the shadow beings are creeping into Albequen and our warriors are hunting daily. Since I am one of them, I too have been fighting. You know, all this would be over if you would stop being so selfish and just give yourself to me.”

  “And what if it’s not you? Then the curse remains and we are damned anyway!”

  “How can you still believe that Isabel?” He began to remove his kilt and the sword that hung from his side. It was then that she noticed the oversized tub of steaming water in the room. Oh! She had caught him just before a bath! Mmmm.

  “You are mine Isabel, and the sooner you come to terms with that, the better off all of the worlds will be. He strode quickly to where she lay and grazed his mouth upon hers.

  “Why am I yours?” She asked, swallowing the anger that rose when these men got possessive. The kiss deepened, his tongue lapping hers with a gentle ferocity. Warmth tingled through her flesh and she moaned. “That’s why. Now I refuse to get the spoils of battle all over that beautiful neglige, so if you will pardon me a moment.”

  He stood and pulled off his boots and quickly removed his pants. She gasped as they slid down that perfect flesh that was hard with desire. He stood straight in front of her and smiled, his deeply tanned muscles glistening with sweat.

  “Do you like what you see Beauty?” He grinned as her eyes turned golden. She could only nod and lick her lips.

  She saw a gash on his leg and started to fuss over it. “It’s fine Isabel, I will be healed in a few hours. But I am happy that you were distressed by that. It must mean that you care. Now you may ogle me from there or come to the tub with me but I am going to get clean now.

  Well, good hygiene was very important after all, she mused. “I am not ogling Morkain, now please, get in that bath and rinse yourself off.” She grinned, crossing her hands over her chest and remaining where she was.

  He scowled and turned around, every muscle on his backside just as tight as the front. Sinking slowly down into the steaming water he hissed slightly. She was sure that the gash in his leg was hurting.

  “Are you sure there isn’t anything that I can do for you?” she asked as she tip-toed across the room.

  “Actually, it might be nice to have my back washed if you could. It’s so terribly hard to reach most days,” he grinned over his shoulder as she approached.

  She contemplated this. Didn’t Amele say that she should try to be with him? And didn’t he look absolutely delicious sitting in that hot water? Why shouldn’t she at least give him that? She shook Bodhe’s face from her mind as she approached him.

  “That’s a good girl.” he purred as she took the cloth from his hands and began to wash him slowly. He moaned softly as her hands ran over his skin. The bruises had already begun to fade from battle and as she peered over at his leg she saw that it too was nearly closed fully. It was all she could do not to gasp when she saw what else was beneath the clear water. Were all immortals made this way? She shuddered. Lathering the cloth with the soap, she slid it over his endless back, mesmerized by his frame. He unbraided his pleats one by one as she washed him tenderly and then immersed himself completely in the water, drenching his dark mane. Isabel just stood behind him when he rose, unsure of what to do next when he grabbed her hand.

  “You aren’t finished yet.” he growled lowly and pierced her with his cobalt eyes as he turned to face her. “My chest needs washing too.”

  Those eyes sparkled with mischief and he grinned at her with full lips and beautiful teeth. Oh, why the hell not? She bit her lower lip and lathered the washcloth again taking in a sharp breath when he rose up further in the water so she could reach him. Now there was but an inch from his growing shaft and the top of the water and her curiosity was about to over run her.

  Running the cloth over the smooth muscles of his chest she watched as his eyes closed in pleasure. She ran it slowly over his nipples and then down his rippling, tanned torso, his eyes flaring open when she neared his sex.

  “Come here Beauty, I want your lips now,” he commanded.

  When she hesitated he grabbed her and pulled her into the water with him barely giving her a chance to squeal when she was submerged. He rolled on top of her quickly and buried his tongue in her mouth, pressing her against him hard. The flimsy white gown might as well have been non existent now since it was wet and every curve of her body was visible. He growled as he bit her neck and forced himself against her in the water. Shivers went up and down her spine as his mouth explored her flesh through the fabric and she trembled against his touch. She could feel the length of his shaft against her and it was growing by the second.

  “Morkain” she panted as his mouth consumed her breasts. “Please, not yet.”

  His shaft was against her and she could feel his hips thrusting, coming closer each time to entering her.

  “Why not Isabel? Do you not like this?”

  He kissed her again, much more slowly this time, his tongue exploring her soft wetness with slow determination.

  “I want you Isabel, I am going crazy. I need your flesh in my mouth. Can you not see how consumed I am?”

  He pulled back and looked at her, shaking with restraint.

  Oh yes, she could see his desire. It seeped from his every pore. Did her body respond to him? Yes. Should she allow this a little further? Her body ached the answer.

  Her legs were wrapped around him and he was so close, ano
ther small move and he would be inside of her waiting flesh. She could feel his large tip against her sweetest spot, only separated by the flimsy wet cloth and god did it feel good. Her own body was arching against him and she was so close to oblivion. His hot breath whispered words into her ear of his native tongue.

  “My sweet, do you not see how wonderful life can be? All of myself I offer you, all you need to do is ask it of me. Feel the heat of my body against yours, smell the passion of my skin. I only wish to devour you, does that make me such a monster?”

  He didn’t know that she could understand him. His words soothed her tension like a mother’s song to a child. Her mother! She snapped back from the oasis he had brought her to.

  “I’m not quite ready yet Morkain, please,” she whimpered, her cheeks flush with passion.

  “Gods woman! The fate of the worlds rests with you and you cannot see what is right in front of your face! Has he marked you already? I cannot fathom what you see in that Faery above me! This decision is really a no brainer, especially after your vision, or have you forgotten your mother already?” He hissed at her.

  Pain and anger registered all over her face as she threw him in all his glorious weight off of her. “I am also a Faery you jerk and so is the mother that I most certainly have not forgotten about. I had another vision for your information and I might as well be trying to decipher ancient hieroglyphics as clear as they have been!”

  She stood there in the tub with her arms crossed over her chest seething with anger. “I want dry clothes now Morkain.”

  He rose up out of the water, all six and a half feet of him. And that was not counting the bit between his legs. His anger at her refusal of him cast a dark sheen to his eyes but he just stepped out of the tub and threw a dry cloth at her to dry off with before he stormed out of the room and slammed the door.


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