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Immortal Dreams

Page 23

by Sage, Jennifer

  Something was definitely going on with her, but Isabel knew better than to pry.

  “Today is for you Isabel and your partner is blinding me as he stares at you. Go dance with him will you?”

  Isabel looked at the handsome creature that was indeed staring a hole into her.

  “Yes, of course I will. Thanks for everything Amele. I owe you my life.”

  She scoffed. “You have yourself to thank for that halfling. I never would’ve taken you for a murder-suicide type but wow, watching you go over that cliff with him! I’m not sure whose look was more priceless. His, mine or Bodhe’s,” she cracked up.

  “I wish I could’ve seen that but I was too busy praying that someone would catch me before I hit the bottom! Anyway, thank you for not letting me get crushed and all that.”

  “Anytime Isabel. I will always be your guardian, even when there is no immediate threat. Now run along, he is getting impatient,” she grinned.

  She nodded and started to glide back towards Bodhe. “Isabel!”

  Abruptly she spun around to her friend who grabbed her and held her tight. “I love you girl. Don’t ever forget that.”

  Almost crushed with the weight of the warriors hug she stepped back a little. “Amele, are you okay?”

  Through misted eyes, “No Bel, It’s just, well No,” she shook her head. “This is your day. You just look so beautiful is all.”

  Raising an eyebrow she looked at her. “You sure everything’s okay?”

  “Yes of course. Remember, I’m Amele and I can kick some serious immortal ass. I’ll see you soon Halfling,” she winked at her and gently pushed her towards Bodhe, even as her heart was laden with sadness.

  Goodbye Isabel, I’ll return as soon as my binding is kept. Please forgive me for not telling you.

  The rest of the night was spent dancing and drinking and by the time they were able to slip from the crowd she was pleasantly filled with spring wine and looking forward to the coming night. The coming nights and days and all of time actually. She hadn’t noticed Bodhe’s concern even though she asked him a few times why he was so anxious. He said that he would tell her soon but that tonight was for them. She also hadn’t noticed that Amele had slipped away or the concerned looks on the faces of the King and Queen. Delia and her daughters also slipped in and away to the city silently after bowing quickly to Bodhe when Isabel wasn’t looking. If she had noticed these things, the night could’ve ended far worse. But she was in that ignorant bliss that she had wanted and all she noticed was the beautiful man in front of her. She looked at her partner and traced his lips with her finger. “Il weiren meyth Bodhe.” Always and forever.

  “And that my dear, is close to what the inscription on your sword reads. It says, ‘For my beloved, may she always be safe from harm and close to my heart.”

  He smiled down at her and tucked her hair behind her ears, kissing them both softly. Tomorrow he would tell her about Amele and Delia. Tonight, she would be happy and safe in his arms.


  If you liked this book please feel free to look me up online at I would love to hear from you. The 2nd book in the Immortal Dreams Series, “Immortal Bound,” will be released by Titan Inkorp October 4th 2013. Please leave reviews if you have read this story, they are so very helpful to us authors!

  Thank you for your support!


  1. Savrien- Sun

  2. Samuril-circlet of a Sidhe princess or prince

  3. Enumwe- Flower in the Realm of Loveryn that has the ability to open the heart and mind

  4. Loveryn- The Sidhe Realm

  5. Larien- a horse-like creature with the ability to shapeshift into an eagle, or just use the eagles wings to fly. They can only do this for a short time though

  9. Toriel-the stone that is found in the mountain in the Sidhe realm that is a source of their power

  10. Foresayers: those in the Sidhe that can see into the future.

  11. Albequen-Realm of the Light Elves, across the Eastern cliffs of


  12. Manues- a type of servant to the Sidhe royalty

  13. Il weiren meyth- i love you

  14. Day of Light- the Ceremony between life partners among the Sidhe, similar to a marriage (Lerei nish dei)

  15. Sidhe- The name of the Faerie race- (Do not call them fairies!!!)

  16. Raka- a small but deadly dagger, usually carried by Sidhe royalty

  17. Sensati- The Sidhe power of channeling thoughts

  18. “Formequen Leiei?” - Do you understand? in Dragon tongue Rages- a beast born from Reisha, the Fire Elemental


  1. Bodhe-Prince of Loveryn

  2. Isabel-Halfling, heir to the Albequen throne

  3. Morkain-cheif advisor to the current Queen of the Albequen Throne

  4. Amele-Ameieloreya (Sister to the King and a Queen in her own right by birth, guardian of Isabel)

  5. Keiren-Isabel’s birthmother, sifter, healer and Foresayer of Loveryn

  6. Norgelon-Isabel’s birthfather

  7. Danua-The Queen of the Sidhe

  8. Rystrom- King of the Sidhe

  9. Lorelei- Queen of Albequen, home of the light Elves

  10. Orilius-Mage of Giladrial

  11. Nikolai-Water Elemental

  12. Isura- Air Elemental

  13. Reisha-Fire Elemental

  14. Leif-Earth Elemental

  15. Loth-Head of the Eastern Guard of Loveryn

  16. Rhonan-betrayer of Isabel

  17. Fieren-King of the Unseelie

  18. Delia-Queen of the Unseelie

  19. Syon-A High Mage of Loveryn

  20. Phera- A Foresayer in Loveryn, 2nd in power to Keiren.

  21. Cora- Youngest of the 3 children of Danua and Fieren

  22. Sage- Younger brother of Bodhe




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